Mar.14,2025 BBVA Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria in Bilbao (ES) |
Mar.14,2025 MVV Energie in Mannheim (DE) |
Mar.14,2025 MAPFRE in Madrid (ES) |
Mar.14,2025 Bancolombia in (US) |
Mar.14,2025 YPF Sociedad Anonima in (AR) |
Mar.14,2025 Dongfang Electric in (CN) |
Mar.14,2025 Yit Oyj in Helsinki (FI) |
Mar.14,2025 Novatek in (RU) |
Mar.14,2025 Liquidmetal Technologies |
Mar.14,2025 POLIMEX-MOSTOSTAL in (PL) |
Mar.14,2025 PETROL Ljubljana in (SI) |
Mar.14,2025 Daetwyler Holding in Altdorf (CH) |
Mar.14,2025 Solar in (DK) |
Mar.14,2025 F&C Capital andome Investment Trust in (UK) |
Mar.14,2025 Softfront in (JP) |
Mar.14,2025 Compagnie des Alpes in (FR) |
Mar.14,2025 Heico in Miami (US) |
Mar.14,2025 Samsung Securities in (KR) |
Mar.14,2025 KIA Motors in (KR) |
Mar.14,2025 Emcore |
Mar.14,2025 Tinka Resources |
Mar.14,2025 Fuji Soft in (JP) |
Mar.14,2025 Benton Resources |
Mar.14,2025 Lions Gate Entertainment |
Mar.14,2025 Korea Petrochemical Ind in (KR) |
Corporate Governance – portrayed in the individual cultural and legal framework, from the standpoint of equity capital. VIPsight is a dynamic photo archive, sorted by nations and dates, by and for those interested in CG from all over the world. VIPsight offers, every month:
VIPsight - December 2015
VTG: On the right track
Railway logistics expert VTG AG is forecasting a group turnover for this year of between 1 and 1.1 billion Euros. Results coming in for the third quarter of 2015 confirm an increase in turnover to some 764 million Euros, a 25 percent rise over the corresponding period of last year.
EBITDA has increased to approximately 256 million Euros, almost 83 percent higher than last year. The SDax-listed company commented that the increase is mainly a result of the AEE takeover of rolling stock rental. The EBITDA of this specific area alone is up by more than 80 percent on the corresponding period of last financial year and stands at approximately 254 million Euros. The performance of other business areas in logistics, such as rail logistics or tank containers on rail, has also improved over the last nine months. From next year on, VTG intends to lower its financial burden which, combined with other measures to be adopted by the end of 2018 will yield 2,50 Euro per share.
GfK: light growth
SDax-listed market research company GfK SE has improved its turnover and profit over the last 9 months compared to the corresponding period of last financial year. The company has announced a rise of 6 percent in turnover which now stands at 1.12 billion Euros. EBIT, by contrast rose by more than 3 percent to 100 million Euros. While business in North Europe has dipped slightly, remaining unchanged in the South and East, sales in other areas have gone up. It is also true, however, that GfK SE has been favoured by positive currency shifts.
Cewe: The home straight
Cewe Stiftung& Co. KgaA, SDax-listed producer of online photograph books and prints, is forecasting an increase in turnover and revenue for 2015. With group turnover up by almost 3 percent to approximately 338 million Euros for the first nine months accompanied by an increase in EBIT of almost 13 percent, the company feels confident in confirming this year’s forecast turnover of between 515 and 535 million Euros, and an EBIT of between 32 and 38 million Euros. In the quarter leading up to Christmas, online prints and photofinish are known to register sizeable increases so it seems perfectly reasonable that Cewe succeeds in achieving its targets for 2015.
The German Mittelstand
Intra-company generation turnover: SMEs call for clear guidelines
75 per cent of the new generation of likely successors in family-run SMEs are unwilling to settle for mere partnership roles and are seeking positions of operational power. This was the result of a survey presented at the beginning of November entitled “The Upcoming Generation of German Entrepreneurs” conducted by the Zeppelin University of Friedrichshafen jointly with the Familienunternehmen Foundation, interviewing 315 sons and daughters of entrepreneurial families aged between 16 and 40.
Commenting the survey, Stefan Heidbreder director of the Familienunternehmen Foundation pointed to the somewhat striking discovery that the majority of potential successors (549) could see themselves working in a team that included executives from outside. One of the most important aspects that emerged above all in large-scale family-run businesses was the much higher level of professionalism of this, as opposed to past generations. It therefore comes as no surprise that only 12 percent of interviewees could see themselves selling the family business.
Despite this surge in entrepreneurship, the “generation of heirs apparent” is fully aware of the areas of criticality. There is a real fear that the succession process be hamstrung by lack of regulatory clarity. Only one fifth of interviewees talk of hard and fast plans as to the roles and responsibilities of the respective generations involved in the succession process while 66% of family-run SMEs have no written code of basic rules. The means that that when there is ambiguity in the term of departure of the senior entrepreneur, for example, the risk of conflict, strife and interference is indeed high.
The survey reflects a strong feeling of comprehension on the part of the incoming generations. They show great awareness of the difficulties that their predecessors find themselves in, in taking on the mantle of mentor and sparring partner while giving away ever more scope and freedom to the young turks.
The seniors must therefore find and strike the balance between granting support and giving freedom. Written agreements can go some way to helping both sides to focus their efforts on what is really important in the succession process, namely furthering the long-term development of the company in the interests of all the stakeholders.
Buhlmann's Corner
In Germany things tend to be a bit different
Our democracy encompasses us all, we have co-determination between representatives of capital and representatives of the workers, and we’ve got rules that don’t apply to everyone.
One of these ‘don’t apply to everyone’ is what we call ‘cooling off’, namely a time out when members of the executive board may not move up to the Supervisory Board. To avoid conflicts of interest.
This is a period when occupancy of a new position should not enable you to make use of previously acquired knowledge that’s still warm. A time when specific notions are made to cool down. A concept that is just as important as is the specific time required for it which, for a CEO is 24 months. This was enacted and made law by a democratically elected body, namely the Bundestag, voting § 100 II lit4 of the German law on joint stock companies..
Trade union leaders, however, have things differently. Their position as leaders gives them freedom to decide freely how and when the judge summons them to whatever Supervisory Board. This is what happened with Roman Zitzelsberger, local secretary of IGM Metall in Baden Württemberg who, similarly to his predecessor Franz Steinkühler joined the Supervisory Board of Daimler. And why not? It’s true he isn’t a worker but parliament has endowed trade union officials with right of access to court.
The situation regarding his boss is completely different. The leader of the vanguard in IG Metall Jörg Hofmann has (and he may well feel like adding ‘at long last’) convinced his predecessor Berthold Huber to resign not only his union post in IG Metall, but also his mandate in the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen. I just hope that anyone who thinks that this is in any way linked to the present day situation in Volkswagen, is mistaken.
Yesterday, Jörg Hofmann tendered his resignation from the Supervisory Board of Daimler and today has been appointed almost deus ex machina by an omnipotent judge as new member to the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen. The intelligentsia (there is a certain measure of preparedness that trade union leaders have come to have expected of them) glides seamlessly from the Supervisory Board of Daimler to that of Volkswagen without a second being dedicated to cooling off.
What is the marketing message to be drawn? That power wins? Or that number one gets to choose the best position at the right time before number two. In the former post his fee was 183,400 Euros per year whereas the per annum emolument of the outgoing member of the new one was 937,000 no less. A handsome salary even for a trade unionist.
It should also be said that, similarly to his predecessor, the odds of Hoffman’s election to the chair of the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen are highly favourable, another boost to his fee. The drawbacks however are substantial. The chair is almost literally very hot; as the person in charge of the company’s external relations he is the embodiment of the many and, if summed together potentially lethal class actions that Volkswagen will have to face. Considering this conflict of interests, the judge’s ruling, handed down in the greatest independence devoid of any intel or knowledge of the facts is, indeed, very daring. The extraordinary shareholders’ meeting was highhandedly cancelled to prevent a tsunami of unwanted issues.
Supervisory Board member Hofmann’s task will be to reassure the public that “I’m not in it for the money – My job here is marketing”.
Coincidentally, in the run-up to the world summit on climate change, Allianz CEO Oliver Bäte, made front page news with “we sell everything that heats the planet” (no more investing in coal-based energy – but still present investments amount to 4 billion Euros). This attitude makes me think of a father who catches his child plundering the cookie jar and throws him out on the street instead of setting a good example and explaining in simple terms that he can understand that we’re all in the same boat and duty bound to act responsibly towards our fellow human beings.
It’s true, there are others preparing education oriented programmes (Norge/NBIM as opposed to Wal-Mart as opposed to ….) but this approach alone will not lead to better behaviour either in awareness or in absolute terms.
On the other hand we’ve just learned that what is sauce for the goose is not necessarily sauce for the gander. We all have room for improvement and for behaving with greater awareness. Let’s make this our contribution towards improving 2016.
Let’s all get to it! .... not just those for whom rules and regulations are things of great worth.
DGI: new composition of Supervisory and executive boards
After being approved for trading on the primary market of the Düsseldorf Bourse in November, Geothermische Immobilien AG (DGI) has been obliged to make changes in its executive and Supervisory boards in order to measure up to the required standards of transparency.
The two newcomers to the Supervisory Board of the geothermic development concern are Marcus Opitz and former chair of the executive board of PNE, Martin Billhardt. In recent years, both have measured up to the positions of CEO and CFO, and both have the required familiarity with the real estate market. Christian Langbein will continue in his present position on the board. Marcus Opitz will become chair.
The executive board has been extended to include the post of CFO. The new appointee is Stefan Bieber. After a period as branch manager of DeutscheBank, and Vice President of Merrill Lynch, Bieber was Director of Credit Suisse Germany immediately prior to joining DGI.
PSI: Farewells in the Supervisory Board
At year’s end, the chair of the Supervisory Board of PSI AG will stand down. A spokesperson for the Prime Standard-listed software house announced that Rolf Windmöller is resigning for health reasons. PSI will apply to the court to appoint a successor to serve out the remainder of his mandate.
Heliocentris: quick change
Sabine Kauper has been appointed the new CFO of Heliocentris Energy Solutions AG. Kauper, whose appointment to the Prime Standard listed company becomes effective from 2016, resigned from the executive board of SKW Metallurgie in October. The other members of the executive board of the distributor of energy management systems are CEO Ayad Abul-Ella and CTO Hernik Colell. From 2007 to 2011, Kauper was CFO in TecDax-listed Phoenix Solar AG, and from 2014 to 2015 CFO in steel manufacturer SKW Stahl-Metallurgie, where previously she had been a member of the Supervisory Board.
M & A
Aurelius: Christmas Shopping
Up until the end of the year, Aurelius AG, a holding company m:accesss-listed on the Munich Stock Exchange, has been out buying up companies that include the cloud business of the Colt Group S.A., the trading sector of the Swiss Commerce group Valora Holding AG and the Reuss-Seifert & Hammerl Group.
The purchase of the Colt Managed Cloud business enables Aurelius to extend the activity of its Getronics subsidiary. According to sources within the group, total turnover for CMC this current year is forecast at 77 million Euros. Valora Trade completes the Aurelius portfolio in consumer goods and paves the way towards a clientele of more than 120 million consumers in seven European countries. Industrial production is extended by the takeover of producer of building materials for cement mixing Reuss-Seifert & Hammerl. The company, with its 300 employees and six manufacturing plants in Germany and Poland posted a turnover for 2014 of some 60 million Euros.
Nordex: synergies boost turnover
TecDax –listed Nordex SE has purchased the Spanish windpower specialist Acciona Windpower for approximately 785 million Euros. 366 million Euros will be paid in cash and 419 million in the form of 16.1 million new shares to the parent company Acciona S.A. The Spaniards will therefore retain 30 percent of ownership of Nordex, while firstly the holding of former majority shareholder Skion/Momentum and then secondly that owned by Supervisory Board member Jan Klatten will be cut back to 6 percent3. The deal also requires Acciona to increase its holding of Nordex over the coming three years to more than 30 percent by direct and indirect share purchasing. The Monopolies Commission still has to give its approval.
Nordex’s aim, beginning early 2016, is to dovetail activities with those of Acciona to jointly provide a single unified programme worldwide. Its intention is to make use of synergies to boost its turnover from 4.2 to 4.5 billion Euros over the next three years. The 2015 forecast turnover for the two companies, still separately run, totals 3.4 billion Euros.
MBB: working together in electromobility
MBB SE, a Prime Standard-listed SME, has acquired a 75% stake in the Aumann Gruppe. Aumann is specialised in the production of plant and machinery, supplying the automobile industry with wire-enamelling and -winding technology, and automation solutions for producing electric motors. MBB has announced that the majority holding will foster the development of automation in electricity-powered mobility. Aumann will keep its name, its management and its factories in Germany, China and the USA. The price of the transaction has not been made public.
TLG: More capital to buy more property
SDax-listed TLG Immobilien AG, has increased its capital by some 102 million Euros by issuing 6.13 million new shares. The shares were taken up by institutional investors for an issuance price of 16.60 Euros per share within a fast-track placing procedure. After the transaction costs have been met, the company will still have about 101 million Euros which, according to TLG is to be used for buying and selling more property and thereby boosting growth. The initiative raised share capital by 10% from 61,302,326 to 67,432,326 Euros. Since its stock exchange début in 2014, TLG Immobilien has made acquisitions to the tune of 280 million Euros.
Steilmann: IPO at last
Steilmann SE, the family run apparel manufacturer, is now traded on the stock exchange. Its shares have been listed Prime Standard on the Frankfurt Bourse since November 5. After revising its initial offer, Steilmann was able to place all its stock. It issued 2.25 million ordinary bearer shares and 250,000 green shoe options. The share price of 3.50 Euro each, yielded a gross revenue of almost 9 million Euros. In October, the original idea was to get launched on the stock market with 17 million ordinary shares and 2,550,000 greenshoe option shares in the 3.50-5.00 Euro price range.
A company spokesperson announced that turnover last financial year was approximately 896 million Euros. With its 8300 strong workforce, of which 60 percent based in Germany, Steilmann provides the whole vertical range of services for the value chain of the apparel industry from planning through production up to distribution.
VIPsight - November 2015
Biotest: Amortization USA
In a profit alert, Biotest AG, the SDax-listed specialist in blood-plasma based medicinal products has announced that it is obliged to amortize 84 million Euros of its US business in the United States. The ruling mainly affects therapeutic initiatives in the United States where companies are under obligation to amortize manufacturing plant, parts of buildings and warehoused stocks of product, and fixed assets. German production is not affected – all the development initiatives are already funded. This measure means Biotest will have to post a loss for the first three quarters of the year.
Manz: second profit alert
The weak Asian market, reflected in the 2015 third quarter results is cited by machine tool manufacturer Manz AG as the reason for having to revise downwards its forecast for the whole year. The management of the TDax-listed company is now forecasting a turnover of no more than 200-210 million Euros and a negative EBIT in two figures. Initially Manz had forecast a lower turnover than in the previous year – some 306 million Euros – and a negative EBIT, that although tough, was certainly better than this.
In a note, the company states that revising the forecasts became inevitable after the orders placed in particular by Asian customers became increasingly serviceable by the Energy Storage and Electronics business areas. The present weak condition of the Chinese market and the way capital is being developed mean that fewer resources are being made available for investment there. This business will in all likelihood only appear in next year’s turnover.
Manz’s executive board has resolved to adapt itself to the new scenario by restructuring in order to cut costs and foster growth recovery. The company intends to focus prevalently on market sectors that are growing, such as Consumer Electronics and Energy Storage, but also open the door to strategic options in the Solar business area. This is the second profit alert issued this financial year, indeed the Bafin watchdog is reviewing the fall in value of Manz shares.
The German Mittelstand
German SMEs perceive opportunity in diversity
“Each and every company must shoulder a certain amount of responsibility and commitment to play an active role in settling important social issues” The chair of the “ChartaderVielfalte.V.” association left no doubt at the recent meeting of the heads of member companies in the Bundeskanzleramt. His reference to important social issues was all too obviously a reference to the flood of migrants coming to Germany who risk becoming a burden to the state, the people and the economy. It is in this sense that the call is to be understood, and to German SMEs in particular, the backbone of the country’s economy.
An ad hoc task force – called ad hoc – has been set up to piece together and recompose the mosaic of skills and expertise that members implement in their business areas, and make them available in the form of mid- to long-term projects to the organizations who provide assistance to migrants. Some details remain to be clarified but it looks increasingly probable that companies will be required to broaden their vista to include migrants when selecting employees. Taking advantage of diversity as a resource for economic success also means integrating candidates with a background of migration.
This should not be a problem for SMEs; many companies have perceived the benefits of diversity for years, with results that are unequivocal. Indeed, a survey carried out jointly by the Institut für Wirtschaftsordnung (IFM) of Bonn and GE Capital confirm the positive relationship between a functioning diversity management and a better than average growth. Top of the class in growth, companies whose turnover increased by more than 10 percent, are much more active in promoting in-house diversity than those whose turnover is static or diminishing. Diversity, however, is not only the prerogative of growth. Almost three-quarters of the companies surveyed stated that diversity had a positive impact on productivity. 68 percent spoke of an enhanced wellbeing among employees and 65 percent noted a stronger innovative drive.
In its more differentiated assessment, limited to a workforce with a migrant past, IFM awarded top marks to SMEs. Companies who see themselves as highly innovative and who have incorporated more than ten innovations into their product range and service portfolio in the last two years are seen to have a high percentage of employees who were migrants.
The idea that the lack of specialised workers and the negative demographic trend can be solved in the future by the waves of migrants presently arriving in droves in Germany is assuredly wishful thinking. The results reported by IFM and GE Capital are to be seen as an opportunity – start seeing broader horizons and opening up to what they can bring.
Buhlmann's Corner
Winterkorn – The Volkswagen’Ackermann
Both are brilliant, both walk away with a handsome sum and both leave a tarnished legacy of unsolved issues and gray areas of doubt and uncertainty in the company image. Now, that there is at last a hand on the tiller again, Deutsche Bank seems desirous of becoming transparent again. First of all you think aloud then you announce that the shareholders will pay by a stable dividend of 0.00. A few years ago Deutsche Telekom came up with the same idea, only the other way round. The company decides its own future for the next few years whatever the results Nobody seems to care that it is by far much more costly to set the bank on an even keel instead of the company where dividend is generated. Blessed indeed are those who believe that dividend and revenue or even profitability are somehow related.
Now, Volkswagen’s old treasurer Hansdieter Pötsch chairs its Supervisory Board. There was a touch of ingenuity in the company’s invitation to the people to elect the people’s chairman by calling for an extraordinary shareholders meeting (no less ingenuous was the date set for the event). Wrong-footed by an increasingly vociferous public opinion, the company postponed the meeting sine die and delegated the appointment to the tribunal on the basis of a regulation empowering it to “vote” on office bearers which, ironically, is there for the benefit of employees and cooptation. The question of violation of the “cooling-off” period is thus quelled: “unless the vote is proposed by shareholders whose holding is in excess of entitlement to 25 percent of company voting rights”.
Thus did the judge of Brunswick vote, warping the term “election” beyond recognition. But actions are required, not complaints. Dieselgate soldiers on, so, should the person who opened the way for class action of unprecedented magnitude in terms of amount claimed and number of plaintiffs be entrusted with the rectitude of it all? Who are we asking to look after the sheep? A chairman who’s walking on very thin ice?
People are being asked whether Volkswagen is more damaging to Germany’s reputation than football. Is it not odd that soccer has a place and a purse in the cashier’s office of the sponsor in Wolfsburg. Who cares that Volkswagen has no idea what Corporate Governance really means any more than it understands the Chancellor’s Entsenderecht (right to delegation, designation). It was interesting to see who suddenly took centre stage requesting application of best practice. But where’s the problem – everything’s just fine. Going by the quarter results things aren’t really so bad when all is said and done (pity that nobody seems to remember that for 8/9 of the time there was no dieselgate)
And yet everything was just fine – always. The populace paid up and got toys and games in return, and the actors enthusiastically organized everything on behalf of producers and associations. People delegate downwards keeping their ears closed until the letter of the law is almost imperceptible and the rest (of what is needed to apply it) disappears into the mist.. In the end everyone’s happy? Who needs responsibility when ..... ?
Delticom: Unfilled vacancy
Staff changes are in the air at Delticom AG, the on-line tyre sales organization. In a communiqué dated end October, the Prime Standard-listed concern announced that executive board member Sascha Jürgensen wished to resign from the board in agreement with the Supervisory Board – No successor has yet been mooted. Delta’s executive board now has four members – Andreas Prüfer, Philip von Grolman, SusannDörsel-Müller and ThierryDelesalle.
SKW Metallurgie: a short romance
The SKW Stahl-Metallurgie Holding AG, steel manufacturer has lost its CFO. Sabine Kauper, an executive board member since 2014, unexpectedly tendered her resignation from the post at the end of October, citing personal reasons. CEO Kay Michel finds herself alone at the helm of the the SDax-listed concern with Kauper continuing for an interim period in a consultative capacity. Since joining the company, Kauper worked together with Michel towards making the SKW Group profitable again. The hard times that the company had fallen on were blamed on former CEO Ines Kolmsee presently being sued for damages. Kauper, who has been on the Supervisory Board since 2009 changed the management team after Kolmsee left. SKW was obliged to publish a profit alert last August because the company was again in difficulty.
Stabilus: Expertise in the Supervisory Board
With the departure of Nizar Gjoussaini in October, the winds of change have been blowing through the Supervisory Board of Stabilus, supplier to automobile manufacturers. Ghoussaini joined the board by way of former major shareholder Triton, and his position was confirmed after the company’s stock market flotation in 2014.
Ghoussaini will be replaced by Ralf-Michael Fuchs. A graduate in management engineering, Fuchs has held a variety of managerial and senior executive management posts with machine tool manufacturer Dürr AG, including that of CEO in the Measuring and Process Systems division .
Udo Stark will remain as chair of the Supervisory Board with Stephan Kessel and Joachim Rauhut as vice-chair.
Kilian Kerner: New position as CFO
Fashion maison Kilian Kerner AG has broadened its executive board. Stefan Rassau has been appointed CFO to the Entry Standard-listed company, and will work together with CEO Stefan Ober at the sharp end in guiding the company. Rassau, a graduate in engineering has held high profile positions in the fashion business with such companies as Calvin Klein Europe and Esprit. In addition, Kilian Kerner AG states that Rassau has gathered experience in the field of strategic consultancy, working with the Roland Berger studio. In Kilian Kerner, Rassau’s tasks will include implementing the resolutions of the last shareholders’ meeting including reducing capital and increasing capital in cash up to a maximum volume of 2.5 million Euros.
Grammer: Growth by takeovers
In taking over the Reum group at the end of October, auto interior producer Grammer AG acquired specialisation in surface refinement, metal working and joining technology. In a communiqué Grammer states that its recent acquisition posted a turnover for 2014 of approximately 130 million Euros. No information was forthcoming as to the cost of the takeover. SDax-listed Grammer intends to finance the transaction through existing credit lines and expects that the takeover will boost its turnover by at least 25 percent over the coming 5 years.
Klöckner: extension of its market position
Through its American company MDax-listed Klöckner& Co SE, has purchased American steel transformer American Fabricators of Tennessee. After broadening the base of its product and services in the US, the steelmaker has proceeded to introduce its steel working on the American market. This is expected to give Klöckner more clout in creating production values for complex items of worked steel. In a note, Klöckner states that American Fabricators is highly profitable with a monthly turnover of some 30 million dollars. The newly acquired company will be consolidated from the fourth quarter of 2015. The group has not divulged the amount of the transaction.
Twintec: synergy and more OEM
Twintec AG, the distributor of vehicle exhaust gas treatment products, has taken over Kontec GmbH a provider of OEM development services. This takeover will enable Twintec to expand its OEM business with a forecast increase in turnover for next year of 55 – 60 percent. Furthermore, according to Twintec, this new synergy will bring about a cut in costs in 2016 of 1.5 million Euros, and lower investment expenses by approximately 0.5 million Euros.
Erlebnis Akademie: TheDax-listed great outdoors
Erlebnis Akademie AG who claims to provide accommodation with nothing to hinder your enjoyment of nature has set its sights on getting listed on the Munich stock exchange. The company, with its four tree-top itineraries in the Black Forest, the Bayerischer Wald, the isle of Rügen and at Lipnonad Vitavou in the Czech Republic, set up on a total investment of approximately 23.5 million Euros is expecting its first listing in m.access on 9 December. The 687,708 shares to increase capital can be subscribed up till the end of November at €7.50 per share. If all the new shares are subscribed, the company’s coffers will be 5.2 million Euros richer, a sum that Erlebnis Akademie AG has earmarked in part to fund the construction of other treetop itineraries in the Saar, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. Erlebnis Akademie’s 2014 turnover was 5.8 million Euros with an EBIT of 0.4 million Euros. Up till 2018 the company expects turnover to continue rising at around 16 percent per year. The 1,375,416 existing shares are distributed among the company founders, management and various minority shareholders.
Hornbach: Family sale
The SDax-listed company has announced that the Hornbach entrepreneur family is placing a million bearer shares of the Hornbach Holding AG & Co KGaA. DIY market group. It is believed that half of the shares purchased in 2014 by former business partner Kingfisher plc came from the family. The private placement amounts to 6.25 percent of the share capital. After this transaction approximately 44 percent of the KGaA will still be owned by the Hornbach family – 16 million shares worth 48 million Euros.
Director's Dealings
Company | Person | Function | Buy / Sell | Total value in Euro | Number of shares | Datum |
Evonik Industries AG | RSK Asset Management GmbH | B | 89.640 | 3.000 | 30.09.2015 | |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Irina | B | 14.785 | 975 | 13.10.2015 | |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | B | 7.740 | 500 | 12.10.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | B | 15.660 | 1.000 | 12.10.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | B | 69.641 | 4.500 | 09.10.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | R & U Weber GmbH & Co. KG | B | 750.235 | 50.000 | 09.10.2015 | |
HeidelbergCement AG | VEM Vermögensverwaltung AG | B | 9.019.539 | 150.000 | 29.09.2015 | |
K+S Aktiengesellschaft | Sünner, Dr. Charlotte | B | 5.188 | 220 | 06.10.2015 | |
K+S Aktiengesellschaft | Bethke, Barbara | B | 50.000 | 2.000 | 05.10.2015 | |
KUKA Aktiengesellschaft | Mohnen, Peter | MB | B | 19.496 | 300 | 13.10.2015 |
Nordex SE | Ventus Venture Fund GmbH & Co. Beteiligungs KG | S | 310.813.932 | 11.954.382 | 04.10.2015 | |
Nordex SE | momentum-capital Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH | S | 24.527.620 | 943.370 | 04.10.2015 | |
RHÖN-KLINIKUM Aktiengesellschaft | Münch, Eugen | SB-Head | S | 108.812 | 4.650.071 | 06.10.2015 |
RHÖN-KLINIKUM Aktiengesellschaft | Münch, Ingeborg | S | 85.277 | 3.644.324 | 06.10.2015 | |
RHÖN-KLINIKUM Aktiengesellschaft | B. Braun Melsungen Aktiengesellschaft | S | 15.000 | 500.000 | 05.10.2015 | |
RHÖN-KLINIKUM Aktiengesellschaft | B. Braun Melsungen Aktiengesellschaft | S | 2.754 | 250.374 | 06.10.2015 | |
RHÖN-KLINIKUM Aktiengesellschaft | B. Braun Melsungen Aktiengesellschaft | S | 12.600 | 700.000 | 28.09.2015 | |
RHÖN-KLINIKUM Aktiengesellschaft | B. Braun Melsungen Aktiengesellschaft | S | 16.320 | 800.000 | 29.09.2015 | |
RHÖN-KLINIKUM Aktiengesellschaft | B. Braun Melsungen Aktiengesellschaft | S | 12.060 | 600.000 | 30.09.2015 | |
RHÖN-KLINIKUM Aktiengesellschaft | B. Braun Melsungen Aktiengesellschaft | S | 11.883 | 510.000 | 01.10.2015 | |
RHÖN-KLINIKUM Aktiengesellschaft | B. Braun Melsungen Aktiengesellschaft | S | 11.985 | 510.000 | 02.10.2015 | |
SAP SE | Hahn, Andreas | SB | S | 2.660 | 38 | 28.10.2015 |
VIPsight Shareholders
in Oktober 2015
VIPsight Shareholder ID: MDAX , SDAX <click here>
VIPsight Shareholder ID: …….. Holdings in per cent | |||||||
Companies | Own-shares | Notifiable shareholders | Share | Investment companies (KAGs) making disclosures* | |||
Total | Change | Biggest KAG | Share | ||||
DAX | |||||||
adidas AG | BlackRock, Inc. | 5,12 St | 28,41 | 0,85 | Capital Research and Management Company | 3,53 | |
O. Mason Hawkins | 3,06 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 3,02 St | ||||||
Albert Frère | 3 St | ||||||
Thornburg Investment Management Inc. | 2,73 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 1,83 St | ||||||
Vorstand & Aufsichtsrat | 1 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,38 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 0,16 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,15 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,03 St | ||||||
Allianz SE | 0,60 (St) | BlackRock, Inc. | 6,26 St | 25,93 | -0,06 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 1,68 |
Harris Associates L.P. | 3,05 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 2,84 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 2,66 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,21 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,07 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,04 St | ||||||
BASF SE | BlackRock, Inc. | 6,33 St | 18,08 | 0,06 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 1,42 | |
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 3,32 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 2,26 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 1,78 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,35 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,11 St | ||||||
Bayer AG | BlackRock, Inc. | 7,06 St | 29,73 | -0,01 | Capital Research and Management Company | 5,13 | |
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 4,96 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2,98 St | ||||||
Bayer-Mitarbeiter | 1 St | ||||||
Vorstand & Aufsichtsrat | 1 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,31 St | ||||||
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG | Stefan Quandt | 25,81 St | 15,22 | 0,01 | Dodge & Cox Funds | 1,51 | |
Susanne Klatten | 20,93 St | ||||||
BlackRock | 3,15 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 3,01 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0 St | ||||||
Beiersdorf AG | 9,99 (St) | maxingvest ag | 50,69 St | 9,97 | 0,04 | Commerz Funds Solutions S.A. | 1,26 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,68 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | Bundesrepublik Deutschland | 15,6 St | 17,32 | -0,02 | Capital Research and Management Company | 4,89 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,98 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 4,54 St | ||||||
EuroPacific Growth Fund | 2,75 St | ||||||
Continental AG | Schaeffler Group | 46 St | 20,27 | -0,09 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 1,18 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 3,3 St | ||||||
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc | 0,02 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0 St | ||||||
Daimler AG | Kuwait Investment Authority | 6,8 St | 21,18 | -0,03 | Harris Associates L.P. | 1,32 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 6,04 St | ||||||
Renault S. A. | 3,1 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,99 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 1,3 St | ||||||
Deutsche Bank AG | 1,11 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,22 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,11 St | ||||||
Deutsche Bank AG | 0,01 (St) | BlackRock, Inc. | 6,41 St | 15,65 | -0,07 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 1,57 |
Paramount Services Holdings Ltd. | 3,05 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 1,77 St | ||||||
JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 0,07 St | ||||||
Anshuman Jain | 0,06 St | ||||||
Henry Ritchotte | 0,02 St | ||||||
Jürgen Fitschen | 0,02 St | ||||||
Rainer Neske | 0,01 St | ||||||
Dr. Stephan Leithner | 0,01 St | ||||||
Deutsche Börse AG | 3,25 (St) | BlackRock, Inc. | 5,35 St | 33,16 | 0,18 | Capital Research and Management Company | 3,33 |
Invesco Ltd. | 5,02 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 2,98 St | ||||||
Dodge & Cox | 2,96 St | ||||||
Baillie Gifford & Co. | 2,95 St | ||||||
Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC | 2,9 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,52 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 1,24 St | ||||||
Deutsche Lufthansa AG | Templeton Global Advisors Limited | 4,93 St | 28,88 | 0,12 | Franklin Templeton Investments | 4,82 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 3,09 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 2,94 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,88 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,35 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,18 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 0,08 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,02 St | ||||||
Deutsche Post AG | 0,12 (St) | KfW - Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau | 20,96 St | 18,65 | -0,14 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 1,19 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,96 St | ||||||
Deutsche Telekom AG | 0,40 (St) | KfW - Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau | 17,17 St | 13,21 | -0,01 | Capital Research and Management Company | 1,00 |
Bundesrepublik Deutschland | 14,04 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,17 St | ||||||
E.ON SE | 2,43 (St) | BlackRock, Inc. | 6,24 St | 16,76 | -0,23 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 1,44 |
Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA | 2,42 (St) | Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | 30,21 St | 16,94 | 0,12 | Vanguard Group, Inc., The | 1,23 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,08 St | ||||||
Thornburg Investment Management Inc. | 2,94 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,64 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,01 St | ||||||
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung | 26,55 St | 21,56 | 0,07 | Harbor Fund | 2,34 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,95 St | ||||||
Allianz SE | 3,81 St | ||||||
Henderson Group plc | 2,99 St | ||||||
HeidelbergCement AG | Ludwig Merckle | 26,2 St | 27,25 | 0,00 | First Eagle Funds (division of ASB Securities LLC) | 5,71 | |
Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder Holdings, Inc. | 5,11 St | ||||||
Capital Research and Management Company | 5,07 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,1 St | ||||||
EuroPacific Growth Fund | 3,03 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 2,98 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0 St | ||||||
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA | 2,07 (Vz) | Familie Henkel | 60,84 St | 21,14 | 0,04 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 2,43 |
Infineon Technologies AG | Dodge & Cox | 9,45 St | 38,61 | 0,12 | Dodge & Cox Funds | 5,88 | |
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 7,85 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,22 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 5,01 St | ||||||
Kuwait | 3,25 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 3 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,4 St | ||||||
K+S AG | BlackRock, Inc. | 4,83 St | 22,42 | 0,32 | Commerz Funds Solutions S.A. | 4,30 | |
Meritus Trust Company Limited | 2,97 St | ||||||
EuroPacific Growth Fund | 2,49 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 1,92 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 0,92 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,14 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,07 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,04 St | ||||||
Linde AG | 0,05 (St) | Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 6,62 St | 33,68 | -0,11 | Capital Research and Management Company | 2,77 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,49 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 4,66 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 2,99 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 2,94 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,75 St | ||||||
MERCK KGaA | BlackRock, Inc. | 5,86 St | 30,75 | -0,19 | Franklin Templeton Investments | 2,69 | |
Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC | 4,99 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 4,91 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 3,02 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 1,41 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 1,26 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 1,12 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,05 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,01 St | ||||||
Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG | 1,33 (St) | Warren E. Buffett | 9,71 St | 22,77 | 0,07 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 1,40 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 6,39 St | ||||||
People's Bank of China / State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) | 3,22 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 3 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 1,64 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,95 St | ||||||
Citigroup Inc. | 0,77 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,28 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,06 St | ||||||
RWE AG | RWEB GmbH | 16,15 St | 17,03 | -0,46 | Alken AM LLP (UK) | 2,46 | |
Privataktionäre | 13 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,82 St | ||||||
MIPL Group Limited | 3,02 St | ||||||
Alken Luxembourg S.A. | 2,97 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 1,62 St | ||||||
Belegschaftsaktionäre | 1 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,36 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,01 St | ||||||
SAP SE | 2,71 (St) | Prof. Hasso Plattner | 8,54 St | 13,12 | -0,05 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 1,01 |
Erbengemeinschaft nach Dr. h.c. Klaus Tschira | 7,5 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,36 St | ||||||
Dr. Dietmar Hopp | 5,31 St | ||||||
Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas | 3,95 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 1,21 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,79 St | ||||||
Bank of America Corporation | 0,6 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,1 St | ||||||
Siemens AG | 8,53 (St) | Siemens (Familie) | 6 St | 16,23 | -0,03 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 1,25 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,42 St | ||||||
DIC Company Limited | 3,04 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 1,44 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 1,14 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,19 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,03 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,02 St | ||||||
Aufsichtsrat | 0,01 St | ||||||
ThyssenKrupp AG | Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung | 23,03 St | 11,74 | -0,21 | Commerz Funds Solutions S.A. | 1,86 | |
Cevian Capital II GP Limited | 15,08 St | ||||||
Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC | 4,97 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,2 St | ||||||
VOLKSWAGEN AG | Porsche Automobil Holding SE | 52,2 St | 19,40 | -0,02 | Capital Research and Management Company | 3,52 | |
Land Niedersachsen | 20 St | ||||||
Katar Holding | 17 St | ||||||
Vonovia SE | BlackRock, Inc. | 8,33 St | 11,46 | 0,15 | MFS Massachusetts Financial Services Company | 1,35 | |
Lansdowne Partners Limited/Lansdowne Partners International Limited | 5,61 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 4,56 St | ||||||
The Wellcome Trust Ltd | 3,43 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 3,1 St | ||||||
Wellington Management Group LLP | 2,41 St | ||||||
Jeremy Coller | 1,5 St | ||||||
Guy Hands | 1,41 St | ||||||
Citigroup Inc. | 1,14 St | ||||||
Barclays PLC | 0,96 St | ||||||
Lion Residential Holdings S. à r.l. | 0,66 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,61 St | ||||||
JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 0,35 St | ||||||
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority | 0,31 St | ||||||
Rolf Buch | 0,08 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,03 St | ||||||
Dr. Marion Helmes | 0,01 St | ||||||
Dr. A. Stefan Kirsten | 0,01 St | ||||||
Thomas Zinnöcker | 0,01 St | ||||||
TecDAX | |||||||
ADVA Optical Networking SE | EGORA Holding GmbH | 16,5 St | 12,61 | 0,94 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 7,72 | |
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 7,72 St | ||||||
DNB Asset Management AS | 4,85 St | ||||||
Dimensional Holdings Inc. | 2,99 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,98 St | ||||||
NN Investment Partners Belgium S.A. | 2,93 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 2,89 St | ||||||
Source Markets plc | 1,13 St | ||||||
Brian L. Protiva | 0,82 St | ||||||
Eric Protiva | 0,65 St | ||||||
Anthony T. Maher | 0,02 St | ||||||
AIXTRON SE | 0,98 (St) | Camma B.V. | 6,79 St | 35,37 | -0,01 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 7,34 |
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 6,04 St | ||||||
Baillie Gifford & Co. | 5,8 St | ||||||
Generation Investment Management LLP | 5,16 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 3,87 St | ||||||
Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations | 3,11 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,96 St | ||||||
NN Group N.V. | 2,93 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 1,11 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 0,02 St | ||||||
Bechtle AG | Karin Schick | 35,02 St | 27,38 | 0,00 | Flossbach von Storch AG | 9,61 | |
Flossbach von Storch Invest S.A. | 10,07 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 5,42 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 3,01 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,99 St | ||||||
Alceda Fund Management SA | 2,93 St | ||||||
Jürgen Schäfer | 0,02 St | ||||||
CANCOM SE | Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 9,93 St | 25,38 | 0,66 | Threadneedle Asset Management Limited | 3,19 | |
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 5,04 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Luxembourg S.A. | 4,78 St | ||||||
Denver Investment Advisors LLC | 2,9 St | ||||||
Astellon Capital Partners LLP | 2,46 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 2,31 St | ||||||
Klaus Weinmann | 0,89 St | ||||||
Source Markets plc | 0,8 St | ||||||
Dominik Eberle | 0,07 St | ||||||
Carl Zeiss Meditec AG | Carl Zeiss AG | 65,05 St | 10,48 | -0,14 | Oddo Asset Management | 2,10 | |
ODDO ET CIE | 2,99 St | ||||||
CompuGROUP Medical AG | 6,57 (St) | Frank Gotthardt | 33,65 St | 17,71 | 0,19 | Fidelity Managem.& Research Co. | 5,41 |
Dr. Daniel Gotthardt | 6,71 St | ||||||
Dr. Brigitte Gotthardt | 6,35 St | ||||||
Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR) | 5,66 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 5,09 St | ||||||
Dr. Reinhard Koop | 3,86 St | ||||||
Armor Advisors, LLC | 2,99 St | ||||||
Oppenheimer Funds, Inc. | 2,96 St | ||||||
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company | 2,95 St | ||||||
Dialog Semiconductor PLC | 3,96 (St) | The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV | 12,42 St | 30,75 | 0,19 | CI Investments Inc. | 4,01 |
Citigroup Global Markets | 9,44 St | ||||||
State Street | 5,92 St | ||||||
Deutsche Bank AG | 5,03 St | ||||||
Robert Citrone | 4,68 St | ||||||
Clearstream Banking S.A. | 4,25 St | ||||||
Chase Nominees Ltd | 4,1 St | ||||||
Nortrust Nominees Limited | 3,79 St | ||||||
Waddell and Reed Financial Inc. | 3,5 St | ||||||
CACEIS Bank Deutschland | 3,21 St | ||||||
Kleinwort Benson (Jersey) Trustees Limited as Trustee of the Dialog Semiconductor plc Employee Benefit Trust | 2,98 St | ||||||
RBC Investor Services Trust | 2,9 St | ||||||
BNP Paribas Investment Partners S.A. | 2,89 St | ||||||
Black Creek Investment Management Inc. | 2,68 St | ||||||
Drillisch AG | Ralph Dommermuth | 20,11 St | 29,91 | -0,01 | Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 5,37 | |
Alken Luxembourg S.A. | 5,13 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 5 St | ||||||
Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 2,89 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 2,84 St | ||||||
Deutsche Bank AG | 2,28 St | ||||||
Marc Brucherseifer | 1,97 St | ||||||
Mellon Capital Management Corporation | 1,72 St | ||||||
Paschalis Choulidis | 0,78 St | ||||||
Vlasios Choulidis | 0,73 St | ||||||
Johann Weindl | 0,02 St | ||||||
Dr. Horst Lennertz | 0 St | ||||||
Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA | Familie Dräger | 71,42 St | 36,24 | 1,55 | Templeton Investment Counsel LLC | 2,66 | |
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 3,27 St | ||||||
SICAV Objectif Small Caps Euro | 3,19 St | ||||||
Lazard Frères Gestion S.A.S. | 3,04 St | ||||||
ODDO Meriten Asset Management S.A. | 2,97 St | ||||||
Dräger Stiftung | 0,12 St | ||||||
Evotec AG | Roland Oetker | 13,17 St | 9,87 | -0,08 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 2,41 | |
TVM V Life Science Management GmbH & Co. KG | 7,82 St | ||||||
BVF Inc. | 4,23 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 2,99 St | ||||||
Mark N. Lampert | 2,95 St | ||||||
Dr. Werner Lanthaler | 0,4 St | ||||||
Dr. Mario Polywka | 0,05 St | ||||||
Mary C. Tanner | 0,05 St | ||||||
Dr. Walter Wenninger | 0,03 St | ||||||
Dr. Cord Dohrmann | 0,03 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0 St | ||||||
freenet AG | Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 5,23 St | 40,57 | 0,51 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 6,06 | |
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 5,16 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 3,7 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 3,08 St | ||||||
BNP Paribas Investment Partners S.A. | 3,01 St | ||||||
J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc | 2,98 St | ||||||
Flossbach von Storch Invest S.A. | 2,86 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,82 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 2,65 St | ||||||
GFT Technologies SE | Ulrich Dietz | 28,08 St | 12,25 | -0,33 | Fidelity Investments Luxembourg S.A. (FIL) | 2,94 | |
Maria Dietz | 9,68 St | ||||||
Dr. Markus Kerber | 4,99 St | ||||||
Baden-Württembergische Versorgungsanstalt für Ärzte, Zahnärzte und Tierärzte | 2,99 St | ||||||
JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited | 2,99 St | ||||||
Fidelity Funds SICAV | 2,91 St | ||||||
Dr. Jochen Ruetz | 0,38 St | ||||||
Marika Lulay | 0,14 St | ||||||
Andreas Bernhardt | 0,1 St | ||||||
JENOPTIK AG | Thüringer Industriebeteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG | 11 St | 29,04 | 0,17 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 8,02 | |
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 5,2 St | ||||||
Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC | 3,08 St | ||||||
ODDO ET CIE | 3,03 St | ||||||
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP | 3,01 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,63 St | ||||||
Source Markets plc | 0,25 St | ||||||
LPKF Laser & Electronics AG | Lazard Frères Gestion S.A.S. | 5,65 St | 19,37 | 0,32 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 3,32 | |
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 3,32 St | ||||||
Rock Point Advisors LLC | 2,99 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 2,92 St | ||||||
WA Holdings, Inc. | 2,89 St | ||||||
Henderson Global Investors Limited | 2,72 St | ||||||
Andrew Gibbs | 2,63 St | ||||||
Bernd Hackmann | 0,56 St | ||||||
Dr. Ingo Bretthauer | 0,25 St | ||||||
Bernd Lange | 0,11 St | ||||||
Kai Bentz | 0,07 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,07 St | ||||||
Dr. Heino Büsching | 0,04 St | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Erich Barke | 0,01 St | ||||||
Manz AG | Dieter Manz | 35,2 St | 14,51 | 0,35 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 1,36 | |
Ulrike Manz | 3,8 St | ||||||
Otto Angerhofer | 2,77 St | ||||||
AXA S.A. | 2,65 St | ||||||
ETHENEA Independent Investment S.A. | 2,4 St | ||||||
Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 2,1 St | ||||||
MorphoSys AG | 2,04 (St) | Flossbach von Storch Invest S.A. | 5,78 St | 28,69 | 0,03 | OppenheimerFunds, Inc. | 4,39 |
Novartis Pharma AG | 5,56 St | ||||||
Templeton Global Advisors Limited | 3,1 St | ||||||
Celgene Alpine Investment Co., LLC | 3,01 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Fund Management S.A | 2,95 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,95 St | ||||||
Perceptive Life Sciences Master Fund, Ltd. | 2,94 St | ||||||
AVIVA plc | 2,78 St | ||||||
Invesco Advisers, Inc. | 2,65 St | ||||||
Dr. Simon Moroney | 1,8 St | ||||||
Dr. Marlies Sproll | 0,14 St | ||||||
Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat | 0,08 St | ||||||
Nemetschek AG | Prof. Georg Nemetschek | 53,57 St | 5,62 | 0,01 | Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 0,73 | |
Capital Research and Management Company | 3,12 St | ||||||
Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 3,05 St | ||||||
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 2,95 St | ||||||
Allianz SE | 0,96 St | ||||||
Nordex SE | SKion/momentum capital/Klatten | 22,79 St | 14,93 | -0,23 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 2,89 | |
JPMorgan Chase Bank | 4,94 St | ||||||
Deutsche Bank AG | 4,92 St | ||||||
Old Mutual plc | 3,02 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,95 St | ||||||
Dr. Wolfgang Ziebart | 0,01 St | ||||||
UniCredit Bank AG | 0,01 St | ||||||
Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG | Pangea/Busch | 27,19 St | 49,09 | -1,08 | Parvest Investment Management Company S.A. | 3,45 | |
Privataktionäre | 4,9 St | ||||||
Hakuto - Handelsvertretung | 3,48 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 3,08 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 2,98 St | ||||||
Montanaro Asset Management Ltd | 2,94 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2,81 St | ||||||
Capital Research and Management Company | 2,68 St | ||||||
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 2,53 St | ||||||
BNP Paribas Investment Partners S.A. | 2,28 St | ||||||
Henderson Global Investors Limited | 1,97 St | ||||||
Mitglieder von Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat | 0,06 St | ||||||
QIAGEN N.V. | 3,56 (St) | PRIMECAP Management Company | 9,3 St | 18,15 | -0,02 | Franklin Templeton Investments | 2,99 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 7,35 St | ||||||
Templeton Global Advisors Limited | 5,76 St | ||||||
UBS Global Asset Management (UK) Ltd. | 5,5 St | ||||||
Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC | 3,38 St | ||||||
Platinum Investment Management Limited | 2,99 St | ||||||
Baillie Gifford & Co. | 2,9 St | ||||||
Generation Investment Management LLP | 2,88 St | ||||||
Johnston Asset Management | 2,48 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 2,21 St | ||||||
Amundi Group | 2,03 St | ||||||
ClearView Life | 2,02 St | ||||||
Vanguard Group Inc. | 1,98 St | ||||||
First Trust Advisors L.P. | 1,93 St | ||||||
Dr. Metin Colpan | 1,73 St | ||||||
Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn LLC | 1,25 St | ||||||
Credit Agricole Asset Managements | 1,22 St | ||||||
Manning & Napier Advisors, LLC | 1,03 St | ||||||
Peer M. Schatz | 0,89 St | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Detlev H. Riesner | 0,61 St | ||||||
Deutsche Bank AG | 0,27 St | ||||||
Roland Sackers | 0,01 St | ||||||
Dr. Werner Brandt | 0,01 St | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Manfred Karobath | 0,01 St | ||||||
QSC AG | Gerd Eickers | 12,55 St | 22,60 | 0,20 | Kempen Capital Management NV | 10,17 | |
Dr. Bernd Schlobohm | 12,5 St | ||||||
J O Hambro Capital Management Limited | 5,19 St | ||||||
Kempen Oranje Participaties N. V. | 5,09 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Fund Management S.A | 2,98 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 2,96 St | ||||||
Jürgen Hermann | 0,27 St | ||||||
Dr. Frank Zurlino | 0,01 St | ||||||
Barbara Stolz | 0,01 St | ||||||
Stefan A. Baustert | 0,01 St | ||||||
RIB Software AG | 2,68 (St) | Thomas Wolf | 18,65 St | 30,40 | 0,90 | Capital Research and Management Company | 6,78 |
Capital Group Companies Inc. | 5,94 St | ||||||
SAP AG | 3,97 St | ||||||
Hans-Joachim Sander | 3,5 St | ||||||
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 3,13 St | ||||||
Lagoda Investment Management LLC | 2,96 St | ||||||
Henderson Global Investors Limited | 2,76 St | ||||||
Invesco Ltd. | 2,74 St | ||||||
Schroders Investment Management | 2,73 St | ||||||
FIL Investments International | 2,67 St | ||||||
UBS Global Asset Management GmbH | 1,81 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 1,32 St | ||||||
Michael Sauer | 0,83 St | ||||||
Sartorius AG | 8,89 (St) | Erbengemeinschaft nach Horst Sartorius | 50,1 St | 23,34 | -1,54 | Vanguard Group, Inc., The | 2,65 |
8,98 (Vz) | Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc. | 30,01 St | |||||
Familienbesitz | 5 St | ||||||
SMA Solar Technology AG | Pool SMA Solar Technology AG | 25,2 St | 7,36 | -0,13 | Vanguard Group, Inc., The | 2,51 | |
Danfoss A/S | 20 St | ||||||
Peter Drews | 4,76 St | ||||||
Reiner Wettlaufer | 4,76 St | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Werner Kleinkauf | 4,39 St | ||||||
Software AG | 1,09 (St) | Software AG Stiftung | 31,59 St | 21,99 | 0,15 | Shareholder Value Management AG | 2,31 |
FMR LLC | 3,8 St | ||||||
Remo Stoffel | 3,66 St | ||||||
Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC | 3,29 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 3,26 St | ||||||
Deka Investment GmbH | 3,16 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,97 St | ||||||
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 2,92 St | ||||||
Shareholder Value Beteiligungen AG | 2,3 St | ||||||
STRATEC Biomedical AG | 0,10 (St) | Herdor GmbH & Co. KG | 9,62 St | 26,26 | 0,31 | Montanaro Asset Management Limited | 6,50 |
Ralf Leistner | 9,5 St | ||||||
Bettina Siegle | 9,42 St | ||||||
Tanja van Dinter | 9,31 St | ||||||
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 4,97 St | ||||||
Montanaro Asset Management Ltd | 4,75 St | ||||||
BNP Paribas Investment Partners S.A. | 3,04 St | ||||||
Financière de l'Echiquier | 2,94 St | ||||||
Hermann Leistner | 0,38 St | ||||||
Doris Leistner | 0,34 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 0,33 St | ||||||
Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG | Telefónica Germany Holdings Limited | 62,1 St | 3,48 | 0,13 | T. Rowe Price Investment Services Inc. | 0,70 | |
Citigroup Inc. | 0,42 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 0,21 St | ||||||
Bank of America Corporation | 0,02 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0 St | ||||||
HSBC Holdings plc | 0 St | ||||||
United Internet AG | 0,47 (St) | Ralph Dommermuth | 40 St | 16,80 | 0,15 | OppenheimerFunds, Inc. | 2,49 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,94 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 3 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 2,84 St | ||||||
Norbert Lang | 0,22 St | ||||||
Michael Scheeren | 0,15 St | ||||||
Robert Nikolaus Hoffmann | 0,05 St | ||||||
Wirecard AG | MB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH | 6,4 St | 44,95 | -0,37 | Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Limited | 5,27 | |
Jupiter Asset Management Limited | 6,27 St | ||||||
Alken Luxembourg S.A. | 5,02 St | ||||||
T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. | 3,15 St | ||||||
Comgest Global Investors S.A.S. | 3,05 St | ||||||
Standard Life Investments Limited | 3,03 St | ||||||
Artisan Partners Limited Partnership | 3,01 St | ||||||
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company | 2,97 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 2,94 St | ||||||
Select Equity Group, L.P. | 2,92 St | ||||||
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 2,39 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,13 St | ||||||
XING AG | 0,00 (St) | Burda Digital GmbH | 50,26 St | 29,30 | 0,01 | Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 6,01 |
Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 4,98 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 4,95 St | ||||||
Schroders plc | 2,98 St | ||||||
Schroder Investment Management North America Ltd | 2,95 St |
VIPsight - October 2015
Aware of the ramifications of professional co-branding, global newswires are relishing twisting the dagger in the wound that Coca Cola inflicted on the chairman of FIFA Sepp Blatter in the message “step down now”.
When the Coca Cola edict is mentioned in polite company, are we really getting the full story? All, it seems, is contained in a terse 325 keystrokes, fewer than 62 words:
“For the benefit of the game, The Coca-Cola Company is calling for FIFA President Joseph Blatter to step down immediately so that a credible and sustainable reform process can begin in earnest. Every day that passes, the image and reputation of FIFA continues to tarnish. FIFA needs comprehensive and urgent reform, and that can only be accomplished through a truly independent approach.“
Bravo Coke, MacDo et al. Your trumpet blasts, delivered with the same enthusiasm that you applied to weaving your web of corruption over the decades now ushers in the new and sweeps away a weakened chief Sepp Blatter. N’est-ce pas? Or is it all done, perchance, with an artful use of mirrors?
According to Coca Cola’s last 10-K report, the company has pension funds on the lookout for a good home. So, are we sure there are no FIFA sponsors in this $2,9bn woodpile? Careful how you answer that! Companies can be surprisingly lax about keeping moral issues under wraps.
The best-case scenario shows a ”mere” $1.3bn worth held in American equity while the combination of non-US plus international funds where Coke is present amounts to …
If the message that Coca Cola delivered were not only pronounced but ALSO voted on at every shareholder meeting, dear McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Nike, adidas and friends, I’d be willing to bet that
The world would very soon
Become both
A little bit better AND a great deal more trustworthy.
Do YOU have a pension fund manager whom you can ask? You do?
Ask him what’s really being done about FIFA sponsorship and let me know – every 10th notification wins a prize!
Deutz: future uncertain
SDax-listed engine manufacturer Deutz AG has failed to obtain orders sufficient to reach its targets and forecasts for this financial year despite basing these forecasts on a 10 percent lower turnover than the previous year. In the profit alert of September management admitted that turnover could be even 20% less.
Deutz AG, supplier to the automobile industry is struggling against consumer reluctance to invest. The upshot is that the second half-year figures will be much lower than those of the first half-year. The more severe European directives on exhaust emissions that came into effect last October induced many clients to shift their whole order timing forward. Clients’ warehouses are replete with stock but the market languishes.
The company had forecast an EBIT for this year of 3 percent which has now been revised to be more or less balanced. Deutz has announced its intention of delaying forecasting for 2016 until the year has begun.
VTG: freight train growin’ so fast
VTG AG, the freight wagon rental company, saw growth in all three business areas in the first half-year of 2015, posting an increase in turnover of almost 27 percent to some 512 million Euros. The SDax-listed concern’s EBITDA rose by some 86 percent to 168 million Euros. VTG consolidated its takeover of Ahaus Alstätter Eisenbahn Holding (AAE) in the first half year and in so doing increased momentum and exceeded growth targets. The takeover increased VTG’s fleet by 30,000 to 80,000 wagons which explains the 57 percent increase in wagon rental turnover to approximately 272 million Euros.
The company, however, has set its sights much higher. As soon as it has successfully concluded the present 2010-15 growth phase VTG intends to expand the European fleet within the core business of freight wagon rental and then launch a reorganization programme to increase market flexibility. The logistics company confirms its forecast for financial year 2015 with turnover between approximately1.0 and 1.1 billion Euros and EBITDA between 325 and 350 million Euros.
Tom Tailor: Textiles on a downturn
SDax-listed Tom Tailor Holding AG has revised its financial forecast for 2015 downwards. The textile manufacturer is, however still expecting to end the year with a slight increase on the previous year’s turnover of 932 million Euros to 945-955 million this year. The company presently estimates EBITDA simply as between 75 to 80 million Euros against the 2014 figure of approximately 87 million Euros with a margin of between 8 and 8.7 percent. Management cites the hardships faced by today’s textile market aggravated by the ever present trade discount wars. The new logistics warehouse is still not up to speed which is delaying deliveries. Tom Tailor is still confident of accelerating growth by opening new branches.
The German Mittelstand
SMEs are sluggish in catching on to the abundance of apprentices
“Conditions for hiring apprentices have never been better” was how the Minister of Education summed up the numbers and the basic areas of development presented by the Ministry for Education and Research (BMFB) at the conclusion of the 2013/14 school year last Spring. If anything, its momentum is still gaining; the numbers presented by the Federal Employment Agency underscore the Minister’s comments. Last August the gap between the supply and the demand of apprentices was a mere 31,000, 15,000 fewer than the years before.
These rosy statistics made little difference to the small and very small enterprises that are still part and parcel of German SMEs. According to the Institut für Mittelstandsforschung in Bonn one out of two openings for apprentices in this sector is still vacant. The underlying reasons are explained in a survey conducted by the Agency at the beginning of September from which it emerges that small enterprises willing to train apprentices are in a quandary. Qualified applicants tend to prefer larger companies which they see as more appealing whereas those less qualified often do not have the basic skills necessary for beginning a company’s course of professional training. In addition, it would appear that many fresh graduates prefer continuing their studies in academia.
The Federal government, the Länder, the world of economics and finance, the trades unions and the Federal Employment Agency have pooled their resources and launched “The Alliance for Professional Training 2015-2018” which, since December 2014 has offered tailor-made programmes for small and medium SMEs to attract new recruits. The BMFB “Jobstarter” programme provides assistance and guidance to companies in recruiting and training a specialised workforce. “Jobstarter plus”, on the other hand reaches out to young people who have dropped out of university, orienting them towards professional training in industry. The Ministry of Economy and Energy (BMW) works hand in glove with the campaign that helps young people towards companies who offer apprenticeship training courses.
The commitment is praiseworthy, but many small companies will gain nothing from it – partly through their own lack of keeping abreast of opportunities . The Institut für Mittelstandsforschung has discovered in the past many small and very small companies knew nothing about all these initiatives being promoted at national level. The Institute is thus calling for more effective promotion, perhaps by making use of resources made available by Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
IFM’s points are well taken; finding candidates to select and recruit is not easy. On the other hand, companies and entrepreneurs must take the lead in all aspects of filling apprenticeship vacancies, from advertising to selecting and recruiting. Today, those who fail to reap the benefits offered by the projects in which Germany is investing billions of Euros by inaction have only themselves to blame for their lack of success.
Buhlmann's Corner
Have you ever met your alter ego?
I called mine on the phone just the other day. The first thing he asked me, with a hint of archness, was why all this should be happening to the company in such perfect time for the meeting of the Supervisory Board, just before finalising the renewal terms of the executive board chairman’s contract. Generally speaking, he remarked, administrative bodies (and that of the United States is no exception) are all very slow but, he continued, they grind (in the true sense of the word) exceeding small.
No way, I replied. I don’t buy it either. Considering the frosty rapport between Ferdinand Piech and Martin Winterkorn , the way the events unfolded could only have been coincidental. And yet, he mused, thinking aloud, what on earth could be important enough for a person who already has a sizeable chunk of Volkswagen in hand do such a thing? Why should he still be trying to get his own back if it meant slashing his wealth (calculated) by billions of Euros. Do you reckon, he continued, that now that, his wealth is arithmetically down to single figures this could have triggered an emotional landslide. No way, I countered, Ferdinand Piech is an engineer, and engineers are not given to wearing their heart on their sleeve.
It was then that I noticed more than a whiff of cynicism creeping into his words. Imagine, for a minute, he said, that I am he and that one fine day I take a look at my fortune. That was when my pragmatism gave me a prod and I realised that “my fortune by then grown so vast / / was fading I’d no idea so fast”, its very size inuring me to matters arithmetical. It might even occur to me that my share in grandfather’s factory had remained the same even though the numbers were lower. Right?
Come on! Are you trying to tell me that this man detonated the bombshell that led to the nosedive on the stock exchange and then recomposed the distance between him and the CEO to buy up some more stock that at that point was going for a song – all without any talk of insider trading ? Because if it had been insider trading he would have had to sell off his shares in August and then, use those same funds ... in October to ....
Well, you know, remarked my Alter Ego, this could all just have been a ruse for grandson to get an increased ownership of grandfather’s factory without having to shell out a single Euro in capital. A boardroom seat can solve all sorts of problems and more shares gives him the power to get his wife elected to the chair of the Supervisory Board. Politically speaking, it is an exact reflection of what makes the world go round. Just then, though, we got cut off, my mobile had run out of credit. Line of credit revoked because of losses on the stock market. Pity; my next call was going to be to Martin Winterkorn. Just to say “Hey Joe! Haven’t we been here before?”
Now we’re all up the creek:
The elderly, honourable trade unionist sits at the head of the table; he’s going to have to pass the sceptre to the former treasurer who, with no regard to cooling off procedures, will be overseeing his ex-boss, who, in turn is riding a carthorse being made to gambol like a foal. Who will have the boldness to open their mouth at the next Supervisory or executive board meeting …. Best wait for someone with years and years of experience to come along and sort things out just like he did once before.
Volkswagen builds cars for the people and a factory for grandfather’s grandson.
It seems increasingly inevitable that BASF will have to face billion dollar claims for damages in the USA. When it took over its competitor Engelhard 9 years ago for 5 billion dollars, little did it know it was taking delivery of a ticking time bomb of legal fees. Now, the company is having to devise a defence strategy against allegations of reticence in asbestos claims related to events that took place decades ago. Lawyer Tom Bevan who acted then on behalf of hundreds of claimants against Engelhard has resumed their actions and states that the liability risk involved could cost several billion Euros.
The only witness to appear in court on September 22 in the penal trial against five top managers of Deutsche Bank was Christian Graf Thun-Hohenstein who could turn the whole case round in favour of the plaintiff. Jürgen Fitschen’s defence counsel had accused the Munich magistrates of spinning the trial out by rejecting the testimony of a further two witnesses on the grounds that their evidence would not have contributed to further clarifying the facts. In the proceedings against the former Deutsche Bank co-CEO and other top-level bankers accused of fraud the court has ruled that the trial can be concluded before the end of this year.
VOLKSWAGEN is in need of legal assistance and has selected the American law firm Kirkland Ellis, the same firm who defended BP after the explosion on the drilling rig Deepwater Horizon in 2010. The scandal of the exhaust gas emission figures has already slashed 24 billion Euros off the company’s market value. The estimated number of vehicles involved is 11 million and there are 40 class actions on the horizon in the USA and Canada alone. The accusation cites fraud, violation of contractual obligations and other breaches of the law. Consumers feel they have been craftily, deliberately and systemically swindled with regards to the environmental-friendly promises.
Power companies. Abandon hope
The strategy of the Federal Ministry of Economy, contained in the “Bill for the Development of Electric Energy”, is oriented towards a future in which market shifts are the results of free competition. This deprives E.ON, RWE and others who fought until the very end for financial preference for conventional power stations if they are to have any hope of a future. From now on, incentives to build new generating stations to complement the more volatile types such as solar or wind-powered must emerge from the market prices. These units that deliver power to the grid at almost zero cost are depriving traditional power stations of profitability. Sigmar Gabriel is also seeking to pass a law to prevent generating companies skipping the decommissioning of nuclear stations. E.ON is presently considering legal action against this project. In June, the Federal Minister for the Economy had ordered auditors to ascertain whether the reserves in the accounts of nuclear energy groups such as E.ON, RWE, Vattenfall and EnBW to verify that the reserves amounting to 36 billion Euros are sufficient and guaranteed. Power companies could find themselves short of 30 billion Euros of reserves to pay for future decommissioning of the power stations and preparing a secure dump for nuclear waste. After a period of speculation about a steep rise in the costs of abandoning nuclear energy, many investors unloaded the shares they possessed in these major groups.
More protection for small shareholders in delisting
A document issued by the German government on September 21 states that shareholders in a situation of delisting should by rights have their shares indemnified. Previous proposals were conditional to no purchase offer being made to shareholders for their shares, whereas now delisting without some form of compensation for investors who reject a purchase offer has been discarded. The governing parties also reached a compromise for when stock market prices have been manipulated, for example where false information is provided deliberately, or the processes are fixed. In cases of this kind the reference point will be the earning-capacity value and not the share value. The indemnity must consider the average value of the share over the previous six months instead of the average of the previous three. If things work as they should, the new regulations, which are part and parcel of directives on transparency, will be ratified by the Bundestag on October 1. The coalition‘s financial experts are following the advice of those safeguarding the interests of shareholders who previously had been critical of the absence of legislation on the matter.
RWE CEO favours Brandt to be elected to the Supervisory Board
Peter Terium is backing former SAP CFO Dr. Werner Brandt to succeed Manfred Schneider to the chair of the RWE Supervisory Board. “We need a candidate who knows the issues” says Terium. According to a RWE communiqué “Brandt stands for continuity and is a very suitable candidate”. Typical of the most skilled financiers, he stays on top of the business; he has a keen eye for detail and is incisive in in-depth analyses. In SAP he always kept the CEO at just the right distance. The municipality shareholders and a number of the employees’ representatives are more in favour of former Federal Minister for the Economy Werner Müller. The outgoing chair of the Supervisory Board, Manfred Schneider, instead would prefer his place to be taken by Brandt. The RWE executive board was open in expressing its irritation at media attention focussed on speculation on the appointment and thus “was harmful to the company”. In December, the appointments board must present the proposals of the candidates representing the capital sector for submission to the Supervisory Board. The new chair of the Supervisory Board will be elected by the AGM in April 2016. The generating company is going through one of the most difficult periods in its 117 years of existence. The CEO is therefore going to be under great pressure.
Deutsche Wohnen takes over LEG Immobilien
The union of the second and third most important real estate rental companies in Germany has spawned an authentic leader. Last year, the then Deutsche Annington, which has been Dax listed since September 21 under the name Vonovia, joined forces with its competitor GAGFAH. On September 20 Deutsche Wohnen announced its intention of taking over LEG Immobilien, it too, MDax listed. The new company will keep the name Deutsche Wohnen and have a register of some 250,000 apartments with a portfolio value of 17 billion Euros. The gap between it and Vonovia’s 350,000 is less but still sizeable. The new group’s market capitalization of 12-13 billion gives it a good chance of following Vonovia with its 13.8 billion capitalization to Dax . Deutsche Wohnen and LEG Immobilien expect to conclude the deal before year’s end by a share swap. Including indebtedness, it is worth some 8 billion Euros. Both companies boast high-end apartments and low indebtedness. The merger between the second and third largest companies of their kind in Germany set off a shockwave on the stock market. Consumer protection bodies are unhappy with this, yet another merger in the property rental market. A company so large will assuredly relegate the interests of tenants to second place, after profit maximisation .
Aareal Bank terminated its contract with Wolf Schumacher on September 17 and with immediate effect replaced him with Hermann Merkens, previously CFO. From its headquarters in Wiesbaden, the real estate finance company announced that the former CEO is leaving after 10 years service on the executive board and on “agreed terms”. Schumacher’s contract was due to expire at the end of March 2018.
In an announcement dated September 3, Commerzbank stated that “with deep regret” the Supervisory Board had been informed of Stefan Schmittmann’s intention to bring forward termination of his contract from October 2016 to year’s end 2015. The Supervisory Board will appoint his successor in due course. Schmittmann stated that with new regulations being introduced “it makes more sense that the new risk manager be in charge of the process from the outset”.
A communiqué issued by Deutsche Bank on September 14 stated that its Supervisory Board had nominated Richard Meddings for election to join it. Presently a non-executive director in the Treasury of the United Kingdom, Meddings will take the place of John Cryan whose seat has been vacant since his appointment to chair of the executive board. According to the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code, Meddings has to be nominated by the court and then stand for election at the next AGM.
On September 11 Drägerwerk announced that at a meeting of the Supervisory Board Reiner Piske had been appointed head of Human Resources with effect from November 1. Born in Hoyerswerda in 1970, Piske studied management engineering in Karlsruhe and Berlin. He is presently head of Human Resources in Groz-Beckert. With this appointment, the manufacturer and distributor of medical and security technology raises the number of its executive board members to five.
At a meeting on September 9, the Supervisory Board chaired by Andreas Renschler of Munich-based MAN, appointed Joachim Drees new company CEO with effect from October 1. Former CEO Georg Pachta-Reyhofen resigned after a restructuring of the executive board at the end of September.
Hans Dieter Pötsch is expected to succeed Ferdinand Piech as head of VOLKSWAGEN. The current CFO should be elected to the Supervisory Board in place of Julia Kuhn-Piech at an extraordinary shareholders meeting. As ways are sought to continue somehow to draw from the technical expertise of the niece of VW’s former patriarch, Piech’s other niece, Louise Kiesling, will stand for election. The frontrunner for the post of CFO seems to be Audi CEO, Rupert Stadler but so far no decision has been made because other considerations apart there is more than one candidate. Martin Winterkorn resigned from the post of CEO because of the uproar surrounding the alleged falsification of exhaust gas emission figures of diesel powered vehicles. Currently the group is headed by former Porsche boss, Matthias Müller.
Rational: a new face in finance
Erich Baumgärtner presently CFO of Rational AG the household appliance manufacturer is quitting the company’s executive board at the end of the year. After 17 years as head of the SDax-listed company’s financial affairs Baumgärtner will maintain ties with the company as a consultant. His boardroom seat will be taken by Axel Kaufmann, latterly CFO with Koenig & Bauer AG. Previously he had occupied a managerial position with Siemens and Nokia Networks gaining a wealth of experience in finance and strategy. Kaufmann will begin in October and take up Baumgärtner’s tasks in stages.
Steilmann: new team
While still in the process of becoming a European joint stock company (SE), the Steilmann fashion group acquired a new CFO. The new executive board member in charge of finance is Jens Brüggemann, previously head comptroller in Steilmann since 2001. Initially he was financial director of the Italian group Radici which later bought over Steilmann. Up to now, the financial sector came under the leadership of Paola Viscardi-Giazzi who has been appointed COO, while Michele Puller continues as CEO. Steilmann is still planning a stock market flotation this year and has already issued an SME bond with a volume of some 30 million Euros that matures in 2017.
NordwestHandel: Officially CFO
General Standard listed Nordwest Handel AG, has appointed a new CFO. From now on, the company’s financial division will be officially headed by Jörg Simon. Simon has been in charge of finance under a pro tempore contract since July when former CFO Annegret Franzen was dismissed because of allegations of illicit competition. Previously, Simon was head of the finance business unit. He will work in tandem with CEO Bernhard Dressler who was appointed CEO last February.
Capital News
Rhön-Klinikum is launching a second share buy back in order to distribute another instalment of the revenue from the sale of clinics to Fresenius, and to consolidate the share value that had lost some of its stability recently. The company paid 25.54 Euros for each of the 7,108,824 shares (including the accessory expenses charged for the transaction). The company aims to collect up to 9.76 percent of the share capital by October 8. Rhön expects to incorporate the recovered stock by lowering its share capital, and, should exploitation be full, 181.6 million Euros will be channelled back to shareholders. Apparently, an extension to the deadline is not to be ruled out. In 2014 Rhön was able to distribute most of the three billion revenue from the sale of 40 clinics to Fresenius, by share buy back.
An increase in capital has yielded RIB Software 6.5 million Euros. On September 4, the building software developer announced that it had placed all 3,378,696 new shares. The south German company placed the stock with institutional investors, excluding shareholders’ option rights prior to the capital increase. RIB Software has earmarked the net revenue from the issuance to broadening its iTWO platform. The money will also be used to ensure continuity of international growth. A first step in this direction was the purchase of Spanish competitor Soft SA. This is expected to create business opportunities in Hispanic markets, in particular Latin America.
MAN: less clarity, fewer costs
At the beginning of September, MAN SE applied to change its listing from Prime Standard to General Standard. This would mean that the company would also quit its MDax listing. The Volkswagen owned company is cutting costs, an exercise that would be favoured by having to meet fewer stock market related transparency obligations.
Verbio: first dividend
At the closure of the most profitable financial year in the company’s history organic fuel producer Verbio AG announced its intention of distributing a dividend for the very first time. The proposal put before the shareholders’ meeting was for 0.10Euros per share. At closure of financial year 2014-15 on 30 June, Verbio posted a turnover of 619 million Euros, down on the previous year’s 734 million. This year, however, the Prime Standard-listed company increased its EBIT by no less than 161 percent to almost 29 million Euros.
M & A
Tele Columbus: buys up the competition
Tele Columbus, the third largest cable network provider in Germany is forging ahead with its acquisition campaign. After the Primacon takeover last July, the SDax-listed company recently bought up its competitor pepcom, number four on the list of cable networks, for approximately 608 million Euros.
This has further reinforced the company and its market position – today 3.7 million households are wired up through Tele Columbus, 810 thousand of which through pepcom. Pepcom’s turnover for 2014 was 126 million Euros but what is of great worth to Tele Columbus is the dowry brought by Pepcom of 1600 commercial clients which could be the starting point for future growth. The parties expect to conclude the transaction at the end of this year or by Spring 2016 at the latest. Tele Columbus expects to fund the acquisition mainly by new debts and an increase in share capital.
Indus: further takeovers
Indus Holding AG, an SME holding company has purchased another two packets of share quotas. Its portfolio company Obuk, manufacturer of high quality panels for front doors has acquired Eumatic/Frohmasco a manufacturer of ornamental frames and composite elements for doors. Eumatic/Frohmasco is particularly strong in the Swedish and Norwegian markets. With headquarters and factory in Poland, the group’s turnover in recent years has been in the region of 5.5 million Euros. Not only does this takeover broaden SDax-listed Indus’s range of products but gives it a footing in new target groups and export markets. In the past, Obuk used to be a customer of Eumatic/Frohmasco.
Ancotech – the Swiss-based Indus portfolio company specialised in concrete slab anchorage technology, has purchased the Swiss company Murinox, also a producer of anchorage systems with a 2014 turnover of some 1.1 million Swiss Francs. So far this year Indus has bought five companies investing approximately 50 million Euros. According to company management, a sixth acquisition this year is not to be ruled out.
Balda: selling to an investor
Medical technology specialist Balda AG is selling its business for 63 million Euros to financial investment company Paragon Partners. The revenue deriving from the company’s operational sector and other assets will be sold at a price of 2 Euros per share. Balda has announced that Paragon intends maintaining the company structure and strategy of the operational business as well as all the staff. The shareholders meeting and the monopolies commission still have to ratify the deal. The shareholders’ meeting called for November will also be called on to rule on the change of company objective and name.
VIPsight Shareholder ID: …….. Holdings in per cent | |||||||
Companies | Own-shares | Notifiable shareholders | Share | Investment companies (KAGs) making disclosures* | |||
Total | Change | Biggest KAG | Share | ||||
MDAX | |||||||
Aareal Bank AG | Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder | 6,5 St | 39,32 | 1,23 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 3,42 | |
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 4,97 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 4,8 St | ||||||
Dr. August Oetker Finanzierungs- und Beteiligungs GmbH | 4,7 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 3,45 St | ||||||
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP | 3,04 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,99 St | ||||||
JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited | 2,97 St | ||||||
Basler Leben AG | 2,7 St | ||||||
Deutscher Ring Krankenversicherungsverein a.G. | 1,4 St | ||||||
Condor Lebensversicherung-AG | 1,1 St | ||||||
Airbus Group SE | 0,06 (St) | Société de Gestion de Participations Aéronautiques-Sogepa | 10,9 St | 16,91 | -0,11 | Capital Research and Management Company | 3,41 |
KfW - Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau | 10,9 St | ||||||
Capital Group International Inc. | 5,07 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,98 St | ||||||
Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) | 4,1 St | ||||||
Aurubis AG | Salzgitter AG | 25 St | 24,88 | 0,54 | DFA Invest Dimensions Gr. Inc. | 3,13 | |
JPMorgan Chase Bank | 3,32 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 3,08 St | ||||||
Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. | 2,99 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,98 St | ||||||
Aufsichtsrat | 0,01 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,01 St | ||||||
Axel Springer SE | Axel Springer Gesellschaft für Publizistik GmbH & Co. | 51,5 St | 30,98 | -0,21 | Tweedy, Browne Fund Inc. | 9,52 | |
Dr. Friede Springer | 5,56 St | ||||||
Dr. Mathias Döpfner | 3,06 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,13 St | ||||||
Aufsichtsrat | 0,08 St | ||||||
Bilfinger SE | 3,99 (St) | Cevian Capital II GP Limited | 25,62 St | 27,83 | 0,54 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 2,44 |
Schroders plc | 3,34 St | ||||||
GVO Asset Management AG | 3,04 St | ||||||
DJE Investment S.A. | 2,98 St | ||||||
Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. | 2,59 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 2,39 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 1,68 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,39 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,1 St | ||||||
Brenntag AG | Threadneedle Investment Funds ICVC | 7,28 St | 30,75 | 0,08 | Threadneedle Asset Management Limited | 3,03 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,19 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 5,03 St | ||||||
Longview Partners LLP | 3,1 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 3 St | ||||||
Newton Management Limited | 2,99 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,99 St | ||||||
T. Rowe Price Associates Inc. | 2,99 St | ||||||
Manning & Napier Advisors, LLC | 2,87 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 1,07 St | ||||||
Steven Edward Holland | 0,06 St | ||||||
William A. Fidler | 0,05 St | ||||||
CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA | 0,01 (St) | Klaus-Peter Schulenberg | 50,2 St | 21,93 | 0,11 | Fidelity Managem.& Research Co. | 2,18 |
FMR LLC | 2,97 St | ||||||
Edmund Hug | 0,02 St | ||||||
Dr. Bernd Kundrun | 0,02 St | ||||||
Alexander Ruoff | 0,01 St | ||||||
Prof. Jobst W. Plog | 0 St | ||||||
Deutsche EuroShop AG | Familie Otto | 17,33 St | 19,20 | 0,37 | BlackRock AM Ire Ltd | 1,32 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,2 St | ||||||
Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung | 2,99 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,28 St | ||||||
Klaus Striebich | 0,04 St | ||||||
Manfred Zaß | 0,02 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,02 St | ||||||
Dr. Bernd Thiemann | 0,01 St | ||||||
Reiner Strecker | 0,01 St | ||||||
Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG | Hypo Real Estate Holding AG | 20 St | 0,00 | 0,00 | 0,00 | ||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 6,64 St | ||||||
MainFirst SICAV | 5,1 St | ||||||
Lancaster Investment Management LLP | 4,83 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 3,45 St | ||||||
President and Fellows of Harvard College | 2,97 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 2,5 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,01 St | ||||||
Deutsche Wohnen AG | Sun Life Financial Inc. | 8,69 St | 29,81 | -0,24 | MFS Massachusetts Financial Services Company | 5,06 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 7,73 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 6,94 St | ||||||
APG Asset Management N.V. | 2,78 St | ||||||
Capital Group International Inc. | 2,59 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 2,55 St | ||||||
Ärzteversorgung Westfalen-Lippe KdöR | 1,96 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 1,67 St | ||||||
JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 0,04 St | ||||||
DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Mori Seiki Co., Ltd. | 52,54 St | 25,60 | 0,15 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 6,34 | |
Paul E. Singer | 15,16 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,89 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 2,82 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 2,01 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 0,26 St | ||||||
Dürr AG | Heinz Dürr GmbH | 25,2 St | 22,93 | -0,83 | MainFirst SICAV | 1,98 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,93 St | ||||||
MainFirst SICAV | 3,56 St | ||||||
Heinz und Heide Dürr Stiftung | 3,47 St | ||||||
JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited | 2,97 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,59 St | ||||||
ElringKlinger AG | Familien Lechler | 52,1 St | 16,99 | 0,08 | New York Life Investment Management LLC | 2,01 | |
MIPL Group Limited | 5,15 St | ||||||
H.K.L. Holding Stiftung | 4,94 St | ||||||
Black Creek Investment Management Inc. | 3,19 St | ||||||
Baillie Gifford & Co. | 3,07 St | ||||||
Alken Luxembourg S.A. | 2,96 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 2,69 St | ||||||
Klinger B.V. | 2,56 St | ||||||
Evonik Industries AG | RAG-Stiftung | 67,91 St | 2,50 | -0,04 | Deka Investment GmbH | 0,36 | |
CVC Capital Partners | 6,13 St | ||||||
Ellington Investments Pte. Ltd. | 4,64 St | ||||||
Fielmann AG | KORVA SE | 71,64 St | 6,61 | -0,02 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 0,63 | |
Credit Suisse Group AG | 2,41 St | ||||||
Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide | 0,08 (St) | Land Hessen | 31,34 St | 8,41 | 0,17 | First Eagle Funds (division of ASB Securities LLC) | 1,09 |
Stadtwerke Frankfurt am Main Holding GmbH | 20,01 St | ||||||
Deutsche Lufthansa AG | 8,45 St | ||||||
RARE Infrastructure Limited | 2,99 St | ||||||
Lazard Asset Management LLC | 2,88 St | ||||||
FUCHS PETROLUB SE | Familie Fuchs | 53,4 St | 15,86 | -0,44 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 2,45 | |
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 5,2 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,02 Vz | ||||||
Aufsichtsrat | 0,01 Vz | ||||||
GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft | Kuwait Investment Office | 7,9 St | 34,36 | -0,28 | Alecta pensionsförsäkring | 4,86 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,29 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 3,09 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 2,99 St | ||||||
Standard Life Investments Limited | 2,99 St | ||||||
Schroders plc | 2,94 St | ||||||
Gerresheimer AG | Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC | 6,79 St | 38,43 | -0,61 | CI Investments Inc. | 4,23 | |
APG Asset Management N.V. | 5,1 St | ||||||
WS Management LLLP | 3,1 St | ||||||
Old Mutual plc | 3,01 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,99 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,99 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 2,96 St | ||||||
Highclere International Investors LLP | 2,93 St | ||||||
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 2,93 St | ||||||
Edinburgh Partners Limited | 2,92 St | ||||||
Black Creek Investment Management Inc. | 2,86 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 2,58 St | ||||||
Hannover Rück SE | Talanx AG | 50,22 St | 16,08 | 0,05 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 1,98 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 3,01 St | ||||||
Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. | Gesellschafterfamilie | 72,3 St | 1,33 | 0,00 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 1,03 | |
Citigroup Inc. | 0,05 St | ||||||
HOCHTIEF AG | 5,30 (St) | Acs, Actividades de Construccion y Servicios S.A. | 66,54 St | 7,34 | 0,67 | UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG | 0,70 |
Southeastern Asset Management, Inc. | 2,98 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 2,3 St | ||||||
HUGO BOSS AG | 1,97 (St) | BlackRock, Inc. | 7,4 St | 7,78 | -0,06 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 2,62 |
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 5,15 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 5,02 St | ||||||
Zignago Holding S.p.A. | 4,19 St | ||||||
Alecta pensionsförsäkring, ömsesidigt | 3,26 St | ||||||
PFC S.r.l. | 2,91 St | ||||||
Tamburi Investment Partners S.p.A. | 0,85 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,04 St | ||||||
UniCredit S.p.A. | 0,02 St | ||||||
Jungheinrich AG | LJH-Holding GmbH | 50 St | 32,97 | -0,59 | Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 5,81 | |
WJH-Holding GmbH | 50 St | ||||||
Streubesitz | 100 Vz | ||||||
Kabel Deutschland Holding AG | Vodafone Group Plc | 76,7 St | 5,06 | 0,00 | RBC Global Asset Management Inc. | 0,72 | |
Paul E. Singer | 13,48 St | ||||||
Standard Life Investments Limited | 2,75 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 1,25 St | ||||||
Barclays PLC | 0,02 St | ||||||
KION GROUP AG | 0,24 (St) | Weichai Power | 38,25 St | 18,29 | 1,38 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 2,95 |
Pelham Long/Short Small Cap Master Fund Ltd | 5,33 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 3,13 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 3 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 2,81 St | ||||||
KION Management Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG | 0,9 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 0,12 St | ||||||
Klöckner & Co SE | Swoctem GmbH | 15,27 St | 25,81 | 0,92 | DFA Invest Dimensions Gr. Inc. | 4,10 | |
Federated Global Investment Management Corp. | 5,06 St | ||||||
Interfer Holding GmbH | 4,98 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 3,83 St | ||||||
Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC | 3,28 St | ||||||
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP | 3,06 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 2,87 St | ||||||
AMUNDI S.A. | 2,77 St | ||||||
Source Markets plc | 0,98 St | ||||||
KRONES AG | Familie Kronseder | 51,7 St | 16,23 | -0,01 | Oddo Asset Management | 2,51 | |
Petra Schadeberg-Herrmann | 4,16 St | ||||||
ODDO ET CIE | 3,48 St | ||||||
Schadeberg GbR | 3,28 St | ||||||
Tweedy, Browne Company LLC | 2,88 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 2,71 St | ||||||
KUKA AG | J.M. Voith GmbH & Co. Beteiligungen KG | 25,1 St | 17,29 | -0,01 | Franklin Templeton International Services S.A. | 2,96 | |
Swoctem GmbH | 10,02 St | ||||||
Midea Group Co., Ltd. | 5,43 St | ||||||
Schroders plc | 3,02 St | ||||||
Bank of America Corporation | 3 St | ||||||
AXA S.A. | 2,71 St | ||||||
York Capital Management Global Advisors, LLC. | 2,67 St | ||||||
Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC | 2,6 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,8 St | ||||||
Guy P. Wyser-Pratte | 0,43 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 0,22 St | ||||||
LANXESS AG | BlackRock, Inc. | 5,09 St | 34,08 | -0,04 | Commerz Funds Solutions S.A. | 5,50 | |
Dodge & Cox | 4,98 St | ||||||
Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 4,24 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 2,92 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 2,5 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 1,28 St | ||||||
LEG Immobilien AG | BlackRock, Inc. | 17,57 St | 38,66 | 0,32 | BlackRock (Luxembourg) S.A. | 3,41 | |
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 5,14 St | ||||||
CBRE Clarion Securities LLC | 4,87 St | ||||||
Perry Luxco RE S.à r.l. | 2,94 St | ||||||
Ruffer LLP | 2,93 St | ||||||
Invesco Ltd. | 2,92 St | ||||||
BNP Paribas Investment Partners S.A. | 2,87 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 1,77 St | ||||||
Lansdowne Developed Markets Master Fund Limited | 0,46 St | ||||||
Leoni AG | T. Rowe Price International, Inc. | 5,1 St | 26,41 | 1,81 | T. Rowe Price Investment Services Inc. | 3,89 | |
Classic Fund Management Aktiengesellschaft | 3,11 St | ||||||
Schroders plc | 3,03 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,98 St | ||||||
State Street Corporation | 2,98 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,96 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 2,12 St | ||||||
MAN SE | Volkswagen AG | 75,28 St | 5,21 | -0,05 | Old Mutual IM Ltd | 2,49 | |
Truck & Bus GmbH | 43,3 Vz | ||||||
Volkswagen AG | 26,46 Vz | ||||||
METRO AG | Haniel | 25 St | 12,14 | 0,01 | Franklin Templeton Investments | 1,96 | |
Schmidt-Ruthenbeck | 15,77 St | ||||||
Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH | 9,1 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 3,36 St | ||||||
Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC | 3,06 St | ||||||
Templeton Global Advisors Limited | 3,04 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,16 St | ||||||
MTU Aero Engines AG | 1,69 (St) | The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 9,16 St | 36,31 | -0,02 | Artisan Partners Funds, Inc. | 3,69 |
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 5,77 St | ||||||
Harris Associates L.P. | 3,08 St | ||||||
Maverick Capital Ltd. | 3,05 St | ||||||
Financière IDAT | 3,03 St | ||||||
Mondrian Investment Partners Limited | 2,99 St | ||||||
Franklin Templeton Institutional, LLC | 2,98 St | ||||||
Artisan Partners Limited Partnership | 2,92 St | ||||||
GIC Private Limited | 2,77 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 1,83 St | ||||||
NORMA Group SE | Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 10,25 St | 52,65 | -0,61 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 4,37 | |
Mondrian Investment Partners Limited | 5,34 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 5,02 St | ||||||
BNP Paribas Investment Partners S.A. | 3,17 St | ||||||
Columbia Wanger Asset Managment LLC | 3,09 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 3,05 St | ||||||
SMALLCAP World Fund, Inc. | 3,05 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,99 St | ||||||
AXA S.A. | 2,99 St | ||||||
Delta Lloyd N.V. | 2,94 St | ||||||
Select Equity Group, L.P. | 2,93 St | ||||||
T. Rowe Price Associates Inc. | 2,89 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 2,1 St | ||||||
Aufsichtsrat | 0,3 St | ||||||
Bank of America Corporation | 0,04 St | ||||||
OSRAM Licht AG | Siemens Beteiligungen Inland GmbH | 17 St | 13,59 | 0,41 | Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 1,51 | |
FMR LLC | 6,71 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 3,97 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 3,31 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 1,76 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 1,22 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 0,12 St | ||||||
ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE | 2,32 (St) | Capital Research and Management Company | 9,14 St | 39,76 | -0,25 | Capital Research and Management Company | 10,47 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 7,86 St | ||||||
Invesco Ltd. | 3 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,99 St | ||||||
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 2,99 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 2,36 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,21 St | ||||||
Rheinmetall AG | 2,68 (St) | Prudential PLC | 3,57 St | 25,70 | 0,61 | Harris Associates L.P. | 3,94 |
LSV Asset Management | 3,03 St | ||||||
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP | 3,01 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,99 St | ||||||
Wellington Management Group LLP | 2,97 St | ||||||
Harris Associates L.P. | 2,8 St | ||||||
Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co. LLC | 2,71 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 2,06 St | ||||||
Aufsichtsrat | 0,83 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,14 St | ||||||
JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 0,04 St | ||||||
Rhön-Klinikum AG | 0,04 (St) | B. Braun Melsungen Aktiengesellschaft | 18,01 St | 39,48 | -1,07 | Alecta pensionsförsäkring | 18,85 |
Asklepios Kliniken GmbH | 15,25 St | ||||||
Eugen Münch | 6,32 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 6,12 St | ||||||
Alecta pensionsförsäkring, ömsesidigt | 5,97 St | ||||||
Ingeborg Münch | 5,44 St | ||||||
Old Mutual plc | 4,17 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 4,12 St | ||||||
Jamie Zimmermann | 3,29 St | ||||||
Landeskrankenhilfe V.V.a.G. | 3,19 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 1,19 St | ||||||
Maven Trading Ltd. | 0,39 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,05 St | ||||||
RTL Group S.A. | 0,76 (St) | Bertelsmann Capital Holding GmbH | 75,1 St | 8,87 | 0,03 | Capital Research and Management Company | 1,28 |
Salzgitter AG | 10,00 (St) | Land Niedersachsen | 26,5 St | 14,41 | 0,33 | DFA Invest Dimensions Gr. Inc. | 1,88 |
Dimensional Holdings Inc. | 3 St | ||||||
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 2,95 St | ||||||
STADA Arzneimittel AG | 0,15 (St) | Apotheker und Ärzte | 11 St | 18,30 | 0,04 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 3,74 |
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 5,04 St | ||||||
LSV Asset Management | 3,05 St | ||||||
Empyrean Capital Partners, LP | 2,95 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 2,94 St | ||||||
Gryphon Investment Counsel Inc. | 2,93 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,36 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 1,37 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 0,04 St | ||||||
Südzucker AG | Süddeutsche Zuckerrüben-Verwertungs-Genossenschaft eG | 52 St | 6,37 | 0,64 | DFA Invest Dimensions Gr. Inc. | 0,75 | |
Zucker Invest GmbH | 10 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,14 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,03 St | ||||||
Symrise AG | Sun Life Financial Inc. | 10,62 St | 31,65 | -0,04 | MFS Massachusetts Financial Services Company | 3,76 | |
Horst-Otto Gerberding | 6,01 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,41 St | ||||||
Bankhaus Lampe KG | 3,29 St | ||||||
Jahr Holding GmbH & Co KG | 3,05 St | ||||||
APG Asset Management N.V. | 3,01 St | ||||||
MFS International Value Fund | 3 St | ||||||
Standard Life Investments Limited | 2,99 St | ||||||
Prudential PLC | 2,97 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 2,96 St | ||||||
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 2,93 St | ||||||
Mondrian Investment Partners Limited | 2,56 St | ||||||
Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Bertram | 0,01 St | ||||||
Bernd Hirsch | 0,01 St | ||||||
TAG Immobilien AG | 9,85 (St) | Ruffer LLP | 14,71 St | 50,19 | -0,11 | Flossbach von Storch AG | 11,48 |
Flossbach von Storch Invest S.A. | 10,01 St | ||||||
Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder | 9,95 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 9,82 St | ||||||
Helaba Invest Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH | 5,9 St | ||||||
Taube Hodson Stonex Partners LLP | 5,22 St | ||||||
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 5,18 St | ||||||
MFS International Value Fund | 4,99 St | ||||||
Capital Guardian Trust Company | 3,3 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 3,06 St | ||||||
Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings Ltd. | 2,94 St | ||||||
BlackRock Group | 2,64 St | ||||||
Dr. Lutz R. Ristow | 1,5 St | ||||||
Rolf Elgeti | 0,07 St | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Roland Frohne | 0,04 St | ||||||
Dr. Harboe Vaagt | 0,01 St | ||||||
Talanx AG | HDI Haftpflichtverband der Deutschen Industrie V.a.G. | 79 St | 4,23 | 0,10 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 1,01 | |
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company | 4,94 St | ||||||
Wacker Chemie AG | 4,75 (St) | Dr. Alexander Wacker Familiengesellschaft mbH | 60,39 St | 10,08 | -0,12 | Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 1,90 |
Blue Elephant Holding GmbH | 10,86 St | ||||||
Capital Research and Management Company | 3,07 St | ||||||
Wincor Nixdorf AG | 9,99 (St) | Kiltearn Limited | 7,11 St | 33,95 | -0,42 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 5,30 |
Polaris Capital Management, LLC | 5,02 St | ||||||
Highclere International Investors LLP | 2,98 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,92 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 2,91 St | ||||||
William Blair & Company, LLC | 2,8 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 2,27 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,23 St | ||||||
Eckard Heidloff | 0,02 St | ||||||
Zalando SE | Verdere S.à.r.l | 31,78 St | 4,58 | 0,03 | Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 1,82 | |
Global Founders GmbH | 11,18 St | ||||||
Anders Holch Povlsen | 9,35 St | ||||||
Tengelmann Verwaltungs- und Beteiligungs GmbH | 4,99 St | ||||||
Gründer | 3,71 St | ||||||
Baillie Gifford & Co. | 3,05 St | ||||||
Yuri Milner | 2,96 St | ||||||
HV Holtzbrinck Ventures Holding GmbH | 2,56 St | ||||||
Len Blavatnik | 1,6 St | ||||||
Rocket Internet AG | 0,61 St | ||||||
SDAX | |||||||
ADLER Real Estate AG | Klaus R. Wecken | 21,81 St | 1,19 | -0,06 | Julius Bär (Luxembourg) S.A. | 0,33 | |
Mezzanine IX Investors S.A. | 21,79 St | ||||||
Uhlandstraße Investments GmbH | 6,56 St | ||||||
Asset Value Investors Limited | 2,99 St | ||||||
ADO Properties S.A. | Ofer Kotler | 0,01 St | 0,00 | 0,00 | 0,00 | ||
alstria office REIT-AG | CNP ASSURANCES | 2,72 St | 16,08 | 0,03 | Prudential Investments LLC | 0,99 | |
BNP Paribas Investment Partners S.A. | 2,71 St | ||||||
Brookfield Investment Management, Inc. | 2,67 St | ||||||
Cohen & Steers, Inc. | 1,82 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 1,75 St | ||||||
JP Morgan Asset Management (UK) Limited | 1,69 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 1,67 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 1,58 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 1,57 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 0,91 St | ||||||
AMADEUS FIRE AG | MainFirst SICAV | 9,99 St | 47,50 | 0,21 | MainFirst SICAV | 9,54 | |
FIL Limited | 5,05 St | ||||||
Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 5,01 St | ||||||
BNP Paribas Investment Partners S.A. | 5 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 4,98 St | ||||||
Lazard Frères Gestion | 4,97 St | ||||||
Matthias Ruhland | 4,95 St | ||||||
Rhine Alpha Stars | 4,62 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 4,55 St | ||||||
Standard Life Investments (Holdings) Ltd. | 2,99 St | ||||||
JP Morgan Asset Management (UK) Limited | 2,74 St | ||||||
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 2,35 St | ||||||
Dr. Axel Endriss | 0,12 St | ||||||
Christoph Groß | 0,1 St | ||||||
Ulrike Bert | 0,01 St | ||||||
BayWa AG | 0,06 (St) | Bayerische Raiffeisen-Beteiligungs-AG | 35,34 St | 2,17 | 0,02 | UBS Global Asset Managment GmbH | 0,45 |
Raiffeisen Agrar Invest GmbH | 25,18 St | ||||||
Bertrandt AG | 0,70 (St) | Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft | 28,97 St | 24,02 | -0,46 | Montanaro Asset Management Limited | 3,55 |
Friedrich Boysen Holding GmbH | 14,9 St | ||||||
Management und Mitarbeiter | 8,74 St | ||||||
MainFirst SICAV | 3,87 St | ||||||
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 2,94 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 2,94 St | ||||||
William Blair & Company, LLC | 2,62 St | ||||||
Biotest AG | OGEL GmbH | 50,11 St | 9,38 | -0,01 | Flossbach von Storch AG | 2,31 | |
Kreissparkasse Biberach | 15,16 St | ||||||
ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A. | 3,03 St | ||||||
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 2,95 St | ||||||
Scherzer & Co. AG | 0,81 St | ||||||
Dr. Michael Ramroth | 0,04 Vz | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Gregor Schulz | 0,03 Vz | ||||||
Dr. Georg Floß | 0,03 Vz | ||||||
Dr. Bernhard Ehmer | 0,03 Vz | ||||||
Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA | 0,02 (St) | Evonik Industries AG | 14,78 St | 8,04 | 0,71 | DFA Invest Dimensions Gr. Inc. | 1,38 |
Bernd Geske | 8,8 St | ||||||
Ballspielverein Borussia 09 e.V. Dortmund | 5,53 St | ||||||
SIGNAL IDUNA Allgemeine Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft | 5,43 St | ||||||
PUMA SE | 5 St | ||||||
Odey Asset Management LLP | 3,47 St | ||||||
BlueBay Asset Management plc. | 3,34 St | ||||||
Braas Monier Building Group S.A. | Monier Holdings S.C.A. | 39,9 St | 0,68 | 0,00 | DWS Investment S.A. | 0,35 | |
Wellington Management Group LLP | 5,13 St | ||||||
Board of Directors and Group Management | 1,05 St | ||||||
Capital Stage AG | AMCO Service GmbH | 20,38 St | 6,76 | 0,00 | PWM Vermögensfondsmandat - DWS SICAV | 1,05 | |
Dr. Liedtke Vermögensverwaltung GmbH | 10,13 St | ||||||
Blue Elephant Venture GmbH | 7,23 St | ||||||
Albert Büll | 6,5 St | ||||||
Dr. Jörn Kreke | 5,17 St | ||||||
ETHENEA Independent Investment S.A. | 2,91 St | ||||||
Dr. Zoltan Bognar | 0,14 St | ||||||
CEWE Stiftung & Co. KGaA | 2,28 (St) | Erbengemeinschaft nach Herrn Senator h.c. Heinz Neumüller | 27,37 St | 14,56 | 0,22 | Sparinvest DK | 1,80 |
FIL Limited | 2,98 St | ||||||
Fidelity Funds SICAV | 2,89 St | ||||||
Sparinvest Holdings SE | 2,74 St | ||||||
CeWe Color Versorgungskasse e. V. | 1,53 St | ||||||
Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat | 0,9 St | ||||||
comdirect bank AG | Commerzbank AG | 81,27 St | 2,96 | 0,01 | Shareholder Value Management AG | 0,96 | |
Deutsche Beteiligungs AG | Rossmann Beteiligungs GmbH | 19,93 St | 9,13 | -0,01 | JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.a r.l. | 1,50 | |
JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited | 5,23 St | ||||||
Ricardo Portabella | 5 St | ||||||
DEUTZ AG | AB Volvo | 25 St | 13,50 | 0,14 | DFA Invest Dimensions Gr. Inc. | 2,16 | |
Old Mutual plc | 3,1 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 3,04 St | ||||||
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP | 3,02 St | ||||||
SKAGEN AS | 2,99 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,99 St | ||||||
FIL Limited | 2,94 St | ||||||
Artisan Partners Limited Partnership | 2,91 St | ||||||
DIC Asset AG | Deutsche Immobilien Chancen-Gruppe | 33,2 St | 17,89 | 0,36 | Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 1,98 | |
solvia Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH | 5,1 St | ||||||
RAG-Stiftung | 4,76 St | ||||||
Asset Value Investors Limited | 3,1 St | ||||||
British Empire Securities and General Trust plc | 3,08 St | ||||||
Ell Capital Management, Inc. | 2,79 St | ||||||
Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP | 2,68 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,01 St | ||||||
Ferratum Oyj | 0,67 (St) | Jorma Jokela | 57,43 St | 0,00 | 0,00 | 0,00 | |
Carmignac Gestion S.A. | 9,16 St | ||||||
Mitarbeiter | 4,93 St | ||||||
AS Pontos Capital | 0,92 St | ||||||
OÜ Pontcap 1 | 0,81 St | ||||||
GERRY WEBER International AG | Gerhard Weber | 29,66 St | 16,92 | -2,03 | Fidelity Managem.& Research Co. | 2,15 | |
Udo Hardieck | 17,52 St | ||||||
Ralf Weber | 3,35 St | ||||||
BNY Mellon Service Kapitalanlage-Gesellschaft mbH | 3,27 St | ||||||
Goldman Sachs Asset Management International | 3,11 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 2,9 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 2,83 St | ||||||
Charlotte Weber-Dresselhaus | 0,17 St | ||||||
GESCO AG | 0,01 (St) | Stefan Heimöller | 14,2 St | 7,00 | 0,43 | Loys AG | 1,29 |
Investmentaktiengesellschaft für langfristige Investoren TGV | 9,8 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,6 St | ||||||
Aufsichtsrat | 0,1 St | ||||||
GfK SE | GfK-Nürnberg e.V. | 56,46 St | 19,73 | 0,30 | Franklin Templeton International Services S.A. | 4,10 | |
Parvus Asset Management Europe Ltd. | 4,97 St | ||||||
RWC European Focus Master Inc. | 3,31 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 2,99 St | ||||||
Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited | 2,98 St | ||||||
FIL Limited | 2,91 St | ||||||
Highclere International Investors LLP | 2,72 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 0,66 St | ||||||
Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat | 0,03 St | ||||||
GRAMMER AG | 2,86 (St) | Wynnefield Partners | 5,17 St | 23,95 | 1,20 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 6,83 |
Luxempart S.A. | 5,02 St | ||||||
EQMC Europe Development Capital Fund plc | 5,01 St | ||||||
Dimensional Holdings Inc. | 5,01 St | ||||||
BNP Paribas Investment Partners S.A. | 4,73 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 3,45 St | ||||||
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 3,33 St | ||||||
JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited | 2,99 St | ||||||
Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 2,88 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 2,78 St | ||||||
Source Markets plc | 0,85 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,37 St | ||||||
GRENKELEASING AG | Grenke Beteiligung GmbH & Co. KG | 42,64 St | 27,03 | 0,01 | Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Limited | 5,31 | |
Jupiter Asset Management Limited | 7,2 St | ||||||
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 2,98 St | ||||||
Mark Kindermann | 0,36 St | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Ernst-Moritz Lipp | 0,23 St | ||||||
Jörg Eicker | 0,04 St | ||||||
Gilles Christ | 0,03 St | ||||||
Florian Kai Schulte | 0,02 St | ||||||
Antje Leminsky | 0,02 St | ||||||
Erwin Staudt | 0,01 St | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Thilo Wörn | 0,01 St | ||||||
HAMBORNER REIT AG | RAG-Stiftung | 7,34 St | 10,61 | 0,28 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 1,81 | |
BNP Paribas Investment Partners S.A. | 5,03 St | ||||||
Belfius Insurance NV/SA | 4,07 St | ||||||
Dr. Theo Siegert | 3,71 St | ||||||
Ruffer LLP | 2,13 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,01 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 1,87 St | ||||||
Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG | Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg | 69,58 St | 8,42 | 0,10 | First Eagle Funds (division of ASB Securities LLC) | 4,67 | |
First Eagle Investment Management, LLC | 5,002 St | ||||||
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG | 0,06 (St) | Ferd. Rüesch AG | 9,02 St | 16,44 | 0,17 | Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 4,44 |
UBS Group AG | 3,09 St | ||||||
Dimensional Holdings Inc. | 3,01 St | ||||||
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 2,94 St | ||||||
Deutsche Bank AG | 0,87 St | ||||||
HORNBACH Holding AG & Co. KGaA | HORNBACH Familien-Treuhandgesellschaft mbH | 43,75 St | 0,03 | 0,00 | Russell Investment Company | 0,03 | |
Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder Holdings, Inc. | 13,16 St | ||||||
Platinum Investment Management Limited | 7,57 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 4,07 St | ||||||
Orbis Investment Management Ltd. | 3,57 St | ||||||
Hornbach-Baumarkt-AG | 0,13 (St) | HORNBACH Holding AG & Co. KGaA | 76,07 St | 3,83 | -0,02 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 1,57 |
INDUS Holding AG | Versicherungskammer Bayern | 19,4 St | 9,31 | 0,38 | DFA Invest Dimensions Gr. Inc. | 1,34 | |
Hans Joachim Selzer | 6,4 St | ||||||
KOENIG & BAUER AG | MKB Holding GmbH | 10,2 St | 13,68 | 0,30 | Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 4,15 | |
Bestinver Gestion S.A., SGIIC | 9,77 St | ||||||
Claus Bolza-Schünemann | 5,07 St | ||||||
Rota Klaeger | 3,57 St | ||||||
ID Sparinvest A/S | 2,99 St | ||||||
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 2,68 St | ||||||
Aufsichtsrat | 0,1 St | ||||||
KWS SAAT SE | Familien Büchting/Arend Oetker/Giesecke | 56,02 St | 10,73 | -0,38 | DWS Invest Sicav | 2,62 | |
Tessner Beteiligungs GmbH | 15,11 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,22 St | ||||||
Aufsichtsrat | 0,01 St | ||||||
MLP AG | Manfred Lautenschläger | 23,22 St | 14,55 | 0,36 | Franklin Templeton International Services S.A. | 4,35 | |
Harris Associates L.P. | 9,69 St | ||||||
HDI Pensionskasse AG | 9,36 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 7 St | ||||||
Allianz SE | 6,18 St | ||||||
Angelika Lautenschläger | 5,95 St | ||||||
Barmenia Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH | 5,49 St | ||||||
Berenberg Bank, Joh. Berenberg Gossler & Co. KG | 4,78 St | ||||||
Schroders plc | 3,03 St | ||||||
AXA S.A. | 2,96 St | ||||||
Franklin Templeton Investment Funds | 2,95 St | ||||||
Dr. Peter Lütke-Bornefeld | 0,14 St | ||||||
Johannes Maret | 0,09 St | ||||||
Manfred Bauer | 0,01 St | ||||||
Reinhard Loose | 0,01 St | ||||||
PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Wolfgang Egger | 46,92 St | 15,39 | 0,15 | Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 3,19 | |
WA Holdings, Inc. | 2,76 St | ||||||
Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 2,31 St | ||||||
Klaus Schmitt | 0,12 St | ||||||
PUMA SE | 0,95 (St) | SAPARDIS S.A. | 73,97 St | 3,12 | 0,12 | Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 0,45 |
J.P. Morgan Markets Limited | 3,19 St | ||||||
RATIONAL AG | Siegfried Meister | 62,99 St | 12,39 | -0,19 | Allianz GI LUX | 1,70 | |
Walter Kurtz | 7,81 St | ||||||
Allianz SE | 2,99 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,03 St | ||||||
SAF-HOLLAND S.A. | Deutsche Bank AG | 5,29 St | 53,16 | -0,30 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 9,60 | |
Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited | 5,15 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 4,99 St | ||||||
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 4,99 St | ||||||
Management & Directors | 1,62 St | ||||||
Schaltbau Holding AG | 2,66 (St) | Familie Dr. Jürgen Cammann | 11,62 St | 17,50 | -0,43 | Shareholder Value Management AG | 5,00 |
Familie Zimmermann | 11 St | ||||||
Monolith Duitsland B.V. | 6,83 St | ||||||
Kreissparkasse Biberach | 5,02 St | ||||||
BNY Mellon Service Kapitalanlage-Gesellschaft mbH | 4,88 St | ||||||
Peter Jahrmarkt | 0,08 St | ||||||
Dirk Christian Löchner | 0,02 St | ||||||
Friedrich Smaxwil | 0,02 St | ||||||
SGL Carbon SE | 0,08 (St) | SKion GmbH | 27,35 St | 1,92 | 0,11 | Vanguard Group, Inc., The | 0,42 |
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG | 18,37 St | ||||||
Volkswagen AG | 9,88 St | ||||||
Voith AG | 6,8 St | ||||||
Dr. Michael Majerus | 0,09 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,03 St | ||||||
SHW AG | Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited | 10,1 St | 37,20 | 1,78 | Fidelity Investments Luxembourg S.A. (FIL) | 3,71 | |
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 5,31 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 4,93 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 3,88 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 3,57 St | ||||||
Schroders plc | 2,91 St | ||||||
F&C Asset Management plc | 2,76 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,73 St | ||||||
Linz Textil Holding AG | 2,65 St | ||||||
Henderson Global Investors Limited | 2,55 St | ||||||
FIL Limited | 2,38 St | ||||||
JP Morgan Asset Management (UK) Limited | 2,32 St | ||||||
Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 1,75 St | ||||||
Sixt Leasing AG | Erich Sixt | 41,94 St | 0,00 | 0,00 | 0,00 | ||
MainFirst SICAV | 5,01 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 3,66 St | ||||||
Henderson Group plc | 3,58 St | ||||||
Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 3,08 St | ||||||
Sixt SE | ES Asset Management and Services GmbH & Co. KG | 60,08 St | 11,19 | -0,82 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 1,84 | |
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 3,02 St | ||||||
Stabilus S.A. | Mondrian Investment Partners Limited | 5,01 St | 6,95 | 0,00 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 2,86 | |
JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 5 St | ||||||
Schroders plc | 4,95 St | ||||||
Management | 1 St | ||||||
Ströer SE | Dirk Ströer | 29,95 St | 16,50 | -0,12 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 5,49 | |
Udo Müller | 24,22 St | ||||||
Sambara Stiftung | 5,73 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 4,98 St | ||||||
J O Hambro Capital Management Limited | 2,91 St | ||||||
HMI Capital, LLC | 2,86 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,84 St | ||||||
Christian Schmalzl | 0,06 St | ||||||
TAKKT AG | Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH | 50,28 St | 31,36 | 0,10 | Franklin Templeton International Services S.A. | 5,73 | |
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 3,04 St | ||||||
Franklin Templeton Investment Funds | 2,63 St | ||||||
FIL Limited | 2,6 St | ||||||
Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat | 0,01 St | ||||||
Tele Columbus AG | York Capital Management Global Advisors, LLC. | 20,86 St | 0,14 | 0,00 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 0,09 | |
Ameriprise International Holdings GmbH | 10,09 St | ||||||
Capital Research and Management Company | 8,7 St | ||||||
Davidson Kempner | 7,3 St | ||||||
Silver Point Luxembourg Platform S.àr.l. | 6,88 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 6,22 St | ||||||
Cross Ocean European Special Situation Fund (GP) L.P. | 3,8 St | ||||||
Tele Columbus New Management Participation GmbH & Co. KG | 3,41 St | ||||||
JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 2,56 St | ||||||
TLG IMMOBILIEN AG | GIC Private Limited | 13,33 St | 1,85 | 0,00 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 1,82 | |
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 5,61 St | ||||||
DB X-Trackers | 3,53 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 3,01 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 1,04 St | ||||||
Lone Star Funds | 0,11 St | ||||||
TOM TAILOR Holding AG | Guo Guangchang | 23,16 St | 31,33 | 2,71 | Schroder Investment Management (Luxembourg) S.A. | 3,78 | |
Schroders plc | 10,13 St | ||||||
Bram Cornelisse | 5,33 St | ||||||
Morgan Finance S.A. | 4,77 St | ||||||
Henderson Group plc | 3,04 St | ||||||
Vanguard Whitehall Funds | 3,03 St | ||||||
Litman Gregory Masters International Fund | 3,01 St | ||||||
Old Mutual plc | 2,99 St | ||||||
Kempen Capital Management N.V. | 2,99 St | ||||||
T. Rowe Price Associates Inc. | 2,72 St | ||||||
Wellington Management Group LLP | 2,24 St | ||||||
Dieter Holzer | 1,12 St | ||||||
Thomas Schlytter-Henrichsen | 0,27 St | ||||||
Dr. Axel Rebien | 0,08 St | ||||||
Dr. Christoph Schug | 0,07 St | ||||||
Gerhard Wöhrl | 0,06 St | ||||||
Andreas W. Bauer | 0,02 St | ||||||
Vossloh AG | Heinz Hermann Thiele | 40,79 St | 18,06 | 0,24 | Lazard Freres Gestion | 2,98 | |
Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC | 5,68 St | ||||||
Iskander Makhmudov | 3,08 St | ||||||
Lazard Frères Gestion S.A.S. | 3,01 St | ||||||
ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A. | 2,95 St | ||||||
Annette Oesterlee | 1,89 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 1,43 St | ||||||
Deutsche Bank AG | 0,19 St | ||||||
Christine Piekenbrock-Oesterlee | 0,06 St | ||||||
Cornelius Oesterlee | 0,04 St | ||||||
Philipp Oesterlee | 0,04 St | ||||||
Ulrich M. Harnacke | 0,01 St | ||||||
VTG AG | Compagnie Européenne de Wagons S.à r.l. | 43,84 St | 9,06 | 0,57 | DFA Invest Dimensions Gr. Inc. | 1,18 | |
Andreas Goer | 25,62 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 2,98 St | ||||||
Samana Capital LP | 2,22 St | ||||||
Wacker Neuson SE | Familie Wacker | 33 St | 6,32 | 0,28 | DFA Invest Dimensions Gr. Inc. | 1,07 | |
Familie Neunteufel | 30 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,5 St | ||||||
ZEAL Network SE | Oliver Jaster | 10,22 St | 24,37 | 1,57 | Ethna Capital Partners S.A. | 8,62 | |
Schroders plc | 7,43 St | ||||||
Marc Peters | 4,82 St | ||||||
LRI Invest S.A. | 4,41 St | ||||||
Jens Schumann | 4,17 St | ||||||
BNP Paribas Investment Partners S.A. | 4,02 St | ||||||
Farringdon Capital Management SA (FCML) | 3,46 St | ||||||
Vanguard International Explorer Fund | 3,16 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Fund Management S.A | 2,98 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,91 St | ||||||
Dr. Hans Cornehl | 0,68 St | ||||||
zooplus AG | Prof. Dr. Hubert Burda | 18,84 St | 19,04 | -0,09 | Capital Research and Management Company | 7,24 | |
RAG-Stiftung | 13,11 St | ||||||
Ruane, Cunniff & Goldfarb Inc. | 8,73 St | ||||||
SMALLCAP World Fund, Inc. | 7,55 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 5,12 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 3,85 St | ||||||
Dr. Cornelius Patt | 3,59 St | ||||||
Pelham Long/Short Small Cap Master Fund Ltd | 3,22 St | ||||||
Wasatch Advisors, Inc. | 2,86 St | ||||||
Management | 1,74 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,54 St |