Mar.15,2025 Ajwa For Food Industies in (EG) |
Mar.15,2025 THK CO in Tokyo (JP) |
Mar.15,2025 F5 Networks in (US) |
Mar.15,2025 Independent Petroleum GroupKC in Safat (KW) |
Mar.15,2025 Egyptians Abroad for Investment and Development in (EG) |
Mar.15,2025 Egyptians For Housing and Development |
Mar.15,2025 Hang Xanh Motors Service Joint Stock in (VN) |
Mar.15,2025 Tiasang Battery Joint Stock in (VN) |
Mar.15,2025 Port Said for Agricultural Development and Construction SAE |
Mar.15,2025 Al Fanar Contracting Construction Trade Import and Export |
Mar.15,2025 Thuan Phuoc Seafoods and Trading |
Mar.15,2025 Nacional Seguros Vida y Salud in (BO) |
Mar.15,2025 Nacional Seguros Patrimoniales y Fianzas |
Mar.16,2025 Arab Bankingoration BSC |
Mar.16,2025 Raysut CementOG in Maskat (OM) |
Mar.16,2025 Jordanian Expatriates Investment Holding in (JO) |
Mar.16,2025 Suez Canal Bank in (EG) |
Mar.16,2025 Oman FisheriesOG |
Mar.16,2025 Qatar General Insurance and Reinsurance in Doha (QA) |
Mar.16,2025 Qatar Industrial ManufacturingQ in (QA) |
Mar.16,2025 Doha Insurance QSC in Doha (QA) |
Mar.16,2025 Kuwait Financial Centre KSC in Safat (KW) |
Mar.16,2025 Israel Petrochemical Enterprises in (IL) |
Mar.16,2025 Priortech in (IL) |
Mar.16,2025 Lokman Hekim Engurusag Saglik Turizm Egitim Hizmetleri ve Insaat Taahhut AS in in (TR) |
Corporate Governance – portrayed in the individual cultural and legal framework, from the standpoint of equity capital. VIPsight is a dynamic photo archive, sorted by nations and dates, by and for those interested in CG from all over the world. VIPsight offers, every month:
Raj Thamotheram
Raj Thamotheram – a well-recognised thought-leader in the field of long-term and sustainable investing – is CEO of Preventable Surprises, President Emeritus of the Network for Sustainable Financial Markets, a Visiting Fellow at the Smith School (Oxford University) and Chair of the Advisory Council for Push Your Parents. His clients include a mid sized European Private Equity firm, a major religious organisation and an ESG research agency. He has led the Responsible Investment team at Universities Superannuation Scheme (where he launched several collaborative initiatives including the Institutional Investor Group for Climate Change, Enhanced Analytics Initiative, Marathon Club, Pharma Shareowners Group, Pharma Futures) and also at AXA Investment Managers (where he launched first fund in Europe focused on human capital management and launched the strategy to mainstream ESG, RI Inside). He was nominated by Global Proxy Watch as “one of the 10 most influential figures in the corporate governance field” in 2004 and again in 2008. He is now an independent adviser on “investing as if the long-term matters” and a columnist for Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE). He trained a medical doctor, has worked in NGOs, as founder and Director of Saferworld, international head of advocacy at ActionAid and the first manager of the Ethical Trading Initiative. He has also worked as a CSR consultant with clients including BT, UK Cabinet Office and Caricom.
A well recognised thought-leader on how companies and investors can adapt to put people and planet on par with profit and so deliver long-term value to their clients/customers and society.
An inspiring speaker, with well-developed communication skills, who uses rigorous stakeholder research to carefully tailor a message that is specific to the key challenges and opportunities faced by the particular client.
A proven organisational change agent with over 2 decades of experience of: a) leading strategic change projects; b) catalysing & managing major collaborative initiatives; and c) working with non corporate stakeholders
Core Competencies
Well recognised thought leader on long-term wealth creation and management of “preventable surprises”
Nominated by Global Proxy Watch as “one of the 10 most influential figures in the corporate governance field” in 2004 and again in 2008, with specialist knowledge focused on resilience and long-term wealth creation
Strategic advisor to a wide range of clients including the Church of England (Church Commissioners and Archbishops’ Council), Novo Nordisk, Polden Puckham Foundation, Triton Partners (private equity) and Sustainalytics (ESG research agency).
Co-founder and first President of the Network for Sustainable Financial Markets and co-founder and CEO of Preventable Surprises, both of which focus on how investors currently operate as important enablers of corporate and market dysfunction and what they can do to become a bigger part of the solution.
Monthly contributor to Investment Professionals Europe and frequent author, with regular media interviews on issues including risk/uncertainty management, corporate governance, executive pay, investor opportunities/responsibilities related to climate change human, capital management & corruption.
Inspiring communicator
Accomplished (keynote) speaker at both intimate meetings (e.g. board reviews) and large events (up to 200 people) including Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees (London, May 2013), Canada’s Social Investment Organisation (Vancouver, June 2013), Finish Social Investment Forum (Helsinki, November 2013) and the “Rights & Responsibilities of Institutional Investors” Annual Forum (Amsterdam, 2011 & 2012).
Provided workshop-style training for: Triton (mid sized private equity player, 3 workshops, via simultaneous video conference involving 4 offices) and Bishops of the Church of England and senior team member (3 workshops, involving 75 people).
Strong reputation for a) calibrating the message to meet the specific needs of the particular client, b) being authentic and factual, c) using behaviour psychology to create a hopeful mind-set and d) leaving the audience with a practical agenda.
Proven organisational change agent with experience across multiple sectors
Conceived and led the implementation for the first 3 years of “RI Inside”, a strategy to position AXA IM as a leading player in the Responsible Investment community. The strategy had a dual focus on integrating sustainability analysis into core investment and other organisational processes and innovative investment products (e.g. the AXA Framlington Human Capital Fund).
Initiated and led the development of sustainability mainstreaming at University Superannuation Scheme, resulting in it becoming a global player with a strong reputation for innovative stewardship projects (see below).
Led small to medium sized teams (3 at USS, 7 at AXA IM) and managed a multi-disciplinary and organisational-wide network at AXA IM of 25.
Significant experience of leading/co-leading collaborative stewardship initiatives designed to achieve system change:
Also experience of change in other sectors:
Push Your Parents (Chair, Advisory Council, July 2013, on-going)
A campaign to address the lack of inter-generational fairness within the investment system, focusing on climate change.
Friends Provident Foundation (Trustee, March 2013, on-going)
A grant making charity that supports more resilient, fairer and sustainable economic systems.
Council on Economic Policies (Member, Board of Directors, April 2012, on-going)
A nonpartisan economic policy think tank for sustainability
Raj Thamotheram Associates, now Integralize (Founder, July 2011, on-going)
Strategic advisor for investors & other institutions on long-termism and ESG mainstreaming.
Preventable Surprises (Co-founder, Jan 2012, on-going)
Co-founder & CEO of a think-tank focused on how investors can better manage what is often inaccurately diagnosed as “fat tail risk”.
FINANCE LAB (Member, September 2009, on-going)
Early supporter of this ambitious “large system” change project, with stewardship responsibility for the risk group and featured in its debut film
Network for Sustainable Financial Markets (Co-founder & President, April 2008 - Dec 2013)
Network of well regarded “positive deviants” within the financial system.
AXA IM (Director, Responsible Investment, June 2006 - June 2011)
Responsible for securing top-level support for a mainstreaming strategy (“RI Inside”) with a significant expansion of resources. Handed over team leadership role in June 2009 to become Senior Adviser and focus on thought-leadership and mentoring my successor
Universities Superannuation Scheme (Senior Advisor, February 2000 - May 2006)
Developed and secured board support for the ESG strategy, appointed the team and established USS’s reputation for collaborative, systemic engagement projects.
Corporate social responsibility consultant (1998 – 2000)
Responsible for innovative CSR projects for clients ranging from BT to Caricom. First manager of the Ethical Trading Initiative.
ACTIONAID (International Head of Advocacy, 1995 – 1998)
Responsible for the organisation’s public policy strategy and output, managing a team of 4. Special responsibility for the “Collaborative Leadership Action Group”, an organisational change project which has played a critical role in ActionAid’s transformation.
SaferWorld (Founder and Director, 1987 – 1994)
Founder and first director for 7 years, with experience of fundraising from major donors including Ford Foundation, Rowntree Charitable Trust, Network for Social Change and individual philanthropists.
National Health Service (1984 – 1986)
Post qualification vocational training to become a General Practitioner.
University of Bristol Medical School — BSc Neuropharmacology (1983), MBChB (1984).
Strong commitment to self-directed personal and professional development as needed in these varied roles. This has included conflict resolution (Harvard University summer program), international relations, international development, scenario building, NGO management, psychotherapy, systems thinking/organisational learning & investment theory & practice.
Welcome to VIPsight Europe - United Kingdom
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Raj Thamotheram |
17 July 2016
by Luca Gori
The victory of the LEAVE campaign in the recent so-called BREXIT referendum in the UK will have far-reaching consequences in the dynamics of the soccer player market in the British Isles. It will affect not only the Premier League but also all the clubs in the minor leagues, including those – for now at least –in Scotland. At this juncture, however, it should be said that the amended rules are unlikely to be retroactive, and furthermore, that the changes will be introduced by amendments to the book of rules.
Certain implications are short term while others will be more long-term.
The most immediate impact has very little to do with regulations but follows the drop in the value of the pound sterling in the wake of the referendum. In the short term it will have a bearing on English clubs and their purchases from non-UK clubs. That said, however, for as far reaching as the devaluation of the pound may be, the wealth of Premier League clubs and the revenue that big and not so big clubs earn from TV broadcasting rights places them in a position of great strength unequalled anywhere in the rest of Europe. A team that finds itself in the mid-lower half of the Premier League still has a budget that in other countries is only enjoyed by a few select clubs.
There are two significant consequences in the regulations concerning the transfer of foreign minors aged 16 -18 and procedures regarding granting foreign players work permits.
Article 19 of FIFA’s Laws of the Game on player status and transfer bars juvenile players who have not yet reached their 18th birthday from access to the international transfer market. This rule is waived for transfers within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA), in which case the minimum age is lowered to 16.
BREXIT would bar young promising European-level players from this matrix of transfer to English clubs and is an issue of considerable significance. Many English teams have made sizeable payouts all over the continent of Europe throughout the years to secure young talent and a great many players in question have risen to the occasion, and made the investment worthwhile.
The second consequence is that Brexit puts an end to the free circulation of workers bearing an EU passport. This is another thorny issue for if the post-BREXIT rules that will come into force had been applied in the past, at least 100 Premier League players would have been denied a work permit.
The rules of the Premier League under which work permits are issued to foreign players are few but require strict observance of certain basic principles. Permits to foreign players are only issued to those who, in the two years prior to their purchase, were capped for a certain percentage of matches, the actual percentage being calculated on the basis of the FIFA ranking of the national team in question. The player must have been capped to play in at least 30 percent of his country’s internationals in the previous two years if his country’s side is ranked among FIFA’s top ten. In the sides rated from 11 through 20, the percentage rises to 45 percent and so on up, the lower the ranking the higher the percentage required. All European players were by definition workers free to circulate but post BREXIT, Europeans will be equally as foreign as a player from Brazil or Senegal.
In the long term as things stand now, the new situation will take a couple of years at least to run smoothly and will probably lead to clubs investing more in home-grown players, especially juveniles who, obviously, don’t need a permit. They will be the focus of future investment and the price of the best will probably rise even higher.
There will be less European talent purchased which will have some detrimental effect on the technical skills on which the championship has based and developed its strength. It may be that limiting the number of foreign players that English clubs can purchase has the effect of raising a player’s purchase price if the purchasing club is English.
6 June 2015
Fidelio Overture – Re-writing the Chairman's role description
Author: Gillian Karran-Cumberlege
At Fidelio we have great confidence in what a talented and effective Chairman can achieve. This is confirmed on a daily basis as we engage with Chairmen on Board composition through our search mandates and also through our advisory work of Board Development. The Chairman, who is independent and non-executive, is surely the rock on which good governance is founded. So, while conducting recent research, we have been surprised by the extent to which these key tenets of the Chairman’s role are evolving.
Regional differences
The role of Chairman is, of course, defined on a national level by company legislation and the relevant Corporate Governance code. In Germany quoted companies have two Chairmen – one of the Supervisory Board and one of the Management Board. In the US it is not uncommon to have a combined Chairman and CEO. The Board might be unitary in the UK but neither the Corporate Governance Code nor investors have any time for a “unified” Chairman/CEO role. Quite the contrary.
Despite regional differences, across all these jurisdictions the role of the Chairman has increased in importance since the Financial Crisis. Even in the US some institutional investors are very publicly looking to the Chairman to counteract the influence of an over powerful CEO.
"The chief executive may get the glory and the salary, but leading the board is an increasingly important role, requiring subtlety, maturity and an iron grip on the agenda." Management Today, 2nd June 2014 |
Indeed a broad consensus has emerged across developed economies and mature capital markets that the Chairman should be independent and non-executive.
The argument is compelling. The Chairman sits at a juncture where interests collide. It is easier for a Chairman to interpret and navigate these conflicting interests, if he or she is not closely aligned to the executive or a major investor. And not having executive responsibilities allows the Chairman to retain the necessary objectivity and distance to ensure that he or she is fulfilling the duties to the shareholders and acting in the long-term interest of the company.
But here’s the rub. When we look closely at what regulators and shareholders expect from a good Chairman, we end up with some surprising answers.
Integrity and competence are, of course, hugely important criteria for a good Chairman. If anything the emphasis on these qualities has increased. But arguably the focus on integrity and competence means that independence and non-executive status are not paramount.
Corporate Governance safeguards
So why are these critical governance safeguards being allowed to drop?
Definitions are important. At Fidelio, we understand competence in this context as the ability to be an effective Chairman. This implies good chairing skills as well as a firm grasp of business and probably also a successful track record in business. Increasingly, however, competence is being equated with sector expertise. This is particularly true in financial services where regulators are insisting on a very high degree of industry expertise including at Board level.
Given the inability of a number of bank Boards to avert collapse in the recent financial crisis, we understand this regulatory insistence. But, as we have flagged in previous Overtures our very real concern is that a Board of industry experts with deep sectorial expertise and very similar backgrounds is not well placed to fend off “group think”.
The expectation that the Chairman should be deeply familiar with the operational business of the company has other consequences. It increases the likelihood of a non-independent appointment to the role of Chairman. The appointment of a highly-regarded CFO to Chairman in 2010 within a leading UK bank is a case in point.
One reason that the Chairman needs to demonstrate a deep familiarity with the business is because key stakeholders expect it. Indeed, in recent years, the Chairman has become much more of an established point of contact for regulators, as well as shareholders.
This has the advantage of freeing up the CEO which is no bad thing but we have been struck at how the time commitment for the Chairman has increased. Indeed across the FTSE 100 there is a strengthening presumption that the Chairman only has time for one major Chair role, which may require a commitment of 2 or 3 days a week.
This heavy time commitment is also reflected in Chairman’s remuneration in particular at the top of the FTSE or the DAX. At Fidelio we have been intrigued to see investors using remuneration as a rough and ready guide as to whether a Chairman is executive or not.
Tone from the top
Another driving force behind this increasing time commitment is the expectation of both regulators and investors that the Chairman sets the tone from the top. It can be argued that a good Chairman has always done this.
But, as regulators start to focus upon and even “measure” culture, we see Chairmen taking a much greater interest in tools of change management and culture building that previously would have been left to the executive team.
In his speech at a recent think-tank dinner a highly regarded former UK Chairman described in detail one of the best known cultural change programmes in UK corporate history. His mastery of HR transformation techniques was impressive.
"Good boards are created by good chairmen. The chairman creates the conditions for overall board and individual director effectiveness." FRC Guidance on Board Effectiveness, 2011 |
Thus for a variety of reasons we are finding the role of the Chairman in many large complex companies is becoming more and more “executive”. By and large investors and regulators are willing to compromise on the non-executive status of the role to ensure a Chairman who is effective and active in driving cultural and regulatory change. After all for many organisations, particularly in financial services, this represents the licence to operate.
And this brings us to the question of independence. Of course institutional shareholders want the Chairman to safeguard their interests.
Recent IPOs suggest the emergence of a common structure. Private Equity (PE) owners, bringing a portfolio company to market, now frequently retain a sizeable holding post-IPO and very often will appoint a Chairman who also serves as an advisor to the PE parent. This is clearly not an independent appointment but it can be a very effective one if the Chairman has deep business expertise (former FTSE 100 CEO) and / or deep relationships with other strategic investors.
Investor pragmatism
Indeed, Fidelio has been struck at how European investors are pragmatic in accepting a company’s duty to comply with the local Corporate Governance code or to explain. Investors and regulators are typically prepared to relax the independence and non-executive criteria if the Chairman has obvious integrity and brings proven and relevant business experience. This is frequently on an interim basis but can also be permanent.
There is, however, a very clear proviso. If the Chairman is not independent, there needs to also be a credible bench of independent directors and in particular a lead or senior independent director.
The role of the Chairman is undoubtedly growing in importance externally for both shareholders and regulators. The Chairman is also growing in influence internally. This is both expanding and changing the Chairman’s role description which may well entail the Chairman becoming more executive and less independent.
On the whole we see investors taking a practical stance. Provided safeguards are in place, shareholders and regulators are focussed on the best person for the role. No bad thing and arguably a sign of dynamic and even robust governance.
24 November 2014
Chairman, thank you for the opportunity to speak in support of my nomination to join the Board of BHP Billiton (BHPB).
Ladies and gentlemen, my platform for election is the climate change and energy challenge we face, specifically its implications for BHPB shareholders.
I would like to congratulate Andrew Mackenzie and his team on the action they have taken since I raised these matters at last year’s AGM. With the articulation of a new climate change policy and extensive scenario analysis, BHP Billiton is setting the standard for the global resource industry, which is most encouraging.
But having claimed leadership, the Company must now face up to the real challenge. Despite the progress of the last 12 months, I believe that has yet to occur.
Climate change is happening faster and more extensively than officially acknowledged. The transition to low-carbon society will also occur faster than anticipated, posing serious risks for BHPB, but opening up unprecedented opportunities provided the need for rapid transformation is recognised in time.
The new policy is based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) assessment of the climate science. The IPCC conclusions are extremely important, confirming the science at a higher confidence level.
But the IPCC also has great weaknesses. The assessment is a consensus which only occurs every five or six years, meaning that much of the latest science is omitted and the outcome is inherently conservative. Further, it’s conclusions are damped-down politically.
Most importantly the IPCC does not quantify the big risks. These are the “tipping points”, caused by non-linear feedback loops, where the climate may flip from one relatively stable state to another far less conducive both to human development and to the economic stability so essential for BHPB’s prosperity. These are high-impact and what were thought to be low-probability risks. Unfortunately, these risks are now becoming reality in the Arctic, Antarctic, in the Oceans and elsewhere. Once they take hold, they may be irreversible.
This requires that prudent risk management go beyond the conservative IPCC view, recognize these big risks and take urgent action. But the Company’s risk management approach does not convey much sense of urgency. Likewise, the scenarios disclosed this year are too conventional.
The new climate policy has some serious inconsistencies:
The prosperity of BHPB depends upon a stable and growing global economy. Growth now depends upon a rapid transition to a low-carbon world. Stability requires urgent action to make that transition in good order. It is no use waiting for the market, or government policy, to dictate the change, otherwise it will be to late, with the risk of substantial shareholder value destruction. Rather, proactive leadership is required to seize what is the greatest value creation opportunity in human history.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Board has recommended against my appointment on the grounds that my experience and expertise do not meet the requirements of a BHPB Non-Executive Director. There is no question that the existing directors are extremely competent in any conventional sense. However, these are not conventional times and those self-same conventional skills are, in my view, blinding the Board to the great changes already taking place in the climate and energy arena. The policy inconsistencies I have raised suggest that the Board is in need of further diversity and unconventional perspectives to complement its conventional skills.
I believe I am well-equipped to meet those needs.
So I appeal to you directly for shareholder support. Thank you for your consideration, and thank you, Chairman, for the opportunity to speak to the meeting.
27 August 2014
Whose standards count?
Why should investment professionals care about the ‘#Occupy’ protests? The majority of the public – ie, our customers – share some of the protesters’ views, even if they are not on the streets. One potent driver is the huge growth in income inequalityover recent decades. With this comes disgust with politicians for being the primary ‘enablers’.
We should be grateful that the public has not yet seen that we, institutional investors, have also actively contributed by choosing to ignore intra-firm income inequality. Put in corporate governance jargon, investors have, often as a matter of principle, ignored quantum.
This situation demonstrates the disproportionate influence of the mind-sets and power of the ‘1%’, and the lack of thinking, learning and good governance in practice among investors.
Second, it shows that there is still a disconnection between what the public is encouraged to think it is getting from the investment world and what is actually ‘under the lid’.
Third, investors could easily become a much bigger part of the solution if concerned stakeholders were to act strategically.
Let me take each in turn. To paraphrase the UK Labour Party’s spin master, Peter Mandelson, investors have been ‘intensely relaxed about executives becoming filthy rich’ and, indeed, we have made a virtue about being uninterested in pay inequality and quantum. This paradigm, set by advocates of free market capitalism, has gone global and the only question we ask is “is executive pay aligned with shareholder value?”.
But even with this rather limited goal, we have failed miserably. Several of the original advocates of the shareholder value model, such as Alfred Rappaport, have rejected the current interpretations. With notable exceptions, most investors have not engaged intellectually, let alone acted on operational implications. Since rising pay inequality is the norm at the very firms that are supposed to be the guardians of executive pay, this may not be so surprising.
Of course, investors are not the sole advocates of this mind-set. The media has reinforced hero worship of ‘celebrity CEOs’ who are often corporate shareholder-value advocates. And academics have shown an astonishing lack of intellectual curiosity. For example, I know of no serious study into the effect of growing pay disparity on employee engagement, which is allegedly a core priority.
Similarly, experienced practitioners know that egregious pay deals are good indicators of weak boards, yet this link too has received little serious attention. Nor has it been for the lack of expert warnings about the impacts of pay deals that incentivise the wrong priorities and behaviours. According to the Bank of England’s well respected director of financial stability, Andrew Haldan: “The problem lies in serious imbalances between privatised returns and socialised risks... This calls for fundamental reform.”
To summarise, like the fantastic emperor’s cloak in the fairy tale, it has been ‘obvious’ that internal pay equity is ‘irrelevant’.
My second point is about the huge gap between what the public is encouraged to think it is getting from the investment world in terms of ‘stewardship activity’ and what is actually happening. Much has been made of Say on Pay in the US and the Stewardship Code in the UK, and they certainly have much potential. But the dominant insider narrative is that these are initiatives which will work but ‘just give them time’. There is little evidence this is true: time is not the key missing ingredient. Even more importantly, and given the very high levels of social disquiet, industry attitudes would seem to be more reflective of complacency or conflicted leadership intent than pragmatism.
Third, we are now very close to the tipping point, with several actors playing the child who says the emperor is naked. In a survey commissioned by St Paul’s Institute, even finance professionals think finance and corporate executives are over-paid. Clients of private equity firms are forcing through performance deals which are more aligned with the interest of end beneficiaries and this trend will spread to other asset classes. Unions are waking up to the fact that, through member-nominated trustees of pension funds, they are enfeebling workers without even delivering decent investment returns. Religious asset owners are being pressured not to let the secular investment service tail wag the dog on this investment belief issue. But perhaps the best indicators of the coming tipping point are the fact that the business-friendly website has articulated the best case for action and even CNN has taken on the task of educating its viewers.
"it was first published at IPE"
VIPsight - August 2014
Celesio beset by post-merger litigation threats
The step has been taken and now McKesson and Celesio are one. The US-based group absorbed the German pharmaceutical wholesaler at the beginning of 2014 when the shareholder contract of domination and profit transfer still had to be finalised. As Marion Helmes put it in her address to the shareholders’ meeting in Stuttgart on July 15, a must-have if the real benefits of take-over in, for example, the area of common purchasing vis-à-vis other pharmaceutical groups, are to be fully enjoyed. Shareholders, by contrast see the contract as a surrender of their right to take part in the decision-making process of quantifying dividends. Matthias Gabler perceives a clear-cut intention to bypass the small shareholder and describes the offer as “disgusting”. Shareholders should be safeguarded by a guarantee payment of 83 per cent or, alternatively sell their shares to McKesson for 22,99 Euros each, less than the price paid by McKesson on takeover. Quoted at 25 Euros, the share price, too, is higher than what is being offered. The size of the majority holdings, however, makes the result a foregone conclusion. McKesson now owns 75% of the company. "This transaction is tantamount to a forced seizure of shares” says Andreas Schmidt of Schutzgemeinschaft der Kapitalanleger, noting that a number of shareholders are considering suing.
Deutsche Bank subsidiary report “inaccurate and unreliable”
The New York Fed has handed down a highly negative report, chastising the Deutsche Bank USA subsidiary. In a letter dated December 11, the Bank Regulator describes the financial reporting as “low quality, imprecise and unreliable”. Furthermore, the accounting is said to be atrocious with manifest flaws in checking and technical procedures. “Large-scale errors” were discovered along with “poor data security” – information was entrusted to American public databases open to the scrutiny of a variety of users including investigatory bodies, economists, not to mention investors assessing the value of retail stores. A letter to the bank’s top management, presumably from Daniel Muccia, head of the New York Federal Reserve section on foreign bank US subsidiaries, states that the multitude of mistakes suggest that the entire reporting procedure of Deutsche Bank as a whole ought to be revised. This negative report is in stark contrast with the bank’s self presentation and its claim to be “top of its class”. It is thought that the bank has been aware of the problems for some time but has drawn no conclusions. From now on, though, the bank says it intends to tighten its grip. Since the financial crisis came to an end, the regulatory authorities in the United States have been keeping a more watchful eye on foreign banks with the result that many of them have discovered just how costly their disregard for legality can be. Deutsche Bank, on the other hand seems to have no reason to fear being fined.
No Frankfurt stock-exchange listing for TUI after the merger
TUI in Hanover is set on obtaining full control of the TUI Travel subsidiary in the UK which should conclude in a merger. TUI presently owns a 54% stake in the UK subsidiary and intends presenting the TUI plc shareholders with a takeover offer by the end of the Autumn. In the meantime the shareholders can share views and consult among themselves. The 46% of TUI Travel not held by TUI has an estimated value of two thousand million pounds. This important merger should transact exclusively by TUI GmbH shares in favour of the minority shareholders of TUI Travel, and involve no bonuses. The German parent company has had its sights set on the package tour business for some time and this deal should afford considerable cost savings by eliminating overlapping. When the tour operator made a bid to acquire First Choice Travel in the Spring of 2007, there were insufficient funds to purchase the firm as a whole so the prospective partners decided to set up TUI Travel Plc together. TUI took a generous half of the new subsidiary leaving the remaining 46 percent to First-Choice. The group is expected to have its headquarters in Germany but its stock exchange listing will probably be in London.
Heidelberger Druck: New directions lead to success
SDax –listed Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG is moving on to the next stage in its group restructuring initiative. In the wake of its success in turning its fortunes round and getting out of the red, the manufacturer of printing machinery is now contemplating acquisitions in the growing sectors of digital, services and consumables, while management has signalled its intention to pull out of less profitable areas. The company is aiming to maintain last year’s turnover for this financial year 2014/15 but with increased profitability. After five years of losses and drastic staff cuts, the group is now posting profits of four million Euros. The market for printed products has been beset for years by a fall in demand, newspapers being a case in point. EBITDA is expected to be approximately 8% by 2015/16.
Koenig & Bauer: restructuring work in progress
There is another printing machinery manufacturer in the throes of rising from the red, namely Koenig & Bauer who last year announced staff cut-backs affecting more than 1,000 jobs. At present, 700 employees will have to vacate the headquarters in Würzburg and the plant in Mödlig in Austria. By cutting costs the SDax-listed company should rally from the crisis that has its roots in the fall in demand for printed media. The group’s aim, however, goes beyond cutting costs. The board of directors has earmarked printing banknotes, metal containers, labels, and digital printing as potential areas for investment. In addition, and jointly with KBA-Flexotecnica and KBA- Kammann the two subsidiaries acquired last year, attention is turning to exploiting the market potential for flexible packaging and hollow-container printing and direct-decoration of luxury glass packaging. Lastly, the group is moving towards a more flexible, less centralised organisational structure.
Villeroy & Boch: Towards more eco-friendly toilet fixtures and fittings
Sanitary ceramic manufacturer Villeroy & Boch is discovering the benefits of having properly addressed today’s issue of renewable resources. The Frankfurt-listed SDax company has posted an increase in demand for bathroom and WC fittings with low water consumption in this year’s first quarter results. Overall turnover is up by more than 5% on the same period last year and now stands at almost 380 million Euros; in Germany alone a rise of almost 6%. Group profit has risen from 5.1 to 7.3 million Euros. The Saar-based concern, however, is now also enjoying success overseas, in China, Russia and in Eastern Europe. Management is expecting growth to remain constant at between three to five percent.
The German Mittelstand
German Mittelstand set to benefit from free trade agreement.
Debate has been ongoing for a year, again, on whether or not to dismantle the customs duties and barriers that stand between the EU and the USA. Free trade would open up a area with a potential of over 800 million consumers representing approximately 50 percent of the global economy. But everything has its downside, and the discussion about this free trade area is fraught with enormous public controversy.
Gurus of political economy point to the advantages of having a trading landscape free of duties and barriers, and how these would contribute an additional 0.5 percent to EU growth. The sceptics, on the other hand, feel that 0.5% is optimistic, and instead express doubts on whether customer protection could ever be unified. Diverse regulatory mechanisms are also problem; take for example OGM plants or the rules for vetting pharmaceuticals
Taking the economic advantages alone, the debate boils down to the growth potential and the list of who is likely to benefit most. In addition to large-scale groups with an international standing, Frank Sportolari, Procurator General with United Parcel Service Deutschland and Vice-president of the Internationaler Kreis des Wirtschaftsrates der CDU e.V. Federal Commission identified the German Mittelstand as possible beneficiaries of a free trade structure. It is a fact that existing barriers weigh disproportionately higher on small and mid-size enterprises than on the big players because of the latter’s scarcity of resources to overcome the obstacles.
The strength of the German Mittelstand could lead to the belief that such an affirmation is a tactic, however close to reality it may be. states that 27% of exports to the USA is composed of automobiles or spare parts while 17 percent is made up of chemical products.
More important still are indirect exports. Not always possessing their own direct sales channels, SMEs tend to sell their produce, whether finished, semi-worked or as raw materials in Germany to large concerns who work on the international stage. These global players then export the merchandise through their own sales channels. In its 2011 report on globalisation the Prognos Institute discovered that Germany’s exports of goods and services for 2007 amounted to 940 thousand million Euros. An additional 824 thousand million Euros of goods and services – 88% of direct exports – were sold through third parties.
Indirect exports are hard to quantify for each single SME. A glance at the flow of goods and services on the domestic market, however, shows that the benefits of helping to lighten the trade balance with extra-European countries ought to be reaped by the SMEs, the backbone of the German economy.
Buhlmann's Corner
Corporate Governance on Summer vacation
If all the experts can find to say is that the Deutsche Corporate Governance Kodex ought to keep lobbyists at arms-length, there mustn’t be very much that’s really worth getting hot under the collar about. Of course, it stands to reason that a committee of experts can’t ignore a legal discussion instead of complaining that nothing works properly. I just hope that real exchanges of views – the constructive kind between people who understand each other – raise their head again. Indeed, I think I can already hear something rustling in the undergrowth.
Anyone who is back in the fray with their holiday gear packed away is going to run up against the discussion on diversity which is now very little more than just bickering about gender equality. It has become talking senselessly and getting nowhere, like the two ladies Elke König, president of Bafin ( and her European counterpart Danièle Nouy, chair of the supervisory board of the ECB are doing. And while we’re on the subject by what gender equality quotient did all those women come to head supervision in the world of finance. Who, I wonder, is going to plead the cause of men like me, for me and for a brighter future?
Should the Corporate Governance Codex Commission in Berlin, now strengthened under the new leadership of Manfred Gentz, fail in its mission and be left with the percentage of women as its sole raison d’etre and criterion in the debate on diversity, then it could take its model of lobbying, set aside the capital needed, and establish an “Agency for Women on Supervisory Boards”. I’m beginning to think that it’s the only way of placating the youthful minister for Justice ( who states “let no seat be left un-sat upon”.
Leaving aside the issue of how unconstitutional it may be, not to mention all the other unanswered legal questions, it seems that all a joint stock company has to do to be on the safe side is turn itself into a European concern and change type of company. Assuming, that is, that there is still someone out there who has the quota issue at heart. The famous article 104 of the German law comes to mind; the one on joint stock companies that was put there with the sole objective of “salvaging” co-determination. What future now awaits seats for women un-sat upon?
Talking of empty seats, I want to stress that shareholder presence at general meetings has gone up this year too, with the exception of the usual cases like Heidelberger Druck, Deutsche Banke and K+S. This year’s wooden spoon – the figure mooted is 19% - goes to MTU Aero Engines. The fault, however, was not in how the system worked but in communication problems between service providers. Everything is fine as long as the shareholders are aware of what they’re doing, and provided what they’re doing is guided by their sense of responsibility vis-à-vis clients and employees. What really counts is being aware of one’s responsibilities.
Commerzbank is bracing itself for a fine expected to top 500 million US Dollars for breaking US law on embargos. This, seemingly, is the alternative to criminal proceedings and investigation by the American judicial system. The alleged sanction busting took the form of financial dealings with companies in Iran and other countries. On July 8, Commerzbank confirmed that it was in touch with the American authorities. A total fine of half a thousand million Euros is a particularly painful prospect for Germany’s second most important bank, seeing as how its net profit for last year was a mere 78 million Euros.
Agreement is emerging in the dispute over the dismissal of the four interest-rate traders in the Deutsche Bank interest manipulation case. On appeal, the parties agreed with the draft settlement proposed by judge Astrid Nungesser to resort to mediation in a hearing set for 19 September. The hope is that the judge will usher the adversaries towards compromise. Failure will refer the case back to a workers’ tribunal set up at the behest of the traders who are claiming redress for dismissal without advance notice. Mediation was introduced by law in 2012 as a recognised legal procedure.
Erich Kellerhals is being relentless in his efforts to oust Metro board-member Pieter Haas from his position in Media-Saturn and terminate his mandate by notification of investigation issued by the court in Ingoldstadt. The founder of the Media-Markt and Saturn group is pressing for an end to the three-year-long ongoing dispute that the retail giant is embroiled in. In addition, Kellerhals points to Haas’s conflict of interest, on the one hand being on the board of directors of Metro with its subsidiary companies Reale and Kaufhof which are direct competitors of Media-Saturn. The meeting of July 22 did at least result in an agreement to appoint Haas as interim CEO of Media-Saturn.
Louise M. Parent has joined the Deutsche Bank Supervisory Board with effect July 1. The board’s Selection Committee had proposed appointing the New York-based lawyer to replace Suzanne Labarge who unilaterally resigned her seat on June 30. According to the bank, Canadian-born Labarge had hinted at last year’s shareholders’ meeting that she was considering not having her appointment run its full term.
Deutsche Börse has proposed a Chinese national as candidate to its Supervisory Board. Amy Yok Tak Yip, nominated on July 24, has a wealth of experience in the Asian financial industry and has held high-echelon posts, including the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and DBS Bank. Born in Hong Kong, Amy is expected to be voted on to the Supervisory Board next year at the time when its membership will be cut from 18 to 12. Her appointment is testimony to Deutsche Börse’s commitment to growth in Asia.
Citing personal reasons, Matthias Böge has stated his intention of resigning from Deutsche Euroshop’s board of directors by June 30, 2015. The news emerged unobtrusively almost as a post scriptum to the MDax-listed company communiqué on ‘expansion of the board of directors’. As of 1 July 2015, he will be replaced by Wilhelm Wellner who from 1 February, 2015 has been appointed to the newly created position of Chief Operating Officer (COO) initially to look after business operations.
In a surprise move, Angela Titzrath is quitting as Head of Human Resources and Employment in Deutsche Post. In a brief communiqué, the postal and logistics group states that Titzrath is resigning two years into her contract, due to expire in April 2015, ‘for personal reasons'. Verdi, the third sector trade union has expressed its appreciation of her work.
Lars Singbartl resigned his seat on the Kontron Supervisory Board at the end of June. His heir apparent is Harald Joachim Joos, an engineer who must be appointed by the appropriate tribunal. Loos had been Senior Advisor to Warburg Pincus Deutschland GmbH since 2009. Similarly to Warburg Pincus, Triton also has a (12 per cent) stake in the manufacturer of small computers which is presently in the process of being restructured.
Metro has lost one of the two female, capital-side representatives of the Supervisory Board. Lucy Neville-Rolfe who up to now has chaired Eurocommerce, is going into politics. The sixty-one year old former Tesco manager has been appointed Parliamentary Secretary of State to the Exchequer with responsibility for innovation and professional training which oblige her to resign her mandate to the Supervisory Board of the German trading conglomerate.
Werner Brand is joining the Supervisory Board of OSRAM Licht. The former CFO of SAP replaces Joachim Faber who resigned his seat leaving the board on July 1. The change is to be viewed in the light of the limited number of mandates in the banks. When his appointment has been made official, Brandt will also succeed Faber to the presidency of the examining committee.
Höft & Wessel: more growth, more work
Höft & Wessel AG, a Droege Group company is set to increase its number of board members. The Hanover based Prime Standard listed concern is forecasting sustainable growth and, effective July 1, appointed Thomas Dibbern to the new position of head of international sales. A graduate in political economy and political studies, Dibbern will bolster the management of the company and the orientation of the clientele to its range of ticket and parking receipt machines and mobile terminals. Prior to Höft & Wessel, he was head of international sales in an SME in a similar area of business.
Nanostart: Asia calling
Nanostart AG, the Entry Standard listed nanotechnology company, has announced that Marco Beckmann, the chair of the board of directors, resigned in mid July. He has been appointed managing director of the company’s subsidiary, Nanostart Westbridge, with responsibility for Asian business. Beckmann’s boardroom duties will be taken on in the interim by the chair of the Supervisory Board Norbert Neef.
Dip in gender parity quota
2012 was the year when 15 of the 193 boardroom seats of the 30 DAX-listed groups were occupied by women – 7.8% in percentage terms. At year end 2013, there were only 12 women – 6.3%. These figures were announced by the Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW – German Institute for Economic Research). At present, there are 183 boardroom seats in DAX-listed companies, 10 of which are held by women. According to a survey conducted by Ernst & Young and published July 17, the real number had in fact fallen to 5.5 percent. Only 9 of the 30 DAX-listed groups have women in the boardroom: Allianz, BASF, Daimler, Deutsche Börse, Deutsche Telekom, Henkel, Munich Re and Deutsche Lufthansa. However, considering that women are about to enter the boardrooms of another two DAX-listed companies, Siemens and Continental, the actual number of female executives should rise again. As Elke Horst, head of gender studies at DIW points out, there is still a long way to go before real relinquishment of male monoculture will be perceived as a foreseeable future possibility. Today, there is no sign whatsoever of more women in major, listed company boardrooms becoming the rule. There are more women in Supervisory Boards. An analysis conducted by the economics database institute Bürgel show that 17.1 percent of Supervisory Board members are women while the percentage in the DAX 30 group is 24.7.
Rises in boardroom fees fast outstripping nominal salary bumps
Many companies have registered record profits over recent years, the German economy is in good health and there was no reason for managers who worked towards this not to reap some benefit. However, despite the drop in turnover and profit in 2013, the boardrooms of the top DAX-30 companies registered a 4 percent increase in earnings, outstripping the 1.4 percent of nominal salaries. The increase in boardroom fees is proving more dynamic than that of nominal salaries and the gap is still widening. 2013 is a repeat performance as shown by a survey carried out by the Deutsche Schutzvereinigung für Wertpapierbesitz (DSW) jointly with Gunther Friedl of Munich’s Technische Universität. The 2013 average earnings for a DAX-listed company boardroom member was 3.3 million Euros, in other words 53 times more than an employee of his own company. Some years previously, the gap was much narrower. Speaking in Frankfurt on July 10, Friedl maintained that boardroom earnings were much less performance-based than thought. Lufthansa was a case in point - bonuses grew by 57 percent despite the downward turn in results.
Capital News
Farewell Bourse
Marseille-Kliniken AG shares will no longer be traded on the stock exchange after mid August. While presently traded on the free market, the decision to delist was reached at the end of June. No liquidation payment is being offered and a bond trader has been commissioned to create a trading platform independent of the stock exchange. The shareholders were not brought into the process that led to this decision.
After the devaluation caused by the shift in business sector, the price lowered even further when the decision to abandon the stock exchange became known. According to Wirtschaftswoche, a number of shareholders would welcome an ad hoc audit. Wirtschaftsmagazin has stated that the shareholders fear that after the devaluation Ulrich Marseille, founder of the chain of clinics and majority shareholder, will gather up a lot of shares cheaply which would increase his profit should he decide to sell. The general consensus of opinion seems to be that the only beneficiary of delisting was Ulrich Marseille which is why certain shareholders would welcome an audit to ascertain whether the board of directors or the Supervisory Board acted with bias against the interests of other investors.
At present the amount of Marseille’s holding is unknown. Since the market segment has changed, he is no longer obliged to reveal this information. Last year, the quota of Marseille and his wife combined amounted to 60 percent. Past dealings between the companies Marseille owns personally and Marseille Kliniken AG. have often been intense, and rumoured to be less than transparent.
Borussia Dortmund: the main sponsor is also an investor
The Bundesliga soccer team, Borussia Dormund GmbH & Co. KGaA (BVB) has been SDax listed since June and is set to raise some 27 million Euros by issuing 6 million new shares. The new stock will be subscribed by the chemical group Evonik and will not be accounted in profits before the end of the 2013-14 financial year. This new capital raises the number of BVB shares on the market to 67 million, 70% of which are in free flow.
Since 2006, Evonik has been the major sponsor of the BVB soccer team; this subscription also makes it the second largest shareholder of the club, and the extension of its sponsorship contract means that it will continue as main sponsor until the 2024-25 season. Last financial year saw BVBha post a profit of some 53 million Euros – an increase of almost 55 percent on the previous year.
Ehlebracht: gearing down
Ehlebracht AG, the specialist in functional technology in the manufacture of plastics and furniture is considering moving from the General Standards to the Entry Standards on the Frankfurt stock exchange. According to management, this would save on the higher costs and expenses inherent in the stricter obligations of the regulated market. After the change, of segment, the company is expecting to delist on the floors of Düsseldorf and Berlin.
Director's Dealings
Company | Person | Function | Buy / Sell | Total value in Euro | Number of shares | Datum |
BASF SE | Suckale, Margret | MB | K | 199.253 | 2.340 | 30.06.2014 |
BB Biotech AG | Koller, Daniel | MB-Head | K | 76.411 CHF | 500 | 16.06.2014 |
Bilfinger SE | Koch, Roland | MB-Head | K | 50.167 | 715 | 07.07.2014 |
Bilfinger SE | Müller, Joachim | MB | K | 49.650 | 750 | 10.07.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Bomm, Gudrun Brigitte | SB | exercise an option | 45.000 | 2.000 | 20.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Campelli, Fabrizio | exercise an option | 1.103 | 49 | 18.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Campelli, Fabrizio | exercise an option | 5.130 | 228 | 12.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Chada, Gunit | exercise an option | 55.013 | 2.445 | 13.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Cloete, Alan | exercise an option | 107.640 | 4.784 | 16.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Colin, Fan | exercise an option | 532.823 | 23.681 | 13.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Faissola, Michele | SB | exercise an option | 1.941.975 | 86.310 | 18.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Fitschen, Jürgen | MB-Head | exercise an option | 1.282.343 | 56.993 | 18.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Folkerts-Landau, David | exercise an option | 248 | 11 | 18.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Folkerts-Landau, David | exercise an option | 8.775 | 390 | 18.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Herling, Alfred | SB | exercise an option | 7.200 | 320 | 18.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Irrgang, Dirk | exercise an option | 2.520 | 112 | 11.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Irrgang, Dirk | exercise an option | 698 | 31 | 11.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Irrgang, Sabine Elke | SB | exercise an option | 698 | 31 | 11.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Irrgang, Sabine Elke | SB | exercise an option | 2.678 | 119 | 11.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Jain, Anshu | MB-Head | exercise an option | 3.845.520 | 170.912 | 18.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Krause, Stefan Georg Ulrich | MB | exercise an option | 171.518 | 7.623 | 19.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Leithner, Dr. Stephan | MB | exercise an option | 52.538 | 2.335 | 13.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Lewis, Stuart | MB | exercise an option | 833 | 37 | 18.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Lewis, Stuart | MB | exercise an option | 203.310 | 9.036 | 12.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Mark, Henriette | SB | exercise an option | 4.433 | 197 | 19.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Neske, Johanna | exercise an option | 8.640 | 384 | 11.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Neske, Katharina | exercise an option | 8.640 | 384 | 11.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Neske, Lukas | exercise an option | 8.640 | 384 | 11.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Neske, Rainer | MB | exercise an option | 92.070 | 4.092 | 11.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Platscher, Gabriele | SB | exercise an option | 1.238 | 55 | 13.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Rankin, Robert | exercise an option | 614.363 | 27.305 | 24.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Ricken, Dr. Christian Klaus | exercise an option | 3.488 | 155 | 19.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Ritchotte, Henry | MB | exercise an option | 473 | 21 | 18.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Ritchotte, Henry | MB | exercise an option | 1.040.783 | 46.257 | 18.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Steinmüller, Werner | exercise an option | 60.750 | 2.700 | 13.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Trützschler, Prof. Dr. Klaus Rüdiger | SB | exercise an option | 15.750 | 700 | 20.06.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | von zur Mühlen, Alexander | exercise an option | 611.888 | 27.195 | 18.06.2014 | |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Walker, Richard | exercise an option | 551.475 | 24.510 | 18.06.2014 | |
Deutsche Börse Aktiengesellschaft | Faber, Dr. Joachim | SB-Head | K | 139.945 | 2.495 | 02.06.2014 |
Deutsche Börse Aktiengesellschaft | Roggemann, Gerhard | SB | K | 55.390 | 1.000 | 30.05.2014 |
Deutsche Telekom AG | Clemens, Reinhard | MB | K | 252.000 | 20.000 | 11.06.2014 |
Deutsche Telekom AG | Kremer, Dr. Thomas | MB | K | 209.208 | 16.750 | 06.06.2014 |
Deutsche Telekom AG | Nemat, Claudia | MB | K | 240.989 | 19.560 | 02.06.2014 |
Deutsche Telekom AG | van Damme, Niek Jan | MB | K | 109.664 | 8.700 | 13.06.2014 |
Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA | Brosnan, Michael | MB | exercise an option | 2.767.152 | 58.641 | 06.06.2014 |
Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA | Fuste, Roberto | MB | exercise an option | 4.273.649 | 85.269 | 08.07.2014 |
Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA | Kuerbitz, Ronald | MB | V | 1.573.826 | 33.000 | 16.06.2014 |
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Schneider, Dr. Ulf M. | MB-Head | exercise an option | 977.424 | 12.900 | 20.06.2014 |
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Schneider, Dr. Ulf M. | MB-Head | exercise an option | 987.449 | 12.900 | 06.06.2014 |
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Sturm, Stephan | MB | exercise an option | 1.966.819 | 25.800 | 03.06.2014 |
FUCHS PETROLUB SE | Rudolf Fuchs GmbH & Co KG | K | 106.176 | 1.600 | 03.06.2014 | |
FUCHS PETROLUB SE | Rudolf Fuchs GmbH & Co KG | K | 434.395 | 6.500 | 02.06.2014 | |
FUCHS PETROLUB SE | Rudolf Fuchs GmbH & Co KG | K | 51.133 | 771 | 29.05.2014 | |
FUCHS PETROLUB SE | Rudolf Fuchs GmbH & Co KG | K | 395.378 | 5.950 | 30.05.2014 | |
GAGFAH S.A. | Edens, Wesley R. | V | 3.960.624 | 330.052 | 09.06.2014 | |
GAGFAH S.A. | Nardone, Randal A. | V | 2.410.080 | 200.840 | 09.06.2014 | |
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA | Henkel, Christoph | V | 1.751.404 | 23.000 | 13.06.2014 | |
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA | Henkel, Christoph | V | 2.047.221 | 27.000 | 16.06.2014 | |
JENOPTIK Aktiengesellschaft | Ederer, Brigitte | SB | K | 22.762 | 1.900 | 24.06.2014 |
JENOPTIK Aktiengesellschaft | Humer, Rudolf | SB-Head | K | 114.600 | 10.000 | 08.07.2014 |
KUKA Aktiengesellschaft | Eberhardt, Wilfried | SB | V | 8.421 | 200 | 12.06.2014 |
KUKA Aktiengesellschaft | Eberhardt, Wilfried | SB | V | 8.400 | 200 | 12.06.2014 |
KUKA Aktiengesellschaft | Wyser-Pratte, Guy P. | SB | V | 1.123.750 | 25.000 | 04.07.2014 |
LEONI AG | Paglia, Richard | SB | K | 11.525 | 197 | 24.06.2014 |
Linde Aktiengesellschaft | Belloni, Dr. Aldo | MB | V | 271.754 | 1.756 | 02.06.2014 |
Linde Aktiengesellschaft | Couturier, Anke | SB | V | 19.777 | 128 | 04.06.2014 |
MorphoSys AG | Schottelius, Dr. Arndt | MB | V | 750.143 | 11.000 | 13.06.2014 |
MorphoSys AG | Schottelius, Dr. Arndt | MB | V | 1.534.716 | 22.000 | 12.06.2014 |
MTU Aero Engines AG | Dautl, Thomas | SB | K | 16.835 | 250 | 12.06.2014 |
MTU Aero Engines AG | Hillreiner, Josef | SB | K | 14.949 | 222 | 12.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Arnoldussen, Dr. Ludger | MB | K | 91.223 | 567 | 30.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Arnoldussen, Dr. Ludger | MB | K | 91.191 | 569 | 16.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Arnoldussen, Dr. Ludger | MB | K | 91.135 | 562 | 02.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Blunck, Dr. Thomas | MB | K | 92.993 | 578 | 30.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Blunck, Dr. Thomas | MB | K | 92.793 | 579 | 16.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Blunck, Dr. Thomas | MB | K | 92.919 | 573 | 02.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Daschner, Georg | MB | K | 102.646 | 638 | 30.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Daschner, Georg | MB | K | 102.409 | 639 | 16.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Daschner, Georg | MB | K | 102.611 | 631 | 02.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Jeworrek, Dr. Torsten | MB | K | 147.694 | 918 | 30.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Jeworrek, Dr. Torsten | MB | K | 147.764 | 922 | 16.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Jeworrek, Dr. Torsten | MB | K | 147.729 | 911 | 02.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Röder, Dr. Peter | MB | K | 94.762 | 589 | 30.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Röder, Dr. Peter | MB | K | 94.717 | 591 | 16.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Röder, Dr. Peter | MB | K | 94.702 | 584 | 02.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Schneider, Dr. Jörg | MB | K | 136.110 | 846 | 30.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Schneider, Dr. Jörg | MB | K | 136.225 | 850 | 16.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Schneider, Dr. Jörg | MB | K | 136.054 | 839 | 02.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Strassl, Dr. Wolfgang | MB | K | 63.567 | 392 | 02.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | von Bomhard, Dr. Nikolaus | MB-Head | K | 192.099 | 1.194 | 30.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | von Bomhard, Dr. Nikolaus | MB-Head | K | 192.318 | 1.200 | 16.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | von Bomhard, Dr. Nikolaus | MB-Head | K | 191.999 | 1.184 | 02.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Wenning, Dr. Joachim | MB | K | 89.614 | 557 | 30.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Wenning, Dr. Joachim | MB | K | 89.748 | 560 | 16.06.2014 |
Münchener Rückversicherung | Wenning, Dr. Joachim | MB | K | 89.513 | 552 | 02.06.2014 |
Nordex SE | Maier, Dieter | SB | V | 32.400 | 2.000 | 26.06.2014 |
PSI Aktiengesellschaft | Schrimpf, Dr. Harald | MB-Head | V | 21.569 | 1.500 | 12.06.2014 |
PSI Aktiengesellschaft | Schrimpf, Dr. Harald | MB-Head | V | 43.719 | 3.000 | 10.06.2014 |
RHÖN-KLINIKUM Aktiengesellschaft | Münch, Eugen | SB-Head | disposed | 0 | 1.380.000 | 02.06.2014 |
SAP AG | Oswald, Gerhard | MB | K | 52.886 | 950 | 10.06.2014 |
SAP AG | Rosa-Bian, Mario | SB | V | 6.621 | 118 | 02.06.2014 |
VIPsight Shareholders
in July
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M & A
Homag: Machine tool manufacturer eats machine tool manufacturer
MDax-listed Dürr AG is hoping to acquire a majority stake in Homag AG, the manufacturer of wood-treating machinery. According to Dürr AG who supplies to the automotive manufacturing industry, the major shareholders of Homag, including Deutsche Beteiligungs AG and the pool of shareholders of the Schule founding family and the Klessmann Foundation, intend selling off some 54% of share quota. The acquisition price is estimated at some 219 million Euros.
The antitrust authority still has to give its approval for the transaction. Dürr, the new majority shareholder has announced that it has no squeeze-out ideas nor any intentions of delisting Homag from Prime Standard. The takeover of the machine tool manufacturer for the woodworking industry with its quota of 28 percent of the world market will enable Dürr to broaden its range of products beyond the automotive industry. Homag AG posted a turnover for 2013 of just under 790 million Euros.
GFT: focus on finance
GFT Technologies AG, the Prime-Standard-listed company has bought over a special IT service provider in Great Britain. The transaction took place through GFT’s UK subsidiary GFT UK Ltd., and secured a 98% quota of Rule Financial Ltd. for GFT AG. Rule Financial Ltd is a provider of special IT services designed specifically with investment bank requirements in mind with a turnover posted last year of some 48 million Pounds (roughly 58 million Euros).Neither company has divulged the price of the transaction. Rule Financial and its allied companies have retained the remaining 2 percent that GFT will purchase by the end of 2016 through put and call stock options.
GFT expects that this acquisition will strengthen its presence on both the US and UK financial markets; management has forecast a further second half-year turnover for 2014 of 42 million Euros and a total 2014 year-end turnover of 352 million.
VIPsight agosto
Dopo la fusione, minacce di litigi legali per Celesio
Mancava un ultimo passo, ma adesso la fusione tra McKesson e Celesio è definitiva. All'inizio dell'anno il gruppo USA aveva rilevato il commercianto di farmaceutici tedesco, mancava l'approvazione con contratto di dominio e di trasferimento degli utilida parte degli azionisti. Per poter realizzare i vantaggi del rilevamento, ad esempio tramite acquisti comuni, un tale contratto è indipensabile, spiegava Marion Helmes in occasione dell'assemblea generale il 15 luglio a Stoccarda, per potersi presentare insieme nei confronti dei gruppi farmaceutici. Per gli azionisti un tale contratto significa ad esempio la rinuncia ai propri diritti di partecipazione alla discussione sull'ammontare dei dividendo. Matthias Gabler vede chiara l'intenzione di buttare fuori gli azionisti minoritari e descrive l'offerta come 'schiffosa'. Agli azionisti dovrebbe spettare un indenizzo sotto forma di un pagamento di garanzia di 83 per cento; in alternativa possono rivendere le loro azioni a Mc Kesson per 22,99 Euro caduna; il prezzo è inferiore a quello pagato dalla stessa McKesson al momento del rilevamento. Quotato 25 Euro anche il prezzo dell'azione è maggiore di quello offerto. Vista la situazione proporzionale delle maggioranze il risultato era prevedibile: Mc Kesson è adesso proprietaria del 75 % delle quote. "Questa manovra corrisponde ad un esproprio forzato degli azioni", dice Andreas Schmidt della Schutzgemeinschaft der Kapitalanleger, anticipando che alcuni azionisti stanno prendendo in considerazione di sollevare delle cause.
Affiliata della Deutsche Bank riporta "con errori e in modo inaffidabile"
La Fed di New York ha dato dei voti pessimi all'affiliata USA della Deutsche Bank. I report finanziari sarebbero "di bassa qualità, poco precisi e non affidabili", si legge in una lettera del Controllore bancario del 11 dicembre. Si aggiungono una pessima contabilità e dei vizi evidenti nel controllo e nei procedimenti tecnici. Sono stati riscontrati degli "errori notevoli e una bassa sicurezza dei dati" nell'inserimento di dati in banche dati pubbliche americane, a cui accedono tra le altre anche le istituzioni di controllo, gli economisti e gli investitori per valutare i negozi. In una lettera inviata ai vertici dell'istituto di credito si legge che la quantità degli errori fa pensare che la tutta struttura dei report della Deutsche Bank debba essere rivista. L'autore della lettera dovrebbe essere Daniel Muccia, responsabile nella Fed di New York per le affiliate americane degli istituti di bancari stranieri. La brutta pagella è in totale contrasto con l'auto-presentazione della banca che sostiene di essere "la migliore della sua classe". Si dice che la banca sia da tempo consapevole dei problemi senza però trarrne le consequenze. Adesso l'azienda dichiara di voler intensificare i controlli. Dalla fine della crisi finanziaria i regulatori USA osservano e banche straniere con maggiiore attenzione. Diverse banche hanno già dovuto pagare caro per i loro trucchetti. Sembra che la Deutsche Bank non debba però temere la multa.
Per TUI nessuna quotazione in borsa a Francoforte dopo la fusion
La TUI di Hannover intende guadagnare il controllo totale sull'affiliata TUI Travel in Granbretagna. Per questo fine le due aziende dovrebbe arrivare ad una fusione. Attualmente la TUI tiene il 54 % dell'affiliata britannica; l'intenzione è di offrire agli azionist di Plc un offerta di rilevamento entro l'autuno. Gli azionisti dovrebbero sfruttare il tempo per consultarsi. Il 46 per cento delle quote della Travel che non appartengono a TUI ha un valore presunto di due miliardi di sterline. L'importante fusione dovrebbe funzionare esclusivamente attraverso l'emissione die azioni della SPA in favore degli azionisti minoritari della TUI Travel, quindi senza alcun pagamento di premi. Il gruppo madre in Germania intende da anni acquisire il controllo del business con i viaggi organizzati. TUI spera in questo modo di sciogliere la complicata struttura doppia e di abbassare notevolmente i costi. Quando a primavera del 2007 il tour operator aveva cercato di acquistare la First ChoiceTravel i soldi non bastavano per comprare l'azienda nel suo insieme. I due partner decisero quindi di fondare insieme la TUI Travel Plc. TUI prese una buona metà delle quote della nuova affiliata, mentre i restanti 46 per cento rimanevano nella First-Choice. Il gruppo dovrebbe avere sede in Germania; il listing in borsa dovrebbe invece essere spostato a Londra.
Heidelberger Druck: Nuovo orientamento con successo
In Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, quotata nel SDax, si entra nella fase successiva della ristrutturazione del gruppo. Dopo essere riuscita nello scorso esercizio a realizzare il turnaround e ad uscire dal rosso, il produttore di macchinari per la stampa sta programmando di fare degli acquistiin settori in crescita come come il digitale, i service e i comsumables. Il management annuncia di voler ridurre invece i business meno redditizi. Nell' esercizio corrente del 2014/15 l'azienda vorrebbe confermare il fatturato dell'anno precedente e aumentare la redditività. Ultimamente il gruppo ha realizzato dei profitti per quattro milioni di euro - dopo cinque anni di perdite e una notevole riduzione dei posti di lavoro. Il settore soffre da anni dell'abbassamento della domanda sul mercato dei prodotti stampati tra cui i giornali. Il margine dell'EBITDA dovrebbe aver raggiunto già nel 2015/16 circa un otto per cento circa.
Koenig & Bauer: ristrutturazione in corso
Un altro produttore di macchine per la stampa sta cercando di uscire dal rosso: lo scorso anno la Koenig & Bauer aveva annunciato il taglio di oltre 1000 posti di lavoro. Attualmente circa 700 dipendenti devono lasciare a sede di Würzburg e la fabbrica di Mödlig in Austria. Abbassando i costi, l'azienda quotata nel SDax dovrebbe farcela ad uscire dalla crisi che ha le sue origini nei media stampati. Ma il gruppo non intende solo risparmiare; il CdA propone quali potenziali settori di investimento: la stampa di banconote, sulla latta, di etichette e digitale. Con le due affiliate acquistate nello scorso anno, la KBA-Flexotecnica e la KBA- Kammann, si pensa inoltre di sfruttare il potenziale di mercato per imballi flessibili e contenitori decorati. Il gruppo ha infine espresso la volontà di riorganizzare la sua struttura organizzativa in maniera meno centralizzata e più flessibile.
Villeroy & Boch: Toilette più sostenibili
L'attenzione alle risorse è di tendenza - e ne guadagna al momento il produttore di ceramica Villeroy & Boch. L'azienda quotata nel SDax della Borsa Titoli di Francoforte ha registrato nei primi due trimestri dell'esercizio corrente un aumento della domanda di mobili da bagno e di water a basso consumo di acqua. Nell'insieme il fatturato è aumentato di oltre sei percento rispetto allo stesso periodo dello scorso anno, crescendo a quasi 380 milioni di Euro. In Germania l'aumento ha raggiunto quasi il 6 per cento. Il risultato del gruppo è passato da 5,1 a 7,3 milioni di Euro. Ma il successo del gruppo con sede sulla Saar si è allargato anche oltre confine, ad esempio in Cina, in Russia e nell'Europa orientale. Per l'esercizio corrente il management prevede un continuamento della crescita di tre a cinque per cento.
Buhlmann's Corner
Corporate Governance durante l'estate
Se gli esperti si limitano a far presente che il Deutsche Corporate Governance Kodex dovrebbe tenere le distanze dal lobbismo, mi viene da pensare che non ci sono temi veramente caldi di cui parlare. Ovviamente una commissione di esperti deve partecipare alle discussioni legali, invece di lamentarsi di tutto ciò che non funziona. Spero vivamente che le vere discussioni, cioè quelle costruttive tra persone che se ne intendono, tornino a farsi sentire - e devo dire che ho la sensazione che qualcosa si stia muovendo.
Chi esce dal rilassamento estivo andrà sicuramente a battere con la solita intensità contro la discussione sulla diversità oramai ridotta ad una discussione sul gender. Una discussione senza senso e senza effetto, come quella tra le due signore Elke König, presidente della Bafin ( e la sua controparte europea, Danièle Nouy, presidente del consiglio di vigilanza della BCE. A proposito, secondo quale logica di quote abbiamo tutte queste signore nella vigilanza del mondo finanziario? Chi patteggerà per gli uomini come me, per me stesso e per un futuro migliore?
Nel caso che la Commissione per il Codice sulla Corporate Governance di Berlino, rinforzata sotto la nuova guida di Manfred Gentz, non dovesse raggiungere gli obiettivi e se la percentuale delle donne dovesse rimanere l'unico criterio per cui lottare nella discussione sulla diversità, la stessa commissione potrebbe trasferire il suo modello di lobbismo e mettere a disposizione il capitale necessario per nominare una "agenzia per le donne nel consiglio di sorveglianza". Temo che sia l'unico modo per venire incontro al giovanile ministro per la giustizia ( che chiede che "nessuna sedia rimanga vuota".
Sembra che oggi sia sufficiente che una società per azioni si trasformi in società europea cambiando forma legale se non vuole fidarsi dell'anticostituzionalità e dell'elevato numero di questioni legali non risolte e andare sul sicuro. Sempre che qualcuno voglia veramente vigilare sulle quote. Mi viene in mente il famoso articolo 104 della legge tedesca sulle società per azioni che a suo tempo nacque con il solo obiettivo di "salvare" la co-determinazione. Che futuro spetterà alle sedie per signore rimaste vuote?
Parlando di sedie vuote mi preme sottolineare che quest'anno le presenze durante le assemblee sono nuovamente salite, ad eccezione dei soliti casi come Heidelberger Druck, Deutsche Bank e K+S. Il premio per la peggiore presenza - si parla del 19% - è andato alla MTU Aero Engines. Il cattivo risultato non è però dovuto al malfunzionamento del sistema, bensì a delle difficoltà di comunicazione tra i provider dei servizi. Tutto va bene, quando gli azionisti sono consapevoli di quello che fanno e quando le loro azioni sono guidate dal loro senso di responsabilità nei confronti di chi investe, dei clienti e dei dipendenti - la consapevolezza della responsabilità è assolutamente cruciale.
Kommentar Mittelstand
Il Mittelstand tedesco trarrà dei vantaggi dall'accordo sul commercio libero (da controllare se si dice così)
Da un anno si discute nuovamente dell'abolizione di dazi e barriere commerciali tra l'UE e gli USA. L'accordo porterebbe alla nascita di una zona economica con oltre 800 milioni di consumatori e circa la metà della capacità economica globale. Ma come sappiamo, ogni moneta ha due lati e la discussione sulla volontà di creare questa zona franca è soggetto di una grande controversia pubblica.
Gli esperti di economia policia vedono i vantaggi economici di una zona economica senza dazi e barriere commerciali e prevodono una crescita ulteriore del 0,5 per cento nella Comunità Europea. Gli scettici temono invece che le stime siano esagerate e vedono inoltre delle difficoltà nell'unificazione della protezione dei consumatori. Particolari problemi dovrebbero creare le regolamentazioni diverse ad esempio nelle piante geneticamente modificate o nell'autorizzazione di farmaci.
Concentrandosi però sui vantaggi economici, la discussione gira solo intorno ai potenziali di crescita e la lista dei possibili approfittatori. Frank Sportolari, procuratore generale preso la United Parcel Service Deutschland e Vicepresidente della Comissione Federale Internationaler Kreis des Wirtschaftsrates der CDU e.V. ha individuato oltre ai grandi gruppi con presenza internazionale anche il Mittelstand tedesco come approfittatore di un tale accordo sul commercio libero. Fatto sta che per le aziende piccole e medie le barriere esistenti pesano in maniera sproporzionata in considerazione della scarsità, rispetto ai grandi, dei mezzi a disposizione per superare gli ostacioli.
Tenendo conto della forza del Mittelstand tedesco questa affermazione potrebbe avere motivazioni tattiche, anche se è molto vicina alla realtà. Secondo il 27 per cento delle esportazioni verso gli USA ricade su automobili e pezzi di automobili, il 17 percento invece sui prodotti chimici.
Ancora più importante sembra essere l'esportazione indiretta. Non disponendo sempre di canali di vendita propri, le PMI tendono a vendere i loro prodotti finiti, semilavorati o primi in Germania ai grandi gruppi con attività internazionali. Questi ' global player' esportano poi le merci attraverso i loro canali di vendità. L'istituto Prognos ha rilevatoper il suo report sulla globalizzazione 2011 che nel 2007 la Germania ha esportato merci e servizi per un valore di 940 miliardi di Euro. A queste esportazioni diretti bisogna poi aggiungere dei anticipazioni (controllare la parola) per 824 miliardi di Euro. Questo corrispondo all'88 percento delle esportazioni dirette.
L'esportazione indiretta è difficile da rilevare per la singola azienda piccola-media. Guardando però i flussi delle merci nel commercio interno si vede che a trarre vantaggio dall'alleggerimento delle relazioni commerciali con zone economiche extra-europee dovrebbe essere proprio il Mittelstand - la colonna spinale dell'economia tedesca.
Per aver violato le regole americane sull'embargo la Commerzbank deve aspettarsi una multa di almeno 500 milioni di dollari. Sembra che in questo modo l'istituto bancaria possa evitare una condanna penale e un procedimento d'indagine della giustizia US-americana. La violazione della sanzioni riguarderebbe degi affari finanziari con aziende in paesi come l'Iran. L'8 luglio la Commerzbank ha confermato di essere in contatto con le istituzioni americane. Per la seconda banca tedesca una multa di quasi mezzo miliardo di dollari è particolarmente doloroso in considerazione del fatto che nello scorso anno la stessa banca ha realizzato un risultato netto di soli 78 milioni di Euro.
Nel litigio sul licenziamento di quattro dealer con interessi (parola da trovare...) della Deutsche Bank nel contesto della manipolazione di interessi sembra prospettarsi un accordo. Le due parti accettano in seconda istanza la proposta della giudice Astrid Nungesser di decidere la questione all'interno di un procedimento di mediazione che è stato fissao per il 19 settembre. L'intenzione è di arrivare ad un compromesso trattando con l'aiuto di un giudice. In caso di fallimento del tentativo il tribunale del lavoro riaprirà la causa promossa dai dealer contro il loro licenziamento senza preavviso. Il procedimento di mediazione è stato introdotto per legge nel 2012 come istituzione del procedimento giuridico.
Erich Kellerhals insiste sulla disdetta del mandato di Pieter Haas e cerca di spingere il membro del CdA della Metro fuori dal suo incarico in Media-Saturn con un avviso di garanzia del tribunale di Ingolstadt. Il fondatore dei Media-Markt e Saturn insiste per arrivare ad una soluzione nel litigio con il gigante del commercio che dura ormai da tre anni. Kellerhals sostiene anche che Haas si trovi in un conflitto d'interesse facendo da un lato parte del CdA di METRO che con le sue affiliate Reale e Kaufhof si trova ad essere concorrente diretto di Media-Saturn. Durante l'appuntamento del 22 luglio le parti sono state in grado di trovare un accordo nell'accordo sulla chiamata di Haas come CEO ad interim di Media-Saturn.
Il 1 luglio Louise M. Parent è entrata a far parte del consigio di sorverglianza della Deutsche Bank. Il Comitato nomine del consiglio di sorvegianza aveva proposto l'avvocatessa di newjorkese per sostituire Suzanne Labarge che il 30 giugno aveva lasciato l'organo di sorverglianza per sua volontà. La Banca fa sapere che la Canadese aveva già accennato durante l'assemblea generale dello scorso anno di non voler mantenere il suo incarico per tutta la durata prevista.
Il 24 luglio la Deutsche Börse ha presentato una candidata cinese per il suo consiglio di sorveglianza. Amy Yok Tak Yip vanta una vasta esperienza nell'industria finanziaria asiatica, ricoprendo tra gli altri degli incarichi di spicco nella Hong Kong Monetary Authority e della DBS Bank. Nata a Hong Kong, Amy dovrebbe essere votata nel consiglio di sorverglianza nel prossimo anno, momento in cui lo stesso organo diminuirà il numero dei suoi membri da 18 a 12 membri. La sua nomina serve anche per sottolineare l'impegno dell'azienda per la crescita in Asia.
Matthias Böge intende lasciare il CdA della Deutsche Euroshop entro il 30 giugno 2015 'per motivi personali'. Questo è quanto comunica l'azienda quotata nel MDax quasi en passant sotto il titolo 'Ingrandimento del CdA' in una comunicazione ad hoc. Il successore dal 1 luglio 2015 sarà Wilhelm Wellner. Dal primo febbraio 2015 si occuperà inizialmente del business operativo posizione di nuova creazione del Chief Operating Officers (COO).
Dopo due anni Angela Titzrath ha inaspettamente rinunciato al suo incarico come Head of Human Resources e del Lavoro in Deutsche Post. Secondo una breve nota pubblicata dal gruppo di servizi postali e logistici la Titzrath ha dato le dimissioni 'per motivi personali'. Il sindacato del terziario Verdi ha lodato la qualità del suo lavoro. La durata del contratto era prevista fino ad Aprile 2015.
Lars Singbartl ha lasciato il consiglio di sorveglianza della Kontron alla fine di giugno. Il successore designato è l'ingegnere Harald Joachim Joos che dovrà essere nominato dal tribunal competente. Dal 2009 Loos è Senior Advisor per la Warburg Pincus Deutschland GmbH. Oltre a Warburg Pincus anche Triton (12 per cento) tiene delle partecipazioni nel produttore di piccoli computer che si trova attualmente in una fase di restrutturazione.
Metro perde una delle due donne membri nel consiglio di sorveglianza sul lato del capitale. Lucy Neville-Rolfe, finora presidente di Eurocommerce, entra in politica. Ex-manager di Tesco, la sessantunenne è stata nominata parlamentarische Staatssekretärin (Donald, meglio se guardi tu direttamente la giusta descrizione) nel ministrero britannico per l'economia, l'innovazione e la formazione professionale, dovendo quindi rinunicare al suo mandato nel consiglio di sorveglianza nel gruppo commerciale tedesco.
Werner Brand entrerà nel consiglio di sorveglianza della OSRAM Licht. L'ex CFO di SAP prenderà il posto di Joachim Faber che ha rinunciato alla sua carica il primo luglio lasciando l'organo. Il cambiamento deve essere visto davanti allo sfondo della limitazione dei mandati nelle banche. Dopo la nomina da parte del tribunale competente Brandt succederà Faber anche come presidente del comitato d'esame.
Höft & Wessel: più crescita, più compito
La Höft & Wessel AG, azienda facente parte del Droege Group, vuole allargare il suo CdA. Quotata nel Prime Standard e prevedendo una crescita sostenibile, la società con sede a Hannover ha affidato la nuova responsabilità per le vendite internazionali dall'inizio di luglio a Thomas Dibbern. Laureato in economia politica e politologia Dibbern rinforzerà il management e l'orientamento al cliente del produttore di macchinette per biglietti e parcheggi, nonché di terminal mobili. Prima di entrare in Höft & Wessel era stato responsabile per le vendite internazionali in una PMI con un business simile.
Nanostart: l'Asia sta chiamando
L'azienda comunica che Marco Beckmann, presidente del CdA della Nanostart AG, società di partecipazione nel settore della nanotecnologia quotata nel Entry Standard, si è dimesso a metà luglio. Prossimamente si assumerà la responsabilità del business asiatico come Managing Director dell'affiliata Nanostart Westbridge. La funzione vacante nel CdA sarà ad interim gestita dal presidente del consiglio di sorveglianza Norbert Neef.
La quota rosa scende
Nel 2012, 15 dei 193 posti nei board dei 30 gruppi facenti parte del DAX erano occupati con donne; una quota rosa quindi del 7,8 per cento. Alla fine dello scorso anno le donne erano solamente 12, con una percentuale del 6,3 per cento. Questo è quanto ci comunica il Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW - lstituto tedesco per la ricerca economica). Attualmente i posti nei board delle aziende quotate nel DAX sono 183, di cui 10 occupate da donne. Ernst & Young comunica in un'analisi presentata il 17 luglio scorso che la percentuale è infatti scesa al 5,5 per cento. Solo 9 dei 30 gruppi del DAX hanno delle donne nel board: Allianz, BASF, Daimler, Deutsche Börse, Deutsche Telekom,Henkel, Munich Re e Deutsch Lufthansa. Tuttavia, tenendo conto che in due dei board del DAX (Siemens e Continental) le donne sono prossime ad entrare, il numero degli executive femminili dovrebbe nuovamente aumentare. Secondo Elke Horst, che dirige le Gender Studies del DIW, ci vogliono ancora passi importanti per superare in tempi previdibili le monocolture maschili. Ad oggi il cambiamento verso un aumento del numero delle donne nei board delle grandi aziende quotate non è affatto la regola.Nei consigli di sorveglianza il numero delle donne è più cospicuo. Secondo uno studio effettuato dalla banca dati economica Bürgel la percentuale rosa è del 17,1 per cento. Nei 30 gruppi del DAX il 24,7 dei controllori sono donne.
La retribuzione dei membri dei CdA cresce più velocemente degli stipendi nominali
Negli anni passati molte aziende hanno raggiunto risultati da rekord, l'economia tedesca è sana, nessun motivo quindi per non far approfittare i manager da queste condizioni. Nonostante la decrescita dei fatturati e dei profitti, nel 2013 le retribuzioni dei CdA delle 30 aziende quotate più importanti raccolte nell'indice DAX sono cresciute del 4 per cento, rispetto al 1,4 per cento degli stipendi nominali. L'aumento delle remunerazioni dei membri del board dimostra di essere ben più dinamica della crescita degli stipendi nominali. La forbice continua ad aprirsi. Lo stesso vale anche per l'anno 2013, come conferma una ricerca fatta dalla Deutsche Schutzvereinigung für Wertpapierbesitz (DSW) insieme a Gunther Friedl della Technische Universität München. Nel 2013 un membro del CdA di un azienda quotata nel DAX riscuoteva mediamente circa 3,3 miioni di Euro e quindi 53 volte quanto un impiegato della sua stessa azienda.Qualche anno fa la differenza era ancora molto minore. Il 10 luglio Friedl sostiene a Francoforte che lo sviluppo delle remunerazioni dei board appare essere molto meno orientato alla performance di quanto si dice. In Lufthansa, ad esempio, i boni sarebbero cresciuti del 57 per cento nonostante i peggioramento del business.
Capital News
Addio alla borsa
Dalla metà di agosto le azioni della Marseille-Kliniken AG non saranno più commercializzate in borsa. Alla fine di giugno l'azienda, che adesso è quotata nel mercato libero, aveva deciso il delisting senza offerta di liquidazione incaricando una casa di vendita di titoli con la creazione di una piattaforma commerciale indipendente dalla borsa. L'assemblea generale non è stata coinvolta nella discussione.
Dopo la svalutazione dovuta al cambio di segmento, il prezzo è ulteriormente sceso in seguito all'annuncio dell'abbandono della borsa. Secondo la Wirtschaftswoche alcuni azionisti vorrebbero ottenere un controllo speciale. Il Wirtschaftsmagazin fa sapere che gli azionisti temono che dopo la svalutazione Ulrich Marseille, fondatore della catena di cliniche e azionista maggioritario, voglia raccogliere altre azioni a basso prezzo per aumentare il suo guadagno in caso di vendita. Si sente dire l’unico interessato in un delisting sia Ulrich Marseille. Per questo motivo il gruppo degli azionisti vorrebbe far controllare se il CdA oppure il consiglio di sorveglianza della società devono rispondere degli svantaggi a carico degli altri investitori.
Al momento non si sa quante azioni siano in mano a Marseille; da quando ha cambiato segmento la società non è più obbligata a dare informazioni a riguardo. Lo scorso anno la proprietà delle azioni era per il 60 per cento di Marseille e della moglie. Si racconta che già in passato ci sono stati degli intrecci molto intensi e degli affari poco trasparenti tra le aziende proprie di Marseille e le Marseille Kliniken AG.
Borussia Dortmund: Il main sponsor tra gli investitori
Da giugno quotato nel SDax, il club calcistico presente nella Bundesliga Borussia Dormund GmbH & Co. KGaA (BVB) vuole circa 27 milioni di Euro emettendo 6 milioni di azioni. I nuovi titoli, che saranno sottoscritti dal gruppo chimico Evonik, parteciperanno ai profitti solo dopo la fine dell'esercizio corrente 2013/2014. Grazie all'aumento di capitale il numero delle azioni del BVB sul mercato è di 67 milioni, di cui il 70 per cento in free flow.
Evonik è dal 2006 il maggiore sponsor della squadra di calcio del BVB; dopo la sottoscrizione diventerà anche il secondo azionista del club, oltre a rimanere - grazie al prolungamento del contratto - main sponsor del BVB fino alla stagione calcistica del 2024/2025. Nello scorso esercizio il BVB ha realizzato un profitto di circa 53 milioni di Euro - quasi 55 per cento in più rispetto all'anno precedente.
Ehlebracht: una marcia in meno
La Ehlebracht AG, specialista per le tecnologie funzionali nel settore delle materie plastiche e dei mobili (da controllare in internet) pensa di lasciare il General Standard e di passare all'Entry Standard della Borsa Titoli di Francoforte. Secondo il management l'operazione serve per risparmiare sui costi e le spese finora dovuti agli obblighi più severi imposte dal mercato regolarizzato. Dopo il cambio del segmento, l'azienda vorrebbe realizzare un delisting nelle piazze di Düsseldorf e di Berlino.
Homag: Costruttore di macchine utensili fagocita altro costruttore di macchine utensili
La Dürr AG, azienda quotata nel MDax, vuole rilevare la maggioranza del costruttore di macchine utensile per il trattamento del legno Homag AG. Secondo le informazioni diffuse dal fornitore dell'industria automobilistica Dürr AG i grandi azionisti della Homag, tra cui la Deutsche Beteiligungs AG oltre che il pool azionistico della famiglia dei fondatori Schule e la fondazione Klessmann, vogliono vendere quote azionistiche per il 54 per cento circa. Il prezzo d'acquisto previsto è di 219 milioni di Euro.
Manca ancora il nulla osta da parte dell’autorità antitrust. Il nuovo azionista maggioritario Dürr sostiene di non mirare ad uno squeeze-out o ad un delisting della Homag che è quotata nel Prime Standard. Il rilevamento dello specialista per macchine utensili per l'industria della lavorazione del legno con una quota stimata sul mercato mondiale del 28 per cento servirà alla Dürr per allargare la sua gamma di prodotti anche al di fuori dall'industria automobilistica. Nel 2013 la Homag AG ha realizzato un fatturato di poco meno di 790 milioni di Euro.
GFT: il settore finanziario nel focus
La GFT Technologies AG, azienda software quotata nel prime standard, ha rilevato un provider di servizi IT speciali britannico. Attraverso l'affiliata britannica GFT UK Ltd. la società ha acquistato il 98 % delle quote della Rule Financial Lt. che offre servizi IT per le banche di investimento. Nello scorso anno l'azienda britannica ha realizzato un fatturato di circa 48 milioni di sterline (circa 58 milioni di Euro). Le due aziende non si sono espresse sul prezzo della transazione. I due per cento restanti delle partecipazione sono tenuti dai dipendenti della Rule Financial e delle loro aziende collegate. La GFT comprerà queste quote entro 2016 attraverso delle opzioni put and call.
La GFT si aspetta dall'acquisizione una presenza più massiccia nel settore finanziario negli Stati Uniti e in Gran Bretagna. Il management della GFT si aspetta inoltre per il secondo semestre del 2014 un ulteriore fatturato di circa 42 milioni di Euro e un fatturato totale per il 2014 di circa 352 milioni di Euro.
VIPsight - July 2014
Probable claims for Rhön-Klinikum
The Rhön-Klinikum general shareholders’ meeting, substantially hostage to the dissatisfaction of a group of small shareholders, voted en bloc (99.35%) to buy back shares worth 1.7 thousand million Euros. This is the approach that Rhön intends adopting to distribute most of the revenue deriving from the sale of 40 clinics –worth 3 thousand million Euros overall – to Fresenius. Furthermore, Martin Sieber has announced his intention of using 800 million Euros to reduce the company’s indebtedness. Some 200 million Euros will be invested notes the company. The chain of clinics will need to prepare to deal with the claims for nullification deriving from the contradictions minuted. Alternatively the funds could be distributed in cash among the shareholders as a dividend. The shareholders are also unhappy with the proposed appointment of Ludwig Georg Braun to the Supervisory Board because of the conflict of interest stemming from B. Braun Melsungen being supplier of medical products to Rhön-Klinikum. Only 74.14% voted in favour of appointing the patriarchal figure to the Supervisory Board. Its holding of approximately 18% makes B. Braun Melsungen Rhön’s largest shareholder even including Eugen Münch, the man who founded the group of clinics, and his wife. Other blocks of shares are held by Fresenius and the Asklepios group.
Deutsche Beteiligungs AG
The critical situation in the Ukraine, the strain being felt by the currencies of the BRIC nations and the dip in growth forecasts are all factors that run counter to the well-being of SDax-listed Deutsche Beteiligungs AG. This year’s second quarter results post an EBIT that has plummeted to less than half the value of the corresponding period of the previous year and now stands at 5.7 million Euros.
According to management, the reason for this lies mainly in the group’s holdings in companies that are not traded on the stock exchange, notwithstanding the normalcy of their share price oscillation. In any case the board of directors is bracing itself for a lower group result for financial year 2013-14 than the previous year.
Deutsche Beteiligungs AG invests in SMEs. At the end of April its portfolio contained 20 participations most of which were in machine -tool and plant manufacturers.
Adler Mode: Surfing the wave of democracy
Prime Standard-listed Adler Modemärkte AG has opted for expansion with an additional 100 new sales points to be added to the existing 140, principallyl in the medium and large size towns and cities in Germany. Sights are also being set on German speaking markets abroad. The brand is designed with the over 45s in mind, a segment in continual growth in our ageing society. The first quarter results give rise to optimism; the shops generated a turnover of 113 million Euros, an increase of 8.4 percent over last year. There is, however, a deficit, which this year, though is 20 percent down on last year’s. For just under a year the majority ownership of the company has been in the hands of the Steinmann apparel group and the financial investment concern Equinox. There have been times in the past when the company seemed to have lost its way, and the share price suffered as a consequence. Three years ago the issue price was 10 Euros, at the end of 2011 it had fallen to 3.90 Euros. Today it is higher than the issue price.
Nanofocus AG: disappointing turnover and results
The turnover and results for 2013 of Nanofocus AG, producer of technology for measuring 3-D surface areas, are disappointing. Turnover is down from the previous year’s 8.94 million Euros to 8.18 million in 2013. The profit of 0.15 million Euros is now a loss of 1.4 million. The Entry standard-listed company is counting on a turnover for 2014 of 11 million Euros and, optimistically, an envisaged profit of 0.33 million Euros. The grounds for optimism are a healthy order book; at the end of 2013, orders stood at 9.51 million Euros.
The German Mittelstand
German Mittelstand needs more company founders
In the public perception, German Mittelstand consists of two categories mid- to large-size companies, and large ones. This is an overly restrictive definition, however. The Institute for Mittelstandsforschung in Bonn has announced that the fundamental requirements for belonging to the category of Mittelstand are an overlap of ownership and management, and company independence. This makes all manufacturers of traditional arts and crafts, family-run businesses, the professions and the many companies in start-up mode all Mittelstand companies.
The new creative and innovative companies are especially important for the development of the category, a point also emphasised by Dr. Jörg Zeuner, head economist with the KfW banking group. During the “Gründermonitor 2014” presentation he argued that company founders mainly turn up with innovative technologies which can be used as the driving power for continual innovation, necessary for the economy. The 12 percent increase in newly established companies in 2013 is, therefore, a very positive result.
A closer look at the numbers in the report on new companies, however, changes the perspective slightly. Indeed growth mainly affects second jobs that are seen to have increased by 22 percent. Founders of enterprises that are instead full-time jobs and which, therefore create employment, are rather more thin on the ground – indeed there are 3 percent fewer of them. Despite the increase in employees hired by full-time start-ups, the decrease in absolute terms of establishing new companies that provide full-time employment is due to the economic difficulties of 2013.
The German Mittelstand is in urgent need of new companies. In the long term, the process of economic selection increases the chance that an embryonic start-up will develop into a great and/or successful company. The easier economic climate of 2014 is already laying the foundations – attempts to set up a company in times of economic hardship are beset by the lack of prospects of employment while in a milder economic climate new companies are more likely to be founded by entrepreneurs who perceive real opportunities for marketing their business idea.
Buhlmann's Corner
Shareholders’ meetings from Munich to Madrid by way of Hanover
They say that that increasing attendance at shareholders’ meetings has been successful.
In all honesty, though, this is only one of the ways of seeing reality. After the cold shower of legality from the outside, things have merely reverted to how they had been beforehand. True, judgment has been passed, but who’s reading it? The bulk of dispersed votes has been recovered this year. The single unadorned facts were collected by our sponsor and can be seen on our website
We’ve seen what happens when two players don’t work, in MTU where attendance was a meagre 19%, and Volkswagen and SIXT, where the management proposal wasn’t appreciated. In both, the vote on increasing share capital was cancelled spontaneously. So, I spontaneously ask myself how the meeting chairperson could know how the shareholders’ vote would turn out even before the meeting started. But then again, ‘asking oneself’ has been struck from the Agenda.
They don’t even like criticism in Spain, bearing in mind that there is nothing to stop more than 100% of share capital being registered as being in attendance at a shareholders’ meeting, not to mention their getting paid for being there.
Acting on behalf of shareholders represented by VIP, I made remarks and asked questions about the position of the market and its consolidation. I didn’t speak in Spanish but in English. Reactions were highly varied. After me another shareholder asked the chair to explain how a multi-lingual communication group with an interpreter service available was not able to translate what I had said into Spanish.
Some of those present thanked me personally for my analysis and pointers. The Gran Presidente of Telefonica was laconic in his response to my comment: “Telefonica is no longer numero 1”.
Given that the contribution of one person (in his opinion) nameless and delivered in English bore no relation to his reality because “Telefonica is and always will be the world’s number one”, the other questions were unworthy of consideration. It is risky to wear blinkers when leading a major group even when things go well – see Volkswagen .The auto manufacturer had no qualms about getting itself appointed “Company of the Year 2013” by a high-profile shareholders association …
… so I’m declaring for the British style of shareholders’ meetings; sitting on a bar stool at an airport café, conducting business within the time that it takes for the turnround of a civilian aircraft.
A survey conducted by Credit Suisse indicates that European banks who are involved in dark pools can expect problems with the law. Within the murk of dark pools, buyers and sellers are not obliged to declare their transactions before making agreements and finalising deals. Investigations could extend to Deutsche Bank which, according to Société Générale, is involved in the fourth largest dark pool. Furthermore, the city of Providence in Rhode Island has reportedly filed a class action in which Deutsche Bank and UBS are cited along with Barclays. Credit Suisse estimates that Deutsche Bank is facing a legal bill of some 157 million dollars.
Deutsche Bank and another five banks are being sued by a number of major investors such as Pimco, BlackRock and DZ Bank for their dealings in high risk. mortgage bonds. In their suit, deposited in New York on June 18, the plaintiffs allege that the banks were in breach of their duties as guarantors by not obliging the issuers of mortgage backed securities to buy back their particularly weak credits. Losses sustained in the US are estimated at some 250 thousand million dollars and those who suffered are claiming compensation.
AGM Dates
Company | Event | Date | Time | Place | Adress | Published on |
MDAX | ||||||
Fielmann AG | ord. HV | 03.07.2014 | 10:00 | 20457 Hamburg | Adolphplatz 1, in der Handelskammer Hamburg | 21.05.2014 |
Auf der Agenda der ordentlichen HV der Fielmann AG stehen zunächst die üblichen TOP wie die Vorlage des Jahresabschlusses und die Entlastung der Gremien. Die Fielmann AG hat im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr einen Bilanzgewinn in Höhe von 121,8 Mill. Euro erwirtschaftet. Der Bilanzgewinn soll in voller Höhe als Dividende ausgezahlt werden. Das Grundkapital der Gesellschaft soll von derzeit 54,6 Mill. Euro aus Gesellschaftsmitteln um 29,4 Mill. Euro ohne Ausgabe neuer Aktien auf 84 Mill. Euro erhöht werden. Anschließend soll das Grundkapital der Gesellschaft durch einen Aktiensplit im Verhältnis 1:2 neu eingeteilt werden und sodann 84 Mill. Euro betragen und in 84 Mill. Stückaktien eingeteilt sein. Zudem sollen mehrere Satzungsänderungen beschlossen werden. | ||||||
Celesio AG | ord. HV | 15.07.2014 | 10:00 | 70372 Stuttgart | Mercedesstraße 69, in der Porsche-Arena | 04.06.2014 |
Auf der Agenda der ordentlichen HV der Celesio AG stehen zunächst die üblichen TOP wie die Vorlage des Jahresabschlusses und die Entlastung der Gremien. Die Celesio AG hat im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr einen Bilanzgewinn in Höhe von 82,36 Mill. Euro erwirtschaftet. Der Bilanzgewinn soll in Höhe von 51,03 Mill. Euro als Dividende ausgezahlt und in Höhe von 31,34 Mill. Euro auf neue Rechnung vorgetragen werden. Das Geschäftsjahr der Gesellschaft soll künftig ab dem 01. April eines Jahres bis zum 31. März des Folgejahres laufen. Die Umstellung soll mit Wirkung ab dem 01. April 2015 erfolgen. Für den Zeitraum vom 01. April 2015 bis zum 31. März 2015 soll ein Rumpfgeschäftsjahr gebildet werden. Wahlen zum Aufsichtsrat sollen stattfinden. Dem Abschluss von zwei Änderungsvereinbarungen zu bestehenden Beherrschungs- und Gewinnabführungsverträgen, sowie dem Abschluss zu einem Beherrschungs- und Gewinnabführungsvertrag zwischen der Celesio AG und der GEHE Immobilien Verwaltungs-GmbH zu Gunsten der Celesio AG soll zugestimmt werden. Des Weiteren soll zwischen der Celesio AG und der Dragonfly GmbH &Co. KG ein Beherrschungs- und Gewinnabführungsvertrag zu Gunsten der Dragonfly GmbH &Co. KG abgeschlossen werden. Zudem sollen mehrere Satzungsänderungen beschlossen werden. | ||||||
Südzucker AG | ord. HV | 17.07.2014 | 10:00 | 68161 Mannheim | Rosengartenplatz 2, im Congress Center Rosengarten | 19.05.2014 |
Auf der Agenda der ordentlichen HV der Südzucker AG stehen zunächst die üblichen TOP wie die Vorlage des Jahresabschlusses und die Entlastung der Gremien. Die Südzucker AG hat im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr einen Bilanzgewinn in Höhe von 102,57 Mill. Euro erwirtschaftet. Der Bilanzgewinn soll in Höhe von 102,09 Mill. Euro als Dividende ausgezahlt und in Höhe von 0,47 Mill. Euro auf neue Rechnung vorgetragen werden. Wahlen zum Aufsichtsrat sollen stattfinden. Die Vergütung des Aufsichtsrats soll neu geregelt werden. Des Weiteren soll den Änderungen bestehender Beherrschungs- und Gewinnabführungsverträgen zugestimmt werden. Zudem sollen mehrere Satzungsänderungen beschlossen werden. |
SPD against the special regulation in gender equality quotas
Heiko Maas (SPD), Federal Minister of Justice, is convinced of the beneficial effects of gender equality quotas. Proposed legislation has been awaiting approval since June 20 and the Minister has continually defended it against onslaughts from the employers’ camp. From 2016 onwards, the Supervisory Boards of companies listed on the stock exchange must respect a blanket gender quota of 30%. During the “Deutsche Corporate Governance Kodex” conference in Berlin, Maas stated that the quota would make a substantial contribution towards the German economy as a whole, drawing from a treasure of immense value. No longer will exceptions be tolerated among German companies. The law on quotas is a necessary phase to breach the privileged status of males in the economic world. In 2013 a mere 15.1 percent of the top slots in the 200 most important companies in Germany were held by women.
The observation that there is a dearth of qualified women is a fiction, according to the Minister. In addition to the constitutional duty of making gender equality universal, gender related quotas have effects of an economic nature. On the one hand, Germany complains about the lack of a skilled workforce while the vast potential of highly skilled women remains for the most part untapped.
The Supervisory Board of Bayer has appointed Werner Baumann to the board of directors from October 1, with responsibility for Portfolio Strategy and Management. Johannes Dietsch will join the board of directors on September 1 as CFO, the position which up to now had been Baumann’s. These appointments are instrumental for enabling current chairman of the board of directors Martin Dikkens to extend his mandate by two years only when it reaches its natural 5-year expiry date.
The appointment of Thomas Ingelfinger, Stefan de Loecker and Zhengrong Liu to the board of directors of Beiersdorf with effect from July 1 brings its number to six. The three executives gained valuable first-hand knowledge on how best to handle their new responsibilities from posts rated a mere one rank lower. The aim of the appointments, notes chairman of the board of directors Reinhard Pöllath, is to ensure continuity, and foster internationalisation of the board that currently numbers 12, including three women. The company’s last report points out that diversity in the appointment of executives, gender equality in particular, is high on the boardroom’s list of priorities. Ingelfinger’s future responsibility will include Europe (excluding Germany), while de Loecker will handle the Near East (including Russia, Turkey, the Middle East, Africa and India). Liu, on the other hand, will look after human resources. Indeed he headed human resources in LANCESS from 2004 to 2013, and, on October 1, 2013 as Senior Vice President, became head of Human Resources of Hamburg’s only DAX-listed group reporting to Ulrich Schmidt who remains on the board of directors. The number of board members was 6 until the end of 2011, three of whom resigned, or had to resign by mid 2013 at the latest.
Suzanne Lagarge left the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bank, with effect June 30. Her mandate would have expired in 2018. According to the bank, her resignation is not to be attributed to disagreement. The appointments board has proposed Louis Parent for the vacancy, and he will join the Supervisory Board on July 1.
The new head strategist at Evonik Industries now has a name. Christian Kullmann was appointed to the company’s board of directors by its Supervisory Board as from July 1. The former head of Communications for the chemical group is now Chief Strategic Officer for the centralised areas of Group Strategy and Performance, Law & Compliance, Corporate Affairs and Corporate Security.
Prof. Wolfgang Plischke, former boardroom member of Bayer, has been voted on to the Supervisory Board of Evotec in direct succession to Walter Wenninger as chair, with Wenninger now vice chair. Other new appointments to the Supervisory Board are Prof. Iris Löw-Friedrich, Chief Medical Officer and Executive Vice President Biopharma Development Solutions of UCB and Prof. Paul Linus Herrling, Head of Global Research in Novartis Pharma and president of the Novartis Institute of Tropical Medicine. Mary Taner, Roland Oetker and Prof. Andreas Pinkwart have instead left the Supervisory Board, while Claus Braestrup and Bernd Hirsch have been confirmed in their positions.
David Frink is the new spokesperson for the board of directors of Gerry Weber International. The appointment was announced by Ernst Schröder during the general shareholders’ meeting. And so, after 41 years, Gerhard Weber will resign his post at the end of October. It will come as no surprise that he is moving directly on to the Supervisory Board without any cooling-off period. Wolf-Albrecht Prautzsch has resigned from his position as shareholders’ representative on the Supervisory Board.
After withdrawing from operational business at the end of 2011¸ Hans-Jürgen Thaus has joined the Supervisory Board of KRONES. A native of Graz in Austria, Thaus was elected on June 25 as a new member to replace Jochen Klein who had retired for reasons of age. After appointing Markus Tischer as a new member to the board of directors at the beginning of the year for the area of International Services and Operations, the company has also found a replacement to succeed longstanding boardroom member Werner Frischholz,. A communiqué issued by the major producer of soft-drink bottling plants names the new boardroom member as Ralf Goldbrunner who, on September 1 will take on the responsibility for Plant and Components. The board of directors is made up of chair Volker Kronseder and five members.
OSRAM Licht is divorcing from Peter Laier. In the course of the extraordinary meeting held on June 2, the Supervisory Board resolved to terminate the mandate of 45-year-old Laier for June. The Munich-based former Siemens subsidiary motivates the decision as “stemming from divergences at boardroom level on company orientation” .
Jürgen Muth has resigned as CFO of SGL Carbon with effect from 30 June. The move, agreed with the company, has nothing to do with the crisis the MDax-listed company finds itself in. Both Supervisory Board and board of directors regret the decision They expressed their gratitude to Muth for his efforts and wish him well for the future. His place as CFO will be taken by Michael Majerus on July 1 under a three-year contract
König und Bauer: new boardroom member
The new CFO of König und Bauer AG, printing machinery manufacturer, is Mahias Dähn. His predecessor Axel Kaufmann, resigned voluntarily. Dähn has worked in Bosch, Debitel, Loyalty Partner and MAN, and was CFO with Zumtobel AG in Switzerland.
Aixtron: Goetzeler more powerful still
TecDax listed Aixtron, is cutting back on the number of its boardroom members. After the departure of former CFO Wolgang Breme financial affairs will be looked after by chair Martin Goetzeler. The contract with Chief Operating Officer Bernd Schulte, by contrast, has been renewed for a further three years until 2018.
Bechtle: New chair of the Supervisory Board
Matthias Metz is the new chair of the Supervisory Board of Bechtle AG in temporary substitution of company founder Gerhard Schick. Until his retirement in May, Metz had been chairman of the board of Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall, Germany’s largest building society.
There are a number of regulatory instruments that the Government Commission on the Code of Corporate Governance would do well to repeal
In the course of the 13th Conference of the Deutscher Corporate Governance Kodex in Berlin, President Manfred Gentz announced that in future the group of experts would dwell less on developing new recommendations but increasingly focus on analysis and comment of new regulatory initiatives put forward by third parties. Many regulatory proposals, in particular those originating within Europe, have an impact on the future development of corporate governance, on which, however, the Kodexkommission has no say. Since politics was allowed to curtail the freedom of German companies by churning out law after law, executives working for “Deutschland Ltd” have gotten wise. The oft-mentioned law imposing gender equality has not enhanced the German economy. The idea is to work towards countering excessive or downright wrong-headed regulations on corporate governance to prevent them developing negative counter effects. The intention seems to be that of continuing the dialogue with those possessing voting rights.
Capital News
Deutsche Bank has concluded its third capital increase since 2010. The shareholders of Germany’s largest bank took part in putting together a capital sum of no less than 8.5 thousand million Euros. The deadline for deciding whether or not to proceed was June 25. 99.1% of option rights have been used up and the remaining shares were sold on the market. In the course of an advance placement Hamad bin Jassim Bin Jaber al-Thani subscribed to 1.75 thousand million Euros worth of shares at 29.20 Euros each; Jürgen Fitschen and Ancshu Jain also fully subscribed. The bank intends this fresh money to dispel any remaining doubts concerning its reserves should a new crisis arise, and also to shield itself against multi-million dollar sanctions that could be imposed in the United States.
Volkswagen: Increase in capital shelved
The percentage attendance (73,5%) of shares and thus of votes at the last shareholders’ meeting called for 12/13 May 2014, also to vote For or Against a a proposed increase in capital, was surprisingly high. The board of directors opened the meeting by announcing that since the legal requirements for purchasing Scania had been met, the vote on the increase in capital would be struck from the Agenda of that meeting and from that of the so-called Separate Meeting reserved for holders of privileged shares. In other words no vote but instead a series of “unfulfilled” recommendations. While VIP eV ( commented that “based on the recommendations already tabled for the privileged shares, management had guessed that they would not have won a legal majority” (see the original German text hereunder <click here>), the board of directors announced that after holding talks, they had “arrived at the conclusion that the right to subscribe to new shares is of particular importance to many holders of priority shares”. In all likelihood, the custody chain told the shareholders registered in attendance what the outcome of the meeting was. They are probably now waiting for the result because “we want to see if there are any alternatives more suited to these interests” (reply of FO Pötsch to questionn put by VIP.
More info:
Cewe: insiders stock up
The SDax-listed supplier of photo lab and printing services is in the limelight as having been massively bought over by insiders. At the beginning of June, the four boardroom members bought up more than 220,000 Euros worth of their own shares. Despite a first quarter fall in turnover from the previous year, losses seem to have been reined in. CeWe Color’s sales are traditionally weaker in the first quarter. After the bumper turnover of 529 million Euros in 2013, the company has set itself the target for 2014 of between 528 and 540 million Euros. EBIT should settle at about 30 to 36 million Euros compared to last year’s 29.4 million. The board of directors announced an increase in future dividends from the current 1.50 Euros.
Borussia Dormund: astute dribbling
Borussia Dortmund has given ample proof in recent years that not only is it number two on the field in Germany but it also has an enviable reputation in Europe. Now, the 2013 Champions’ League finalists are set to show their mettle on the stock exchange. The club’s stock will be quoted from June 23 in the SDax, selective index league together with the 50 most important small and mid caps in Germany. The shareholders will be happy because since then the stock has taken off and is approaching the 5 Euro mark, a result unheard of in the last ten years. There is still a long way to go, though, to reach the initial 11 Euros - the launch price at flotation in 2000.
Vedes: child’s play bonds
Vedes, the consortium of toy retailers has placed a company bond for 20 million Euros, a type of title that has come under fire recently. The Vedes type of bond seems like a child’s game. On the first day, the bond was oversubscribed and the books were closed early. The revenue of the issue, net of the amounts necessary to pay back old debts, was 7.2 million Euros. The company has announced its intention to use the money for “general company purposes”. With a five-year duration and a coupon of 7.125 percent, the bond is traded as an Entry Standard company bond on the Frankfurt bond market
Director's Dealings
During the relevant period here the Bafin disclose only one message of "Directors' dealings" - the near future will show if there where no facts, no notifications or simple (data, legal or software) conversion problems inside the German regulator.
VIPsight Shareholders
in June
VIPsight Shareholder ID <click here>
M & A
Deutsche Rohstoff: Farewell to tungsten
Deutsche Rohstoff AG is hoping to sell its tungsten business. Tungsten prices are subject to wild oscillation and the company wants to concentrate its resources on its oil and gas business. The company, listed as an Entry Standard, is seeking to divest itself of its mining project in Australia as soon as possible and hints that preliminary talks are under-weigh. In 2013, Wolfram Camp contributed 7.6 million Euros to a total group revenue of 17,8 million Euros. On the other hand, the Australian participation heightened the need for amortization which in turn contributed to a year-end deficit for 2013 of 7.65 million Euros.
Bastei Lübbe: Growth in Digital Publishing
Bastei Lübbe AG, the Prime Standard publishing house listed on the Frankfurt bourse is acquiring a majority stake in BookRix (supplier of digital self-publishing) with a monthly output of approximately one thousand e-books. In addition to 560,000 users, BookRix also supplies online stores like i-Tunes and Amazon. In 2013 BookRix had no fewer than three titles in the Amazon Top Ten sales list. This acquisition rounds off the traditional business of Bastei Lübbe. The purchase price has not been made public.
Heidelberger Druck: More participation – another investor
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG is turning more digital. It has increased its stake from 30 to 100 per cent in Gallus Holding, the company specialised in printing labels. The company’s aim is to shift from its outdated traditions to a more typically computer based approach. The machine tool manufacturer will pay for the acquisition mostly with its own shares by which, with a 9 percent stake, the previous owners of Gallus, the Swiss based Rüesch family enterprise will become the new anchor investor of Heideldruck. The transaction also includes a cash payment – certainly less than 10 million Euros. 2013-14 was the first time in the past five financial years that Heideldruck was no longer in the red.
VIPsight International luglio
Probabili impugnative per Rhön-Klinikum
L’assemblea generale della Rhön-Klinikum in gran parte fortemente influenzata dal malcontento di un gruppo di piccoli azionisti ha votato con il 99,35 dei voti per un riacquisto di azioni del valore di 1,7 miliardi di Euro. In questo modo la Rhön vuole distribuire una grande parte dei ricavi dalla vendita di 40 cliniche per complessivamente 3 miliardi a Fresenius. Martin Sieber annuncia inoltre di voler utilizzare 800 milioni di Euro per la riduzione dei debiti. Circa 200 milioni di Euro saranno investiti, comunica l’azienda. La catena di cliniche dovrà prepararsi a dei ricorsi per annullamento a causa di contraddizioni messe a verbale. In alternativa l’importo potrebbe anche essere distribuito tra i soci sotto forma di dividendo con una distribuzione in contanti. Nel mirino degli azionisti è stato soprattutto la prevista nomina di Ludwig Georg Braun nel consiglio di sorveglianza. Gli azionisti temono infatti un conflitto d’interessi perché B.Braun Melsungen fornisce i suoi prodotti medicali anche alla Rhön-Klinikum. Solo il 74,14 dei voti erano a favore della nomina del patriarca industriale nel consiglio di sorveglianza. Con una partecipazione di circa 18 % la B.Braun Melsungen è oramai il più grande azionista della Rhön, prima ancora di Eugen Münch, fondatore del gruppo delle cliniche, e della moglie. Altri pacchetti azionistici (cinque per cento) sono in mano alla Fresenius e al gruppo Asklepios.
Deutsche BeteiligungsAG
La crisi in Ucraina, la pressione sulle valute dei paesi BRIC e l’indebolimento delle aspettative di crescita incidono sul benessere della Deutsche Beteiligungs AG, azienda quotata nel SDax: nel secondo trimestre dell'esercizio corrente l'EBIT si è più che dimezzato rispetto allo stesso periodo dell'anno precedente ammontando ora a circa 5,7 milioni di Euro.
Secondo il management questo sviluppo è dovuto soprattutto alle partecipazioni in aziende non quotate in borsa, le oscillazioni sarebbero tuttavia ancora nella regola. Ciò nonostante il CdA si prepara ad un risultato di gruppo per l'esercizio 2013/2014 inferiore a quello dell'esercizio precedente.
La Deutsche Beteiligungs AG investe in PMI. Alla fine di aprile teneva nel suo portafoglio 20 partecipazioni, di cui la maggior parte nel settore delle macchine utensili e degli impianti.
Adler Mode: Navigare sull'onda della democrazia
Quotata nel Prime Standard la Adler Modemärkte AG ha scelto la rotta dell'espansione. Ai 140 negozi attuali intende aggiungere altri 100, soprattutto nelle città medio-grandi della Germania. In vista anche il passo verso paesi stranieri di lingua tedesca. Il marchio si rivolge ai 45enni e più, puntando quindi sulla quota crescente delle persone anziane nella nostra società. I numeri per il primo trimestre fanno ben sperare: i negozi hanno realizzato un fatturato di 113 milioni di Euro, e quindi 8,4 percento in più rispetto all'anno precedente. Da non dimenticare però un disavanzo di 8,2 mio di Euro che rispetto all'anno scorso è diminuito del 20 per cento. Da poco meno di un anno l'azienda è partecipata per la maggioranza dal gruppo tessile Steinmann e dell'investitore finanziario Equinox. In precedenza si sono registrati diversi momenti di incertezza visibili anche dallo sviluppo della share value. Tre anni fa il prezzo di emissione era di dieci Euro; alla fine del 2011 è sceso a 3,90 Euro. Oggi il prezzo dei titoli è superiore a quello di emissione.
Nanofocus AG: fatturato e risultato deludenti
Nel 2013 la Nanofocus AG, fornitrice di tecnologia per la misurazione di superfici in 3D, non ha risposto alle proprie aspettative in termini di fatturato e di risultato. Il fatturato è sceso da 8,94 milioni di euro dell'anno precedente a 8,18 milioni di Euro nel 2013, il risultato è passato da 0,15 mio di Euro positivi ad un disavanzo di 1,4 milioni di Euro. Per il 2014 l'azienda quotata nel entry standard conta su un fatturato di 11 milioni i euro. Con un risultato pari a 0,33 milioni di Euro si è ottimisti per quanto riguarda la produzione di profitto. Il buon umore nasce da un numero record nelle committenze. Alla fine del 2013 c'erano ordine per 9,51 milioni di Euro.
The German Mittelstand
Il Mittelstand tedesco ha bisogno di più fondatori d’aziende
L’opinione pubblica riduce il Mittelstand tedesco a delle aziende industriali medio-grandi e grandi. Questa definizione è però troppo stretta. L’Istituto per la Mittelstandsforschung a Bonn ha fatto sapere che i criteri fondamentali per l’appartenenza al Mittelstand sono la sovrapposizione tra proprietà e direzione, nonché l’indipendenza dell’azienda. Fanno quindi parte del Mittelstand anche tutte le aziende artigianali tradizionali, le aziende familiari e anche i liberi professionisti e, da non dimeticare, le tante aziende in start-up.
Le aziende nuove creative e innovative sono particolarmente interessanti per lo sviluppo del Mittelstand. Ne è convinto anche Dr. Jörg Zeuner, capo economista del gruppo bancario KfW . Durante la presentazione del “Gründermonitor 2014” sostiene che i fondatori si presentano in prevalenza con tecnologie innovative diventando così il volano per un rinnovamento continuo e necessario dell’Economia. I 12 per cento di crescita delle aziende neofondate nel 2013 costituiscono un effetto molto positivo.
Guardando da più vicino i numeri contenuti nel report sulle nuove aziende l’immagine si sposta leggermente. In verità la crescita riguarda soprattutto le costituzioni riferite al secondo lavoro, che di fatto sono salite del 22 per cento. I fondatori di un business di cui occuparsi a tempo pieno - e quindi quelli che creano anche nuovi posti lavoro – sono stati più timidi. Il loro numero è persino sceso del 3 per cento. Anche se nel gruppo dei fondatori a tempo pieno le assunzioni di nuovi collaboratori è aumentato rispetto agli anni precedenti, l’abbassamento in assoluto delle costituzioni di aziende a cui dedicare il pieno tempo di lavoro è da ricondurre alle difficoltà economiche del 2013.
Il Mittelstand tedesco ha urgentemente bisogno di nuove aziende. Il processo di selezione economica aumenta a lungo termine le possibilità che da uno start-up o un altro col tempo venga fuori un azienda grande e di successo. Il miglioramento della situazione congiunturale nel 2014 sta sicuramente spianando il terreno: Se in tempi più difficili la gente decide di fondare una società per mancanza di prospettive sul mercato del lavoro, in tempi migliori è più facile che le nuove aziende vengano fondate da persone che vedono delle reali opportunità di mercato per la loro business idea.
Buhlmann's Corner
Assemblee generali tra Monaco di Baviera, Hannover e Madrid
Dicono che la presenza nelle assemblee degli azionisti sia aumentata.
Chi è sincero sa che questo è solo una delle tante interpretazioni della realtà: dopo uno choc legale esterno la situazione è semplicemente rientrata nei numeri di prima. Secondo il motto: “si, una sentenza c’è, ma chi mai la leggerà?” la maggior parte dei voti perduti è stata recuperata quest’anno. I dati individuali esatti sono stati raccolti dal nostro sponsor e pubblicati in
Quello che succede quando due giocatori non funzionano, l’abbiamo visto da MTU – dove la presenza era a malapena arrivata al 19% - e da Volkswagen e SIXT, dove la proposta del management non sembra essere stata apprezzata. In ambedue i casi le votazioni sugli aumenti di capitale sono state spontaneamente annullate. E mi chiedo spontaneamente, come sia stato possibile che il presidente dell’assemblea conoscesse le decisioni di voto degli azionista prima ancora dell’inizio dell’assemblea. Ma porsi delle domande non va bene.
In Spagna non piacciono neanche le critiche – ricordiamo che in Spagna più del 100% del capitale può essere fisicamente presente ad un’assemblea degli azionisti e incassare anche il gettone di presenza.
Per conto di alcuni azionisti di VIP ho fatto alcune osservazioni e domande sulla posizione di mercato e il suo consolidamento. Non ho parlato in spagnolo, ma in inglese. Le reazioni erano molto eterogenee. Dopo di me un altro azionista ha chiesto alla presidenza di spiegare come mai un gruppo di comunicazione multilingue con un servizio di interprete presente non sia stato in grado di tradurre in spagnolo ciò che avevo detto.
Alcuni presenti mi hanno ringraziato personalmente per le mie analisi e indicazioni. Il Grande Presidente di Telefonica si è limitato a rispondere alla mia osservazione: “Telefonica non è più il numero 1”,
facendo presente che il contributo in lingua inglese di una persona (nella sua percezione) senza nome non abbia alcun collegamento con la realtà perché “Telefonica è e rimane il numero 1 al mondo” – le altre domande non erano degne di essere prese in considerazione. Guidare un grande gruppo con i para-occhi è rischioso anche quando le cose vanno ancora bene – lo vediamo da Volkswagen. Il produttore automobilistico non ha esitato a farsi nominare da un’associazione di azionisti molto riconosciuta in Germania “Azienda dell’anno 2013”…
… allora preferisco le assemblee degli inglesi, nell’angolo di un bar dell’aeroporto e con dei ritmi che hanno come riferimento i tempi necessari per un aereo civile di girarsi.
Secondo uno studio di Credit Suisse diverse banche europee che gestiscono dei dark pool devono prepararsi a delle cause. Nel caso dei famigerati dark pool i compratori e i venditori non sono tenuti a rendere pubbliche le loro operazioni prima di prendere accordi e chiudere l’affare. Le indagini potrebbero allargarsi alla Deutsche Bank che - secondo la Société Générale - gestisce il quarto dark pool più importante. Inoltre la città di Providence nello stato americano Rhode Island avrebbe presentato una class action in cui oltre a Barclays si parlerebbe anche di Deutsche Bank e UBS. Secondo le stime di Credit Suisse i costi legali per la Deutsche Bank ammonteranno a 157 milioni di dollari.
Diversi grandi investitori come Pimco, BlackRock e la DZ Bank stanno facendo causa contro la Deutsche Bank e altri cinque istituti per le loro attività nel business con titoli ipotecari ad alto rischio. Secondo l’accusa depositata a New York il 18 giugno gli istituti di credito avrebbero violato i loro obblighi da fideiussori non costringendo gli emittenti di titoli garantiti da ipoteca (MBS) a riacquistare i crediti particolarmente labili. Si tratta di perdite di circa 250 miliardi di dollari da affari fatti negli Stati Uniti, per i quali gli attori vogliono essere risarciti.
La SPD contro il regolamento speciale nella quota rosa
Heiko Maas (SPD), Ministro federale della Giustizia, è convinto degli effetti positivi della quota rosa. Dal 20 giugno la bozza di legge deve essere approvata e il Ministro la difende contro la critica massiccia proveniente dai datori di lavoro. Dal 2016 i consigli di sorveglianza delle aziende quotate in borsa devono avere una quota di genere fissa del 30 per cento. Durante la conferenza del “Deutsche Corporate Governance Kodex” a Berlino Maas afferma che la quota aiuterebbe tutta l’economia tedesca a sollevare un tesoro di enorme qualità. Nelle aziende tedesche non dovranno più esserci eccezioni. La legge sulle quote è necessaria per interrompere la posizione di privilegio degli uomini nel mondo economico. Nel 2013 solo il 15,1 percento delle posizioni di picco nelle 200 aziende più importanti della Germania erano occupate da donne. Per il ministro l’argomento della mancanza di donne qualificate è fittizio. Oltre all’impegno costituzionale di diffondere l’uguaglianza di genere, la quota produce anche degli effetti economici. Da una parte la Germania lamenta la mancanza di forze lavoro qualificate, e allo stesso tempo il potenziale di donne molto qualificate rimane spesso inutilizzato.
Il consiglio di sorveglianza della Bayer ha nominato Werner Baumann come membro del consiglio d’amministrazione responsabile Strategia e Management del Portfolio, a partire da 1 ottobre. Johannes Dietsch entrerà a far parte del consiglio d’ amministrazione il 1 settembre prendendo il posto di CFO precedentemente occupato da Bauman. La scelta rientra nella decisione dell’attuale chairman del CdA, Marijn Dekkens, di non prolungare - alla scadenza dei primi cinque anni - il suo incarico per più di due anni.
Con l’ingresso di Thomas Ingelfinger, Stefan de Loecker e Zhengrong Liu dal 1 luglio il consiglio d’amministrazione della Beiersdorf è cresciuto a sei membri. Prima di prendere il nuovo posto i tre hanno avuto la possibilità di prepararsi per i compiti futuri occupando funzioni ad un livello gerarchico appena inferiore. La nomina serve per dare continuità e per incentivare l’internazionalizzazione, spiega Reinhard Pöllath, presidente del consiglio di amministrazione composto da 12 persone, di cui tre donne. Nell’ultimo rapporto della società si legge che il consiglio d’amministrazione è particolarmente attento a privilegiare nella selezione degli executive i criteri della diversità puntando in particolare su una presenza adeguata di donne. In futuro Ingelfinger sarà responsabile per il settore Europa (Germania esclusa), de Loecker per il Vicino Oriente (tra cui anche la Russia, la Turchia, il Medio Oriente, l’Africa e India, mentre Liu si occuperà delle Risorse Umane. Dal 2004 al 2013 Liu è stato Head of Human Ressources in LANXESS. Il primo ottobre del 2013 è diventato nel ruolo di Senior Vice President responsabile per settore HR della Beiersdorf, unico gruppo di Amburgo quotato nel DAX. In questa funzione riportava a Ulrich Schmidt che non lascerà il consiglio d’amministrazione. Fino alla fine del 2011 i membri del CdA erano sei, di cui in tre se ne sono andati o se ne sono dovuti andare entro la metà del 2013.
Il 30 giugno Suzanne Labarge è uscita dal consiglio di sorveglianza della Deutsche Bank. Nominata fino al 2018, la canadese Labarge ha dichiarato le sue dimissioni. Secondo la banca la decisione non è motivata da dissidi. Il comitato nomine ha proposto il posto vacante a Louis Parent che farà parte del consiglio di sorveglianza dal 1 luglio.
Il nuovo capo stratega chiamato dal consiglio di sorveglianza nel CdA di Evonik Industries si chiamerà dal 1 luglio Christian Kullmann. L’ex-responsabile per la comunicazione del gruppo chimico diventerà Chief Strategic Officer per i settori centralizzati Strategia e Performance del Gruppo, Diritto & Compliance, Corporate Affairs e Corporate Security.
Il Prof. Wolfgang Plischke, ex membro del CdA della Bayer, è stato votato nel consiglio di sorveglianza della Evotec dove succederà direttamente a Walter Wenninger nella posizione di presidente; Wenninger diventerà invece il suo Vice. Anche la Prof.ssa Iris Löw-Friedrich, Chief Medical Officer e Executive Vice President Biopharma Development Solutions di UCB e il Prof. Paul Linus Herrling, ex Head of Global Research in Novartis Pharma e presidente dell’Istituto di medicina tropicale di Novartis sono entrati come nuovi membri nel consiglio di sorveglianza. Mary Taner, Roland Oetker e il Prof. Andreas Pinkwart hanno invece lasciato il consiglio di controllo. Gli incarichi di Claus Braestrup e Bernd Hirsch sono invece stati confermati.
Durante l’assemblea generale della Gerry Weber International Ernst Schröder ha annunciato la nomina di David Frink come portavoce del CdA. Dopo 41 anni Gerhard Weber si ritirerà alla fine di ottobre. Il vecchio capo passerà senza alcuna fase di cooling-off (non c’è da soprendersi!) direttamente nel consiglio di sorveglianza. Wolf-Albrecht Prautzsch ha rinunciato al suo incarico come rappresentante degli azionisti nel consiglio di sorveglianza dimettendosi.
Dopo aver salutato il business operativo alla fine del 2011, Hans-Jürgen Thaus è entrato adesso nel consiglio di sorveglianza della KRONES. Originario di Graz in Austria, Thaus è stato eletto il 25 giugno come nuovo membro del consiglio di controllo in sostituzione di Jochen Klein che si è dimesso per motivi di età. Dopo la nomina di Markus Tischer, all’inizio dell’anno, come nuovo officer del CdA per il settore International Services and Operations, l’azienda ha anche trovato una soluzione per la successione di Werner Frischholz., membro storico del CdA della Krones. Secondo le comunicazioni diffuse dal più grande produttore di impianti di imbottigliamento per bibite il nuovo membro del CdA si chiama Ralf Goldbrunner. Il 1 settembre diventerà responsabile per il settore Impianti e Componenti. Il CdA è composto dal suo presidente Volker Kronseder e da altri cinque membri.
La OSRAM Licht si è separata da Peter Laier. Durante la riunione straordinaria del 2 giugno il consiglio di sorveglianza ha deciso di annullare l’incarico del quarantacinquenne nel CdA per il giugno. L’ex affiliata della Siemens a Monaco spiega la decisione con “opinioni diversi nel CdA sulla guida e l’orientamento degli affari dell’azienda.”
Il 30 giugno Jürgen Muth si è dimesso di comune accordo come CFO della SGL Carbon. Il cambio non avrebbe niente a che fare con la crisi in cui si trova l’azienda quotata nel MDax. Dispiaciuti, il consiglio di sorveglianza e il CdA ringraziano Muth per il suo impegno facendogli molti auguri per il suo futuro. Dal 1 luglio Michael Majerus prenderà il posto di CFO con un contratto di tre anni.
König und Bauer: nuovo membro del CdA
Il nuovo CFO della König und Bauer AG, produttrice di macchine da stampa, si chiama Mathias Dähn. Il predecessore Axel Kaufmann ha lasciato l'azienda per sua volontà. Prima del passaggio Dähn è stato CFO nella svizzera Zumtobel AG, e in precedenza ha lavorato in Bosch, debitel, Loyalty Partner e MAN.
Aixtron: Goetzeler ancora più potente
La Aixtron, azienda quotata nel TecDax, riduce il suo CdA. Dopo l’uscita del CFO Wolfgang Breme il presidente Martin Goetzeler si occuperà anche delle finanze. Il contratto con il Chief Operating Officer Bernd Schulte è stato invece prolungato per altri tre anni, fino al 2018.
Bechtle: Nuova presidenza nel consiglio di sorveglianza
Matthias Metz è il nuovo presidente del consiglio di sorveglianza della Bechtle AG prendendo il posto temporaneamente occupato dal fondatore dell’azienda Gerhard Schick. Fino a maggio, quando è entrato in pensione, Metz è stato per presidente del CdA della Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall, la più grande cassa di credito immobiliare in Germania.
La Commissione sul Codice della Corporate Governance dovrebbe allontanare certi regolamenti
Durante la 13esima conferenza della commissione governativa Deutscher Corporate Governance Kodex a Berlino il presidente Manfred Gentz ha fatto sapere che il focus del gruppo degli esperti sarà sempre meno sull’elaborazione di nuove raccomandazione, e sempre di più sull’analisi e il commento di nuove iniziative di regolazione presentate da terzi. Molte iniziative di regolazione, in particolare quelle provenienti da aeree europee, incidono sullo sviluppo futuro della corporate governance senza possibilità di intervento da parte della Kodexkommission. Da quando la politica continua a limitare la libertà dei gruppi tedeschi con una legge dopo l’altra, i manager della “Deutschland SpA” si sono svegliati. Per quanto riguarda la prevista legge sulla quota rosa l’economia tedesca non ha fatto una grande figura. L’idea è di impegnarsi per controbattere eventuali sviluppi regolatori sbagliati o eccessivi in tema di corporate governance prevenendo così il sorgere di effetti negativi. Si pensa anche a continuare il dialogo con i rappresentanti dei diritti di voto.
Capital News
La Deutsche Bank ha concluso il suo terzo aumento di capitale dal 2010. Gli azionisti della più grande banca tedesca hanno partecipato all’attività di raccolta di capitale per ben 8,5 miliardi di Euro. Entro il 25 giugno dovevano decidere se starci o meno. Il 99,1 % dei diritti di opzione sono stati esercitati. Le azioni restanti sono state vendute sul mercato. Nel corso di un piazzamento anticipato Hamad bin Dschassm Bin Dschaber al-Thani aveva sottoscritto azioni per 1,75 miliardi di Euro, ad un prezzo di 29,20 Euro cad. Oltre all’investitore del Qatar anche Jürgen Fitschen e Ancshu Jain hanno sottoscritto. Con il denaro fresco la banca intende eliminare ogni dubbio sulle sue riserve contro nuove crisi e assicurarsi contro possibili multe miliardarie che potrebbero essere da pagare negli Stati Uniti.
Cewe: gli insider si riforniscono
L’azienda fornitrice di servizi di laboratorio fotografico e di stampa quotata nel SDax si mette in luce con massicci acquisti da parte di insider. All’inizio di giugno i quattro membri del CdA hanno acquistato per oltre 220.000,00 Euro dei titoli propri. Anche se nel primo trimestre l’azienda ha registrato un abbassamento del fatturato rispetto all’anno precedente, le perdite sembrano ormai sotto controllo. Tradizionalmente il primo trimestre è sempre quello più debole in Cewe Color. Dopo un fatturato da record di 529 milioni di Euro nel 2013 l’azienda ha come obiettivo di raggiungere nel 2014 un dei ricavi per 528 a 540 milioni di Euro. L’EBIT dovrebbe aggirarsi tra 30 e 36 milioni di Euro, ripsetto ai 29,4 milioni di Euro dello scorso anno. Durante l’assemblea generale il CdA ha inoltre annunciato di voler aumentare in futuro il dividendo di attualmente 1,50 Euro.
Borussia Dormund: passaggio riuscito
Sul campo Borussia Dortmund ha dato prova negli ultimi anni di essere non solo la numero due in Germania, ma di godere anche di una apprezzabile reputazione in Europa. Adesso il finalista della Champions League del 2013 dovrebbe anche passare in borsa. Dal 23 giugno i titoli della società di calcio sono quotati nel SDax, l’indice di selezione con i 50 small e mid caps più importanti della Germania. Gli azionisti saranno contenti perché da allora il prezzo delle azioni sta volando verso i 5 Euro, raggiungendo un livello mai visto negli ultimi dieci anni. Dagli 11,00 Euro iniziali – era questo il prezzo di emissione al momento della quotazione in borsa nel 2000 – si è però ancora molto lontani.
Vedes: emissione di bond da bambini
Il consorzio di commercianti di giocattoli Vedes ha piazzato un bond aziendale con un volume di 20 milioni di Euro. Anche negli ultimi tempi questi tipi di titoli sono stati oggetto di critiche, la storia del bond della Vedes assomiglia ad un gioco da bambini. Il primo giorno il titolo era già sovrasottoscritto e i libri sono stati chiusi in anticipo. Il ricavo netto dell’emissione, dopo la detrazione delle somme necessarie per rimborsare i vecchi debiti, ammonta a 7,2 milioni di Euro. L’azienda comunica di voler utilizzare il denaro per “fini aziendali generici”. Con una scadenza di cinque anni e una cedola del 7,125 per cento, il bond è inserito nel commercio dei bond aziendali all’interno dell’Entry Standard presso la Borsa Titoli di Francoforte.
Deutsche Rohstoff: Addio al tungsteno
La Deutsche Rohstoff AG vuole vendere il suo business con il tungsteno; i prezzi del tungsteno sono soggetto a grandi oscillazioni e l’azienda intende inoltre concentrarsi sugli affari con gas e petrolio. Quotato nel Entry Standard, la Deutsche Rohstoff AG vorrebbe disfarsi quanto prima del progetto con la miniera in Australia e parla di prime trattative in atto. Nel 2013 il Wolfram Camp ha contribuito con 7,6 milioni di Euro ai ricavi totali di 17,8 milioni di Euro. La partecipazione australiana aveva d’altro canto aumentato la necessità di ammortamenti, e di conseguenza nel 2013 a contribuito ad un risultato annuo negativo di 7,65 milioni di Euro.
Bastei Lübbe: Crescita nel Digital Publishing
La Bastei Lübbe AG, casa editrice quotata nel Prime Standard della Borsa di Francoforte, sta acquistando una maggioranza in BookRix (fornitore di self publishing digitale). Ogni mese la piattaforma pubblica intorno a mille eBooks. Oltre ai 560.000 user, la BookRix fornisce anche degli online store come iTunes e amazon. Nel 2013 ben tre titoli BookRix hanno raggiunto la Top Ten delle liste di vendita di amazon. La partecipazione completa il business tradizionale della casa editrice Bastei Lübbe. Del prezzo di acquisto non ci sono notizie.
Heidelberger Druck: la partecipazione aumenta, trovato un anchor investor
La Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG si fa più digitale: la partecipazione alla Gallus Holding, specializzata anche nella stampa di etichette, è stata aumentata dal 30 al 100 per cento. In questo modo l’azienda di vecchia tradizione desidera posizionarsi nel settore della stampa digitale. Il costruttore di macchine utensili pagherà il prezzo d’acquisto soprattutto con azioni proprie. In questo modo l’ex proprietario della Gallus, l’azienda familiare svizzera Rüesch, diventerà con una quota del nove percento nuovo anchor investor della Heideldruck. La compravendita include anche il pagamento di una cifra (sicuramente inferiore a 10 milioni di Euro) in denaro. Nell’esercizio 2013/14 l’azienda è riuscita per la prima volto dopo cinque anni a uscire dal rosso.