Mar.14,2025 BBVA Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria in Bilbao (ES) |
Mar.14,2025 MVV Energie in Mannheim (DE) |
Mar.14,2025 MAPFRE in Madrid (ES) |
Mar.14,2025 Bancolombia in (US) |
Mar.14,2025 YPF Sociedad Anonima in (AR) |
Mar.14,2025 Dongfang Electric in (CN) |
Mar.14,2025 Yit Oyj in Helsinki (FI) |
Mar.14,2025 Novatek in (RU) |
Mar.14,2025 Liquidmetal Technologies |
Mar.14,2025 POLIMEX-MOSTOSTAL in (PL) |
Mar.14,2025 PETROL Ljubljana in (SI) |
Mar.14,2025 Daetwyler Holding in Altdorf (CH) |
Mar.14,2025 Solar in (DK) |
Mar.14,2025 F&C Capital andome Investment Trust in (UK) |
Mar.14,2025 Softfront in (JP) |
Mar.14,2025 Compagnie des Alpes in (FR) |
Mar.14,2025 Heico in Miami (US) |
Mar.14,2025 Samsung Securities in (KR) |
Mar.14,2025 KIA Motors in (KR) |
Mar.14,2025 Emcore |
Mar.14,2025 Tinka Resources |
Mar.14,2025 Fuji Soft in (JP) |
Mar.14,2025 Benton Resources |
Mar.14,2025 Lions Gate Entertainment |
Mar.14,2025 Korea Petrochemical Ind in (KR) |
Corporate Governance – portrayed in the individual cultural and legal framework, from the standpoint of equity capital. VIPsight is a dynamic photo archive, sorted by nations and dates, by and for those interested in CG from all over the world. VIPsight offers, every month:
VIPsight - 2nd Edition 2020
Uniper SE: Fortum reached its Goal. What´s next?
Although the homepage still carries the opening statement “Wellcome to the new Uniper!”, the resignation of all five independent Supervisory Board Members on April 3rd indicates that the days of “new Uniper” are over. The move is a reflection of recent changes in the ownership structure, with Fortum increasing its shareholding to close to 70 percent of all shares outstanding.
In the early days of Uniper, some investors even regarded the company as a bad bank for the unattractive conventional energy assets of E.ON. Following the successful spin-off, E.ON later decided to sell its remaining shares in Uniper to Fortum, which since increased its holding to a majority position. However, Fortum´s approach was met with resistance by the former management of Uniper, which believed in an independent strategy of the group. As of today, it can be concluded that this strategy delivered good results, developing Uniper into one of the most successful European energy companies with an impressive return for investors.
But this chapter is closed by now. Hence, investors are looking forward to learning from the new management about the amended strategy and its medium-term implications, such as a potential bid for the outstanding shares in Uniper. A good opportunity to ask these questions should be this year´s AGM.
Grammer AG: The last Waves of a takeover attempt reach Amberg
These have been tough times in Amberg. It all started with the controversial takeover battle between the Hastor family and the Chinese investor Ningbo Jifeng. No sooner had the undesirable investor clan Hastor been fended off and the Chinese partner on board when the management team said goodbye with a golden parachute within a few months.
According to a press statement by the public prosecutor´s office in Frankfurt am Main, authorities are investigating six suspects on suspicion of violating the German Securities Trading Act. One of these people is suspected of having previously passed on inside information as a so-called “tipster”. Also, the investigating public prosecutor´s office is also conducting the fine proceedings against three former board members of a company and the company itself because of the allegation of two late ad hoc notifications. As part of the investigations, a total of 16 properties were searched in the Rhine-Main area and Bavaria, as well as in Berlin.
Grammer confirmed that these measures included two Bavarian locations of the company. However, as far as the company is aware there are no suspicions against current or former members of the Executive Board or current or former members of the Supervisory Board, and there are no suspicions against current or former senior employees of Grammer. The criminal investigation is aimed at five people who are not and have not been employees of Grammer, and there is no other connection to the company from Grammer´s point of view. The sixth person, however, is a Grammer employee in a lower management position. This person had no access to any inside knowledge, though. The company also informed that a case has been pending with BaFin since 2017 due to the allegation of two allegedly late published ad hoc releases in the first half of 2017. Grammer had the allegations rejected by its legal advisors. The last correspondence with BaFin was dated April 17, 2018, almost 22 months ago.
It is always good to see that the public prosecutor´s office takes its duties seriously. Although, a bit more pace and focus would not be harmful.
Deutsche Lufthansa AG: First restructuring Package decided, what´s next on the Agenda?
Although the COVID-19 crisis has been going on for a while, strategic decisions for the time after that are seldom heard yet. This is probably because so many companies are still busy communicating postponements of AGMS, profit warnings, and dividend cancellations.
No wonder that only a few companies think about tomorrow in this situation. A positive example is Lufthansa. The airline industry had a particularly heavy blow from this crisis, and it is still open if any airline can survive in 2020 without government help.
But Lufthansa is already one step further with the recent decision on a first restructuring package. The company expects a significant decline in air travel for the period after the crisis, while a return to pre-crisis levels is not expected in the foreseeable future. Based on this assumption, Lufthansa decided to reduce the capacity of flight operations and administration long term. Parts of the fleet will be permanently decommissioned, while other planes will be withdrawn from short-haul operations. Further reductions apply to Lufthansa Cityline and Eurowings, while the already initiated restructuring plans at Austrian Airlines and Brussels Airlines will be further intensified, including steps to reduce the fleets, while SWISS International Airlines is expected to take similar initiatives.
The flight operations of Germanwings will be discontinued to speed up the already planned bundling of all flights of the Eurowing Group in one unit. Also, the Lufthansa Group airlines have already terminated almost all wet-lease agreements with other airlines. There was also a clear message for the employees: The aim is to offer as many people as possible continued employment within the Lufthansa Group. In this respect, talks with unions and workers` councils are to be arranged quickly.
At first glance, Lufthansa´s decision on a first restructuring package as part of the preparations for the time following the crisis comes as a positive surprise. But then again, there are these ongoing rumors of a government bailout. With state money in the accounts, if definitively would become much harder to restructure the business for later times. Could it be that the package may not be aimed at the time after the crisis, but rather serves to prepare for a more substantial step?
Leoni AG: Ability to Restructure and full Funding confirmed, Pre COVID-19
Occasionally, bad things happen just in time to avert a greater evil. A prime example would be Leonie. In December 2019, the company identified substantial liquidity requirements to keep the ship afloat. Since, the refinancing of the business was substantially improved, resulting in a positive expert opinion according to IDW S 6 standard, confirming the ability to restructure and that Leoni is fully financed.
It took substantial efforts to ensure this outcome. As a consequence, the company received an increase in its available liquidity by at least EUR 200m. Steps taken included the expansion of an existing factoring program, sale and leaseback transactions of assets in Germany and China and the restructuring of various bilateral credit lines into a new syndicated credit line. No dividend shall be paid until the credit line is repaid in full.
At first glance, this looks like a great deal, concluded just at the right time. Only a few days later the COVID-19 crisis shocked the markets, and the outcome of the negotiations with the banks could have had a different outcome. Leoni - like most other companies - is expecting considerable burdens on sales, earnings, and liquidity and had to take countermeasures to limit the impact. In a recent statement, the company also announced the intention to take up the offer of the German Government and apply for financial aid. Also, Leoni confirmed that “it is in close contact with its customers and suppliers in order to overcome this extraordinary situation.” Banks were not mentioned at all.
Wirecard AG: It is not that easy to erase a Question Mark
The flood of allegations from the Financial Times was massive. This created a negative trilogy: a lot of work for Wirecard´s administration, lucrative orders for the auditors and persistent uncertainty for shareholders. In any case, it means a continuous news flow.
So far, it is open whether and which of the newspaper´s accusations apply. However, a substantial part has been refuted so far. As far as allegations remain, the audit company KPMG recently informed Wirecard about an increased time required to complete the special audit, though. It is good to hear that most parts of the audit have not produced any substantial findings in these areas of investigation that would result in a need for correction of the financial statements for 2016, 2017 and 2018 investigation periods. Based on this information, it seems to be a solid interpretation that the business activities in India and Singapore, as well as the Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) / Digital Lending division, are clean, although it would be interesting to learn a bit more about the meaning of “substantial” in this respect. The ongoing audit of the third-party partner business will require a bit more time and is expected to be completed by April 22nd, 2020, by the latest. And here it comes again: “The extensive inspection of relevant documents, including those of external companies, and corona virus-related travel restrictions make the extended timeframe necessary.”
In this context, the postponement of the annual press conference and publication of the financial statements 2019 by three weeks to April 30th, 2020 is understandable. Shareholders of Wirecard look forward to a special weekend edition of the Financial Times at the beginning of May!
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG: Transfer of Funds from the Pension Fund helps to finance the Future
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen (Heideldruck) found a creative way to finance its extensive restructuring program. The company adopted an action package for a short-term reduction in structural costs and long-term improvements in the company´s profitability. The plan is to focus on the profitable core business, to discontinue the production of loss-making products and to make long-term adjustments to production and structural costs that could lead up to 2,000 job cuts and possibly site closures. At the same time, Heideldruck will significantly improve its liquidity position by transferring a portion of the liquidity reserve of approximately EUR 355 million from the trust fund managed by Heidelberg Pension-Trust e.v. back to the company. This step is supposed to reduce the company´s fiduciary assets to the level required to secure all pension entitlements that are not covered by statutory insolvency insurance. The transfer is not expected to have a negative impact whatsoever on existing or future pension entitlements.
Heidelberg plans to use the additional liquidity to eliminate nearly all of its net debt. In particular, the plan is to pay off a high-yield EUR 150 million bond early and to substantially improve the company´s financing structure. The company estimates that – depending on the outcome of negotiations with the employee representatives as well as accounting charges in the financial year 2019/20 – the non-recurring expenses required to implement the action package will total about EUR 300 million.
Wow, this news probably creates a lot of work with the IR of companies with comparable trust fund structures.
Infineon Technologies AG: Progress with the Acquisition of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
Time passes quickly. Infineon´s plans to acquire Cypress Semiconductor Corporation were published in early June 2019. The transaction, which was valued at EUR 9 billion at the time, should help to strengthen the focus on structural growth drivers and serve a broader range of applications. But most of all, it was supposed to accelerate Infineon´s “path of profitable growth”. The closing of the transaction was expected by the end of 2019, or early 2020. But while the ad hoc announcement underpinned the importance of speed in this way, even nine months later the transaction still has not been concluded. The obstacle still is missing approvals by the relevant regulatory bodies.
In this regard, the recently granted approval by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States was a major step forward and appreciated by investors. According to Bloomberg, Cypress stated that “CFIUS has completed its review of Cypress´s previously announced merger transaction with Infineon Technologies AG and determined that there are no unresolved national security concerns”. However, the combination still needs a sign-off from China´s State Administration for Market Regulation, according to Bloomberg. Many analysts seem to think that this is an easy hurdle. However, here it comes again: While in the days pre-COVID 19 the trade war between the US and China seemed to fade away, new massive disputes are emerging due to the Chinese handling of the disease.
Buhlmann's Corner
Shut down – followed by SHUT UP!
Corona - the aureole of our planet - is the second great event of the century after 9-11. The global political reaction ends in the de-globalization demanded for decades by ATTAC ( Financial_Transactions_and_for_Citizens%27_Action) - today already, the common citizen of Hamburg has to identify himself at the city limits with his identity card to the police. The journey from Paris to Vienna requires at least two entry visas. How beautiful that was in days gone by! The ESTA worked digitally and was valid for an incredible 720 days. Everybody is (again?) himself the next one and under exactly 150 cm nobody wants to anybody near him. What Fridays for Future did not manage: the bottom under the water in Venice is visible again. A small protein ball, invisible without equipment, in coalition with randomly selected virologists and (democratically determined) politicians dependent on them, appear daily to protect a health system (which is said to have 10,000 intensive care beds available in Germany even now).
With sovereign power the voting cattle let themselves be locked up and turn the key on their own. Nobody is allowed to use Lufthansa, which in turn loses 280 € every second, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. This is about the hourly rate of an average lawyer when he or she is incredulously reading article 14 of the German constitution. Overridden, waste paper. Some civil servant who yesterday hardly appeared at all is now dictating who can survive economically. German company law is being turned upside down; the achievements of 1965 were pushed through the parliamentary system in 7 calendar days. May the people who have informed themselves before voting stand up. The owners' right to ask questions has become the employees' right to reply. Throughout Europe, shareholders are invited, but the door to the meeting remains closed. Today, shareholder meetings also work virtually with decency and feedback. One just has to want it!
According to the Ifo Institute, Lufthansa, Volkswagen & Co are currently paying 42 billion euros a week - the money may not be gone, but it is elsewhere. The sum is roughly equivalent to the amount that Germany spends on the military each year. What public servants are destroying is being replaced by a corona of economics and finance ministers with "emergency funds". We should ask Michel de Nostredame, called Nostradamus (1503-1566), who is going to pay off these new debts ex cathedra and, above all, when. I will probably not live to see this. Huge sums of money, which make up about 3.5 times the total German budget, are distributed to one third of the German population. They would give every old, sick and vulnerable citizen a personal pocket money of 66 million, without weekly losses of 42 billion. They could hide from the virus on their own yacht (the prices ... well) in the Atlantic; Hapag Lloyd / Maersk would simply have to make more turns. Taiwan and Korea have made it, too - we, on the other hand, pray on the TV channel and let people die alone.
When everything is nationalised that could not jump away, Alexander Schalck-Golodkowsky will be spinning in his grave with anger because he had not thought that far ahead. The GDR system returns and affects all of Germany ... StaMoKap (State monopoly capitalism, the theory of Karl Marx and the practical experiments of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin).The monopolies are growing and they will win. The common taxpayer will no longer have to go through KYC procedures because he will get everything done in one app - including bowel movements. Anyone who still twitches and muzzles will hear SHUT UP!
Inscription: "The king called and all men came / with God for King and Fatherland, 17.3.1813" was thought in 1913 to commemorate the war against Napoleon, but it also showed a fundamental change in the relationship between king and people, which he addressed directly for the first time in Germany (
In the same way, I would like to invite you, who still remember your corporate governance, to London, Strasbourg or Florence for Pentecost - even if the news services would be invited as well - but I am fear it is too late for that now.
GEA Group AG: Advance Payment of Dividend due to Postponement of AGM
Many companies decided to cancel or postpone dividend payments amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Occasionally one gets the impression that this is probably just an excuse for measures to be taken anyhow amidst an already week liquidity position, or even worse, just an imitation of the corresponding announcements by other companies. In light of this, it is very much appreciated when a company takes on a pioneering role and takes the right measures.
Similar to many other companies, GEA decided to postpone this year´s AGM, which was originally planned for April 30th, 2020. The argument for this move did not come as a surprise: “The health of the company´s shareholders, employees and the service providers involved takes the highest priority.” Instead of postponing the AGM, GEA could have opted to hold a virtual event. This decision was based on the expectation of an especially high number of questions at the AGM in conjunction with the COVID-19 crisis.
The company confirmed the dividend proposal of EUR 0.85 per share as published in its 2019 annual report. However, in light of the decision to postpone the AGM, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board of GEA also decided to pay the maximum possible advance payment of EUR 0.42 per share. This advance payment is set for May 6, 2020, when payment of the full dividend was originally planned. The AGM is expected to be held at the end of 2020.
RIB Software SE: This sounds like a Deal!
For many investors, the uncertainty triggered by COVID-19 is a major problem. Not so much though for the shareholders of RIB Software, since at least the options are clear.
Sometime before the dimensions of the crisis became apparent, Schneider Electric announced its intention to launch a voluntary public tender offer to the shareholders of RIB. On March 20th, 2020, the German subsidiary Schneider Electric Investment AG published the offer document. The bidder wants to buy all RIB shares at the offer price of EUR 29 per share with the intention to settle the transaction until the end of June 2020.
If the offer is settled before RIB´s 2020 AGM, shareholders who accept the offer will not receive a dividend for the financial year 2019. The expected dividend payment is EUR 0.12 per share, while the AGM is scheduled for May 13th, 2020. The offer period began with the publication of the offer document on March 20th and ends on April 22nd, 2020. Following section 16 para 2. WpÜG, shareholders that have not accepted the offer within the acceptance period may still accept the offer within two additional weeks, provided that the minimum acceptance threshold of at least 50% plus one share has been reached. On April 3rd, Schneider announced in this regard that the acceptance rate as of this date was 30.02%.
Great, finally we see a transaction where everybody involved looks like a winner. Investors get paid at a pre-crisis valuation, RIB gets access to Schneider´s resources, and Schneider can pursue its strategic goals. And last but not least, the lawyers did their homework on the deadlines!
Volkswagen AG: VW does its Homework
Experienced investors know the game: As soon as there is boredom at the equity markets, you can be sure that somebody brings up the idea of a squeeze-out of the non-controlling shareholders of AUDI. It, therefore, sounds almost like a fairy tale that VW has actually decided to take this step. And not only that, the same fate awaits MAN shareholders. But like in every good fairy tale, there is an evil spirit here too.
Both companies made the respective announcements on February 28th. In the case of MAN, the bidder is TRATON SE, the Group´s listed commercial vehicle producer. TRATON, which currently owns 94.36% of the outstanding MAN shares, informed MAN that it intends to simplify the overall Group´s structure. As part of this initiative, a merger with MAN SE is planned and TRATON wants to execute the procedure for transferring the shares held by the non-controlling shareholders of MAN to TRATON in consideration of payment of an appropriate cash settlement (squeeze-out).
AUDI is supposed to take the lead for research & development within the Volkswagen brand alliance. In the context of the related reorganization of competencies and responsibilities, Volkswagen also plans to carry out a squeeze-out to acquire the 0.36 percent of AUDI´s shares not yet controlled.
So far, this looks like a standard business. But here comes the evil spirit: What will be the implications of the COVID-19 crisis on the timing and procedure of the squeeze-out? Both target companies postponed already their AGMs, and both had a strong extraordinary impact on the operating business.
Sixt SE: Conditional Sale of its holding in Sixt Leasing SE
On February 19th, 2020, Sixt announced “with a view to respective media reports published today”, that it is in negotiations with Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH (a joint venture between Santander Consumer Bank AG and Hyundai Capital Services Inc.) regarding the sale of its participation in Sixt Leasing SE at a proposed sales price of EUR 18 per share, plus dividend for the year 2019.
Two days later the company announced that “it counts on consistent growth through further digitization and internationalization of its core business”. While this news may have come as a surprise to some investors, the additional confirmation of the sale of its entire stake in Sixt Leasing SE had only limited news value amidst the prior news release. The parties agreed on the sale of 41.9% of the share capital of Sixt Leasing SE to Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH, which presently is a fully consolidated subsidiary of Sixt SE, at a price of EUR 18 per share, resulting in a total consideration of EUR 155.6 million. Also, Sixt SE will be entitled to a dividend on the for the year 2019 of up to EUR 0.9 per share on the shares sold. The transaction is expected to generate a mid-double-digit million EUR extraordinary pre-tax profit at group level.
In connection with this transaction, Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH announced its decision to make a voluntary public takeover bid to all shareholders of Sixt Leasing SE at an offer price in cash corresponding to the above purchase price. The completion of the sale of the participation of Sixt SE in Sixt Leasing SE is subject to the condition that Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH reaches an acceptance quota of at least 55% of all outstanding shares in Sixt Leasing SE (including the participation of Sixt SE) via the takeover bid. Furthermore, it is subject to Hyundai Capital Bank Europe GmbH having secured the financing for the transaction and the usual merger control and regulatory clearances. Sixt SE expects the sale to be completed in the second half of 2020.
RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG: End of a Ceasefire
The struggle for control of RHÖN-KLINIKUM that has been going on since 2013 seems decided with the pooling of the shareholdings of the founder, Eugen Münch, Ingeborg Münch and HCM SE and Asklepios Kliniken in a joint venture. The pooled positions total almost 50% of RHÖN-KLINIKUM´s share capital.
A few days after the announcement of the formation of this joint venture, RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG confirmed receipt of a proposal to submit a voluntary public takeover bid by Asklepios Kliniken GmbH & Co. KGaA for all outstanding shares of the company for a cash consideration of EUR 18 per share.
Since the management of RHÖN-KLINIKUM was not involved in this transaction so far, the company did not provide additional information in this regard. However, according to Mr. Münch, it became necessary to act now to resolve the deadlock among the company´s owners and give RHÖN-KLINIKUM some much-needed momentum. As regards the takeover bid, Asklepios clarified that this transaction will not feature any minimum acceptance threshold and will solely be subject to merger control clearance by the German Bundeskartellamt. The transaction is expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2020.
With the bundling of forces, the numbers 2 and 3 in the German market would join forces, while Fresenius Helios remains the undisputed market leader.
Villeroy & Boch AG: Irritation among the Shareholders
This could have been so nice: Contrary to all rumors about difficult times for the business, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Villeroy & Boch AG announced the intention to propose an unchanged dividend of EUR 0.55 per ordinary share and EUR 0.60 per preference share for the year 2019 in February. And a few weeks earlier, the company even media speculation that it is considering an acquisition of the Ideal Standard group.
But soon thereafter things changed with the appearance of a Swiss investor. Lake Street Capital not only rejected the considered acquisition of Ideal Standard, but even sees it as an existential risk. According to the investor, the management would be well advised to focus instead on the disappointing business of Villeroy. As regards the dividend, Lake Street asked for EUR 1.45 per ordinary and EUR 1.50 per preference share, resulting in a total dividend payout of EUR 39 million. According to the investor, sufficient funds would be available for such distribution since Villeroy had made EUR 88 million in 2019 by selling a plant in Luxembourg. However, this money would then no longer be available to finance the takeover. The Management Board of Villeroy indicated that they would comment on the countermotion at the AGM, which at the time was scheduled for March 27th, 2020. And here it comes again: Like many other companies also Villeroy & Boch had to postpone the AGM, which is “to be rescheduled to a new date within the eight-month period of the current financial year.”
Presumably, the Management Board of Villeroy took a deep breath. Since the proceeds from the sale of the plant are still on the books, there should be now plenty of time to wait until the owners of Ideal Standard are ready to sell at a fair price and even find a solution to satisfy all shareholders.
ProSiebenSat1.Media SE: COVID-19? Yes, but what needs to be done needs to be done anyhow
Amidst mixed results, the new CEO Max Conze asked shareholders for patience at last year´s AGM.
A few months later, he received the feedback: Sorry, no can do. On March 26st, the company informed about changes on the Executive Board. While the CEO Max Conze left ProSiebenSat1 with immediate effect, the CFO Rainer Beaujean assumed the position as Chairman of the Executive Board (in addition to his responsibilities as CFO). Also, Wolfgang Link and Christine Scheffler were appointed as new members. Both a familiar with their new tasks since they served already as senior executives within the ProSiebenSat.1 Group. This information provides some confidence given that just two weeks earlier the company announced the resignation of the former deputy CEO Conrad Albert will resign as of the end of April.
Such a decision requires some courage amidst the COVID-19 crisis. On the other hand, a sharpened focus on numbers and the core business should help to achieve the needed performance improvement. The Group plans to return the primary focus of its operating business to the entertainment sector in the DACH region. And there is a piece of candy for better times: Investments that benefit from advertising on the entertainment platforms will continue to be developed nonetheless to generate value and sold in due course under an active portfolio policy.
Capital News
Commerzbank AG: No Dividend for 2019 is the least Worry at the Moment
Following the European Central Bank´s recommendation to banks not to pay a dividend until at least Oct. 1st, 2020, the Board of Managing Directors decided not to propose a dividend for the year 2019 to the AGM 2020. Also, the company added that the Board does not plan for a dividend payment until the uncertainties of COVID-19 have ended, but rather intend to decide on this topic again at a later time as appropriate (whenever the time comes). It is not comforting for shareholders that due to the omission of dividends future quarterly profits can be fully included in the regulatory capital ratios.
The decision did not come as a surprise, given the low profitability of the bank. The ECB´s recommendation offered a good excuse. The side effect on the equity ratios is nice to know, but hopefully not too relevant. However, what shareholders are waiting for is news on how the bank wants to move forward with its efforts to overcome its lack of profitability since the unfortunate integration of Dresdner Bank. The best assumption, however, seems to be that the implementation of the recently announced small initiatives is now in danger/postponed/canceled, etc. Does somebody have more to offer than solid speculations on this topic? A good role model for management and communication looks different. But then again, maybe that was never the intention.
TUI AG: Government Guarantee supports the Business until normal Operations are resumed
Travel and leisure are probably one of the hardest-hit industries by the COVID-19 crisis. In light of this, TUI AG announced its decision to suspend the vast majority of all travel operations until further notice, including the package travel, cruises, and hotel operations to contribute to global government efforts to mitigate the effects of the spread of COVID-19 in mid-March.
But was there an alternative to this at all? Probably not, which is why the company took substantial cost measures to mitigate the earnings effects and decided to apply for state aid guarantees to support the business until normal operations are resumed.
Two weeks later TUI received a commitment of the Federal Government for a EUR 1.8 billion KfW loan to increase the existing revolving credit facility of EUR 1.75 billion. Thereby, TUI would have cash and available facilities of EUR 3.1 billion (subject to the approval of the banking consortium). In light of current circumstances, shareholders probably don´t mind the required waiver of dividend payments for the term of the credit line. But will there be a commitment by the Board to repay the credit line asap?
CANCOM SE: Far-reaching Consequences of the COVID-19 Crisis, and a little Correction of the Accounts
Many observers are surprised by the far-reaching consequences of the COVD-19 crisis. A prime example is CANCOM SE, which on March 24th announced that the publication of the annual report 2019 is postponed from March 30th to April 28th, due to the coronavirus measures. According to the announcement, the main reason for the delay in the preparation process was the difficult circumstances regarding availability and reconciliations during the preparation of the annual financial statements due to the spread of the coronavirus.
Wow, under these circumstances, the further reason mentioned by the way hardly matters. The initial audit by the new auditor KPMG resulted in reclassifications in the revenue recognition with the so-called principal-versus-agent classification. IFRS uses different criteria to assess whether the selling company (i.e. CANCOM) may show revenue in the full amount of the actual invoice to the customer (principal), or whether the company is classified as an agent and may show a reduced value as revenue (agent, so-called net-presentation9. While CANCOM previously showed revenue as the principal in the amount invoiced, a change in the assessment of agent status has been made in the 2019 annual financial statements resulting in a reduced revenue figure.
Consequently, CANCOM Group´s consolidated revenue for the year 2019 is expected to be EUR 1.55 billion (published preliminary figure: EUR 1.64 billion), while the figure for the year 2018 will be reduced to EUR 1.31 billion (EUR 1.38 billion according to last years´ annual report). The reduction in revenue will result in a lower EBITDA.
Qiagen N.V.: Acquisition at a COVID-19 Premium?
A strategy used to be a long-term affair in the past. Not anymore, it seems. A few months ago, Qiagen concluded a strategic alternatives review and decided to focus on a stand-alone business strategy. At that time, speculation about Thermo Fisher as a potential buyer of Qiagen was already underway. But this potential buyer probably did not match the corporate strategy. But that was in December and now we are in March.
On March 3rd, 2020, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and QIAGEN N.V. informed that their respective Boards unanimously approved Thermo Fisher´s proposal to acquire QIAGEN at EUR 39 per share in cash. This price represents a premium of approximately 23% to the closing price of QIAGEN´s shares on March 2, the last trading day prior to the announcement of the transaction. Thermo Fisher will commence a tender offer to acquire all of the ordinary shares of QIAGEN. The transaction values Qiagen at approximately USD 11.5 billion, which includes the assumption of approximately USD 1.4 billion of net debt.
What has changed since December? Let´s take a look at what strategic benefits the CEO Thierry of QIAGEN, Thierry Bernard, identified for this transaction: “This strategic step with Thermo Fisher will enable us to enter a promising new era and will give our employees the opportunity to have an even greater impact. The combination is designed to deliver significant cash value to our shareholders, while enabling us to accelerate the expansion of our solutions to provide customers worldwide with breakthroughs that advance our knowledge about the science of life and improve health outcomes.”
Presumably, none of that was foreseeable in December? Or is it possible that there was no particular strategy for the operating business at all for a possible takeover situation? In case, perhaps the positive consequences of the COVID-19 crisis for the operative business of QIAGEN `has given the decisive impetus? Further information can be found at
thyssenkrupp: Sale of Elevator Business generates proceeds of EUR 17.2 billion
Thyssenkrupp sold its Elevator Technology business to a syndicate led by Advent, Cinven and RAG foundation. Closing of the transaction is expected by the end of the fiscal year, i.e. June 30th, 2020. The purchase price is EUR 17.2 billion. However, thyssenkrupp will reinvest EUR 1.25 billion in the elevator business, leaving a net amount after the deduction of the reinvestment of EUR 15.95 billion.
The ad hoc statement regarding this transaction contains several elements that create confidence, but should not be expected in such a message. For example, it stated that the purchase agreement has been signed. Fine, that´s nice to know. But how else should the sale have been done, if not by way of a signed contract? But the company was well advised to add these soothing elements, as it helped to calm down market speculations following the news release. The sale is subject to merger control approvals, but thyssenkrupp does not expect the authorities to have any reservations. This confidence is probably based on the selection process for the bidder, since the sale to private equity helps to limit the antitrust reviews to a minimum. In all, the transaction seems to be structured so that it can be implemented quickly.
Assuming closing of the transaction as planned, here comes the most urgent question: What does thyssenkrupp (market cap: EUR 6 billion) plan to do with the net cash inflow of EUR 15.95 billion? Well, thyssenkrupp has a plan. According to the release, the funds will remain within the company and shall be used to reduce debt and to lower structural costs. In particular, they shall serve to partially fund pension obligations. Consequently, annual cash outflow for interest and pension payments are expected to be significantly lowered. Additional amounts shall be used to develop the remaining business and the portfolio to achieve a positive free cash flow in two years.
OSRAM Licht AG / ams AG: No Reason to question the Acquisition Financing
Investors in OSRAM can take a deep breath: No reason to worry about the financing of the takeover attempt. But perhaps the banks involved in this transaction now have a strong interest in the wellbeing of ams also in the long term.
This story started already on January 24th, 2020, when the extraordinary meeting of shareholders of ams approved a rights issue of up to 1.649 million. The proceeds of this issue should be used to repay a portion of the EUR 4.4 billion acquisition bridge facility for the public offer for OSRAM.
The preparations for the rights issue proceeded as planned. On February 11th, 2020, ams successfully placed its entire treasure stock of 3.350.688 shares at a price of CHF 44.25 per share with institutional investors. On the same day, the Management Board of ams decided on the terms of the right issue. In the capital increase, 189,869,454 new shares were offered by way of a discounted rights offering at an offer price of CHF 9.20 per share. For each existing ams share, shareholders received one subscription right. Four rights entitled to purchase nine new shares at the offer price during the subscription period, which ended on March 30th, 2020.
On March 19th, 2020, ams informed the market about the outlook for the public offer and the status of the capital increase. The company expects that the public offer for OSRM will be closed in the second quarter of this year. Also, the capital was proceeding on the terms set out in the prospectus published on March 13, 202, the statement confirmed. Accordingly, the only remaining closing condition relates to the receipt of the required regulatory approvals. This was good news to the OSRAM shareholders, but not so much for the banks, since the rights issue was fully underwritten by a syndicate consisting of the same banks that had also underwritten the fully committed acquisition bridge facility of up to EUR 4.4 billion.
With the completion of the rights exercise period on March 30, 2020, subscription rights for 117,451,512 new shares were exercised, corresponding to 62% of the 189,869,454 offered shares. 15,023,697 of the remaining 72,417,942 shares could be placed with investors at a price of CHF 9.20 in a second step. Accordingly, a total of 132,475,209 shares have been taken up by investors, corresponding to approx. 70% of the 189,869,454 shares offered in the rights issue. The remaining 57,394,245 shares no sit on the books of the syndicate banks according to their underwriting quota.
VIPsight - 1st Edition 2020
Continental AG: Don`t do Things by Halves
Effective January 1st, 2019, Continental concluded the realignment of its powertrain business into an independent group of legal entities now called Vitesco Technologies. But just in October 2019, the Executive Board of Continental AG decided to spin-off Vitesco Technologies from Continental with a subsequent listing. Subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board of Continental, the planned spin-off shall be submitted to the AGM on April 30th, 2020, for approval. The listing of Vitesco could take effect within the same year.
Initially, the company had planned a partial sale and a subsequent listing of the business. The decision to rather spin-off the division as a whole instead can be interpreted as a signal that challenging times are ahead. In this regard, Continental talked about taking the offensive and tackling the accelerating trend towards powertrain electrification. But Continental is also reacting to the at present largely unpredictable conditions for a potential partial IPO in 2020.
METRO AG: Another exclusive Attempt to sell Real
Anyone looking for a German soap opera will find great entertainment at METRO. The most recent U-turn took place on December 5th, 2019 with the termination of the negotiations with the bidder consortium led by redos real estate gmbH and the agreement with a consortium of The SCP Group S. á. r. l. and x+bricks AG (“consortium”) on a memorandum of understanding and exclusive negotiations regarding the sale of its hypermarket business and related business activities (“Real”). The aim of the parties to this memorandum is to conclude a sale agreement for the hypermarket business until the end of January 2020.
Exclusivity is a relative property these days. About six months ago METRO concluded an agreement on exclusive negotiations regarding the sale of the hypermarket business with the consortium led by redos. Now, a revised offer submitted by the consortium on October 31st, 2019, formed the basis for the new exclusivity agreement. According to METRO, the consortium aims to fully acquire Real´s operating business and the real estate portfolio of 80 properties. As regards operations, a nucleus of stores shall be continued, while a large number of stores will be transferred and others shall be closed. The transfer of stores to other retailers shall take place subsequently and is independent of the sale of Real to the consortium. In case of a transfer of a store to another retailer, it is the intention of the parties to contractually oblige these retailers to take over the Real employees. Similar to the previously contemplated transaction with the consortium led by redos, METRO expects a net cash effect from the transaction of 0.5bn EUR.
Buhlmann's Corner
35 years of tools, 20 years of examples ... the world just one month ago
Who knows today what NOBO/OBO voting is? Until the 1980s, the question of Non-Objecting Beneficial Owner (NOBO) or Objecting Beneficial Owner (OBO) was about the secret power of uncontrolled brokers.
More details can be found here:
In the USA, the much larger voting platforms of today owe their genesis to the irritation they have caused.
In 1985 ENRON was born in Houston through a merger. Until 2001, the company under CEO Keneth Lay was considered the greatest investor favourite: "The World's Greatest Company". With well-tested financial statements and unlimited credit standing.
With just a few techniques of creative accounting (derivatives, offshore, mark-to-market of exotics) the dream of the all-rounder came true until his CFO Andrew Fastow and his chief accountant Richard Causey got tangled up. A balance sheet hole opened up in which the company disappeared together with Arthur Anderson LLP (after 88 years of membership of the Big Five Global Auditors). The pension assets (invested in ENRON) of over 22,000 employees went up in smoke.
Bernie (Bernard) Ebbers will remember this. He was one of the few CEOs who grew up even faster and even bigger than ENRON. Whether the telephone company learned Worldcom from ENRON is not known. The fact is that Worldcom was listed on the stock exchange for only 5 years and shocked the investment world with its MSCI bubble.
Both bankruptcies made it clear that more governance and greater transparency were needed - worldwide. This was a major milestone for today's corporate governance and regulations such as the EU's Shareholder Rights Directive II.
Bernie Ebbers, who regained his freedom just over a month ago, can judge whether this helps or has helped; he has served half of his 25-year sentence. Now the so-called "Marlboro Man", born in Edmonton (Canada), can wear his Stetson and cowboy boots again. Will today's governance, spurred on by mega-accidents and extreme fraud, make the world a better place?
Executives earn a multiple (not only in exceptional cases) after two decades, for supervisory boards /NED's the multiple is even higher and the metaphor once described by Hermann Josef Abs (one Josef Ackermann's predecessors): "It is more difficult to make a supervisory board liable than to hold a sow by its soapy tail" still applies.
I am afraid that not much has changed.
Carlos Goshn still manages to drive Renault, Nissan and the judiciary through the ring with his double bass box - his waiver of 12 million bail and travel expenses to Lebanon is at least as high as he earned and received in half a working day as their CEO. For years, my friend Pierre-Henri Leroy in Paris publicly accused him of some of his misdeeds with blame and shame.
Here is an example:
Today we know how much more happened, not only about the famous time-out of a Ghosn's Board meeting of 20 minutes. Read here:
As so often in life, the beginning is the most difficult, the famous first time. Also the Catholic Church now publishes a set of rules for ethics and more. You can find some excerpts here:
Currently the Bafin as regulator is looking more and more at 35 /135 pension funds - whether looking is required, whether (potential) pensioners are informed - nobody knows.
At the moment everybody is looking at Australia, where coal and forests are relentlessly mined -
but ... and who invests, as repeatedly suggested and demanded, in projects for the benefit of the African population, or is working on the ENRONs and Worldcoms of today?
COMMERZBANK AG: Why opt for an easy Solution if complicated is a valid Option?
A key element of the banks Strategic Program COMMERZBANK 5.0 is an increased focus on the expansion of its mobile banking capabilities, including a possible merger of comdirect bank AG into Commerzbank. Amid this background, it´s fully-owned subsidiary Commerzbank Inlandsbanken Holding GmbH released an acquisition offer on October 30th, offering 11.44 EUR per outstanding comdirect share. The acquisition offer was subject to the condition of a minimum acceptance threshold of 90% of the share capital (including 82.31% of comdirect shares already held by the bidder).
As required by Section 27 of the German Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act (WpÜG), the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of comdirect published a Joint Statement on the public takeover offer. In this statement, the Boards conclude that the amount of the offer price is appropriate, and therefore recommend short-term oriented shareholders to accept the offer. However, concerning shareholders with an interest in long-term development of comdirect, the boards decided that they cannot assess the strategic orientation comdirect will receive together with the bidder and COMMERZBANK and therefore refrained from giving a recommendation.
By the end of the offer period on December 6th, 2019, the number of shares tendered amounted to 457,343. Including shares already held, the shareholding of the bidder amounted to 82.63% of all shares outstanding. Consequently, the acceptance threshold of 90% has not been reached and the offer was not executed. However, COMMERZBANK already announced that it plans to integrate comdirect through a direct merger into Commerzbank. The indicated acquisition of additional shares from Petrus Advisers Ltd. might help to lift the COMMERZBANK`s holding above the 90% threshold and facilitate a later merger.
DELIVERY HERO SE: Expansion in Korea
Delivery Hero signed agreements with shareholders, including senior management, of Woowa Brothers Corp. Woowa operates the largest online food delivery service in South Korea, Baedal Minjok, which generated approximately 100m orders in Q3 2019. In the financial year ending December 2018, Woowa grew revenues by 96% year-on-year to 242m EUR, with GMV reaching 4.0bn EUR and an EBITDA of 46m EUR. Apart from its Korean operations, Woowa also operates a successful business in Vietnam.
The transaction is valued at an enterprise value of USD 4.0bn on a cash and debt-free basis (before adjustments). Delivery Hero is expected to achieve a 100% ownership in Woowa for a consideration of approximately 1.7bn EUR in cash plus 1.9bn EUR in shares. At closing, Delivery Hero will acquire up to 88% of the share capital of Woowa from institutional investors, while the remaining 12% currently held by Woowa board members shall be exchanged in Delivery Hero shares over four years. The new shares issued by Delivery Hero from the existing authorized capital will be equivalent to 17.5% of Delivery Hero´s share capital post-transaction.
The closing of the transaction is subject to certain conditions including financing and regulatory approvals and is expected to occur in the second half of 2020. In this regard, it should be noted that according to the Korea Times Delivery Hero is already running Yogiya and Baedaltong food delivery services in Korea, making it the dominant player in the country´s food delivery market. Nielsen Korea expected that Yogiyo´s market share reached 33.5 percent last year, while Baeldaltong controlled 10.8 percent. Woowa would add its Baedal Minjok´s food delivery service, i.e. the outstanding 55.7 percent market share. Hence, the fate of the transaction will most likely be decided by the Fair Trade Commission.
ADO Properties S.A.: Consolidation Train under full Steam
ADO Properties decided to make a voluntary public offer to the shareholders of ADLER real estate AG in the form of an exchange offer for the ordinary shares in ADLER. The plan is to offer 0.4164 new shares in ADO as consideration in exchange for each tendered share of ADLER.
In connection with the offer, ADO and ADLER entered into a business combination agreement, covering the strategic objectives of ADO and ADLER concerning portfolio diversification, the intended future governance structure for the combined group´s business and the integration process, the timeline and the conditions of the offer. The combined company shall be named ADLER Real Estate Group. Also, ADO entered into irrevocable undertakings with major shareholders of ADLER – including inter alia the Co-CEO of ADLER, Thomas de Vargas Machuca – representing 52.21% of the shares and voting rights in ADLER, whereby such shareholders committed themselves vis-á-vis ADO, subject to certain conditions, to submit their share within the acceptance period of the offer.
Based on current figures, the business combination of ADO´s Berlin-based portfolio and ADLER´s Germany-wide portfolio will create an 8.6bn EUR residential portfolio. As of the time of publication, the planned transaction offered ADLER shareholders a 17.33% premium to ADLER´s closing share price before the announcement. The combined company with an estimated free float capitalization of approximately 1.8bn EUR is considered to be a likely MDAX-candidate.
Concurrently with the conclusion of a strategic cooperation agreement, ADO will acquire a 22.18% stake in the German residential developer CONSUS for a cash consideration of 294m EUR. Including shares already owned, ADO´s will control approximately 25% of CONSUS. As part of the agreement, the two companies will work closely together on residential development projects. Furthermore, a call option has been agreed with Aggregate Holding SA, CONSUS` 51% shareholder. The option can be exercised within the coming 18 months with the consideration being paid in new ADO shares, at an exchange ratio of 0.239 ADO shares for each CONSUS share. In case of a change of control at ADO, Aggregate also has a put option to sell its 51% stake in CONSUS to ADO.
First Sensor AG: Another one bites the Dust
In July 2019, First Sensor received a voluntary public takeover offer from TE Connectivity. By the end of the acceptance period on September 2nd, First Sensor Shareholders hat tendered a total of 7,376,321 shares in return for a consideration of 28.25 EUR per share. This outcome was no surprise given that at the time of the offer the bidder had already concluded irrevocable agreements with various anchor shareholders of First Sensor who held approximately 67% of the total outstanding shares between them. These shareholders undertook to accept the takeover offer for all shares in their position.
The offer did not establish a minimum threshold level. Therefore, at the expiry of the initial acceptance period, all non-regulatory offer conditions had been fulfilled. Nonetheless, shareholders who did not accept the offer within the initial acceptance period could do so during the additional acceptance period which ran until September 19th, 2019. By the end of this additional period, the total number of shares tendered increased to 7,380,905 shares, which corresponds to 71.87% of the total share capital and voting rights of First Sensor.
On December 10th, 2019, TE Connectivity approached First Sensor to discuss its intention to establish a domination and profit and loss transfer agreement pursuant to Section 291 ff AktG.
The Executive Board of First Sensor has decided to enter into discussions on the conclusion of a domination and profit and loss transfer agreement. However, these discussions are subject to the completion of the public takeover offer of TE Connectivity, which still is subject to the conditions of the foreign investment clearances in the United States of America and in the Federal Republic of Germany. In a prior publication, First Sensor expected the acquisition to be completed by mid-2020 at the latest. Shareholders of First Sensor may have to put Berlin on this year´s Summer vacation agenda…
Aroundtown SA / TLG IMMOBILIEN AG: Consolidation Wave at full Swing with Real Estate Companies
In September 2019, when TLG bought a 9.99% holding in Aroundtown, the company announced its intention to commence discussions concerning a potential merger. These discussions resulted in a business combination agreement with Aroundtown SA on November 19th, 2019, followed by a voluntary public exchange offer to all TLG shareholders by Aroundtown on December 18th, 2018.
With this offer, Aroundtown offers 3.6 Aroundtown shares for each TLG share. The exchange ratio was derived from TLG´s and Aroundtown´s EPRA NAV per share, in each case as of June 30, 2019. Based on the XETRA closing prices (Frankfurt Stock Exchange) for the shares of both companies as of November 18, 2019, the implied price per TLG share amounts to 27.66 EUR, representing a premium of 3.2% to TLG´s last closing price. The largest TLG shareholder, Ouram Holding S.á.r.l., has already entered into an agreement with Aroundtown to tender, under specific conditions, approximately 28% of TLG shares into the exchange offer. The offer will expire on January 21st, 2020.
The Management Board and the Supervisory Board of TLG support the exchange offer amidst expected efficiency improvements and cost reductions of the joint operations and the management of the combined property portfolio. The business combination is expected to create a leading pan-European platform for commercial real estate assets with a portfolio size of more than 25bn EUR. According to TLG´s management, the synergy potential could lead to an improvement in the pre-tax operating profit of between 110m EUR and 139m EUR per year within five years.
So far this sounds like a typical merger transaction, but there is an interesting additional element involved. The business combination agreement stipulates certain governance rights for TLG which reflect the principle of joint leadership in the controlling company of the combined group. In particular, Aroundtown shall introduce a new management body consisting of five members, of which TLG may nominate the CFO, if Aroundtown holds more than 50% of all TLG shares. Aroundtown will nominate the CEO. In case Aroundtown holds at least 66% of TLG’s shares, TLG may nominate one of the remaining three members. One of the TLG-nominated members shall be Co-CEO. If Aroundtown exceeds the 50% threshold, its board of directors shall comprise up to 8 members, including Aroundtown’s current three executive members and three or four independent members within the meaning of Luxembourg listing rules. If Aroundtown holds 40% or more of TLG’s shares, the chairman of the board shall be nominated by TLG and have a casting vote in case of a tie. Upon receipt of the requisite merger clearance, TLG may, in addition, nominate two out of four members in a newly formed integration committee at the level of Aroundtown, the primary objective of which is the discussion of the necessary steps to integrate both businesses. Further, TLG may nominate an additional member to Aroundtown’s advisory board.
CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA: When the Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure dreams of big Money
Following the unilateral termination of the operating agreement regarding the infrastructure levies with effect as of September 30th, 2019, by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, autoTicket GmbH, which is a 50/50 joint venture of Kapsch TrafficCom AG and CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA, and its two shareholders decided in December that the contractually agreed payment claims against the Federal Republic of Germany amount to approximately 560m EUR and to assert claims.
These claims are based on the assumption that autoTicket GmbH and its shareholders Kapsch TrafficCom AG and CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA have a compensation claim due to the early termination of the agreement by the Federal Republic of Germany, equal to the loss of profits over the term of the agreement. Also, the agreement provides for compensation of the costs arising from the termination of the agreement which includes compensation claims of subcontractors, including Kapsch TrafficCom AG and CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA, as well as some of their affiliated companies.
The agreement provides for an efficient procedure for dispute resolutions: First, an independent auditor shall validate the amount of the asserted loss of profits. Thereafter, settlement negotiations with the Federal Republic of Germany are contemplated. In the event of failure of this procedure, the claim will be finally decided in arbitration.
SGL Carbon SE: Corrected Earnings Guidance, and more
SGL Carbon was never suspected of being a particularly profitable company. But the earnings guidance usually proved to be reliable information. Similar expectations apply to the outlook for the full year 2019, which was confirmed in early August 2019. But just a few days later a sharp correction became necessary.
SGL claims that the correction was due to lower than expected results of the business unit Composites – Fibers & Materials (CFM) in July 2019. As a consequence, the company took a closer look at the actual results and the plan of CFM and concluded, that the guidance for the unit and the Group needed to be corrected. The deviation to the preciously expected recurring EBIT of CFM can be attributed to two factors. Half of it is due to erroneous planning assumptions within the framework of a high-volume contract in the market segment Wind Energy, while the rest reflects a more cautious view of the outlook for the market segment Industrial Applications. Consequently, SGL lowered its recurring Group EBIT and net result guidance for 2019 and clarified that the guidance for the following years was no longer sustainable.
As a consequence, the CEO Dr. Jürgen Köhler informed the supervisory board in mid-August about his resignation, effective August 31st, 2019. The supervisory board decided to fill the vacant position externally. However, recent news about continued weakness in the CFM segment is not helpful in this respect. The further earnings deterioration at CFM, which is caused by a weaker outlook for the Textile Fibers and the Industrial Applications units, also triggered an impairment testing, resulting in a non-cash impairment charge of approximately 75m EUR.
CECONOMY AG: Where is the Strategy?
For several reasons, CECONOMY is going through a difficult phase. Apart from the challenging business environment, the most obvious obstacle is the group´s corporate governance structure. How can you create a solid business strategy if you do not have full control over a substantial part of your business?
Jörn Werner met high expectations when he took over the CEO position in March 2019. And indeed, a few months later a series of positive signals regarding the critical relationship with the minority shareholder in its main operating subsidiaries emerged. This found an abrupt end a few weeks later when CECONOMY informed the public on October 15th, 2019 about the agenda of a scheduled extraordinary meeting of its Supervisory Board, which included the discussion of early termination of the appointment of the CEO. Two days later the company informed that the Supervisory Board and Mr. Werner decided by mutual agreement to part with immediate effect. At the same time, the Supervisory Board appointed Dr. Bernhard Düttmann, member of the Supervisory Board, for a term of twelve months as CEO. Jürgen Fitschen, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, explained the decision as follows: "We would like to thank Mr. Werner for his commitment and the work he has done. He played an active role in the strategic development of CECONOMY. With regard to managing the company, however, there are different views between him and the Supervisory Board, so that the separation is a logical step".
No CEO, no strategy, no plan in sight, but just another interim solution.
Capital News
Daimler AG: Cleaning the Diesel is not an easy Task
In September 2019 Daimler AG informed about a fine in the amount of 870m EUR related to its diesel cheating scandal. This settlement concluded the public prosecutor´s administrative offense proceeding against Daimler AG.
Despite the fine, Daimler continued to deny any wrongdoing. Nonetheless, the Diesel scandal continues to burden the company. In January, the Financial Times reported that more than 200 institutional investors are seeking 900m EUR in damages from Daimler, alleging that the Mercedes-Benz owner failed to disclose the use of diesel emissions cheat devices. The underlying claim is that shares once worth more than 90 EUR a share fell to approximately 60 EUR in 2018 after regulators accused the carmaker of installing illegal software in its vehicles. Hence, the company is accused of violating its obligations under capital market law by not mentioning the existence of the devices in its financial reports or in ad hoc announcements. In contrast to previous connotations by Daimler, German officials said that 700,000 Daimler cars in Europe had been fitted with systems designed to defeat pollution tests.
Quiagen NV: Shareholders did not receive a Christmas Present
This biotech company looked ripe for a takeover. Hence, it did not come as a surprise when QUIAGEN N.V. announced in November 2019 the start of a review of potential strategic alternatives after having received several conditional, non-binding indications of interest for the acquisition of all issued and outstanding shares of the company. At the same time, Quiagen announced that the Supervisory Board and the Management Board started discussions with interested parties in this process. The aim of the discussions was to explore potential strategic alternatives that could provide greater value creation opportunities than stand-alone growth prospects. According to market rumors, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. was one of the parties interested.
This was great news for the share price. While the stock just saw a record low around 22 EUR in October, the quotation jumped to over 38 EUR within a few days following the news release. But on December 24th, reality struck with the publication of the company´s decision to terminate the discussions. This came as a reminder to shareholders of the company´s less-than-optimal recent business performance, resulting in a sharp decline in the share price.
Villeroy & Boch AG: Unrest in the China Business, or perhaps in Luxembourg?
The Management Board of Villeroy & Boch AG decided to revise the company´s forecast for 2019. While the revised expectation is a decline to between 825m EUR and 850m EUR for the consolidated revenue, while the forecast for the EBIT has been reduced to between 48m EUR and 52m EUR. In a press release, the company explained the need to revise the prior expectation in light of an unsatisfactory revenue development in the first half of 2019. At the same time, the release advised that preliminary agreements regarding the sale of a former plant property in Luxembourg have been concluded and that the Management Board expects the transaction, which was supposed to be completed in 2019, to generate a “high eight-figure non-recurring income”.
This was reason enough for shareholders to expect a positive signal towards the end of 2019. Instead, the company announced on December 30th the resignation of the chairman of the Supervisory Board with effect from December 31st, 2019, and on the following day the resignation of the Chairperson of the Audit Committee, effective February 29th, 2020. Shareholders are assured that the vacancies will be filled shortly. But are the revised earnings guidance still valid, and what happened in Luxembourg?
Scout24 AG: Convincing Advice from Elliott
In May 2019, a voluntary public takeover bid by funds advised by Hellman & Friedman LLC and affiliates of The Blackstone Group LP for Scout24 AG failed to reach the acceptance threshold. Hence, the company had to take a fresh look at its strategy and came up with a new strategic roadmap to enhance long-term value creation for its shareholders, which included a strengthening of the two core business verticals ImmobilienScout24 and AutoScout24, which became the probably most short-lived long-term strategic roadmap in 2019.
About a week after the publication of its strategic long-term roadmap, the company received an interesting message from Elliott Advisors, which at the time advised funds that collectively held an interest representing more than 7% of the share capital of Scout24 AG. According to the letter, which still can be downloaded from, Elliott believed at the time that there are concrete and prudent steps that the management of the company should be taking that could drive the share price to more than 65 EUR per share, including a comprehensive strategic review focused on achieving a full separation of the AutoScout24 business, and a more ambitious share buyback program. The advice was supplemented by the statement that “Elliott looks forward to continuing to engage with the Boards of Scout 24 to help deliver this outcome.”
In December 2019 Scout24 announced the sale of AutoScout24 and another entity to Hellman & Friedman. The consideration (before potential adjustments) of 2.892bn EUR exceeded the market expectations and shareholders are now looking forward to the next step, i.e. the “more ambitious” buyback program.
TUI AG: Updated Dividend Policy
TUI AG informed about an update to its dividend policy. The company´s Supervisory Board approved an update prepared by the Executive Board to the capital allocation framework, which included the Group´s future dividend policy. The new policy shall apply for the first time for the financial year 2020 (ending on September 30th, 2020), i.e. for dividend payments from 2021 onwards. In this respect, TUI intends to pay a core dividend payout of 30 – 40% of the group´s “underlying EAT”, with the minimum payout defined as 0.35 EUR per share.
The company expects the new dividend policy to result in lower payouts, but pointed out that the dividend floor of 0.35 EUR per share guarantees shareholders a minimum payout irrespective of the market environment of the tourism industry and subsequent impacts on the “underlying EAT”.
At the same time, TUI defined the Group´s financial priorities as follows:
- Organic growth
- Payout of a core dividend
- Accretive mergers & acquisitions and portfolio optimization
- Excess cash to be returned to shareholders.
At the same time, a solid balance sheet shall be maintained and the gross leverage ration should be kept within the range of 3.0x – 2.25x.
While many German companies still underestimate the relevance of a transparent dividend policy for shareholders, TUI opted for an ad hoc release. Thank you!
Delticom AG: Finally financed
Delticom´s shareholders must be very patient people. The company has a business model, the shares are listed, and it had ambitious plans. But corporate governance is not a particular strength with this leading European online retailer for tires and car accessories, specialist in e-food, etc. In this respect, 2019 highlighted once more that the combination of a business model and some business activities by itself is not yet enough to create a solid corporate entity.
2019 started with a strange news flow. In March 2019, Delticom realized that there were delays in the preparation and audit of the financial statements 2018 and that it became apparent that Delticom and the auditor, KPMG, were too optimistic with regard to the time required for the auditing process. But it took until March 19th for Delticom to note that the 2018 annual report could not be published as planned on March 21st, 2019. Also, the AGM had to be postponed for this reason. Four weeks later, it became apparent that the company used the time to acquire advice on how to structure the further process. Therefore, in an ad hoc release dated April 26th, the company explained to its shareholders: “As soon as it has been determined when the financial statements will be prepared and audited and approved by the Supervisory Board, Delticom will set and announce a date for the publication of the Annual Report and the Annual General Meeting.”
By the end of June, the uncertainty as regards the past was over, since the preparation and audit of the financial statements could be concluded by June 25th, 2019. However, the accounts underwent a few minor adjustments during this process. In particular, the EBITDA declined to 9.0m (2017: 9.3m) EUR (preliminary result 2018 as announced in March 2019: 12.0m EUR).
On November 15th, 2019 Delticom published an update on the company status, according to which a restructuring concept had been developed and the first implementation steps already been taken. More importantly, the company informed that it was negotiating with the financing banks a continuation of the existing financing. In addition, the release informed that on August 7th, 2019, Delticom concluded a standstill agreement with its financing banks, which has since been extended already several times.
Funny enough, to scare naïve shareholders seems to require an ad hoc-announcement with Delticom, while the more positive conclusion of an agreement with the financing banks on the extension of the financing until the end of 2021 was published as corporate news. Anyhow, stranger things happen from time to time, such as the statement by the member of Delticom`s Managing Board Andreas Prüfer: “Now we are in calmer waters and can concentrate consistently on our business goals.”
Ups, same thing again?
Nordex SE: Technical Takeover Offer
Nordex issued 9,698,244 new shares under exclusion of subscription rights to its anchor shareholder Acciona S.A. by way of a private placement at an issue price of 10.21 EUR per share. The capital increase amounts to 10% of the share capital before the increase. The issue price corresponds to the volume-weighted average price of the Nordex shares on the last three trading days in XETRA trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange before the capital increase resolution. The gross proceeds of the issue amount to 99m EUR, and the share capital of Nordex will consist of 106,680,691 bearer shares after the increase.
The information regarding the use of the proceeds sounds like somebody hit the standard textbook modular for capital increases: “The proceeds serve to strengthen the company´s capital structure….” Fine, we heard that many times already. But the release contained an interesting bit of extra information. Due to the completion of the capital increase, Acciona´s shareholding in Nordex will exceed 30% of the company´s share capital. Hence, Acciona will be obliged to announce and effect a mandatory public takeover offer to all Nordex shareholders, or it could announce and implement a preemptive voluntary takeover offer, the release clarified.
On November 18th, 2019, the voluntary public takeover offer to the shareholders of Nordex by Acciona was published. The bidder offered a cash consideration of 10.34 EUR per share of Nordex SE. This offer expired on December 18th, 2019, with an additional acceptance period pursuant to Section 16 WpÜG ending on January 6th, 2020. On January 9th, 2020, the final acceptance level was announced and it turned out that until the end of the additional acceptance period, the offer has been accepted for a total of 149,399 Nordex shares. Accordingly, including the shares already held, Acciona now controls 38,845,395 Nordex shares corresponding to 35.41% of the share capital and the voting rights.
PNE AG: Successful Offer due to Waiver of initial Threshold Requirement
PNE shareholders are used to turbulences. In particular, the corporate governance of the company gave cause for concern. But perhaps these days are over now as a consequence of the outcome of the recent public takeover offer.
On August 26th, 2019, the company confirmed market rumors concerning conversations with Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners on possibilities of co-operation and investments that would include a takeover offer for PNE. These negotiations resulted in the signing of an investment agreement with Photon Management GmbH, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of funds managed and advised by Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Inc., on October 10th, 2019.
Based on this agreement, Photon announced its intention to make a public takeover offer at a price of 4.0 EUR per PNE share in cash on October 31st, 2019. The offer price corresponds to an approximate 31% premium in relation to the unaffected share price on August 26th, 2019, and an approximate 21% premium on the volume-weighted average share price over the past three months. The initial offer provided for a minimum acceptance threshold of 50% plus one share. Also, the parties planned already to alleviate the annoying burdens of corporate governance by way of withdrawal of admission for trading of the PNE shares form the regulated market, subject to the acquisition of more than 50% of the voting rights in PNE.
Unfortunately, the acceptance of the offer fell short of expectations, not least due to shareholder criticism of the offer price. Hence, the bidder waived the minimum threshold requirement and the acceptance period was extended from November 28th, 2019, to December 12th, 2019, with an additional acceptance period according to Sec. 16 para. 2 of the German Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act ending on December 31st, 2019. Until then, the offer had been accepted for a total of 9,322,325 PNE shares, corresponding to approximately 12.17% of the share capital and voting rights of PNE AG. Together with the 20,953,096 PNE shares already directly held by the bidder on that day, the total of approximately 40% of the share capital fell far short of the original threshold of 50%.
VIPsight - 3rd Edition 2019
Siemens AG: Portfolio Adjustment planned
As part of its measures to sharpen the focus of its portfolio, Siemens plans a carveout of the Gas and Power Operating Company as a separately managed company, as well as a spin-off of the new legal entity combined with a subsequent IPO in order to deconsolidate the new company, while retaining a significant influence. In conjunction with these measures, Siemens also announced the intention to transfer its holding in Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy S.A. to the new company.
According to the announcement, the IPO is scheduled to be completed by September 2019.
Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG: Relationship Agreement with Busch Group concluded
Pfeiffer Vacuum concluded a relationship agreement for the strategic cooperation with the Busch Group, which owns more than 50% of the issued share capital of the company via its investment vehicle Pangea GmbH. Negotiations started already in November 2018 and covered the areas research and development, procurement, IT and services and sales. Along with the operational cooperation, the agreement also establishes uniform standards as regards compliance and risk management.
Pfeiffer Vacuum expects that the cooperation will have positive effects on earnings and facilitate annual medium-term synergies in a lower two-digit Euro million range.
thyssenkrupp AG: Fundamental strategic Realignment proposed
thyssenkrupp and Tata Steel decided that it is unlikely that the European Commission will approve the planned joint venture of their European steel activities. As a consequence, the executive board of thyssenkrupp reassessed the strategic options for the group and proposed to not go ahead with the planned split into two independent companies. Instead, the company shall fundamentally realign itself to significantly improve its operating performance. Planned actions include a value based and more flexible portfolio approach with greater freedom for the development of all businesses, a leaner holding structure and a stronger performance orientation. At the same time, the group shall strengthen its capital base in order to gain the necessary financial leeway for necessary restructuring measures and business development. A potential outcome of the strategic reorientation could be an IPO of the Elevator Technology entity.
Leoni AG: IPO or sale of Wire & Cable Solutions Division planned
Leoni AG is preparing a separation of its Wire & Cable Solutions Division through a stock market listing or sale, including the option of a partial sale. While no final decision has been taken as yet, the company underlined in a release that a separation would enable a focus on the development of the Wiring Systems Division.
The decision to prepare a separation of the Wire & Cable Solutions Division followed a review of the existing group structure with regard to the optimal future ownership structure of the divisions.
Leoni´s Board of Directors sees only very limited synergies between both divisions and intends to increase their operational independence. In this context, corporate support functions will be transferred from the holding company to the divisions.
Buhlmann's Corner
Are the German DAX companies getting dusty or is everything just coincidence?
What is really going on between the Rhine and the Elbe?
The large, blue German bank proudly presents a conversion concept. A sort of renovation and reconstruction concept after the passage of Anshu's Army. The concept should cost or to put it more correctly: consume and destroy over 7 billion €. Is it worth it?
With a current market value of €15 billion, €7 billion of program costs are currently being spent to generate quarterly revenues (Q1 2019) of €13 billion. In arithmetical terms, 7 billion is spent to receive 7 billion.
It would certainly be more efficient to set up a new bank without legacies with €7 billion, without inherited burdens, litigation risks and accumulated pension commitments, and to sell the old one for €1 to the baker from Berlin, who once was willing to buy the Schneider real estate package for this price. At that times they had mutated into NPLs because of a few "peanuts". The right question is: why didn't the supervisory board discover the Sewing concept in 2012, but only in 2019?
Then there's Bayer, the company whose market value of 10% is lower than its most recent successful acquisition. The Bayer Supervisory Board, which was elected by the stockholders, (presumably) approved the purchase of the Monsanto pearl in final analysis and, according to the old rule, was discharged for this resolution by a large majority. That was not achieved by the Board of Management, which today weakens its position in the fight against the lawyers.
The Supervisory Board is now taking over (because it has been discharged, sic!) the management of Glyphosat, although it is not actually allowed to do so. But some shareholders want it that way. Apparently the company is acting consistently and expensively according to the unwritten German rule: "und wenn ich nicht mehr weiterweiß, dann bilde ich einen Arbeitskreis" (if there is no solution, solve it with a working group)
But there are also board members who may surprise you:
BASF, for example, came around the corner and warned of declining profits - instead of +10%, they are now expecting -30% in 2019. A swing of 40% in such a short time means either that the CFO has been on vacation for a longer period or that the accounting has been hacked or ... that things can get even worse. As yet, the Supervisory Board has not reacted.
Change of scene to Daimler. At the shareholders' meeting, not all participants cheered for Dieter Zetsche, who retired on the same evening. At the behest of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Manfred Bischoff, he replied in spite of my public objection, all shareholder questions. Even those concerning the future. And the new man, Ola Källenius, had to watch and remain silent.
After this childish theater, Zetsche went in the certainty after two years cooling-off to take over the chairmanship of the supervisory board and his successor came hand in hand with Harald Wilhelm (CFO successor of Bodo Uebber) ... and sent the shareholders immediately and twice on profit warning. That teaches me 3 things:
The newcomers have swept the past together. The mistakes cannot cool down in 24 months, so that the old CEO can become the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Airbus not only builds better aircraft than Boeing, but also has what it takes to train good CFOs.
Facebook pays USD 5 billion for a misdeed and at the same time gets 2.4% more customers, similar to Volkswagen.
Even if VW, which despite Dieselgate is the only car manufacturer without profit warning in the trade war between nations and propulsion systems, sensibly reduces the brand expansion and even if Facebook is pursued and smashed by the state - the Deutsch Bank smashes itself.
The behavior is figuratively speaking just as stupid as that of the airlines, which turn passengers into pure flight victims. No matter if Ryanair, Air Asia or Deutsche Lufthansa, more and more often they take off with a delay of 30 minutes or more, which does not change the fact that the flight closes 30 minutes before the official departure time. 30 years ago, i.e. before ESTA, APIS and just as much harassing as useless check-in procedures, the plane was reached even if you drove half an hour before to the then still affordable parking lot ... was that a coincidence?
Daimler AG: Second Profit Warning in 2019
Following a profit warning in June, Daimler informed about a Group EBIT for the second quarter significantly below market expectations and made another adjustment to the earnings outlook on July 12th. According to this statement, the Group EBIT for the quarter amounted to minus 1.6 Billion Euro (Q2 2018: 2.6 billion Euro).
In addition to the facts already disclosed in the June release and adjustments to sales and earnings projections due to slower product ramp-ups and lower growth in automotive markets than expected, the following items have been identified as new major problem topics:
- New information leads to a revised risk assessment regarding provisions for an extended recall in connection with Takata airbags. Provisions had to be increased by around 1.0 billion Euro.
- The EBIT was further impacted by a reassessment in connection with ongoing governmental and court proceedings and measures relating to Mercedes-Benz Diesel vehicles, which leads to an increase in expected expenses by around 1.6 billion Euro.
- A decision by the Board of Management in the context of the product portfolio review and prioritization affected the earnings of the Mercedes-Benz Vans division by around 0.5 billion Euro.
Deutsche Bank AG: Strategic Transformation and Restructuring Initiated
In light of the ongoing operational underperformance, Deutsche Bank´s Management Board announced a series of measures to restructure the bank´s operations with the aim to improve long-term profitability and returns to shareholders.
Deutsche Bank will exit its Equities Sales & Trading business while retaining a focused equity capital markets operation. Also, the Fixed Income operations will be resized and the wind-down of the non-strategic portfolio shall be accelerated. In total, the bank expects to reduce risk-weighted assets allocated to these businesses by approximately 40%. These actions are designed to allow the bank to focus on and invests in its core businesses, which are Corporate Banking, Financing, Foreign Exchange, Origination & Advisory, Private Banking, and Asset Management.
Furthermore, a significant restructuring of businesses and infrastructure is planned, including a cost reduction program designed to reduce adjusted costs to 17 billion Euro in 2022 and targeting a cost-income ratio of 70% in that year.
Deutsche Bank expects to take approximately 3 billion Euro of aggregate charges in the second quarter 2019 to facilitate the restructuring, including a deferred tax asset write-down of approximately 2 billion Euro and impairments of approximately 0.9 billion Euro. Additional restructuring charges are expected in the second half of 2019, and subsequent years. In aggregate, the bank expects cumulative charges of 7.4 billion by the end of 2022.
Deutsche Lufthansa AG: 340 Million Euro extra for the Taxman
Lufthansa AG made a profit warning and adjusted its full-year outlook. The operating business is suffering from a deterioration in European markets, caused by market-wide overcapacities and aggressively growing low-cost competitors putting pressure on yields. Based on the expectation of low single-digit Group revenue growth, the Group´s adjusted EBIT margin is now forecasted to reach 5.5 to 6.5 percent, resulting in a Group adjusted EBIT amounting to between 2.0 and 2.4 billion Euro in 2019.
However, Lufthansa also announced that the company will make a provision for a tax risk in the amount of 340 million Euro due to a change in the case law established in prior years by the German Supreme Tax Court.
METRO AG: Substantial Impairment on the Hypermarket Business
METRO AG has concluded an agreement on exclusive negotiations regarding the sale of its hypermarket business and related business activities (“Real”) with a consortium led by redos. The agreement provides that Real shall be sold to redos, but METRO shall initially retain a 24.9 percent holding in the operative business of Real and has a put option that shall be exercisable at the earliest after three years. Based on the status of the negotiations in May 2019, METRO decided to impair the value of the hypermarket business in the amount of 385 million Euro in its interim accounts for the first half of 2019.
Following an in-depth due diligence, the signing of a sale agreement is expected later in 2019.
Deutsche Bank AG: Suspicious Activities with Mr. Trump?
The New York Times reported that anti-money laundering specialists at Deutsche Bank recommended in 2016 and 2017 that multiple transactions involving legal entities controlled by Donald J. Trump and his son in law, Jared Kushner, be reported to a federal financial crimes watchdog.
According to the article, the transactions set off alerts in a computer system designed to detect illicit activity. Compliance staff members who then reviewed the transactions prepared so-called suspicious activity reports that they believed should be sent to a unit of the Treasury Department that polices financial crimes. However, executives at Deutsche Bank rejected the specialists´ recommendations and the reports were never filed with the government.
The red flags raised do not necessarily mean that the transactions were improper.
Aurubis AG: CEO released from his Duties, effective immediately, and Investment Project stopped
The Executive Board and the Supervisory Board of Aurubis passed a resolution to stop the internal investment project “Future Complex Metallurgy”. Furthermore, the Supervisory Board decided unanimously to release the CEO Jürgen Schachler from his duties, effective immediately.
The originally planned investment amount was supposed to be 320 million Euro. However, the basis engineering results indicated significantly higher investment costs. Thus, the project no longer looked as cost-effective as originally planned. The investment costs of the project that have been capitalized so far will consequently plan an additional strain of approximately 30 million Euro on the Q 3 2019 result.
SAF Holland S.A.: Awaiting Voting Rights Notifications
In an effort to harmonize with the corresponding provisions of the German Securities Trading Act (Section 33 (1) WpHG), the Extraordinary General Meeting of SAF Holland decided on April 25th, 2019 by way of an amendment of the Company´s Articles of Association, that shareholders who reach, exceed or fall below the voting rights´ threshold of 3% are required to promptly file a voting rights notification with the company. According to the CFO of SAF Holland, Dr. Matthias Heiden, this amendment to the Articles increases shall increase capital market transparency and support investors in making their investment decision.
In a recent press statement, the company clarified that shareholders who currently hold between 3% and 5% of the Company´s voting rights and have not reported this fact to SAF Holland are also requested to notify the company promptly.
Axel Springer SE: KKR intends to launch a Public Takeover Offer
Axel Springer SE entered into an investor agreement with a holding company controlled by funds advised by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR), as well as with holding companies controlled by Dr. h.c Friede Springer and by the CEO Dr. Mathias Döpfner. This agreement concerns the terms and conditions of a strategic investment of KKR in Axel Springer. In accordance with the agreement, KKR´s holding company announced that it intends to launch a public takeover offer to all shareholders of Axel Springer at an offer price of 63.- Euro per share in cash. The Executive Board and the Supervisory Board of Axel Springer welcome and support the offer, subject to the review of the offer document.
The offer represents a premium of 31.5% on the volume weighted average share price of Axel Springer shares over the period of the last three month preceding the announcement of the negotiations for an investment by KKR. In addition to other customary conditions, the offer shall be subject to a minimum acceptance rate of 20 % and obtaining of merger control clearance and other regulatory approvals.
Capital News
OSRAM Licht AG: Will AMS emerge as a second Bidder?
On July 4th, 2019, OSRAM announced that the transaction offer for the public takeover presented by a bidding consortium composed of Bain Capital and The Carlyle Group for all the outstanding shares of OSRAM at the offer price of 35.00 Euro per share was considered to be attractive by the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board.
A few weeks later, the company received a non-binding preliminary expression of interest by AMS AG to engage in discussions about a public takeover of OSRAM by AMS. AMS values OSRAM at 38.50 Euro per share, subject to the outcome of detailed due diligence and success in securing the required financing commitments for the transaction. The Managing Board of OSRAM regarded the probability of this transaction materializing as rather low. Nonetheless, OSRAM informed that it will enable AMS to perform due diligence within strict compliance of anti-trust requirements to possibly remove the substantial uncertainties about the funding of the transaction intended by AMS.
METRO AG: Major Shareholders announce intention to conclude a pooling agreement
Meridian Foundation and Beisheim Group issued a joint press release, in which they inform about the intention to enter into negotiations regarding the conclusion of a pooling agreement, which would concern a combined holding in METRO AG of 20.55% of METRO´s ordinary shares. Furthermore, the release said that the partners intend to gradually expand their shareholdings in METRO in case appropriate buying opportunities should arise.
The main objective of the partners seems to be to consistently exercise the voting rights of the METRO shares held by them and to act unanimously vis-à-vis METRO AG and its other shareholders in material matters, with the aim to secure a positive development of METRO AG.
The initiative increases the pressure on EPGC to amend its take over bid and follows the recent rejection of this bid by METRO´s Management Board and Supervisory Board.
Volkswagen AG: Negligent Breaches of Supervisory Duties result in a substantial Fine
Following penalties against AUDI and VW, the Stuttgart prosecutors imposed a fine of 535 Mio. Euro on Porsche AG. 531 Mio. Euro shall be paid to compensate for profits arising from the cheating in diesel emission tests and the sale of diesel cars that spewed excessive pollution levels, while the remaining 4 Mio. Euro represents the penalty.
Porsche confirmed the fine and said that the conclusion of the prosecutors´ proceedings come to an end with this decision. However, the fine will probably not hinder the prosecutors´ ongoing proceedings against individuals involved in the questionable practices.
First Sensor AG: Voluntary Public Takeover offer is on the Way
First Sensor announced the signing of a business combination agreement with TE Connectivity. Following the signing, TE Connectivity announced its decision to make a voluntary public tender offer with a cash consideration of 28.25 Euro per share, representing a premium of 14.6% to the closing price as of May 24th, 2019, which is the last trading day before First Sensor confirmed the negotiations with TE Connectivity.
The transaction, including the assumption of First Sensor's outstanding net debt and minority interest, is valued at approximately EUR307 million. The publication of the offer document, which will initiate the commencement of the acceptance period, is expected to take place in early July.
The offer shall not have a minimum acceptance threshold. It is, however, subject to the required antitrust and other regulatory clearances and other customary closing conditions. Shareholders holding approximately 67% of the outstanding shares of First Sensor have already irrevocably agreed to accept the offer. Both, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board of First Sensor support the tender offer.
METRO AG: Management Board feels undervalued
EP Global Commerce VI GmbH plans to make a voluntary public takeover offer for all of METRO´s shares at a price of 16.- Euro per ordinary share and 13.80 Euro per preference share.
The Management Board of METRO stated in this context that it strongly believes that the offer prices substantially undervalue the company and do not reflect the value creation plan of METRO. The company is going through a phase of continuing actions to transform the wholesale and food specialist and position it for the changing market environment. Therefore, the Management Board advised shareholders not to take action prior to the reasoned statement with respect to the offer to be issued by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board.
According to the bidder, however, EP ensured already full support by METRO´s key shareholder Haniel and holds a call option from Ceconomy.
M & A
ADO Properties S.A.: Candidates for Senior Management Positions wanted (soon!)
ADO Properties S.A. informed about the extension of the appointment of the CFO Florian Goldgruber and the COO Eyal Horn on an interim basis until September 30th, 2019, while the company is undertaking a search for a new CFO and COO.
The CEO of ADO Properties, Rabin Savion, is expected to leave the company with the scheduled expiration of his contract on July 22nd, 2019. According to the announcement, the company is also in the process of searching for a new CEO.
Tele Columbus AG: Too many Candidates
While ADO Properties needs to cover its vacancies on the senior management level soon, Tele Columbus might have too many candidates for the upcoming elections to the Supervisory Board. Following the invitation to this year´s AGM on May 15th, 2019, the company received a counter motion to item 7 of the agenda (Elections to the Supervisory Board) by United Internet, submitting its own proposal for the election on May 31st.
United Internet, which is Tele Columbus single largest shareholder with a holding of close to 30% of the shares in issue, expresses its concerns at the current status of Tele Columbus, highlighting share price and earnings declines and fluctuations in the management team. The key message to Tele Columbus was summarized as follows: “We are convinced that the candidates we propose have the expertise and experience required in technology and business management to perform the Supervisory Board´s duties optimally and assist the Management Board as far as possible in meeting the challenges ahead.”
While the initial reply by Tele Columbus has been a clear rejection of the proposal via a press release made on the same day, the company later postponed the AGM from June 21st to August 29th, 2019. The new AGM agenda shall be published in due course.
CTS EVENTIM & Co. KGaA: Caught in a Traffic Jam
The European Court of Justice decided that the planned German infrastructure charge – in combination with the relief from motor vehicle tax in Germany – constitutes an indirect discrimination on grounds of nationality and is in breach of the principles of the free movement of goods and of the freedom to provide services. On December 30th, 2018, a syndicate of CTS EVENTIM and Kapsch TrafficCom was commissioned with the collection of the infrastructure charge by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. In this context, CTS EVENTIM informed that it is now reviewing the reasons for the termination and its implications. According to the press release, the contracts concluded with the German Federal Government contains protective provisions intended to prevent pecuniary damages for the operating company and its shareholders which also may be applicable in case the infrastructure charge will not be implemented.
VIPsight - 2nd Edition 2019
BMW AG: One Billion Arguments
With respect to the EU antitrust proceedings, BMW will recognize a provision. This decision followed the information by the European Commission about a “Statement of objections”. The Commission is investigating whether German car manufacturers cooperated in technical working groups to restrict competition in development and rollout of emission reduction technologies.
BMW decided to contest the Commission´s allegations with all legal means if necessary. However, the statement leads BMW to believe that it is probable that the Commission will issue a significant fine. According to IFRS, this results in an obligation to recognize a provision. Therefore, following its review of the Statement of Objections, BMW will recognize a provision, which is likely to exceed 1 bn Euro. This effect will negatively impact the financial results in the first quarter of 2019.
Wirecard AG: External Investigations reveals no material impact on financial reports of Wirecard
In light of allegations by a whistleblower in Singapore and severe accusations and speculations in certain press magazines and publications, Wirecard mandated the law firm Rajah & Tann Singapore LL.P. to undertake an independent investigation into allegations relating to certain transactions and corporate governance issues of Wirecard subsidiaries in Asia.
The review did not identify inaccuracies with material impact on the financial reports of Wirecard Group. Revenue of 2.5m Euro was wrongfully recorded in 2017 which will be restated in the 2018 annual accounts and is compensated by positive restatements identified for the year 2017. Furthermore, an asset of 3m Euro was wrongfully recorded for one week in 2018 and will not be reflected in the 2018 annual accounts. In addition, draft contracts were prepared and signed on behalf of certain subsidiaries, and not fully executed. These events occurred in respect of agreements which may appear to not have underlying genuine transactions. Save for one transaction of approx. 63K Euro, none of the draft transactions were entered into respective ledgers nor did funds flow into or out of Wirecard group companies.
Commerzbank / Deutsche Bank: There goes the Politicians Dream
After careful analysis, the Management Boards of Commerzbank and Deutsche Bank have concluded that a combination of the banks would not have created sufficient benefits to offset the additional execution risks, restructuring costs and capital requirements associated with such a large-scale integration. As a result, the two banks have decided to discontinue discussions.
According to prior publications, it took the boards several weeks to get to this conclusion.
ThyssenKrupp: Is Time the Limiting Factor?
The European Commission informed that it extended the deadline for reviewing the planned joint venture deal between ThyssenKrupp and Tata Steel until June 17th, 2019.
Meanwhile, market speculations regarding the assets to be disposed in order to win antitrust approval focused on plants and activities in Belgium, the U.K., Spain.
Uniper SE: And here comes the next one…
KVIP International V L.P. requested to amend the agenda of Uniper´s AGM by adding the following item:
The Board of Management is instructed to prepare and submit to the General Meeting for resolution, as soon as possible and the latest by the date of the next AGM of the company, draft agreements and corresponding reports for the legally valid spin-off of the international power business segment for absorption into a newly formed or already existing separate legal entity selected in accordance with the duties of the Board of Management. The Board of Management is instructed to satisfy all necessary prerequisites for the implementation of the aforementioned spin-off at its reasonable discretion in accordance with this resolution.
In case that this resolution is not adopted by the required majority, KVIP proposed an alternative resolution concerning the spin-off of the operations in Sweden.
Uniper´s AGM will be held on May 22nd, 2019.
Buhlmann's Corner
About small minds and little effects
In the week after Easter, shareholders this year also practiced revolution beyond the German border.
On Tuesday, 62% of ING's shareholders voted against the discharge of the Management Board and Supervisory Board at the Annual General Meeting in the Muziekgebouw in Amsterdam. While the meeting building stands securely on piles above the water, it was apparently up to the neck of the entire board of executive and non-executives.
The Dutch ING Bank, which was rescued in 2009 and ranked 26th worldwide in terms of total assets, decided in the relevant previous year to increase the CEO's salary by 50%. Initially, the Supervisory Board agreed, but later withdrew its decision.
In September 2018, however, a compliance discussion with the public prosecutor's office and the regulator that lasted several years was concluded by the Board of Managing Directors with a settlement of € 775 million. More than just organisational breakdowns were established.
Anyone who first collects royalties from a breach of law and then lets ignorant owners pay the fine - by the way, in this connection the Chief Financial Officer was dismissed by the Supervisory Board with recognition and kind words - cannot actually expect any discharge. That didn't seem to have arrived at the board: until shortly before the Annual General Meeting, people were still playing poker by buying Commerzbank and moving to Frankfurt ...
VIP (only) refused to ratify the actions of the Supervisory Board (and of course refused to re-elect a Supervisory Board member in a mandate), not least because the compliance issue had been addressed since 2016 in a not conspicuous remark in the notes to the annual report. By the way, the aforementioned note 45 appeared immediately after a change of auditor - previously it was EY, now it is KPMG. These company names are interchangeable, but such changes are just as good as the proverbial brooms.
The result was not noticed except by the participants and the local press. For those concerned, the legal and economic impact is as insignificant as the public perception of the matter outside the Netherlands.
The revolutionary storm up the Rhine in the former capital of the Federal Republic of Germany was just as en passant and without consequences. For the third time Bayer invited to Bonn, for the first time with Monsanto and the boundlessly scolded glyphosate. Who cares that competitors all over the world produce and sell their herbicides on the same glyphosate basis - when the pack of American lawyers only hunts Monsanto?
The shareholders decided to hunt the Executive Board voting with a 55% majority against its discharge. Here, too, the glass is half full and half empty - the controversial question about "how expensive will the lawsuit avalanche be" has not yet been determined.
The fact is that 2019 the ethically much more important question:
Is the pesticide dangerous?
And if so, how can it be replaced?
Has not yet become an issue after Easter. And even in a second essential question there is hesitation: are the priced in legal costs sufficient for damages, expenses, negotiation pains and management strategy. Or conversely, is the incorporation of Monsanto damaging Bayer's existing stockholder, just as it happened with the acquisition of Schering. At Bayer, the Executive Board was hastily not discharged, the Supervisory Board received an educational finger with 33% No and ... the much more important motion for a special audit to deal with the factual issues was rejected. Opportunity missed!
Nothing happened, standing comfortably and continuing.
The first non-discharge of a DAX Supervisory Board happened at Lufthansa in 2003, the first one of a DAX Executive Board now in 2019, let's see what happens next in 2035. Without any consequences and unrecognized outside Germany, so much for the diversity of perception and decision-making.
How long will the barriers and border perceptions continue to exist ... even in Europe?
Will there then be effects on the effects?
Deutsche Lufthansa AG: Foreign Shareholdings reach 40% Threshold
Deutsche Lufthansa informed that its share register shows a shareholding of 41.7 percent non-German shareholders. In accordance with section 4 paragraph 1 of the German Aviation Compliance Act (LuftNaSiG), the company, therefore, is authorized to buy back own shares.
However, the release added that following careful analysis, the company does not believe that there is any immediate danger of an increase in the non-German shareholdings which would endanger the company´s ability to meet the requirements for retaining its licenses, rights, and prerogatives under aviation law. Therefore, it currently does not intend to exercise its right to buy back its own shares under section 4 paragraph 1 LuftNaSiG.
Wirecard AG. Strategic Partnership with SoftBank
Wirecard and SoftBank Group have signed a binding term sheet under which an affiliate of SoftBank shall invest approximately 900m Euro in Wirecard via a convertible bond mechanism. For this purpose, Wirecard shall issue convertible bonds with a term of five years to SoftBank, convertible into 6.923.076 Wirecard shares (currently corresponding to appr. 5.6% of the common stock in issue) at 130 Euro per share. The issue is subject to approval at the AGM to be held on June 18th, 2019.
In connection with the investment, the parties also have signed a memorandum of understanding on a strategic partnership for digital payment solutions. According to the memorandum, SoftBank will also seek to support Wirecard´s geographic expansion into Japan and South Korea and shall provide collaboration opportunities within the SoftBank Group´s global portfolio in digital payments, data analytics/AI and other innovative digital financial services.
Allianz SE: Looking beyond the BREXIT?
According to a report on Sky News, Allianz is in advanced talks to buy Legal & General´s home insurance business.
In December 2018, Sky News informed that Direct Line had indicated its interest in making a 400m pound bid to buy the British insurer´s unit. The new report said that Allianz was in exclusive talks to buy the unit, which was put up for sale last year.
Uniper SE: Request by Cornwall GmbH & Co. KG for the convocation of an AGM
Cornwall GmbH & Co. KG, a company advised by Elliott Advisors (UK) Limited, requested the convocation of an extraordinary AGM of Uniper SE with the agenda item: “Resolution of an instruction to the Board of Management to prepare the conclusion of a legally binding domination agreement between Uniper SE as the dominated company and Fortum Oyi or one of its subsidiaries as the dominating company.” Alternatively, Cornwall requests to amend the agenda of an annual shareholders meeting still to be convocated.
According to the ad hoc announcement, the Board of Management of Uniper assesses the request and works on a statement in respect thereto.
Leoni AG: Part I, Restructuring Program
In light of the greater costs incurred due to ramp-up difficulties at the plant in Merida, persistently poor operating performance in the Wiring Systems Division and a further downturn in the market, the Board of Directors of Leoni decided that it is no longer able to maintain its outlook for fiscal 2019 presented on February 7th. The detailed guidance issued in the annual report for 2018 is therefore no longer valid, while it is still too early to provide updated new guidance. Leoni now estimates a 50m Euro burden due to Merida for 2019. In addition, anticipated performance improvements at other plants have not materialized. Overall, the company is facing a further challenging market environment, particularly in China. In addition, certain OEMs have significantly reduced their delivery expectations for the next months with respect to the Wiring Systems Division.
Furthermore, the Board of Directors decided to implement its “VALUE 21 performance and strategy program” with the objective to improve both profitability and cash flow as well as to align the Company to promising and profitable business areas. The program entails restructuring costs amounting to about 120m Euro, around half of it related to headcount and most of which expected to incur in the 2019 and 2020 financial years.
In addition, the Board of Directors has identified business areas with annual sales of up to 500 m Euro for which the Company is considering all options. Furthermore, Leoni intends to change its corporate structure into a financial holding company that is lean and geared to functions relevant to the capital market with two divisions that operate entrepreneurially and are managed on a stand-alone basis.
Deutsche Bank: Trump is back on the Agenda
U.S. president Donald Trump, and several of his relatives and companies, decided to file a lawsuit against Deutsche Bank to block it from complying with federal subpoenas issued on April 15th. The subpoenas demand the handover of documents with information on Mr. Trump’s finances.
According to the lawsuit, the subpoenas were issued to harass Mr. Trump, while the spokespersons for the Financial Services Committee and the Intelligence Committee confirmed the position that the potential use of the U.S. financial system for illicit purposes is a very serious concern, which is why the Committee is exploring these matters, including as they may involve the president and his associates.
The potential use of the U.S. financial system for illicit purposes is a very serious concern. The Financial Services Committee is exploring these matters, including as they may involve the president and his associates, as thoroughly as possible.
Knorr-Bremse AG: The Captain leaves the Ship
On April 30th, 2019, Knorr-Bremse AG informed that its CEO Klaus Deller left the company as of the same day by mutual agreement. According to the ad hoc release, the supervisory board has already initiated the search for a successor.
According to the release, the supervisory board fully supports the successful strategy of Knorr-Bremse AG and current business is fully in line with expectations. Mr. Deller's departure is said to be due to different views regarding leadership and cooperation.
Leoni AG: Part II, Resignation of the CFO
Immediately preceding the news release regarding the restructuring program, Leoni informed via an ad hoc announcement that its CFO, Karl Gadesmann, resigned as a member of the Board of Directors immediate effect.
The CEO, Aldo Kamper, will take over his responsibilities until a new appointment is made.
Somehow one wonders why the company made two announcements.
Capital News
Deutsche Börse AG: Concrete negotiations with Refinitiv concerning the potential purchase of certain FX business units
Following current market speculations, Deutsche Börse confirmed that it is currently in concrete negotiations with Refinitiv group concerning the potential purchase of certain FX business units. The negotiations and assessments of a potential transaction are ongoing. However, the company added that the purchase price of 3.5 billion USD and the imminent signing of binding contracts mentioned in some market speculations are entirely unfounded.
RWE AG: Option to purchase RWE`s stake in Czech grid operator exercised
In mid-February, RWE acquired a majority holding in the Czech distribution system operator Innogy Grid Holding (IGH) form innogy SE. An agreement had been reached as part of the transaction with E.ON that E.ON would purchase this interest in IGH from RWE within the scope of the envisaged acquisition of Innogy SE.
The execution of the agreement with E.ON triggered a right of first refusal for the co-shareholders in IGH, i.e. the Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets /MIRA) managed consortium of investors, which has been exercised. Therefore, the MIRA managed consortium will acquire the stake under the terms and conditions applicable if RWE sold it to a third party, which would be E.ON in the present case.
Completion is subject to merger control proceedings and the transfer of RWE´s stake in Innogy to E.ON. The purchase price is approx. 1.8 bn Euro.
Deutsche Bank AG: Merger Plan B
According to the Financial Times, the asset management arm of Deutsche Bank, DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA, and UBS are in so-called “serious” merger talks.
According to the newspaper, the talks have been going on for several months. If the deal were to materialize, the combined business is expected to have assets of approx. 1.4 trillion Euro under management. In an earlier report, Bloomberg already indicated that UBS was evaluating options for its asset management business, including a partial sale or merger.
Merck KGaA: Delivered a “Superior Proposal” for Versum
In February, Merck commenced a cash Tender Offer to acquire all outstanding shares of Versum Materials, Inc. (NYSE: VSM) for $48 per share. Two months later, the initiative resulted in a definitive agreement to acquire Versum for $53 per share in cash.
The agreed-upon price reflects an enterprise value (EV) for Versum of approximately €5.8 bn Euro, implying an EV/2019 EBITDA multiple of approximately 13.7x based upon consensus estimates and a pro forma multiple of 11.6x including 75m Euro of identified annual run-rate cost synergies.
Versum’s Board of Directors has unanimously determined that this business combination constitutes a “Superior Proposal” as defined in Versum’s previously announced merger agreement with Entegris, Inc., and Versum has terminated the merger agreement with Entegris concurrently with the execution of the definitive agreement with Merck.
The transaction is expected to close in the second half of 2019, subject to the approval of Versum stockholders at a Versum special meeting, regulatory clearances and the satisfaction of other customary closing conditions.
Steinhoff International Holdings N.V.: Impairment of Goodwill and Intangible Assets
Just in time for the planned release of its audited financial statements for 2017 and 2018, Steinhoff informed on April 30th that it undertook a review of the carrying value of the Group´s goodwill and intangible assets. While the value of these assets was disclosed as being approximately 9 bn Euro as at September 2017 in the Group´s interim statement for the period ending March 31st, 2018, it now has been determined that the goodwill and intangible assets are to be further impaired by approximately 1.8 bn Euro to approximately 7.2 bn Euro. The amendment will feature in the 2017 Group financial statement, the audit of which is currently in progress. The publication of this statement is scheduled for May 7th, 2019.
This conclusion follows a reassessment of the value of the goodwill and intangible assets of Mattress Firm Inc. as at September 2017 which included consideration of the pre-Chapter 11 trading performance.
CECONOMY AG: Reorganization and Efficiency Program
The Management Board and Supervisory Board of CECONOMY AG as well as the Management Board and Advisory Board of Media-Saturn-Holding GmbH, a majority shareholding of CECONOMY, approved a reorganization and efficiency program, which aims at streamlining the group's processes, structures, and business activities and reducing costs. The optimization and restructuring particularly focus on central functions and administrative units in Germany. The program also includes reviewing the business activities of smaller portfolio companies. As a result of the program, CECONOMY expects expenses of around 150 – 170 m Euro in financial year 2018/19 and additional approx. 20m Euro of non-cash expenses, which relate to the write-down of assets due to portfolio measures. The expenses related to changes on the top management level of 34m Euro were already booked in the first quarter of 2018/19 and are not included in the aforementioned costs of the reorganization and efficiency program.
The expected sustainable annual savings run-rate form the implementation of the program amount to 110 – 130 m Euro.
Delticom AG: KPMG needs more Time
Delticom AG informed that the preparation of its annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2018, continues to be delayed and will not be completed by the end of April. Accordingly, the finalization of KPMG's audit of the financial statements will also be postponed. As soon as it has been determined when the financial statements will be prepared and audited and approved by the Supervisory Board, Delticom will set and announce a date for the publication of the Annual Report and the Annual General Meeting.
In a prior release, the company stated in March that in the course of the preparation and audit of the financial statements, it became apparent that Delticom and KPMG were too optimistic with regard to the time required for such work.