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15.10.2014* Agrivolt in (FR)
13.06.2025* Agro Bahari Nusantara PT Tbk
29.09.2017* Agro Dutch Industries
29.06.2023* Agro Finance ADSITS Sofia
27.03.2025* Agro Industrial Paramonga SAA
26.03.2019* Agro Kanesho in (JP)
10.07.2024* Agro Tech Foods in (IN)
27.06.2025* Agro Yasa Lestari PT Tbk
01.07.2025* AGROB Immobilien in (DE)
27.06.2024* Agrobacka ad Backa Topola
29.06.2020* Agroenergy ADSITS Sofia in (BG)
27.06.2023* Agroexport Proizvodnja i Promet ad Beograd
26.06.2020* Agrofirma Mtsenskaya in (RU)
27.09.2024* Agrogeneration
24.03.2017* Agroguachal in (CO)
30.09.2019* Agroindustrija ad Novi Sad
18.11.2019* Agrokomerc dd Velika Kladusa
10.11.2014* Agrokultura
31.05.2016* Agrokumanovo AD Kumanovo
28.04.2022* Agroland Business System
12.08.2022* Agroliga Group
04.04.2022* Agromec Ciorogirla
21.04.2022* Agromec Ramnicu Valcea
17.03.2015* Agromec Topoloveni
05.12.2019* Agromedjimurje dd Cakovec
27.10.2022* Agromehanika AD Skopje
30.06.2022* Agromep
31.07.2014* AgrometalI
16.03.2015* Agronomia
07.09.2020* Agroplod AD Resen in (MK)
24.06.2023* Agros Development Company Proodos Public in (CY)
21.04.2023* Agroserv Mariuta
02.03.2023* Agroton Public in (UA)
29.06.2020* Agrotour
14.02.2015* Agrovrsac ad Vrsac
30.04.2025* Agrowill Group in (LT)
20.06.2025* AGS in (JP)
18.09.2024* Agstar
14.05.2020* agta record ag
15.07.2024* AGTech Holdings in (HK)
23.04.2025* Agthia Group PJSC in (AE)
28.04.2015* Aguas Andinas in Santiago (CL)
25.11.2024* Aguia Resources in (AU)
27.06.2025* Agung Menjangan Mas Tbk
30.05.2025* Agung Podomoro Land Tbk
28.01.2022* AGV Group
21.06.2024* AGV Products
23.01.2020* AH Vest
25.06.2025* Aha Co
30.05.2025* AHA World
12.03.2024* AHB Holdings Bhd in (MY)
16.10.2015* Ahentstvo po refinansuvanniu zhytlovykh kredytiv PAT
06.09.2018* Ahimsa Industries Pvt
28.06.2018* Ahjikan in (JP)
22.06.2018* Ahkun Co
30.09.2021* Ahlada Engineers
15.08.2024* Ahlatci Dogal Gaz Dagitim Enerji ve Yatirim AS
27.06.2025* Ahleia Insurance Group in (PS)
27.04.2023* Ahlers in Düsseldorf (DE)
27.02.2024* Ahli Bank QSC in Doha (QA)
27.03.2025* Ahli BankOG
22.03.2023* Ahli United Bank BSC
29.11.2023* Ahli United Bank in Safat (KW)
02.07.2024* Ahlia Insurance Co
03.05.2018* Ahlsell AB (publ)
05.04.2016* Ahlstrom Oyj in (FI)
27.09.2024* Ahluwaliantracts (India) in (IN)
27.10.2023* Ahmad Hassan Textile Mills in (PK)
15.12.2022* Ahmad Zaki Resources Bhd in (MY)
25.09.2024* Ahmedabad Steel Craft
10.12.2024* Ahmednagar Forgings in (IN)
25.03.2022* Ahn-Gook Pharmaceutical in (KR)
24.03.2022* Ahnlab in (KR)
19.06.2025* Ahoku Electronic in (TW)
28.06.2023* Ahresty in (JP)
21.04.2017* Ahrobud-1 PAT
20.02.2015* Ahrofirma Avis PAT in (UA)
15.04.2015* Ahrofosfat PAT
07.07.2020* Ahrokombank PAT
06.04.2017* Ahrokombinat Slobozhans'kyi PAT
02.05.2025* Ahsay Backup Software Development Co
09.05.2025* Ahwit Precision Shanghai Co
26.06.2020* AI
21.02.2014 AI advanced inflight (vormals: Advanced Medien) in München (DE)
30.08.2024* Ai Champdany Industries in (IN)
04.12.2012* AI Claims Solutions in (UK)
04.04.2025* AI Energy in (TH)
26.09.2024* Ai Holdings in (JP)
13.05.2025* Ai Karaauyl AO
26.06.2025* Ai Partners Financial
17.10.2024 AIA Auckland International Airport in Auckland (NZ)
09.09.2024* AIA Engineering in (IN)
23.05.2025* AIA Group in Hongkong (HK)
16.07.2024* Aias Investment Public in (CY)
02.05.2025* AIB Group
21.03.2012* Aic Bhd in (MY)
27.06.2025* AIC in (TW)
25.06.2025* Aica Kogyo in (JP)
28.06.2012* Aichi Electric in (JP)
13.06.2025* Aichi in (JP)
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