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Scoop in 2017:
$900bn oil fund shake-up in Oslo. On 16 February, Norway's government has proposed fundamental change to the world's largest sovereign wealth fund in this century, cutting the amount of oil money Norwa can spend each year and tilting the fund towards higher risk by investing about +15 % more in equity stock markets. The $900bn oil fund should be able to invest 70 per cent of its assets in equities, up from 60 per cent. The shift, which needs approval by the parliament, would be significant for global markets since the fund on average already owns 1.3 per cent of every listed company.
Last scoop in 2015:
Myanmar's new stock exchange came into existence Wednesday, but there are no listed companies or brokers and therefore no trading as well. When trading begins, foreigners won't be allowed to participate. Six companies are in line to list in Myanmar, but after opening in recent years, exchanges in Laos and Cambodia each have less than five listed companies, Reuters reported.
IBT international business times
The ability of companies to obtain capital via the stock exchange is of outstanding importance for a national economy. The global finance crises has shown us that striving for porfit without sustainability can easily lead us to ruin.
A misunderstood shareholder-value approach misled issuers into striving for maximum short-term profits, causing them to recklessly neglect their risk policy or to massively overestimated their risk-bearing capacity. sustainably managed companies are distinguished by the fact that they not only keep an eye on their risks but actually have them under control.
In asset management, social, ecological and economic risks are also to be taken in account in addition to the classic financial risks, which are more easily quantifiable. The reward is more stable growth of the capital investments, as the precondition of solid fundings that can withstand even the imponderables of the capital markets. The key of GLOBAL success lies in maintaining one's responsiveness to local and REGIONAL sensibilities - that is, what VIPsight so calles Satellites report us from insights in other Corporate Governance cultures.
Effective Supply Chain Accountability:
Investor Guidance on Implementation of The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act and Beyond
<click here> complete version (PDF)
UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (UNCTAD) Corporate Governance <click here> complete version (PDF) |
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