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12.07.2024* Abcam in Cambridge (UK)
13.06.2025* Abcellera Biologics
29.03.2022* AbClon
25.03.2022* Abco Electronics in (KR)
05.12.2024* Abcourt Mines
25.06.2024* Abdul Mohsen Al Hokair Group for Tourism and Development
30.05.2025* Abdulaziz + Mansour Ibrahim Albabtin Co PJSC
23.07.2020* Abdullah Abdul Mohsin AlKhodari Sons KSC in (SA)
01.10.2024* Abdullah Al Othaim Markets in (SA)
18.09.2025* Abdullah Saad Mohammed Abo Moati Stationeries Company CJSC
21.02.2025* Abdullah Shah Ghazi Sugar Mills
30.05.2025* Abelco in (SE)
22.11.2024* Aben Resources
04.03.2021 ABENGOA in Sevilla (ES)
15.04.2025* Abengoa Yield in Brentford (UK)
16.07.2025* Abeo SAS
14.06.2023* Abera Bioscience
12.06.2025* Abercrombie & Fitch
19.10.2023* Aberdeen All Asia Investment Trust in (UK)
16.05.2025* Aberdeen Asia-Pacificome Fund
04.12.2024* Aberdeen Asian Smallermpanies Investment Trust in (UK)
08.05.2025* Aberdeen Asianome Fund in (UK)
19.06.2017 Aberdeen Asset Management in Aberdeen (UK)
16.05.2025* Aberdeen Australia Equity Fund
16.05.2025* Aberdeen Chile Fund
12.04.2024* Aberdeen Emerging Markets Investment Company
16.05.2025* Aberdeen Globalome Fund
11.06.2025* Aberdeen International in (CA)
16.05.2025* Aberdeen Japan Equity Fund
09.12.2014* Aberdeen Latin American Income Fund
15.11.2018* Aberdeen Leaders
02.09.2020* Aberdeen New Dawn Investment Trust in (UK)
23.06.2020* Aberdeen New Thai Investment Trust in (UK)
13.09.2016* Aberdeen Private Equity Fund
06.12.2023* Aberdeen Smallermpanies Highome Trust
24.06.2025* Aberdeen Standard European Logistics Income
25.10.2016* Aberforth Gearedome Trust
03.03.2022* Aberforth Smaller Companies Trust in (UK)
20.06.2025* Aberforth Split Level Income Trust
08.02.2019 Abertis Infraestruturas in Barcelona (ES)
04.09.2018* Abetrans
30.09.2022* ABG Infralogistics in (IN)
26.09.2014* ABG Shipyard in (IN)
18.04.2025* ABG Sundalllier Holding in (NO)
18.07.2025* Abhijit Trading Co
02.09.2022* Abhinandan Enterprises
30.09.2022* Abhinav Capital Services
25.07.2015* Abhinav Leasing + Finance
30.09.2015* Abhishek Corp
30.09.2024* Abhishek Infraventures
19.06.2020* ABhotel Co
22.04.2022* Abico Holdings
03.06.2011 ABID Biotreibstoffe AG in (AT)
26.06.2025* Abigail Capital
17.12.2019* Ability
20.06.2025* Ability Enterprise in (TW)
20.06.2025* Ability Opto-Electronics Technology Co in (TW)
12.08.2025* Abingdon Health
10.08.2023* Abiomed
30.10.2023* Abion
27.06.2025* Abionyx Pharma (vormals: Cerenis Therapeutics Holding) in Balma (FR)
22.08.2025* Abirami Financial Services (India)
21.12.2018* ABIST
23.01.2024* Abitare in Mailand (IT)
28.02.2025* Abitex Resources in (CA)
26.05.2023* AbitibiBowater
30.05.2025* Abivax
21.03.2025* ABKO Co
28.03.2025* ABL Bio
28.03.2025* Able C&C in (KR)
27.01.2012* Able Chintai Holdings in (JP)
29.08.2025* Able Engineering Holdings
24.05.2024* AbleGroup Bhd in (VE)
06.06.2025* Ableprint Technology Co
25.06.2025* Ablerex Electronics in (TW)
12.07.2013* Ablon Group in (HU)
28.04.2016* Ablynx in (BE)
28.06.2017* Ablytek Co
24.05.2023* ABM Fujiya Bhd
27.03.2025* ABM Industries in New York (US)
04.08.2023* Abm International
11.05.2023* ABM Investama Tbk
07.08.2025* ABM Knowledgeware
30.10.2024* Abm Resources NL in (AU)
28.06.2019* ABM Solid SA w upadlosci ukladowej in (PL)
24.04.2025 ABN Amro in Amsterdam (NL)
26.09.2024* ABN Systems International
22.05.2025* Abnova (Taiwan) in (TW)
12.07.2024* ABO Invest
27.04.2022* ABO Mix
30.04.2024* ABO Wind in (DE)
13.06.2025* Abocom Systems in (TW)
15.05.2025* Abode Mortgage Holdings
24.04.2023* Aboitiz Equity Ventures
22.04.2025* Aboitiz Power in (PH)
18.06.2025* ABOUT YOU Holding
28.03.2025* ABOV Semiconductor in (KR)
30.06.2014* Abpol Company Polska in (PL)
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