Mar.31,2025 Vinaconex Investment and Tourism Development Joint Stock in (VN) |
Mar.31,2025 Econocom Group in (FR) |
Mar.31,2025 Union de Cervecerias Peruanas Backus y JohnstonA |
Mar.31,2025 Cementos Lima in (PE) |
Mar.31,2025 Bastide Lenfort Medical in (FR) |
Mar.31,2025 Mediazest in (EG) |
Mar.31,2025 Eastern Province Cement in (SA) |
Mar.31,2025 Korea Gas in (KR) |
Mar.31,2025 Alterity Therapeutics (formerly: Prana Biotechnology) in AU |
Mar.31,2025 IDOX in (UK) |
Mar.31,2025 Bank Polska Kasa Opieki in (PL) |
Mar.31,2025 Mobimo Holding in (CH) |
Mar.31,2025 Holmen in (SE) |
Mar.31,2025 Vieworks in (KR) |
Mar.31,2025 Marfrig Alimentos in (BR) |
Mar.31,2025 Britvic in (UK) |
Mar.31,2025 KepCo Engineering &nstruction |
Mar.31,2025 Fidia in (IT) |
Mar.31,2025 Plastiques Du Val De Loire in (FR) |
Mar.31,2025 Doosan in (KR) |
Mar.31,2025 National Bank of Kuwait KSC in Safat (KW) |
Mar.31,2025 WOONGJIN COWAY CO in (KR) |
Mar.31,2025 KT in (KR) |
Mar.31,2025 Halla Climatentrol in (KR) |
Mar.31,2025 Grenobloise d'Electronique et d'Automatismes in (FR) |
Corporate Governance – portrayed in the individual cultural and legal framework, from the standpoint of equity capital. VIPsight is a dynamic photo archive, sorted by nations and dates, by and for those interested in CG from all over the world. VIPsight offers, every month:
VIPsight - 2nd Edition 2023 <click here>
VIPsight - News
April 2023
Allianz SE: Ignoring a Technical Dilemma
Since BaFin has taken its tasks seriously, even supposedly top names are no longer immune to criticism. The restrained communication about a current event shows the force with which this realization hit Allianz.
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brave new world
ThyssenKrupp was not really an opponent; Cevian got into the ring - and soon realised that manual mistakes made the commitment turn blood red and stay that way. Siemens was beyond the reach of activists, as spin-offs came faster than concretely "demanded". Daimler's march back to Mercedes was completely in the interests of the managers. And the honourable as well as arrogant Bayer people (who are they? What are their names?) were just the logical target of all activists; they came, they went, they came back and even Thomas Henrik Shrager, Managing Director of Tweedy Browne demanded what is still demanded today: divide and spill. Who doesn't remember Shrager's appearance at THAT Bayer AGM where political (bee) activists climbed the balustrade behind the supervisory board....
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Deutsche Börse AG: Sitting between the Chairs can be uncomfortable
Clearstream Banking S.A., Luxembourg, a subsidiary of Deutsche Börse AG, informed that a US court awarded judgment to creditors of Iran who had brought a lawsuit seeking turnover of approximately 1.7 billion USD that are attributed to the Iranian central bank (Bank Markazi) and held in custody at Clearstream in Luxembourg in a client account. Clearstream is considering appealing the decision.
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TUI AG: Close, but just taken the Curve
In mid-April, the TUI share came under a little pressure. This was due to an unexpected oversupply of shares.
In March 2023, the company announced the launch of a capital increase with subscription rights. The gross proceeds of the issue of approx. 1.8 billion EUR shall be used for repayment of WSF state aid and a significant reduction of the KfW credit lines to strengthen its balance sheet.
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March 2023
To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.:
Charlie Munger, my long-time partner, and I have the job of managing the savings of a great number of individuals. We are grateful for their enduring trust, a relationship that often spans much of their adult lifetime. It is those dedicated savers that are forefront in my mind as I write this letter.
A common belief is that people choose to save when young, expecting thereby to maintain their living standards after retirement. Any assets that remain at death, this theory says, will usually be left to their families or, possibly, to friends and philanthropy.
Our experience has differed. We believe Berkshire’s individual holders largely to be of the once-a-saver, always-a-saver variety. Though these people live well, they eventually dispense most of their funds to philanthropic organizations. These, in turn, redistribute the funds by expenditures intended to improve the lives of a great many people who are unrelated to the original benefactor. Sometimes, the results have been spectacular.
The disposition of money unmasks humans. Charlie and I watch with pleasure the vast flow of Berkshire-generated funds to public needs and, alongside, the infrequency with which our shareholders opt for look-at-me assets and dynasty-building.
The Power of Capitalism
Dear CEO,
Each year I make it a priority to write to you on behalf of BlackRock’s clients, who are shareholders in your company. The majority of our clients are investing to finance retirement. Their time horizons can span decades.
The financial security we seek to help our clients achieve is not created overnight. It is a long-term endeavor, and we take a long-term approach. That is why, for the past decade, I have written to you, as CEOs and Chairs of the companies our clients are invested in. I write these letters as a fiduciary for our clients who entrust us to manage their assets – to highlight the themes that I believe are vital to driving durable long-term returns and to helping them reach their goals.
When my partners and I founded BlackRock as a startup 34 years ago, I had no experience running a company. Over the past three decades, I’ve had the opportunity to talk with countless CEOs and to learn what distinguishes truly great companies. Time and again, what they all share is that they have a clear sense of purpose; consistent values; and, crucially, they recognize the importance of engaging with and delivering for their key stakeholders. This is the foundation of stakeholder capitalism.
more -
January 2023
Deutsche Börse AG: Testing the Limits
Good relationships with the supervisory authorities are particularly important for financial institutions. After all, financial institutions cannot operate without official approval. What is more, good standing with the regulators is important for the customers´ trust in the solidity of their business?
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ADLER Group S.A.: Will this Bird ever fly again?
If you put it euphemistically, ADLER Group faces special challenges. Already the known corporate governance problems would be enough to overthrow the average market participant. However, the short-term securing of the company´s financing is much more important. Here, the bondholders are in the foreground.
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BAYER AG: Advances in Damage Control open up new Perspectives for Shareholders
The takeover of Monsanto by BAYER can confidently be classified as one of the biggest money burns in the German capital market. With this acquisition, BAYER bought reputation and legal risks, a business model with an operationally weakening business, and limited strategic perspectives in the agricultural business.
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August 2022
Dear CEO,
Each year I make it a priority to write to you on behalf of BlackRock’s clients, who are shareholders in your company. The majority of our clients are investing to finance retirement. Their time horizons can span decades.
The financial security we seek to help our clients achieve is not created overnight. It is a long-term endeavor, and we take a long-term approach. That is why ... - ... I know this firsthand. In this polarized world, CEOs will invariably have one set of stakeholders demanding that we do one thing, while another set of stakeholders demand that we do just the opposite.
That is why it is more important than ever that your company and its management be guided by its purpose. If you stay true to your company's purpose and focus on the long term, while adapting to this new world around us, you will deliver durable returns for shareholders and help realize the power of capitalism for all.
March 2021
Custodian settlement is ... marvellous - may i vote my lended shares?
GameStop Corp. Short Interstest as % of Free Float
Volkswagen chart <ordinary> October 2008
Virtuelle Hauptversammlungen (2020): Ein sicherer Ersatz für Präsenzveranstaltungen?
How to Break Virtual Shareholder Meetings
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Mayer, Hochschule Heilbronn
<click here> complete version (PDF) deutsch
<click here> complete version (PDF) english - page 98 (114) to 112 (128)
17. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress des BSI
December 2019
Proxinvest publishes its twentieth third report: “Annual General Meetings and shareholder activism – 2019 season”
(Hans-Martin Buhlmann and Jose Ignacio Sanchez Galan after VIP remarks in 2019 Iberdrola AGM)
Restrained General meetings
While the “Place de Paris” (i.e stakeholders on the French listed market) wonders about the potential framework regarding shareholder activism, Proxinvest’s report on General Meetings displays that in fact General Meetings of French companies remain very controlled. In point of fact, 57.6% of voting rights exercised in the 315 General Meetings analyzed by Proxinvest were in the hands of reference shareholders (36% in the CAC 40), explaining why only 0.64% of resolutions were not adopted.