Mar.14,2025 BBVA Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria in Bilbao (ES) |
Mar.14,2025 MVV Energie in Mannheim (DE) |
Mar.14,2025 MAPFRE in Madrid (ES) |
Mar.14,2025 Bancolombia in (US) |
Mar.14,2025 YPF Sociedad Anonima in (AR) |
Mar.14,2025 Dongfang Electric in (CN) |
Mar.14,2025 Yit Oyj in Helsinki (FI) |
Mar.14,2025 Novatek in (RU) |
Mar.14,2025 Liquidmetal Technologies |
Mar.14,2025 POLIMEX-MOSTOSTAL in (PL) |
Mar.14,2025 PETROL Ljubljana in (SI) |
Mar.14,2025 Daetwyler Holding in Altdorf (CH) |
Mar.14,2025 Solar in (DK) |
Mar.14,2025 F&C Capital andome Investment Trust in (UK) |
Mar.14,2025 Softfront in (JP) |
Mar.14,2025 Compagnie des Alpes in (FR) |
Mar.14,2025 Heico in Miami (US) |
Mar.14,2025 Samsung Securities in (KR) |
Mar.14,2025 KIA Motors in (KR) |
Mar.14,2025 Emcore |
Mar.14,2025 Tinka Resources |
Mar.14,2025 Fuji Soft in (JP) |
Mar.14,2025 Benton Resources |
Mar.14,2025 Lions Gate Entertainment |
Mar.14,2025 Korea Petrochemical Ind in (KR) |
Corporate Governance – portrayed in the individual cultural and legal framework, from the standpoint of equity capital. VIPsight is a dynamic photo archive, sorted by nations and dates, by and for those interested in CG from all over the world. VIPsight offers, every month:
VIPsight - April 2015
Hornbach: DIY flies high
The Hornbach Holding AG chain of DIY stores has announced that based on numbers presently available (at February 28), group turnover increased last year 2014-5 by 6 percent, and now stands at roughly 3.6 thousand million Euros. According to the SDax-listed concern, the turnover was powered by the 97-strong German store network. DIY and gardening increased in the other 49 European markets by 5 percent. The bankruptcy of former competitors Praktiker and MaxBahr, together with the take-over of 6 Praktiker sales points in Germany were obviously contributing factors to this success. According to Handelsblatt, Hornbach’s market share has risen in the meantime from 10 to 11 percent.
Euromicron: amending the balance sheet
Software house Euromicron AG is in the throes of dealing with serious miscalculations in its year-end accounts. A number of projects carried out in 2012 and 2013 were assessed wrongly and now require corrections back-dated to the group’s 2014 balance sheet. The Prime Standard-listed concern is facing a fall in equity capital of some 15 million Euros. Equity capital stood at 126 million Euros at the end of September. Euromicron is adamant that the mistakes will not have a negative impact on liquidity or its agreements with the banks. In any event, however, CIO Willibald Späth resigned his position at the end of March and his duties will be taken on ad interim by Managing Director Thomas Hoffmann. Since the company is still mulling over its numbers, publication of its 2014 report is being postponed to the end of April.
CEWE: Digital photography: business is booming
Photographic service and printing concern CEWE Stiftung & Co. KGaA has announced achieving all the targets set for fiscal year 2014. Provisional results show turnover down from 536 million Euros to 528 million while Ebit is up from 29 to 33 million Euros. According to the SDax-listed company, success was mainly due to favourable conditions in the 2014 Christmas quarter. CEWE is now debt-free and thus able to increase its base capital to approximately 51 percent. Profit after tax is down, some 21 million Euros lower than the 22 million of the previous year, the reason being a change in company format and a beneficial one-off tax liability brought forward from the previous year.
The company strategy of concentrating on on-line printing and photofinishing has clearly paid off – 94% of group turnover came from photofinishing and on-line printing has increased its turnover by 18 percent 70 million Euros. On the other hand CEWE has cut back on its retail trading business.
SAF-Holland: full speed ahead
The 2014 year-end results of supplier to the commercial vehicle industry, SAF Holland S.A., are also very good. Turnover is up 12 percent to 960 million Euros, a result exceeding even the management’s expectations of between 920 and 945 million Euros. The SDax listed company’s Ebit has also risen by no less than almost 20 percent to some 71 million Euros, and its profit stands at roughly 33 million Euros compared to the previous year’s 24 million Euros. The company, with its production of mainly axle shafts, clutches and brakes saw its service business perform very well. In the most important areas, the company was well-equipped to seize the opportunities that the recovering European market and the strong demand in the US. Outwith these two fundamental markets SAF-Holland suffered losses in Russia and Brazil that it was able to compensate for with growth in other emerging markets. The company also benefitted from having taken over a Chinese producer of suspension units for buses.
The German Mittelstand
Innovation against the grain – SME computerisation still out in the cold
German SMEs are still today not at all persuaded that there are worthwhile benefits to be reaped from computerisation. The conclusion reached by a survey conducted by Deloitte Digital shows that IT has made few inroads in the area of German industry dominated by SMEs; roughly 87% of companies interviewed feel that they still have room for improvement. Some small consolation may be gained, however, from the underlying awareness that the megatrend is overwhelmingly pushing in this direction.
Mention computerisation to many companies and it becomes clear that they have little idea what it’s all about, let alone have any strategy in mind for implementing it. SMEs still don’t know how computerisation can dovetail with their company strategies nor have they any inkling as to how it could be put to use to troubleshoot problems, a state of affairs glaringly obvious in almost every field in which SMEs are predominant.
Computerisation has a multitude of potential applications. The entrepreneur comes to realise just how powerful a tool it can be when the answers it provides begin to make themselves felt and then when the positive effects are reflected in the company numbers. Companies with tangible product can see the speed with which machine-related data are obtained and assessed, one example of measurable benefit. In other words, this is “Industry 4.0”. Take, for instance MAHLE GmbH of Stuttgart, a supplier on the global stage to engine manufacturers and automobile makers; shortly after installing a new web-based production software program, its Leibertingen facility witnessed an upswing in output of more than 30%. This particular 4.0 technology intercepts production glitches, and updates the working tickets in real time. This optimises machine time, saving material and energy. The software was developed by IT-Technologie- und BeratungshausForcam in Ravensburg, a pioneer in “4.0 industry”.
This is a spectacular example of how computerising processes can produce benefits. Unfortunately, though, the majority of SMEs is light years away from reaching this stage, and many light years at that. Indeed, as Mario Ohoven president of BudnesverbandMittelständischeWirtschaft (BVMW) ruefully points out, one fifth of SMEs still have no Internet site. His point is well made; if you don’t have a website by now it’s obvious you couldn’t handle computerising procedures.
German SMEs are renowned both at home and abroad for their ability to temper innovation with tradition. This is where it excels. Entrepreneurial decisions are reached after considerable thought, with sustainability very much in mind. Thoroughness, as becomes a person vested with responsibilities, demands that new technologies, developments and trends be approached slowly. However, as soon as a certain technology has proved its functional worth and the cutting edge shifts to the status of benchmark, the risk that the small or medium size entrepreneur is called upon to face is vastly reduced.
To survive in the face of international competition one must be able to decide on new processes within ever shorter time frames. Those who miss the train the first time round will always lag behind. German SMEs are still world leaders in many fields of technology and that position is not to be placed in jeopardy by a counterproductive clinging to tradition. That is why moves towards computerisation must be taken in hand and put into practice speedily and with top priority.
Buhlmann's Corner
Dear German Supervisory Board, whither……?
It’s taking time, but the Government Committee on the Code of Corporate Governance chaired by Manfred Gentz is beginning to get the point that Supervisory Boards in Germany ought not to become just more costly but should also function better and become more internationally minded. The never ending cuts in the number of members and the increase in red tape for each bench (co-determination in Germany is composed of two benches – one to represent the interests of the shareholders and the other to represent those of the employees) and in the committees makes it ever more difficult to select high-profile members and ever more complicated to identify possible successors..
There are some who are loathe to go, reneging on promises made on campaigning for election (see Siemens) and those who would have left ages ago if only a successor could be found (see RWE). Other Supervisory Boards make life difficult for themselves by blithely accepting members’ resignations, and then attempt to re-appoint them for a further term (according to the law, confirmation can only be given 12 months or less prior to the expiry date of the mandate, which is how it should be). The chair of Daimler’s Supervisory Board made a promise to a member of the company’s board of management much earlier, perhaps to fuel the candidate’s motivation?
Commerzbank, too, had a lesson to learn. Seeking to make a lasting mark, the Supervisory Board set out to give new direction to the board of management (that it, itself, had appointed and put together), with fewer members, only to be faced with a tribunal ruling that obliged them to reverse their handiwork. My own opinion is that the Supervisory Board ought to foot the bill, first and foremost the chair, and then all the other members in order of importance, including the employees’ representatives according to the principle of “cling together, swing together
There is a certain feeling of having settled a score in imagining the old members of the Supervisory Board relegated back to their desks – no way should the Supervisory Board attempt to buy a sentence using shareholders’ money! The employees representatives who sit on the Supervisory Board also need to get ready for change. So far only employees working in Germany were eligible, but according to a recent ruling (not yet final), colleagues who work in, say, Bangladesh have the right to participate in co-determination.
It’s taking time, but it’s beginning to look like Monsieur Landau’s (Adidas) aren’t the only cobwebs that need to be swept away. – the danger is that the Warren Buffetts of this world will seize not only Heinz and Kraft but also, through cunning and stealth, seats on Supervisory Boards. And here I’m thinking of both those created and shared..
ADIDAS - a 3 striped lame duck
Whatever happened to the ADIDAS stripes that made every single one turn to point South East? When is someone going to tell the Supervisory Board that a stock market price only rises when shareholders begin to feel the wind of change? It is more than somewhat embarrassing that eight months after failure to achieve the sales and revenue targets that he himself set, Germany's longest-serving CEO is throwing a new strategic five-year plan overboard just as the process of finding his successor is now getting up to speed. Despite this being the best of all possible worlds, and despite particularly bright prospects, ADIDAS, can still only make second place in a crucial market like the United States, losing out to a total newcomer such as UnderArmour. . .
Sponsorship of the winner of the 1954 World Cup soccer championship turned ADIDAS into a worldwide household name. The same investiture in 2014 only obliged the company to a repeated a profit alert. Purchased 10 years ago for 3 thousand million, Reebok's crop quality doesn't come anywhere near ADIDAS's. If the Supervisory Board can't supervise, it would be well advised to wake up.
"Creating the new" was the offshoot of "Route 2015" -but it never occurred to anyone to go into any detail about how the underperforming Reebok could be nudged into performing. The operating performance of ADIDAS is the peer group's weakest. Share buy-back using borrowed money, high payout quotas and extensive headquarters rebuilding - sooner or later ADIDAS will divest itself of its participation in FC Bayern München AG to raise money. There is probably no need to change strategy, but to push drivers and supervisors towards doubling KPIs on the level of competitors.
What paved the way for ADIDAS to conquer the market in 1954 was their revolutionary interchangeable boot studs. Now, though, innovation has to come from those who supervise and those who administer. The wholly unjustified bonus - more of a severance payoff - has further clipped the wings of this duck that has been lame for too long.
In the never-ending controversy that arose from the expansion towards the Russian electrical energy market that never took place, RWE has won another battle in the war against Leonid Lebedew. On March 24, the Essen Landgericht court ruled that the claim presented by the Russian oligarch for 674million Euros of damages was inadmissible. The court instead did rule admissible the case in which Lebedew is seeking monetary compensation from the former CEO of RWE Jürgen Großmann in person. If Grossmann were to appeal, the, Oberlandesgericht would rule on the admissibility of the claim. Lebedew’s motivation for claiming is that RWE and Großmann withdrew unilaterally and without authorization from the agreements that had been reached together for moving into the Russian energy group TGK-2.
Gender equality quotas at the last hurdle
Dateline March 6, Berlin. With the votes of the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats, the Bundestag approved the Bill sponsored by Manuela Schwesig (Minister for Training, Professions and Family) and HeikoMaas (Minister of Justice), both SPD. The Greens and the Linke abstained on the grounds that the Bill didn’t go far enough. From 2016 onwards the ratio of women to the total number of the Supervisory Board members of the 100 or so Stock Exchange-listed companies that are obliged to co-determination must be no lower than 30 percent.. A further 3500 companies listed on the Stock Exchange or subject to co-determination will be required to set themselves a flexible quota target by September 30.
The Minister for Women has spoken of an “historic step”, in the process of gender emancipation and the beginning of a far-reaching cultural shift in the world of employment. The will have a favourable impact on millions of women in the world of employment. The Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) has again voiced severe criticism of this new legislation. A single rigid percentage for the Supervisory Boards is nothing more than an act of political symbolism of questionable constitutional validity. Vacant seats cause much more harm in the private than the public sector.
In searching for a new member of the management board with responsibility for production, BMW came up with the right man and, in line with tradition, it found him among its own ranks. On May 13, Oliver Zipse will join the management board of the Munich-based group and will receive the sceptre of production. Zipse, a 51-year-old mechanical engineer will take over from Harald Krüger who, as was decided in December 2014, will succeed Norbert Reithofer with effect from the shareholders’ meeting on May 13. The Chair of the Supervisory Board, Prof. Joachim Milberg together with Wolfgang Mayrhuber decided in concert with the Supervisory Board to resign their mandates to the Board with effect from the end of the shareholders’ meeting. The Supervisory Board will present Simone Menne, presently on the management board of Deutsche Lufthansa and prospective Supervisory Board candidate together with Reithofer.
Krombacher partner Petra Schadeberg-Hermann and Nikolaus von Bomhard, management board chair of Munich Re, will leave the Supervisory Board of Commerzbank on April 30. The shareholders’ meeting of Germany’s second largest bank is being called upon to endorse the appointment to it of two women. The candidates being presented are Sabine U. Dietriche and Anja Mikus. Dietriche is on the board of management board of BP Europe. Mikus is presently CIO and head of investment strategy in investment company Arabesque. Her role in the CoBa Supervisory Board will be to represent the State of Germany which, throughout the financial crunch, had invested several thousand million Euros to save the bank. The State is currently represented by Bomhard and BDI managing director Markus Kerber.
Deutsche Annington Immobilien’s takeover of GAGFAH means that it needs more controllers – the number of Supervisory Board members will have to rise from 9 to 12, Former head of GAGFAH board of management, Gerhard Zeiler, is one of the more famous new entries; Daniel Just, managing director of Bayerische Versorgungskammer and vice chair proxy of the Supervisory Board of the Deutsche Bank real estate subsidiary Rreef Investment should also be appointed. Another candidate is Hendrik Jellema, chair of the management board of Stiftung Berliner Leben part of Berlin-based group Gewobag. The proposals have been prepared for the agenda of the shareholders meeting to be held on April 30. Deutsche Annington shareholders will be called upon to vote in Düsseldorf on the proposed new name of “Vonovia”. The idea of presenting Zeiler, Jellema and Just as members of the Supervisory Board of the new nascent colossus had already arisen when shareholders of Deutsche Annington Immobilien made their takeover bid to GAGFAH shareholders. The three resigned from their posts on the GAGFAH board of management on March 16.
As was decided by the 2014 shareholders’ meeting, there will be cuts on May 13 lowering the number of seats on the Deutsche Börse Supervisory Board from 18 to 12 Of these 12, 8 will represent the shareholders and 4 the employees. The best known member stepping down is without doubt Friedrich Merz. The other members also leaving the Supervisory Board are David Krell, Richard Hayden and Thomas Neiße.
From the agenda of the Deutsche Lufthansa shareholders’ meeting called for April 28, it would appear that Stephan Sturm will take the seat vacated by Jacques Aigrain. The chair of LCH Clearnet recently became Managing Director of Warburg Pincus. 54-year-old Sturm has been a member of the Lufthansa Supervisory Board since 2007. Currently CFO of Fresenius, Sturm won last year’s “Chief Financial Officer of the Year” award.
Ute Gerbaulet is expected to join the Supervisory Board of GERRY WEBER International, a move that will strengthen rapprochement between the womenswear manufacturer and another family-run concern. Capital market expert Gerbaulet sits on the extended board of management of Bankhaus Lampe, a private banking concern. The former CFO of the Ernst F. Schröder group has for a number of years been head of the GERRY WEBER International Supervisory Board and is expected to be reconfirmed during the shareholders’ meeting set for April 16. Alfred Thomas Bayard is standing for election to the Supervisory Board. The Swiss fashion businessman purchases merchandise from GERRY WEBER International through the Mode Bayard and Gerry Weber Switzerland subsidiary companies which he then distributes along with other griffes through his sales networks in Switzerland. In future, the Supervisory Board should be enlarged from six to twelve members.
K+S has added voting of two new members to the Supervisory Board to the agenda of the upcoming shareholders’ meeting set for May 12. The second candidate standing alongside Andrea Kreimeyer, who sits on the management board of BASF, is Philip Freiherr von dem Bussche who, for many years, was the spokesperson of the board of management of KWS Saat. Kreimeyer has been on the management board of BASF, of which the manufacturer of fertilizer was once a subsidiary, since 2003. After the expiry of her contract with the board of management, expected to be concurrent with the conclusion of the shareholders’ meeting set for April 30, the biologist is hoping to retire. Von dem Bussche was Chair of the Deutsche Landwirtschafts gesellschaft for a number of years and gained a reputation as an expert on world agricultural economics. The two have no mandates on any other Supervisory Boards. Bern Malmström and Rudolf Müller are standing down from their positions as of the end of the shareholders’ meeting.
Volker Kronseder has announced his intention to quit the management board of KROES. After a career on the management board spanning over 26 years, 20 of which as Chair, Kronseder would now like to move on to the Supervisory Board. On March 18, the MDax-listed company announced that he would be succeeded by current CFO Christoph Klenk. The Supervisory Board, instead decided to replace him with an outsider whose name will be announced as soon as the person concerned has agreed the date and conditions of resignation with his/her current employer.
After a cooling-off period of one year, the Supervisory Board of LANXESS has drawn further conclusions at personnel level regarding the strategic errors made under the board of management chairmanship of Axel Heitmann. The chemicals manufacturer has announced further changes at top management level. At the upcoming shareholders’ meeting set for May 13, the Supervisory Board will propose Lawrence A. Rosen, member of management board of Deutsche Post, and Matthias Wolfgruber, Chair of the management board of Altana, as candidates to the Supervisory Board. Rainer Laufs and Robert J. Koehler will resign their posts on the Supervisory Board at the end of their current term of office. The Chair of the Supervisory Board will continue to be Rolf Stromberg. Michael Pontzen, up till now head controller of the group, joined the board of management as CFO on April 1. His predecessor Bernard Düttmann resigned from the company at the end of March to ‘take up the gauntlet of new professional challenges’. Düttman joined LANXESS in 2011 from Beierdsdorf replacing Matthias Zachert, who had joined Merck.
Ulrike Friese-Dormann the lawyer is tipped to join the Supervisory Board of Leoni. On the departure of Wilhelm Wessels on 31 December 2014, Axel Markus joined the Board on 1 January 2015 to represent the interests of the shareholders. Now, Ms. Friese–Dormann is succeeding Markus who has announced his intention of quitting his position at the end of the next shareholders’ meeting set for May 7.
Bernd Hirsch is resigning from Symrise of his own volition. The reasons behind his decision not to extend his contract with the the perfume and aroma manufacturer beyond its December 31 expiry date are wholly personal according to a company communiqué of March 6. Hirsch confirms that he will continue to carry out his duties in Symrise until then. The Supervisory Board is expected to move swiftly to appoint a successor.
On February 27, VOLKSWAGEN officially announced that it had invited Matthias Müller to join the group’s board of management. In actual fact, the head of Porsche has been on Wolfsburg’s board of management with his 12 brand names since March, Herbert Diess will thus become official on the Volkswagen board of management and head of the Volkswagen brand three months earlier than planned. Shifting these dates forward was made possible by an agreement that the executive reached with BMW.
Drillisch: New faces in the boardroom
Effective April 1 TecDax-listed Drillisch AG, has a new CFO, André Driesen, who previously headed the accounts department and was accounts and financial proxy. He is now on the management board together with Paschalis and Vlasios Choulidis with responsibility for the new area of Finance.
Driesen has been with the mobile phone company since 2003 and in addition to his functions in the company’s finance, he was administrator in charge of a number of companies within the group, including Drillisch Telecom GmbH.
Jenoptik: no let-up
Jenoptik AG, the optical systems and technology specialist, has secured the appointment to CFO of former Homag CFO, Hans-Dieter Schuhmacher. Tec-Dax-listed Jenokptik’s contract with his predecessor Rüdiger Andreas Günther had expired at the end of March and at the end of last year Günther announced his intention of not extending it. Günther’s career in Jenoptik began in 2012 as CFO, and he ushered in many transactions and initiatives to harmonize the management of resources at group level.
Schumacher joined Jenoptik as CFO in April, from the Homag Group AG where he had been head of finance, IT and human resources since 2011. Before that he had been CFO in Sto AG.
R. Stahl: family fealty
The current Chair of the Supervisory Board of this company specialised in explosion prevention will stand down from his post at the end of the shareholders’ meeting scheduled for May 22. Hans-VolkerStahl, aged 68, will quit the body after 22 years. At the end of February, those in control of the Prime Standard-listed company voted in favour of the candidacy for the chairmanship of Heiko Stallbörger. Stallbörger, an engineer, has been on the board of R. Stahl AG since 2013 and has a 25-year-long connection with the company’s founding family. The decision in his favour was motivated with an eye toward continuity of the family’s presence in the generation renewal in the Supervisory Board. The outgoing Chair Hans-Volker Stahl announced his intention of becoming a private investor, and will maintain his links with the company as a shareholder.
CEO salaries get generous increases
After two years of tending downwards, salaries in 2014 are, by and large, back on an upswing. Calculations for the 24 Dax companies who present their salary tables and have stayed unchanged at the top, indicate an average salary increase of 12 percent, amounting to some 5.4 million Euros according to a report published by company consultants HKP Group. This new record amount corresponds to an average salary increase of roughly10 percent over 2013. Towers Watson stresses that, all told, rises in executives’ salaries are in line with improved result. Net income of Dax-listed companies grew from 2013 to 2014 by some 13.8 percent. Top of the heap is Martin Winterkorn, CEO of VOLKSWAGEN who according to the appropriate calculations earned 14.9 million Euros.
Capital News
As the market had foreseen, Munich Re has announced its intention of buying back shares. The management board of this re-insurance market leader has made its decision and a transaction proposal could be put to the vote during the upcoming shareholders’ meeting set for 30 April 2014. This would authorise the company to buy back up to 11 million of its own shares in the period between 24 April and26 April, 2016 for the original purchase price (no accessory costs)up to a maximum amount of one thousand million Euros. The breakdown corresponds to 5.2 shares or3.1 percent of share capital. Last February, CFO Jörg Schneider had led investors into hoping for a share buy-back. The transactions relating to shares purchased within the 2014-5 buy-back programme have to be concluded before the shareholders’ meeting set for April 23. Equity capital not taken up will be withdrawn.
Siltronic: Semiconductors in the stock exchange?
Wacker Chemie AG is weighting up its options for the future, including separating from its subsidiary company Siltronic. According to the company also under consideration is the idea of a strategic partnership with other companies as well as stock acquisition by a strategic investor. The spin-off, however, has not yet been decided on. The company is also contemplating a stock exchange flotation. The fourth quarter turnover of the wafer business was up on the same period of the previous year, from 175 million to 223 million Euros, thanks to stability in dealings in silicon for semiconductors and solar panels. The idea of separation is being contemplated as a response to Siltronic’s need for substantial capital and as a means of obtaining more resources to invest in other fields.
Sixt: uncoupling the leasing business
Vehicle hire concern Sixt SE is considering having its leasing business listed on the stock exchange. In 2013, the Sixt Leasing AG subsidiary invoiced approximately 546 million Euros, almost a third of the total group turnover. By being listed, the Leasing subsidiary could strengthen its capital base by equity capital and continue to grow financially independently from the vehicle hire business and the parent company Sixt SE. If exchange listing were to occur, Sixt would still wish to keep hold of a substantial percentage of its stake in the leasing company.
Nanogate: soldi per maggiori capacità
An increase of capital carried out by innovative surface specialist Nanogate AG yielded some 11.6 million Euros. Excluding option rights, the Entry Standard-listed company placed 297,843 new shares with institutional investors. The shares were priced at 39 Euros each and the company’s share capital rose from 3 million to more or less 3.3 million, with the increase being oversubscribed. The company has earmarked the fresh money to expand its technological portfolio and fund the expansion of its skills and promote growth.
Director's Dealings
Company | Person | Function | Buy / Sell | Total value in Euro | Number of shares | Datum |
Aareal Bank AG | Graf von Bassewitz, Christian | SB | S | 98.125 | 2.500 | 09.03.2015 |
Axel Springer SE | Springer, Friede | SB | B | 12.334.725 | 225.000 | 06.03.2015 |
Axel Springer SE | Springer, Friede | SB | B | 2.654.300 | 48.199 | 09.03.2015 |
Bayer Aktiengesellschaft | Achleitner, Dr. Paul | SB | B | 44.995 | 339 | 03.03.2015 |
Bayer Aktiengesellschaft | Bagel-Trah, Dr. Simone | SB | B | 20.175 | 152 | 03.03.2015 |
Bayer Aktiengesellschaft | Börsig, Dr. Clemens | SB | B | 29.997 | 226 | 03.03.2015 |
Bayer Aktiengesellschaft | Ebeling, Thomas | SB | B | 29.997 | 226 | 03.03.2015 |
Bayer Aktiengesellschaft | Fischer, Dr.-Ing. Thomas | SB | B | 44.995 | 339 | 03.03.2015 |
Bayer Aktiengesellschaft | Panke, Dr. Helmut | SB | B | 38.624 | 291 | 03.03.2015 |
Bayer Aktiengesellschaft | Rataj, Sue H. | SB | B | 33.577 USD | 226 | 03.03.2015 |
Bayer Aktiengesellschaft | Schmidt-Kiessling, Michael | SB | B | 29.997 | 226 | 03.03.2015 |
Bayer Aktiengesellschaft | Sturany, Dr. Klaus | SB | B | 59.994 | 452 | 03.03.2015 |
Bayer Aktiengesellschaft | Wenning, Werner | SB-Head | B | 89.991 | 678 | 03.03.2015 |
Bayer Aktiengesellschaft | Winnacker, Prof.Dr. Ernst-Ludwig | SB | B | 29.997 | 226 | 03.03.2015 |
Brenntag AG | Clark, Stephen R. | SB | B | 55.440 USD | 900 | 23.03.2015 |
Brenntag AG | Fluri, Prof. Dr. Edgar | SB | B | 48.582 | 900 | 19.03.2015 |
Brenntag AG | Ludwig, Dr. Thomas | SB | B | 49.999 | 893 | 20.03.2015 |
Brenntag AG | Nowotne, Doreen | SB | B | 24.444 | 450 | 19.03.2015 |
Brenntag AG | Nowotne, Doreen | SB | B | 24.831 | 460 | 19.03.2015 |
Brenntag AG | Rittstieg, Dr. Andreas | SB | B | 48.780 | 900 | 19.03.2015 |
Brenntag AG | Zuschke, Stefan | SB-Head | B | 54.180 | 1.000 | 19.03.2015 |
CANCOM SE | Hotter, Evelyn | S | 296.973 | 8.000 | 25.02.2015 | |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Austin, Andrew | MB | S | 681.113 | 17.239 | 26.02.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Austin, Andrew | MB | Exercise an Option | 1.960 | 16.333 | 26.02.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Austin, Andrew | MB | Exercise an Option | 14.496 | 906 | 26.02.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Bagherli, Jalal | MB-Head | Exercise an Option | 18.000 | 150.000 | 11.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Bagherli, Jalal | MB-Head | S | 4.177.000 | 100.000 | 11.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Bagherli, Jalal | MB-Head | S | 2.121.350 | 50.000 | 11.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Djadoudi, Mohamed | MB | S | 134.078 | 3.254 | 09.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Djadoudi, Mohamed | MB | B | 390 | 3.254 | 09.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Djadoudi, Mohamed | MB | Exercise an Option | 2.745 | 22.878 | 03.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Djadoudi, Mohamed | MB | S | 924.728 | 22.878 | 03.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Kratz, Udo | MB | Exercise an Option | 904 | 7.530 | 06.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Kratz, Udo | MB | S | 311.417 | 7.530 | 06.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Kratz, Udo | MB | Exercise an Option | 4.023 | 33.527 | 03.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Kratz, Udo | MB | S | 1.353.200 | 33.527 | 03.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | McGrath, Sean | Exercise an Option | 112.880 | 8.000 | 04.03.2015 | |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | McGrath, Sean | S | 317.929 | 8.000 | 04.03.2015 | |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | McMonigall, John | SB | Contribution | 0 | 26.000 | 02.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Powell, Martin | MB | Exercise an Option | 1.568 | 13.067 | 02.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Powell, Martin | MB | S | 517.715 | 13.067 | 02.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Richard, Jean-Michel | MB | Exercise an Option | 3.920 | 32.666 | 27.02.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Richard, Jean-Michel | MB | S | 1.504.749 | 38.066 | 27.02.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Tyndall, Mark | MB | Exercise an Option | 1.572 | 13.100 | 02.03.2015 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Tyndall, Mark | MB | S | 517.319 | 13.100 | 02.03.2015 |
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Götz, Dr. Jürgen | MB | Exercise an Option | 1.410.300 | 45.000 | 16.03.2015 |
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Götz, Dr. Jürgen | MB | Exercise an Option | 1.082.174 | 40.140 | 03.03.2015 |
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Henriksson, Mats | MB | Exercise an Option | 1.877.550 | 52.800 | 17.03.2015 |
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Schneider, Dr. Ulf M. | MB-Head | Exercise an Option | 1.469.091 | 42.570 | 11.03.2015 |
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Schneider, Dr. Ulf M. | MB-Head | Exercise an Option | 1.395.870 | 42.570 | 02.03.2015 |
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Schneider, Dr. Ulf M. | MB-Head | Exercise an Option | 1.319.244 | 42.570 | 26.02.2015 |
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Sturm, Stephan | MB | Exercise an Option | 1.490.800 | 40.000 | 16.03.2015 |
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Sturm, Stephan | MB | Exercise an Option | 2.077.648 | 65.790 | 03.03.2015 |
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Wastler, Dr. Ernst | MB | Exercise an Option | 3.783.361 | 116.640 | 02.03.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | B | 124.647 | 3.900 | 26.03.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | B | 39.108 | 1.200 | 25.03.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | B | 98.406 | 3.069 | 23.03.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | B | 37.957 | 1.165 | 20.03.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | B | 30.622 | 935 | 19.03.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | B | 117.860 | 3.600 | 18.03.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | B | 116.756 | 3.500 | 17.03.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | B | 108.416 | 3.400 | 04.03.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | S | 192 | 80 | 04.03.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | B | 140.943 | 4.300 | 03.03.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | B | 84.955 | 2.500 | 02.03.2015 |
Gerry Weber International Aktiengesellschaft | Weber, Ralf | MB-Head | B | 766.494 | 23.000 | 26.02.2015 |
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA | Vagator Ltd. | S | 2.973.357 | 32.242 | 06.03.2015 | |
HUGO BOSS AG | Lumar S.R.L. | S | 933.162 | 8.000 | 03.03.2015 | |
HUGO BOSS AG | Lumar S.R.L. | S | 4.671.661 | 39.954 | 23.02.2015 | |
HUGO BOSS AG | Lumar S.R.L. | S | 2.932.588 | 25.000 | 24.02.2015 | |
HUGO BOSS AG | Lumar S.R.L. | S | 2.534.116 | 21.699 | 25.02.2015 | |
HUGO BOSS AG | Lumar S.R.L. | S | 34.916 | 301 | 26.02.2015 | |
HUGO BOSS AG | Lumar S.R.L. | S | 580.000 | 5.000 | 20.02.2015 | |
Jungheinrich AG | Frey, Hans-Georg | MB-Head | S | 44.447 | 765 | 09.03.2015 |
KUKA Aktiengesellschaft | Wyser-Pratte, Guy P. | SB | S | 2.243.700 | 30.000 | 13.03.2015 |
KUKA Aktiengesellschaft | Wyser-Pratte, Guy P. | SB | S | 2.970.400 | 40.000 | 16.03.2015 |
Linde Aktiengesellschaft | Achleitner, Prof. Dr. Dr. Ann-Kristin | SB | B | 37.466 | 193 | 19.03.2015 |
Linde Aktiengesellschaft | Börsig, Dr. Clemens | SB | B | 37.466 | 193 | 19.03.2015 |
Linde Aktiengesellschaft | Couturier, Anke | SB | B | 37.466 | 193 | 19.03.2015 |
Linde Aktiengesellschaft | Diekmann, Michael | SB | B | 28.295 | 146 | 19.03.2015 |
Linde Aktiengesellschaft | Fehrenbach, Franz | SB | B | 37.466 | 193 | 19.03.2015 |
Linde Aktiengesellschaft | Müller, Klaus-Peter | SB | B | 37.918 | 195 | 19.03.2015 |
Linde Aktiengesellschaft | Schneider, Dr. rer. pol. Manfred | SB-Head | B | 112.398 | 579 | 19.03.2015 |
MERCK Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien | Kley, Dr. Karl-Ludwig | MB-Head | B | 9.991 | 97 | 27.03.2015 |
MERCK Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien | Kley, Dr. Karl-Ludwig | MB-Head | B | 19.909 | 195 | 26.03.2015 |
MERCK Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien | Kley, Dr. Karl-Ludwig | MB-Head | B | 9.923 | 95 | 25.03.2015 |
MERCK Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien | Kley, Dr. Karl-Ludwig | MB-Head | B | 9.946 | 95 | 24.03.2015 |
MERCK Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien | Kley, Dr. Karl-Ludwig | MB-Head | B | 19.872 | 192 | 23.03.2015 |
MERCK Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien | Kley, Dr. Karl-Ludwig | MB-Head | B | 19.898 | 190 | 19.03.2015 |
MTU Aero Engines AG | Steffens, Dr. Klaus | SB | S | 1.365.000 | 15.000 | 12.03.2015 |
MTU Aero Engines AG | Steffens, Dr. Klaus | SB | S | 1.050.000 | 12.500 | 26.02.2015 |
MTU Aero Engines AG | Steffens, Dr. Klaus | SB | S | 630.000 | 7.500 | 25.02.2015 |
QIAGEN N.V. | Brandt, Werner | SB | S | 20.544 USD | 817 | 27.02.2015 |
QIAGEN N.V. | Brandt, Werner | SB | S | 19.972 USD | 800 | 02.03.2015 |
QIAGEN N.V. | CC Verwaltungs GmbH | S | 2.245.000 | 100.000 | 10.03.2015 | |
QIAGEN N.V. | CC Verwaltungs GmbH | S | 5.752.154 | 256.678 | 09.03.2015 | |
QIAGEN N.V. | CC Verwaltungs GmbH | S | 2.271.000 | 100.000 | 11.03.2015 | |
QIAGEN N.V. | CC Verwaltungs GmbH | S | 1.023.750 | 45.000 | 12.03.2015 | |
QIAGEN N.V. | Colpan, Metin | SB | S | 29.169 USD | 1.160 | 27.02.2015 |
QIAGEN N.V. | Colpan, Metin | SB | S | 28.410 USD | 1.138 | 02.03.2015 |
QIAGEN N.V. | Karobath, Manfred | SB | S | 28.410 USD | 1.138 | 02.03.2015 |
QIAGEN N.V. | Karobath, Manfred | SB | S | 29.169 USD | 1.160 | 27.02.2015 |
QIAGEN N.V. | Tallett, Elizabeth | SB | Inflow | 19.972 | 800 | 02.03.2015 |
RWE Aktiengesellschaft | Tigges, Uwe | MB | B | 63.369 | 2.700 | 16.03.2015 |
RWE Aktiengesellschaft | Schneider, Dr. rer. pol. Manfred | SB-Head | B | 74.993 | 3.149 | 11.03.2015 |
Salzgitter Aktiengesellschaft | Eging, Wolfgang | MB | B | 39.825 | 1.500 | 27.02.2015 |
Salzgitter Aktiengesellschaft | Fuhrmann, Dr. Heinz Jörg | MB-Head | B | 47.682 | 1.800 | 27.02.2015 |
Symrise AG | Bertram, Dr. Heinz-Jürgen | MB-Head | B | 97.433 | 1.650 | 18.03.2015 |
Symrise AG | Bertram, Dr. Heinz-Jürgen | MB-Head | B | 100.254 | 1.650 | 16.03.2015 |
Symrise AG | Hirsch, Bernd | MB | B | 14.968 | 255 | 23.03.2015 |
Symrise AG | Hirsch, Bernd | MB | B | 23.499 | 400 | 23.03.2015 |
Symrise AG | Hirsch, Bernd | MB | B | 58.600 | 1.000 | 23.03.2015 |
Symrise AG | Hirsch, Bernd | MB | B | 117.812 | 2.000 | 23.03.2015 |
TAG Immobilien AG | Vaagt, Harboe | MB | B | 28.570 | 2.500 | 09.03.2015 |
Wincor Nixdorf Aktiengesellschaft | Bohlen, Jens | MB | B | 121.651 | 2.640 | 12.03.2015 |
VIPsight Shareholders
in March 2015
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M & A
Heidelberger Druck: more service potential
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG intends taking over the European concern Printing Systems Group (PSF) based in the Netherlands, and so has negotiated an agreement with CoBe Capital, an investment company. With this first takeover after a lengthy moratorium the SDax-listed company aims to broaden its service business with equipment and consumable material, and pursue its restructuring programme. This takeover is expected to accrue an increase in the printing machine manufacturer’s turnover by some 130 million Euros. The parties have not disclosed the cost of the transaction. Furthermore, Heidelberger Druck declines even to comment on the profitability of the subsidiary companies. The deal is still pending official authorisation.
Takkt: fast banners
SDax-listed Takkt AG, has purchased a US printing company that specialises in custom printing promotional materials. The producer of shopfittings is paying approximately 16.5 million US dollars for the Post.Up group in two instalments plus a variable amount of up to13.5 million dollars that will depend on the company’s performance over the next three years. The first instalment of roughly 15 million dollars will become due when the deal is signed, and the remaining 1.5 million dollars along with the variable amount in 2018. Post-Up’s Stand display provides Takkt with the completion of its product range. According to Takkt’s management the American specialist mail order company is so highly skilled in the techniques of digital printing that it features same-day shipping for custom printed orders. The catalogue of the newly acquired subsidiary company boasts every kind of display system such as the trade-fair mobile Roll-Up display stand and advertising banners.
VIPsight - Aprile
Euromicron: correzione del bilancio
L’azienda software Euromicron AG combatte con le conseguenze di gravi errori fatti al momento della preparazione del bilancio. Alcuni progetti degli anni 2012 e 2013 erano stati valutati in maniera sbagliata e devono essere adesso corretto a ritroso nella chiusura del gruppo 2014. L’azienda quotata nel Prime Standard si aspetta una diminuzione del capitale proprio di circa 15 milioni di Euro. Alla fine di settembre il capitale proprio ammontava a circa 126 milioni di Euro. Secondo le informazioni dell’azienda gli errori di bilancio non dovrebbero avere ripercussioni negative sulla liquidità o sugli accordi fatti con gli istituti di credito. Il CEO Willibald Späth ha comunque lasciato il suo posto alla fine di marzo. L’amministratore unico Thomas Hoffmann prenderà per il momento in mano i suoi incarichi. Dato che l’azienda sta ancora esaminando i propri numeri, il report 2014 sarà pubblicato solo alla fine di Aprile.
CEWE: buoni affari con foto digitali
La CEWE Stiftung & Co. KGaA – azienda produttrice di servizi fotografici e di stampa, comunica di aver raggiunto nell’esercizio 2014 tutti gli obiettivi previsti. In base ai numeri provisori il fatturato dovrebbe essere sceso da 536 milioni di Euro a circa 528 milioni di Euro; allo stesso momento l’Ebit è cresciuto da 29 a circa 33 milioni di Euro. Secondo l’azienda, quotata nel SDax, il successo è dovuto soprattutto al buon andamento durante il trimestre natalizio del 2014. Lo specialista di foto è adesso senza debiti e quindi capace di aumentare la sua base di capitale proprio ad una quota di circa 51 per cento. Il risultato dopo le imposte è sceso con circa 21 milioni di Euro sotto il risultato dell’anno precedente che ammontava a 22 milioni di Euro. Il motivo sta nel cambio della forma legale ed è anche legato ad un effetto fiscale non ripetitivo dell’anno precedente.
L’indirizzo strategico verso i settori della stampa online e del fotofinishing è stato evidentemente positivo: il settore del fotofinishing ha contribuito per il 74 % al fatturato del gruppo, nella stampa online l’azienda ha potuto registrare un aumento del fatturato di circa 18 percento, a 70 milioni di Euro. La CEWE ha invece attivamente ridotto il business con il commercio al dettaglio.
Hornbach: Fai da te con grande successo
La catena dei mercati del fai da te Hornbach Holding AG ha comunicato di aver aumentato, in base ai numeri attualmente a disposizione, nello scorso esercizio 2015/15 (per 28.02) il fatturato del gruppo del 6 per centro raggiungendo circa 3,6 miliardi di Euro. Secondo l’azienda, quotata nel SDax, I driver principali per il fatturato sarebbero stati le 97 filiali in Germania. Negli altri 49 mercati europei per fai da te e giardinaggio il fatturato è cresciuto del 5 per cento. La bancarotta degli ex-concorrenti Praktiker e Max Bahr e il rilevamento di sei punti vendita di Praktiker in Germania hanno evidentemente contribuito alla realizzazione di questi buoni risultati. Secondo il Handelsblatt la quota di mercato è cresciuta da allora da 10 a 11 per cento.
SAF-Holland: senza freni
Anche per il fornitore dell’industria dei veicoli commerciali, SAF Holland S.A., l’esercizio 2014 è andato molto bene: il fatturato è cresciuto del 12 percento a circa 960 milioni di Euro, superando quindi le aspettative del management di 920 a 945 milioni di Euro. L’Ebit dell’azienda quotata nel SDax è salito persino del quasi 20 per cento a circa 71 milioni di Euro. Per quanto riguarda i profitti la SAF Holland ha raggiungo circa 33 milioni di Euro rispetto ai circa 24 milioni di Euro nell’anno precedente.
Nel 2014 il business dei servizi è andato particolarmente bene per il produttore di semiassi, frizioni e freni. Nelle regioni più importanti l’azienda ha potuto trarre vantaggi dalla ripresa del mercato europeo e dalla grande richiesta in Nordamerica. Fuori da questi due mercati fondamentali la SAF-Holland ha subito delle perdite in Russia e in Brasile che ha potuto compensare con delle crescite in altri mercati emergenti. L’azienda trae inoltre anche profitti dall’acquisto di un produttore cinese di sospensioni per bus.
The German Mittelstand
Innovazione contro tradizione – nelle PMI la digitalizzazione devono ancora prendere campo
Al momento la digitalizzazione non è propriamente arrivata nelle PMI tedesche. Lo affermano i risultati di uno studio fatto da Deloitte Digital. Il grado di digitalizzazione del mondo economico maggiormente improntato su piccole e medie imprese è ancora basso e circa il 87 % delle aziende intervistate dichiarano di dover migliorare in questo senso. Piccola consolazione: la consapevolezza fondamentale del megatrend della digitalizzazione è comunque presente.
Molte aziende non hanno però le idee chiare quando si tratta di digitalizzazione oppure di strategie per implementarla. Spesso le PMI non sanno come unire la digitalizzazione alle strategie aziendali esistenti. E ancora, non si rendono conto come e dove la digitalizzazione potrebbe offrire soluzione risolutive. Questa incertezza si nota in quasi tutti i settori maggiormente rappresentati da PMI.
La digitalizzazione ha molte sfaccettature. L’imprenditore si rende conto delle sue potenzialità quando l’utilizzo di soluzioni digitali diventa misurabile e quando gli effetti positivi si rispecchiano nei numeri. Nelle aziende di produzione il rilevamento e la valutazione dei dati dei macchinari in tempo reale offre ad esempio un vantaggio misurabile. Detto con altre parole si parla di “Industria 4.0). La MAHLE GmbH di Stoccarda fornisce al livello internazionale l’industria automobilistica e dei motori; implementando una nuova software di produzione basata sul web è riuscita in pochi mesi ad aumentare nella fabbrica di Leibertingen la produzione di oltre 30%. La tecnologia 4.0 utilizzata riconosce in tempo reale evenutali interferenze e aggiorna continuamente i ticket di lavoro. In questo modo le macchine vengono sfruttate in maniera ottimale risparmiando materiale e energia. La Software è stata prodotta dalla IT-Technologie- und Beratungshaus Forcam a Ravensburg – un pioniero della “industria 4.0”.
L’esempio mostra in maniera impressionante le possibilità offerte dai processi digitalizzati. Purtroppo la maggior parte delle PMI è ancora molto lontana da questo stato desiderato – troppo lontana. Un quinto delle piccole e medie aziende è ancora senza sito internet, lamentail presidente del Budnesverband Mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW), Mario Ohoven. Ed ha ragione: Se oggi come oggi non sei presente nel web, dimostri di non aver la testa per i processi digitalizzati.
Il Mittelstand tedesco è famoso, anche oltre confine, per essere innovativo e tradizionale allo stesso tempo. E’ proprio questa la sua cifra. Le decisioni imprenditoriali vengono presi in base a lunghe riflessioni e con un senso di sostenibilità. La cautezza del buon padre di famiglia richiede anche un avvicinamento lento verso tecnologie, sviluppi e tendenze nuovi. Quando una tecnologia ha dato prova di funzionare e quando una tendenza è diventata una regola, l’imprenditore piccolo o medio si fa coraggio affrontando un rischio ormai calcolabile.
Per sopravvivere nella competizione internazionale bisogna essere capaci di reagire in tempi sempre più brevi ai nuovi processi. Che ha perso il treno una volta, rimane per sempre indietro. Il Mittelstand tedesco continua ad essere leader mondiale per molte tecnologie. E’ fondamentale non giocarsi questo ruolo privilegiato per un attaccamento controproducente alla tradizione. Per questo motivo le strategie di digitalizzazione devono essere elaborate e implementate con rapidità – e massima priorità.
Buhlmann's Corner
Caro Consiglio di Sorveglianza tedesco, quo vadis?
Piano piano anche la Commissione governativa sul Code of Corporate Governance guidata da Manfred Gentz si sta rendendo conto che se in Germania i Consigli di Sorveglianza diventano sempre più cari, devono anche lavorare meglio e diventare più internazionali. La crescente limitazione del numero dei membri e l’aumento della burocrazia nei singoli banchi (la codeterminazione tedesca prevede due banchi, quello dei rappresentanti degli azionisti e quello dei rappresentanti dei dipendenti) e nelle commissioni rende la scelta dei membri di spicco sempre più difficile e anche la ricerca di successori si fa sempre più complicata.
C’è chi non vorrebbe andarsene pur avendolo promesso in sede di campagna elettorale (vedi Siemens), c’è chi vorrebbe essere fuori da tempo, se solamente si trovasse un successore (vedi RWE). Altri consigli di sorveglianza vanno invece a complicarsi la vita accettando senza fiatare le dimissioni di un membro per poi nominarlo subito per un nuovo periodo – per legge le conferme possono essere date solo 12 mesi prima della fine del mandato, ed è giusto che sia così. In Daimler il presidente del consiglio di sorveglianza ha fatto delle promesse ad un membro del CdA, senza aspettare il momento legalmente previsto – forse per aumentare il grado di motivazione del candidato?
Anche la Commerzbank ha dovuto imparare nuove lezioni. Per lasciare die segni il Consiglio di sorveglianza ha voluto dare un nuovo orientamento al CdA (che lui stesso aveva nominato e strutturato) riducendo il numero dei suoi membri. Peccato che il Tribunale ha dato ordine di fare marcia indietro. Secondo me le spese legali andrebbero messe in conto al consiglio di sorveglianza, in primis al suo presidente e poi ai suoi membri, in ordine di importanza. Il banco dei dipendenti incluso, seguendo il principio „cling together, swing together“
Fa un certo effetto immaginarsi i vecchi membri del CdA seduti di nuovo dietro alle loro scrivanie – guai, comunque, se il Consiglio di Sorveglianza pensa di comprare la sentenza con i soldi degli azionisti!
Anche i rappresentanti dei dipendenti nei consiglio di sorveglianza dovranno prepararsi a cambiare. Finora solo i dipendenti attivi in Germania erano rappresentati nel consiglio di sorveglianza; seconda una nuova sentenza (ancora non passata in giudicato) anche i colleghi che lavorano in Bangladesh o qualsiasi altra parte del mondo saranno autorizzati alla codeterminazione.
Pian piano si ha l’impressione che non solo da Monsieur Landau (Adidas) il vuoto nel controllo ha bisogno di essere riossigenato – il rischio è che altrimenti i Warren Buffet di questo mondo si approprino delle posizioni nei consigli di sorveglianza non solo con Heinz e Kraft, ma anche con calcolo e intelligenza. E dicendo così sia alla creazione che alla ripartizione.
Nella lite pluriennale per l’espansione non andata in porto verso il mercato dell’energia elettrica russo, la RWE ha ottenuto un’altra vittoria contro Leonid Lebedew. Il 24 marzo Landgericht Essen ha dichiarato inammissibile la domanda di risarcimento danni per 674 milioni di Euro presentata dall’oligarca russo. Il tribunale ha invece accolta la causa contro Jürgen Großmann. Lebedew vorrebbe infatti avere anche del denaro dal l’ex Ceo della RWE in persona. Se Grossmann dovesse andare in appello, il Tribunale deciderebbe sull’ammissibilità della domanda. Lebedew rimprovera alla RWE e Großmann di aver abbandonato senza autorizzazione gli accordi comuni presi per entrare nel gruppo energetico russo TGK-2.
La quota rosa davanti all’ultimo ostacolo
Il 6 marzo il Bundestag ha approvato a Berlino con i voti dei democristiani e dei socialdemocratici la bozza di legge presentata da Manuela Schwesig (Ministro dell’Educazione, della Professione e della Famiglia) e Heiko Maas (Ministro della Giustizia), ambedue della SPD: I verdi e la Linke si sono astenuti perché ritengono che la legge sia troppo limitata. Dal 2016 i consigli di sorveglianza delle circa 100 aziende tedesche quotate in borsa e obbligate al regime della co-determinazione dovranno essere composte almeno per il trenta per cento da donne. Altre 3500 aziende quotate in borsa o in codeterminazione saranno chiamate a decidere entro il 30 settembre un obiettivo di quota flessibile. L ministro delle donne parla di un “passo storico” per l’emancipazione tra i generi e dell’inizio di un cambiamento culturale profondo nel mondo del lavoro. La quota avrà degli effetti positivi per milioni di donne nel mondo del lavoro. Il Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) ha manifestato ancora delle forti critiche nei confronti del nuovo regolamento. Una quota unica rigida per i consigli di sorveglianza non sarebbe altro che un atto di politica simbolica opinabile dal punto di vista costituzionale. Anche perché nelle aziende private la “sedia vuota” produce molto più danni che nel servizio pubblico.
Cercando un nuovo membro del CdA responsabile per la produzione la BMW ha trovato la persona giusta, come da tradizione, tra le proprie file. Il 13 maggio Oliver Zipse entrerà a far parte del CdA del gruppo automobilistico di Monaco prendendo il mano il scettro della produzione. L’ingegnere meccanico, 51-enne , succederà a Harald Krüger che – come deciso nel dicembre 2014 - prenderà a partire dall’assemblea generale del 13 maggio il posto di Norbert Reithofer. Il presidente del consiglio di sorveglianza, Prof. Joachim Milberg, e Wolfgang Mayrhuber hanno deciso in comune accordo con il consiglio di sorveglianza di lasciare il loro mandato nell’organo con la fine dell’assemblea generale. Il consiglio di sorveglianza presenterà all’assemblea accanto a Reithofer anche Simone Menne, membro del CdA di Deutsche Lufthansa come candidato per il consiglio di sorveglianza.
La socia di Krombacher, Petra Schadeberg-Hermann, e Nikolaus von Bomhard, presidente del CdA della Munich Re, lasceranno il 30 aprile il consiglio di sorveglianza della Commerzbank. L’assemblea generale del secondo istituto bancario tedesco è chiamata a confermare l’ingresso di due donne. Il consiglio di sorveglianza propone come candidate Sabine U. Dietrich e Anja Mikus. Dietrich è membro del CdA di BP Europe. Mikus è attualmente responsabile come CIO delle strategie di investimento della società di investimento Arabesque. Nel consiglio di sorveglianza della Commerzbank dovrebbe rappresentare lo Stato tedesco che nel corso della crisi finanziaria aveva salvato la Commerzbank con diversi miliardi di Euro. Attualmente lo Stato è rappresentato da Bomhard e dall’amministratore delegato del BDI Markus Kerber.
Avendo rilevata la GAGFAH la Deutsche Annington Immobilien ha anche bisogno di più controllori. Il consiglio di sorveglianza dovrà essere aumentato da nove a dodici membri. L’ex capo del consiglio di amministrazione della GAGFAH, Gerhard Zeiler, è tra le new entry più famose. Anche Daniel Just dovrebbe entrare nel nuovo organo. Just è l’AD della Bayerische Versorgungskammer ed ha anche un mandato come vice presidente del consiglio di sorveglianza nell’affiliata immobiliare della Deutsche Bank, la Rreef Investment. Altro candidato è Hendrik Jellema, presidente del CdA della Stiftung Berliner Leben, che appartiene alla berlinese Gewobag. Le proposte sono state presentate per l’assemblea generale che avrà luogo il 30 aprile. Gli azionisti della Deutsche Annington dovranno votare a Düsseldorf se concordano con il nuovo nome di “Vonovia”. L’idea di presentare Zeiler, Jellema e Just come membri del consiglio di sorveglianza del nascente gigante immobiliare era già nato al momento dell’offerta di acquisto fatto dalla Deutsche Annington Immobilie agli azionisti della GAGFAH. Il 6 marzo i tre avevano rinunciato ai loro incarichi nel consiglio di amministrazione della GAGFAH,.
Come deciso dall’assemblea degli azionisti del 2014 il consiglio di sorveglianza della Deutsche Börse sarà ridotto dal 13 maggio da 18 a 12 membri, di cui otto rappresentanti degli azionisti e quattro rappresentanti dei dipendenti. Il più conosciuto tra i membri che lasceranno l’organo è sicuramente Friedrich Merz. Insieme a lui lasceranno il consiglio di sorveglianza anche David Krell, Richard Hayden e Thomas Neiße.
Dalla convocazione per l’assemblea generale della Deutsche Lufthansa che si terrà il prossimo 28 aprile si evince che Stephan Sturm dovrebbe prendere il posto di Jacques Aigrain. Il Chiairman di LCH Clearnet è passato di recente come Managing Director a Warburg Pincus. Il 54-enne è nel consiglio di sorveglianza della Lufthansa dal 2007. CFO di Fresenius, Sturm è stato nominato l’ scorso anno Chief Financial Officer dell’anno.
Ute Gerbaulet dovrebbe entrare nel consiglio di sorveglianza della GERRY WEBER International. In questo modo le relazioni del produttore di abbigliamento per signore verso un’altra azienda di stampo famigliare diventano ancora più strette. L’esperta del mercato dei capitali fa parte del CdA allargato della banca privata Bankhaus Lampe. L’ex CFO del gruppo, Ernst F. Schröder, è da anni alla guida del consiglio di sorveglianza della GERRY WEBER International e dovrebbe essere riconfermato durante l’assemblea generale del 16 aprile. Anche Alfred Thomas Bayard è nominato per il consiglio di sorveglianza. Il commerciante di moda svizzero acquista attraverso le società controllate Mode Bayard e Gerry Weber Switzerland merci da GERRY WEBER International che distribuisce insieme ad altre griffe, attraverso le sue strutture di vendita in Svizzera. In futuro il consiglio di sorveglianza dovrebbe essere allargato da sei a dodici membri.
K+S ha inserito la votazione di due nuovi membri del consiglio di sorveglianza nell’agenda per la prossima assemblea generale che si terrà il 12 maggio. Il secondo candidato accanto ad Andreas Kreimeyer, membro del CdA di BASF, è Philip Freiherr von dem Bussche., da anni portavoce del CdA della KWS Saat. Kreimeyer è dal 2003 nel CdA della BASF, alla quale il produttore di concimi era una volta affiliato. Dopo la scadenza del suo contratto nel CdA prevista con la chiusura dell’assemblea generale del prossimo 30 aprile, il dottore in biologia desidera andare in pensione. Von dem Bussche è stato per anni presidente della Deutsche Landwirtschaftsgesellschaft e si è fatto un nome come esperto dell’economia agricola mondiale. I due non hanno altri mandati in consigli di sorveglianza. Bern Malmström e Rudolf Müller rinunceranno alle loro cariche con la fine dell’assemblea generale.
Volker Kronseder lascerà alla fine dell’anno il CdA della KROES. Dopo oltre 26 anni nel CdA, di cui 20 in qualità di presidente, Kronseder vorrebbe passare nel consiglio di sorveglia. Il 18 marzo l’azienda quotata nel MDAX ha fatto sapere che a succederlo sarà l’attuale CFO Christoph Klenk. Il consiglio di sorveglianza ha deciso di sostituirlo con un candidato esterno. Il nome sarà comunicato non appena questo avrà trovato i giusti accordi con il suo attuale datore di lavoro sulla data delle dimissioni.
Dopo un periodo di raffreddamento di un anno il consiglio di sorveglianza di LANXESS ha tirato adesso altre conseguenze sul piano del personale dagli errori strategici fatti in passato sotto il presidente del CdA Axel Heitmann. Il gruppo chimico ha annunciato più cambiamenti al livello del top management. Durante l’assemblea generale del prossimo 13 maggio il consiglio di sorveglianza proporrà Lawrence A. Rosen, membro del CdA di Deutsche Post, e Matthias Wolfgruber, presidente del CdA di Altana, come candidati per il consiglio di sorveglianza. Rainer Laufs e Robert J. Koehler lasceranno il consiglio di sorveglianza dopo la fine dell’attuale periodo di carica. Il presidente del consiglio di sorveglianza continuerà a chiamarsi Rolf Stromberg. Il 1 aprile Michael Pontzen, finora responsabile per il controlling del gruppo, è entrato nel CdA come CFO. Il suo predecessore Bernard Düttmann ha lasciato l’azienda alla fine di marzo, per aprirsi a “nuove sfide professionali”. Nel 2011 Düttman lasciò Beierdsdorf per prendere in LANXESS il posto di Matthias Zachert, che era andato in Merck.
Ulrike Friese-Dormann dovrebbe diventare membro del consiglio di sorveglianza di Leoni. Dopo l’uscita di Wilhelm Wessels il 31 dicembre 2014 Axel Markus entrò nell’organo il 1 gennaio per rappresentare gli interessi degli azionisti. L’avvocato Friese-Dormann succede adesso a Markus che ha dichiarato di voler lasciare la sua carica con la fine della prossima assemblea degli azionisti prevista per il 7 maggio.
Alla fine dell’anno Bernd Hirsch lascerà la Symrise per sua volontà. Il produttore di profumi e aromi comunica che la decisione capo delle finanze di non voler prolungare – per motivi personali - il suo contratto come membro del CdA in scadenza per il 31 dicembre. Hirsch ha dichiarato di portare avanti i suoi impegni in Symrise fino a quella data. Il consiglio di sorveglianza si preoccuperà presto della ricerca di un suo successore.
Il 27 febbraio la VOLKSWAGEN ha fatto ufficialmente sapere di aver chiamato Matthias Müller nel CdA del gruppo. Il capo della Porsche appartiene già da marzo all’organo operativo del gruppo di Wolfsburg con i suoi 12 marchi. Herbert Diess diventerò tre mesi prima del previsto membro del CdA di Volkswagen e capo del marchio Volskwagen. L’anticipo dell’incarico è stato reso possibile da un accordo che il manager ha trovato con BMW.
Drillisch: Nuovo posto nel CdA
Dal 1 aprile la Drillisch AG, azienda quotata nel TecDax, ha un nuovo CFO. André Driesen, finora responsabile e procuratore della contabilità e delle finanze., fa adesso parte del CdA insieme a Paschalis e Vlasios Choulidis rispondendo per la nuova area Finanze.
Driesen lavora dal 2003 per il gruppo di telefonia mobile e oltre alle sue funzioni nel settore delle finanze del gruppo amministra dal 2006 diverse società all’interno del gruppo, tra cui la Drillisch Telecom GmbH.
Jenoptik: senza sosta
Lo specialista per sistemi e tecnologie ottiche, Jenoptik AG, si è portato in caso l’ex CFO della Homag, Hans-Dieter Schuhmacher, come nuovo CFO. Il contratto con il suo predecessore Rüdiger Andreas Günther era scaduto alla fine di marzo. Günther aveva già fatto sapere alla fine dello scorso anno di non voler prolungare il suo contratto nella società quotata nel Tec Dax. Dal 2012 in Jenoptik come CFO, ha accompagnato diverse transazioni e l’armonizzazione della pianificazione del risorse al livello del gruppo.
Schumacher, CFO di Jenoptik da aprile, viene dalla Homag Group AG dove è stato dal 2011 responsabile per le finanze, l’IT e le risorse umane, dopo aver occupato il posto di CFO nella Sto AG.
Stahl: fedeltà famigliare
L’attuale presidente del consiglio di sorveglianza della R.Stahl, specialista per la protezione contro le esplosioni, rinuncia alla sua carica alla fine dell’assemblea degli azionisti, il 22 maggio prossimo. Hans-Volker Stahl lascia l’organo dopo 22 anni, all’età di 68 anni. Alla fine di febbraio i controlli dell’azienda quotata nel Prime-Standard hanno votato Heiko Stallbörger come nuovo presidente. L’ingegnere fa parte del consiglio della R. Stahl AG dal 2013 ed ha da 25 anni un legame famigliare con l’azienda. La decisione è stata presa nell’ottica di una continuità di presenza della famiglia fondatrice che si manifesta in questo cambio generazionale nel consiglio di sorveglianza. L’ancora presidente Hans-Volker Stahl pensa di impegnarsi in futuro come investitore privato e rimarrà legato all’azienda come azionista.
Stipendi dei CEO sensibilmente aumentati
Dopo due anni con tendenza al ribasso, gli stipendi 2014 sono – nella somma – nuovamente cresciuti. Per le 24 aziende DAX che fino a oggi hanno presentati le loro tabelle retributive e in che non hanno subito un cambio al vertice si calcola un aumento medio nella retribuzione del 12 per cento, a circa 5,4 milioni di Euro. Questo è quanto sostiene il consulente aziendale HKP Group. Il nuovo valore record corrisponde ad un aumento percentuale della retribuzione media del circa 10 per cento rispetto al 2013. Towers Watson sottolinea che nell’insieme gli stipendi dei manager sono cresciuti in parallelo allo sviluppo del risultato. Il net income delle aziende quotate nel DAX è cresciuto nel 2014 rispetto al 2013 di circa 13,8 per cento. In cima al ranking c’è Martin Winterkorn, il CEO di VOLSWAGEN. In base ai calcoli di legge lui ha riscosso 14,9 milioni di Euro.
Capital News
Come previsto dal mercato la Munich Re ha annunciato di riacquistare delle azioni. Il CdA del leader di mercato ha deciso - l’autorizzazione per la transazione potrebbe essere votata durante la prossima assemblea generale del 30 aprile 2014 - di riacquistare nel periodo tra il 24 aprile fino al 26 aprile 2016 fino ad 11 milioni di azioni proprie per un prezzo d’acquisto (senza costi accessori) massimo di 1 miliardo di Euro. La somma corrisponderebbe a 5,2 azioni o 3,1 per cento del capitale sociale. Lo scorso febbraio il CFO Jörg Schneider aveva fatto sperare gli investitori in un possibile riacquisto delle azioni. Le azioni acquistate all’interno del programma di riacquisto azioni 2014/2015 dovrebbero essere state acquistate entro l’assemblea generale della società del 23 aprile; le azioni proprie ancora da acquistare saranno ritirate.
Siltronic: Semiconduttori in Borsa?
La Wacker Chemie AG sta attualmente prendendo in esame diverse opzioni per il futuro e anche un possibile distacco dalla figlia Siltronic. Secondo l’azienda stanno pensando sia ad una partnership strategica con altre aziende che anche all’ingresso di un investitore strategico. Ma ancora lo spin-off non è stato deciso. L’azienda pensa anche ad un ingresso in borsa. Il settore wafer era riuscito nel quarto trimestre del 2014 a aumentare il fatturato rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno precedente da 175 milioni a 223 milioni di Euro, grazie ad una stabilizzazione degli affari con il silicio per semiconduttori e impianti solari. Considerando però il grande bisogno di Siltronic in termine di capitale, l’idea del distacco viene preso in considerazione per avere in questo modo più mezzi a disposizione da investire in altri settori
Sixt: staccare il leasing
L’autonoleggio Sixt SE sta valutando la possibilità di portare il suo settore leasing in borsa. L’affiliata Sixt Leasing AG ha prodotto nel 2013 con circa 546 milioni di Euro quasi un terzo del fatturato del gruppo. Entrando in borsa l’affiliata Leasing potrebbe rinforzare la propria base di capitale tramite del capitale proprio e continuare a crescere in maniera finanziariamente indipendente dal settore nel noleggio e dalla madre del gruppo, la Sixt SE. In caso di un ingresso in borsa, la Sixt vorrebbe tuttavia tenere una parte considerevole delle sue quote alla società di leasing.
Nanogate: soldi per maggiori capacità
Lo specialista per superfici innovative Nanogate AG ha raccolto nell’ambito di un aumento di capitale circa 11,6 milioni di Euro. Escludendo i diritti di opzione l’azienda quotata nel Entry Standard è riuscita a piazzare 297,843 azioni nuove presso investitori istituzionali. Il prezzo per azione era di 39 Euro. Il capitale sociale della società è salito da circa 3 milioni a più o meno 3,3 milioni . L’aumento di capitale era sovrasottoscritto. L’azienda vuole utilizzare il denaro fresco per allargare i portfolio di tecnologia e finanziare l’estensione delle capacità, per promuovere la crescita.
M & A
Heidelberger Druck: più servizio
La Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG vuole rilavare la società europea Printing Systems Group (PSF) dei Paesi Bassi e ha preso per questo motivo degli accordi con la società di investimento CoBe Capital. Attraverso la prima acquisizione da molto tempo l’azienda quotata nel SDax vuole allargare il suo business dei servizi con equipment e materiali di consumo e mandare avanti la sua ristrutturazione. Il produttore di macchine da stampa si aspetta dall’acquisto un aumento di fatturato di circa 130 milioni di Euro. Per quanto riguarda il prezzo della transazione le parti tacciono. La Heidelberger Druck non si esprime neanche sulla profitability della società affiliata. La transazione deve ancora essere approvata dalle autorities.
Takkt: banner veloci
La Takkt AG, azienda quotata nel SDax, ha acquistato negli USA un nuovo specialista per mezzi pubblicitari con stampa personalizzata. Il commerciante di arredi per negozi paga per il gruppo Post.Up circa 16,5 milioni di US Dollar, in due rate e una quota variabile di fino a 13,5 milioni di dollari che dipenderà dalla performance dell’azienda americana nei prossimi tre anni. La prima rata di ca. 15 milioni di dollari scadrà al momento della firma della transazione, la seconda di 1,5 milioni di US Dollar e la quota variabile dovranno essere pagati nel 2018. Post-Up Stand completa il business con i display della Takkt. Secondo il management della Takkt, il venditore per corrispondenza specializzato americano possiede una grande expertise nella tecnica della stampa digitale, tanto da poter inviare gli ordini personalizzati il giorno stesso dell’ordine. La nuova figlia tiene nel suo portfolio anche tutti i sistemi di display – come Roll-Up display stand fieristici mobili o banner pubblicitari.
VIPsight Shareholder ID: …….. Holdings in per cent | |||||||
Companies | Own-shares | Notifiable shareholders | Share | Investment companies (KAGs) making disclosures* | |||
Total | Change | Biggest KAG | Share | ||||
DAX | |||||||
adidas AG | 2,50 (St.) | BlackRock, Inc. | 3,39 St | 27,48 | 0,41 | Capital Research and Management Company | 3,53 |
Neu O. Mason Hawkins | 3,06 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 2,88 St | ||||||
Thornburg Investment Management Inc. | 2,73 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 1,83 St | ||||||
Vorstand & Aufsichtsrat | 1 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,38 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 0,16 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,05 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,03 St | ||||||
Allianz SE | 0,60 (St) | BlackRock, Inc. | 6,19 St | 24,88 | -1,57 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 2,17 |
UBS AG | 1,95 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,94 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,16 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,15 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,04 St | ||||||
BASF SE | BlackRock, Inc. | 6,39 St | 18,84 | -0,37 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 2,18 | |
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 3,14 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,14 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,11 St | ||||||
Bayer AG | The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 6,48 St | 31,08 | -0,23 | Capital Research and Management Company | 5,27 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 6,24 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 3 St | ||||||
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG | AQTON SE | 17,4 St | 15,82 | -0,06 | Dodge & Cox Funds | 1,51 | |
Johanna Quandt | 16,8 St | ||||||
Susanne Klatten Beteiligungs GmbH | 12,6 St | ||||||
BlackRock | 3,46 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,04 St | ||||||
Beiersdorf AG | 9,99 (St) | maxingvest ag | 50,47 St | 8,44 | -0,02 | Artisan Partners Funds, Inc. | 1,06 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,68 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | Bundesrepublik Deutschland | 17,15 St | 18,45 | 0,09 | Capital Research and Management Company | 5,38 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,38 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 4,99 St | ||||||
NEU EuroPacific Growth Fund | 2,88 St | ||||||
SILAG AG | 0,21 St | ||||||
Continental AG | Schaeffler Group | 46 St | 20,44 | 0,68 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 1,18 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,49 St | ||||||
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc | 0,02 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0 St | ||||||
Daimler AG | Kuwait Investment Authority | 6,8 St | 20,21 | -0,97 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 2,02 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,92 St | ||||||
Renault S. A. | 3,1 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 2,95 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,79 St | ||||||
Deutsche Bank AG | 1,11 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,41 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,11 St | ||||||
Deutsche Bank AG | 0,02 (St) | BlackRock, Inc. | 6,23 St | 15,51 | -0,18 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 2,30 |
Paramount Services Holdings Ltd. | 5,83 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,1 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 1,21 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,35 St | ||||||
JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 0,07 St | ||||||
Anshuman Jain | 0,06 St | ||||||
Henry Ritchotte | 0,02 St | ||||||
Jürgen Fitschen | 0,02 St | ||||||
Rainer Neske | 0,01 St | ||||||
Deutsche Börse AG | 4,57 (St) | BlackRock, Inc. | 5,19 St | 28,85 | -3,80 | Dodge & Cox Funds | 3,10 |
Invesco Ltd. | 4,98 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 3,12 St | ||||||
Dodge & Cox | 3,1 St | ||||||
Baillie Gifford & Co. | 3 St | ||||||
Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC | 2,9 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,52 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,23 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,08 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,06 St | ||||||
Deutsche Lufthansa AG | Templeton Global Advisors Limited | 5 St | 26,61 | -0,17 | Franklin Templeton Investments | 4,84 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,96 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 2,95 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,9 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,36 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,2 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,14 St | ||||||
Deutsche Post AG | 0,13 (St) | KfW - Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau | 21 St | 20,69 | -0,44 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 1,76 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,53 St | ||||||
Deutsche Telekom AG | 0,41 (St) | KfW - Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau | 17,44 St | 13,89 | 0,13 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 1,52 |
Bundesrepublik Deutschland | 14,26 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,14 St | ||||||
E.ON SE | 3,41 (St) | BlackRock, Inc. | 5,88 St | 16,68 | 0,06 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 2,34 |
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,96 St | ||||||
Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA | 2,43 (St) | Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | 30,33 St | 16,12 | 0,40 | Vanguard Group, Inc., The | 1,40 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,11 St | ||||||
Thornburg Investment Management Inc. | 2,96 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,66 St | ||||||
Dr. Rainer Runte | 0,03 St | ||||||
Roberto Fusté | 0,03 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,01 St | ||||||
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung | 26,7 St | 13,34 | -0,99 | Capital Research and Management Company | 1,91 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,03 St | ||||||
Allianz SE | 3,83 St | ||||||
NEU Henderson Group plc | 3,01 St | ||||||
HeidelbergCement AG | Ludwig Merckle | 25,81 St | 24,39 | 0,82 | First Eagle Funds (division of ASB Securities LLC) | 5,71 | |
Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder Holdings, Inc. | 5,12 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,1 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 1,51 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0 St | ||||||
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA | 2,07 (Vz) | Familie Henkel | 60,84 St | 22,27 | -0,44 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 2,42 |
Infineon Technologies AG | Dodge & Cox | 9,46 St | 36,65 | 0,03 | Dodge & Cox Funds | 5,89 | |
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 7,73 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,78 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 5,03 St | ||||||
NEU Kuwait | 3,25 St | ||||||
NEU Sun Life Financial Inc. | 3 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,4 St | ||||||
K+S AG | BlackRock, Inc. | 4,38 St | 15,46 | -0,13 | Capital Research and Management Company | 3,66 | |
Meritus Trust Company Limited | 2,97 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,63 St | ||||||
EuroPacific Growth Fund | 2,49 St | ||||||
Bank of America Corporation | 0,45 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,37 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,11 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 0,05 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,05 St | ||||||
LANXESS AG | BlackRock, Inc. | 5,29 St | 26,06 | -0,29 | Dodge & Cox Funds | 4,96 | |
Dodge & Cox | 5,09 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 4,65 St | ||||||
NEU Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 3,16 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 2,92 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 1,28 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,41 St | ||||||
Linde AG | 0,05 (St) | Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 6,75 St | 29,57 | -1,77 | Capital Research and Management Company | 2,82 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,27 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 5,02 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 2,99 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,75 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,75 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,43 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,32 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,06 St | ||||||
MERCK KGaA | Sun Life Financial Inc. | 9,56 St | 34,74 | 0,35 | Newton Fund Managers Ltd. | 5,52 | |
BlackRock | 6,8 St | ||||||
Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC | 4,99 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,52 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,09 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,09 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,02 St | ||||||
Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG | 3,35 (St) | Warren E. Buffett | 11,6 St | 19,94 | -0,30 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 2,02 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,99 St | ||||||
People's Bank of China / State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) | 2,99 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,28 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 1,15 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,27 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,06 St | ||||||
RWE AG | RWEB GmbH | 16,15 St | 14,78 | 0,04 | Alken AM LLP (UK) | 2,12 | |
Privataktionäre | 13 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,49 St | ||||||
Alken Luxembourg S.A. | 2,97 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 1,36 St | ||||||
Belegschaftsaktionäre | 1 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,27 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,04 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,01 St | ||||||
SAP SE | 2,83 (St) | Prof. Hasso Plattner | 9,67 St | 14,05 | -2,14 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 1,58 |
Dr. Dietmar Hopp | 9,2 St | ||||||
Dr. Klaus Tschira | 9 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,46 St | ||||||
Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas | 3,73 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 1,21 St | ||||||
Bank of America Corporation | 0,67 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,1 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,08 St | ||||||
Siemens AG | 5,00 (St) | Siemens (Familie) | 6 St | 16,55 | -0,14 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 1,95 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,5 St | ||||||
DIC Company Limited | 3,04 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 1,44 St | ||||||
NEU Credit Suisse Group AG | 1,14 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,19 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,03 St | ||||||
Commerzbank AG | 0,02 St | ||||||
Aufsichtsrat | 0,01 St | ||||||
ThyssenKrupp AG | Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung | 23,03 St | 11,15 | 0,49 | BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG | 1,37 | |
Cevian Capital II GP Limited | 15,08 St | ||||||
Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC | 4,97 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,2 St | ||||||
VOLKSWAGEN AG | Porsche Automobil Holding SE | 50,73 St | 20,08 | -0,14 | Capital Research and Management Company | 3,48 | |
Land Niedersachsen | 20 St | ||||||
Katar Holding | 17 St | ||||||
TecDAX | |||||||
AIXTRON SE | Camma B.V. | 6,79 St | 30,35 | 0,27 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 5,43 | |
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 6,04 St | ||||||
Generation Investment Management LLP | 5,16 St | ||||||
Baillie Gifford & Co. | 4,62 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 4,23 St | ||||||
ING Investment Management Belgium S.A. | 3,1 St | ||||||
Vanguard Group Inc. | 3 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,96 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 1,19 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,04 St | ||||||
BB BIOTECH AG | 5,09 (St) | Paul E. Singer | 5,47 St | 9,57 | 0,53 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 2,04 |
Bechtle AG | Karin Schick | 35,02 St | 28,13 | 0,41 | Flossbach von Storch AG | 9,63 | |
Flossbach von Storch Invest S.A. | 10,07 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 5,13 St | ||||||
LOYS Sivac | 3,34 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,99 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 2,86 St | ||||||
Jürgen Schäfer | 0,02 St | ||||||
CANCOM SE | Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 9,93 St | 21,01 | -2,84 | Threadneedle Asset Management Limited | 3,61 | |
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 6,02 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Luxembourg S.A. | 4,78 St | ||||||
Denver Investment Advisors LLC | 3 St | ||||||
Klaus Weinmann | 0,89 St | ||||||
Source Markets plc | 0,8 St | ||||||
Dominik Eberle | 0,07 St | ||||||
Carl Zeiss Meditec AG | Carl Zeiss AG | 65,05 St | 10,73 | -0,19 | OppenheimerFunds, Inc. | 2,10 | |
ODDO ET CIE | 3,04 St | ||||||
CompuGROUP Medical AG | 6,57 (St) | Frank Gotthardt | 33,65 St | 17,65 | -2,17 | Fidelity Managem.& Research Co. | 5,41 |
Dr. Daniel Gotthardt | 6,71 St | ||||||
Dr. Brigitte Gotthardt | 6,35 St | ||||||
Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR) | 5,66 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 5,09 St | ||||||
Dr. Reinhard Koop | 3,86 St | ||||||
Armor Advisors, LLC | 3 St | ||||||
OppenheimerFunds, Inc. | 2,96 St | ||||||
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company | 2,95 St | ||||||
Dialog Semiconductor PLC | Citigroup Global Markets | 6,65 St | 30,77 | 0,20 | CI Investments Inc. | 4,32 | |
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV | 5,48 St | ||||||
NEU RBC Investor Services Trust | 5,26 St | ||||||
Robert Citrone | 5,13 St | ||||||
Clearstream Banking S.A. | 4,61 St | ||||||
Chase Nominees Ltd | 4,55 St | ||||||
CACEIS Bank France | 4,43 St | ||||||
BNP Paribas Securities Services | 4,04 St | ||||||
Kleinwort Benson as Trustee of the Dialog Semiconductor plc Employee Benefit Trust | 3,99 St | ||||||
Waddell and Reed Financial Inc. | 3,84 St | ||||||
NEU Nortrust Nominees Limited | 3,81 St | ||||||
NEU State Street | 3 St | ||||||
Black Creek Investment Management Inc. | 2,94 St | ||||||
Deutsche Bank AG | 2,75 St | ||||||
Drillisch AG | Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 5,15 St | 26,65 | 2,02 | Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 5,40 | |
Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 5,07 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 3,72 St | ||||||
Alken Luxembourg S.A. | 2,92 St | ||||||
Marc Brucherseifer | 2,03 St | ||||||
Mellon Capital Management Corporation | 1,77 St | ||||||
Paschalis Choulidis | 0,8 St | ||||||
Vlasios Choulidis | 0,75 St | ||||||
Johann Weindl | 0,02 St | ||||||
Dr. Horst Lennertz | 0,01 St | ||||||
Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA | Familie Dräger | 71,58 St | 33,42 | -3,00 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 3,23 | |
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 3,49 St | ||||||
Lazard Freres Gestion S.A.S. | 3,04 St | ||||||
Oddo Asset Management | 2,97 St | ||||||
Dräger Stiftung | 0,12 St | ||||||
Evotec AG | Roland Oetker | 13,23 St | 9,08 | -0,42 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 2,42 | |
BVF Inc. | 12,57 St | ||||||
TVM V Life Science Management GmbH & Co. KG | 5,37 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 3 St | ||||||
Dr. Werner Lanthaler | 0,4 St | ||||||
Dr. Mario Polywka | 0,05 St | ||||||
Mary C. Tanner | 0,05 St | ||||||
Dr. Walter Wenninger | 0,03 St | ||||||
Dr. Cord Dohrmann | 0,03 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0 St | ||||||
freenet AG | Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 5,16 St | 41,71 | 1,08 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 6,06 | |
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 4,65 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 3,34 St | ||||||
Flossbach von Storch SICAV | 3,15 St | ||||||
J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc | 2,98 St | ||||||
NEU UBS Group AG | 2,89 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,82 St | ||||||
GFT Technologies AG | Ulrich Dietz | 28,08 St | 8,36 | 0,25 | DFA Invest Dimensions Gr. Inc. | 1,68 | |
Maria Dietz | 9,68 St | ||||||
Dr. Markus Kerber | 4,99 St | ||||||
JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited | 3,04 St | ||||||
LBBW Asset Management Investmentgesellschaft mbH | 2,67 St | ||||||
Dr. Jochen Ruetz | 0,38 St | ||||||
Marika Lulay | 0,14 St | ||||||
Andreas Bernhardt | 0,1 St | ||||||
JENOPTIK AG | ECE Industriebeteiligungen GmbH | 14,03 St | 27,94 | -0,63 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 8,02 | |
Thüringer Industriebeteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG | 11 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 5,2 St | ||||||
Oddo Asset Management | 2,97 St | ||||||
Source Markets plc | 0,25 St | ||||||
LPKF Laser & Electronics AG | Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 3,32 St | 18,71 | -1,09 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 3,17 | |
Lazard Freres Gestion S.A.S. | 3,24 St | ||||||
Rock Point Advisors LLC | 3,04 St | ||||||
Henderson Global Investors Limited | 3,02 St | ||||||
NEU Andrew Gibbs | 3,01 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 2,92 St | ||||||
WA Holdings, Inc. | 2,89 St | ||||||
Bernd Hackmann | 0,56 St | ||||||
Bernd Lange | 0,34 St | ||||||
Dr. Ingo Bretthauer | 0,25 St | ||||||
Kai Bentz | 0,07 St | ||||||
Dr. Heino Büsching | 0,04 St | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Erich Barke | 0,01 St | ||||||
Manz AG | Dieter Manz | 40,98 St | 13,21 | -0,70 | Henderson Global Investors Limited | 1,66 | |
Ulrike Manz | 4,2 St | ||||||
Otto Angerhofer | 3,35 St | ||||||
AXA S.A. | 2,91 St | ||||||
ETHENEA Independent Investment S.A. | 2,64 St | ||||||
Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 2,31 St | ||||||
MorphoSys AG | 1,29 (St) | Novartis Pharma AG | 5,56 St | 27,68 | -0,44 | OppenheimerFunds, Inc. | 4,39 |
OppenheimerFunds, Inc. | 4,91 St | ||||||
Celgene Alpine Investment Co., LLC | 3,01 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,95 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Fund Management S.A | 2,95 St | ||||||
Perceptive Life Sciences Master Fund, Ltd. | 2,95 St | ||||||
Invesco Advisers, Inc. | 2,65 St | ||||||
Dr. Simon Moroney | 1,38 St | ||||||
Dr. Marlies Sproll | 0,11 St | ||||||
Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat | 0,08 St | ||||||
Nemetschek AG | Prof. Georg Nemetschek | 53,57 St | 17,70 | 2,08 | OppenheimerFunds, Inc. | 2,71 | |
Allianz SE | 5,08 St | ||||||
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 2,95 St | ||||||
Nordex SE | Skion/momentum capital/Klatten | 22,79 St | 16,34 | -1,28 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 2,89 | |
Deutsche Bank AG | 3,06 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,95 St | ||||||
Lars Bondo Krogsgaard | 0,06 St | ||||||
Dr. Wolfgang Ziebart | 0,01 St | ||||||
UniCredit Bank AG | 0,01 St | ||||||
Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG | Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 4,65 St | 42,82 | 1,65 | Parvest Investment Management Company S.A. | 4,88 | |
Hakuto - Handelsvertretung | 3,48 St | ||||||
Henderson Global Investors Limited | 3,44 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 3,08 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 3,01 St | ||||||
Montanaro Asset Management Ltd | 2,94 St | ||||||
Capital Research and Management Company | 2,68 St | ||||||
BNP Paribas Investment Partners S.A. | 2,28 St | ||||||
QIAGEN N.V. | 3,21 (St) | NEU PRIMECAP Management Company | 9,21 St | 19,76 | 0,19 | Franklin Templeton Investments | 2,99 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 7,31 St | ||||||
NEU Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC | 5,75 St | ||||||
Platinum Investment Management Limited | 4,17 St | ||||||
Manning & Napier Advisors, LLC | 2,89 St | ||||||
Generation Investment Management LLP | 2,88 St | ||||||
NEU Baillie Gifford & Co. | 2,43 St | ||||||
NEU Harding Loevner LLC | 2,18 St | ||||||
NEU Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,07 St | ||||||
Amundi Group | 2,03 St | ||||||
NEU UBS Group AG | 2,03 St | ||||||
Dr. Metin Colpan | 1,52 St | ||||||
Peer M. Schatz | 0,82 St | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Detlev H. Riesner | 0,61 St | ||||||
Deutsche Bank AG | 0,27 St | ||||||
QSC AG | Gerd Eickers | 12,53 St | 23,94 | -0,65 | Kempen Capital Management NV | 10,17 | |
Dr. Bernd Schlobohm | 12,48 St | ||||||
J O Hambro Capital Management Limited | 5,19 St | ||||||
Kempen European Participations N.V. | 5,09 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Fund Management S.A | 2,98 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 2,96 St | ||||||
Jürgen Hermann | 0,19 St | ||||||
Dr. Frank Zurlino | 0,01 St | ||||||
Barbara Stolz | 0,01 St | ||||||
RIB Software AG | 2,89 (St) | Thomas Wolf | 20,08 St | 17,38 | -0,08 | Credit Suisse Funds AG | 2,45 |
Capital Group Companies Inc. | 6,4 St | ||||||
Hans-Joachim Sander | 4,58 St | ||||||
SAP AG | 4,28 St | ||||||
NEU Lagoda Investment Management LLC | 3,19 St | ||||||
Schroders plc | 3 St | ||||||
Henderson Global Investors Limited | 2,97 St | ||||||
Invesco Ltd. | 2,95 St | ||||||
FIL Investments International | 2,88 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 2,16 St | ||||||
UBS Global Asset Management GmbH | 1,95 St | ||||||
Michael Sauer | 0,9 St | ||||||
Sartorius AG | 8,89 (St) | Erbengemeinschaft nach Horst Sartorius | 50,1 St | 22,65 | -1,74 | Vanguard Group, Inc., The | 2,65 |
8,98 (Vz) | Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc. | 30,01 St | |||||
Familienbesitz | 5 St | ||||||
SMA Solar Technology AG | Pool SMA Solar Technology AG | 25,2 St | 7,70 | -0,29 | Vanguard Group, Inc., The | 2,51 | |
Danfoss A/S | 20 St | ||||||
Peter Drews | 4,76 St | ||||||
Rainer Wettlaufer | 4,76 St | ||||||
Irene Cramer | 4,75 St | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Werner Kleinkauf | 4,39 St | ||||||
Software AG | 9,30 (St) | Software AG Stiftung | 28,99 St | 21,95 | -2,83 | Alken AM LLP (UK) | 2,54 |
FMR LLC | 3,45 St | ||||||
Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC | 2,99 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 2,97 St | ||||||
Deka Investment GmbH | 2,87 St | ||||||
STRATEC Biomedical AG | 0,10 (St) | Herdor GmbH & Co. KG | 9,68 St | 24,13 | 0,45 | Threadneedle Asset Management Limited | 4,45 |
Ralf Leistner | 9,57 St | ||||||
Bettina Siegle | 9,52 St | ||||||
Tanja van Dinter | 9,37 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 7,14 St | ||||||
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 4,99 St | ||||||
Montanaro Asset Management Ltd | 4,78 St | ||||||
NEU BNP Paribas Investment Partners S.A. | 3,02 St | ||||||
Oppenheimer International Small Company Fund | 3,01 St | ||||||
Financière de l'Echiquier | 2,96 St | ||||||
Hermann Leistner | 0,38 St | ||||||
Doris Leistner | 0,33 St | ||||||
Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG | Telefónica Germany Holdings Limited | 62,1 St | 2,98 | 0,20 | T. Rowe Price Investment Services Inc. | 0,70 | |
Citigroup Inc. | 0,42 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 0,21 St | ||||||
Bank of America Corporation | 0,02 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0 St | ||||||
HSBC Holdings plc | 0 St | ||||||
United Internet AG | 0,56 (St) | Ralph Dommermuth | 40 St | 12,20 | -1,96 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 2,12 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 3,02 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 3 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 2,84 St | ||||||
Michael Scheeren | 0,13 St | ||||||
Norbert Lang | 0,08 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,02 St | ||||||
Wirecard AG | Jupiter Asset Management Limited | 6,27 St | 44,50 | 0,47 | Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Limited | 5,13 | |
MB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH | 6 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 5,04 St | ||||||
Alken Luxembourg S.A. | 4,94 St | ||||||
NEU T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. | 3,15 St | ||||||
Standard Life Investments Limited | 3,03 St | ||||||
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company | 2,97 St | ||||||
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 2,39 St | ||||||
XING AG | 0,22 (St) | Burda Digital GmbH | 50,51 St | 28,92 | -0,15 | Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 5,92 |
Oppenheimer International Small Company Fund | 5,07 St | ||||||
Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 5 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 4,97 St | ||||||
Schroder Investment Management North America Ltd | 4,97 St | ||||||
NEU Schroders plc | 2,97 St | ||||||
MDAX | |||||||
Aareal Bank AG | NEU Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder | 6,5 St | 37,77 | 1,27 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 3,82 | |
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 5,43 St | ||||||
NEU Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 5,12 St | ||||||
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP | 3,04 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 3,01 St | ||||||
JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited | 2,97 St | ||||||
Airbus Group N.V. | 0,06 (St) | Société de Gestion de Participations Aéronautiques-Sogepa | 10,9 St | 17,98 | 0,00 | Capital Research and Management Company | 3,42 |
KfW - Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau | 10,9 St | ||||||
Capital Group International Inc. | 5,07 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,98 St | ||||||
Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) | 4,1 St | ||||||
Aurubis AG | Salzgitter AG | 25 St | 20,47 | 0,52 | DFA Invest Dimensions Gr. Inc. | 2,84 | |
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP | 3,01 St | ||||||
Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. | 2,99 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,98 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,65 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,45 St | ||||||
Aufsichtsrat | 0,01 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,01 St | ||||||
Axel Springer SE | Axel Springer Gesellschaft für Publizistik GmbH & Co. | 51,5 St | 31,79 | -1,23 | Tweedy, Browne Fund Inc. | 9,52 | |
Dr. Friede Springer | 5,5 St | ||||||
Dr. Mathias Döpfner | 3,06 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,13 St | ||||||
Aufsichtsrat | 0,08 St | ||||||
Bertrandt AG | 0,70 (St) | Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft | 28,97 St | 21,42 | -0,19 | MainFirst SICAV | 3,79 |
Friedrich Boysen Holding GmbH | 14,9 St | ||||||
Management und Mitarbeiter | 9 St | ||||||
MainFirst SICAV | 3,87 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 3,1 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,99 St | ||||||
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 2,94 St | ||||||
William Blair & Company, LLC | 2,62 St | ||||||
Bilfinger SE | 3,99 (St) | Cevian Capital II GP Limited | 25,62 St | 27,06 | -0,94 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 2,44 |
Credit Suisse Group AG | 3,66 St | ||||||
Athris Holding AG | 3,04 St | ||||||
DJE Investment S.A. | 2,98 St | ||||||
Delta Lloyd Asset Management N.V. | 2,59 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 1,68 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,1 St | ||||||
Brenntag AG | NEU Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings Ltd. | 5,26 St | 21,65 | 2,16 | Threadneedle Asset Management Limited | 3,47 | |
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 5,03 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,48 St | ||||||
Newton Management Limited | 3,14 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 3 St | ||||||
NEU T. Rowe Price Associates Inc. | 2,99 St | ||||||
Longview Partners LLP | 1,03 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 1 St | ||||||
Manning & Napier Advisors, LLC | 0,96 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,43 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,14 St | ||||||
Steven Edward Holland | 0,02 St | ||||||
William A. Fidler | 0,02 St | ||||||
Celesio AG | Mc Kesson Corporation | 75,92 St | 3,87 | 0,09 | DFA Invest Dimensions Gr. Inc. | 0,68 | |
Magnetar Financial LLC | 3,14 St | ||||||
CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA | 0,01 (St) | Klaus-Peter Schulenberg | 50,2 St | 19,39 | 1,46 | Fidelity Managem.& Research Co. | 2,18 |
ING Groep N.V. | 5,03 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 3,05 St | ||||||
Edmund Hug | 0,02 St | ||||||
Dr. Bernd Kundrun | 0,02 St | ||||||
Alexander Ruoff | 0,01 St | ||||||
Prof. Jobst W. Plog | 0,01 St | ||||||
Deutsche Annington Immobilien SE | NEU Abu Dhabi Investment Authority | 9,49 St | 6,65 | 0,37 | MFS Massachusetts Financial Services Company | 1,78 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 6,92 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 6 St | ||||||
NEU Lansdowne Partners Limited/Lansdowne Partners International Limited | 5,01 St | ||||||
The Wellcome Trust Ltd | 4,52 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 4,08 St | ||||||
NEU Wellington Management Group LLP | 3,18 St | ||||||
Jeremy Coller | 1,97 St | ||||||
Guy Hands | 1,86 St | ||||||
Citigroup Inc. | 1,5 St | ||||||
Lion Residential Holdings S. à r.l. | 0,87 St | ||||||
JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 0,06 St | ||||||
Deutsche EuroShop AG | Familie Otto | 16 St | 16,60 | -0,60 | BlackRock AM Ire Ltd | 1,39 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,07 St | ||||||
Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung | 2,99 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 0,28 St | ||||||
Klaus Striebich | 0,04 St | ||||||
Manfred Zaß | 0,02 St | ||||||
Dr. Bernd Thiemann | 0,01 St | ||||||
Reiner Strecker | 0,01 St | ||||||
Deutsche Wohnen AG | Sun Life Financial Inc. | 9,94 St | 31,94 | 0,65 | MFS Massachusetts Financial Services Company | 5,78 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 7,63 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 6,71 St | ||||||
APG Asset Management N.V. | 3,01 St | ||||||
Capital Group International Inc. | 2,96 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 2,91 St | ||||||
Ärzteversorgung Westfalen-Lippe KdöR | 2,24 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 1,16 St | ||||||
DMG MORI SEIKI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Mori Seiki Co., Ltd. | 38,52 St | 30,12 | 0,01 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 6,34 | |
NEU Paul E. Singer | 5,65 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,89 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 2,82 St | ||||||
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 0,26 St | ||||||
Dürr AG | Heinz Dürr GmbH | 25,2 St | 20,45 | -0,15 | MainFirst SICAV | 2,28 | |
Heinz und Heide Dürr Stiftung | 3,47 St | ||||||
JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited | 3,12 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 3,02 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,6 St | ||||||
ElringKlinger AG | Familien Lechler | 52 St | 19,57 | 0,69 | Alken AM LLP (UK) | 2,84 | |
NEU MIPL Group Limited | 3,01 St | ||||||
Alken Luxembourg S.A. | 2,96 St | ||||||
Klinger B.V. | 2,56 St | ||||||
Evonik Industries AG | RAG-Stiftung | 67,9 St | 1,61 | -0,04 | MainFirst SICAV | 0,24 | |
CVC Capital Partners | 17,9 St | ||||||
Ellington Investments Pte. Ltd. | 4,64 St | ||||||
Fielmann AG | KORVA SE | 71,64 St | 5,47 | 0,36 | Fidelity Managem.& Research Co. | 0,56 | |
Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide | 0,08 (St) | Land Hessen | 31,35 St | 7,75 | 0,15 | First Eagle Funds (division of ASB Securities LLC) | 1,09 |
Stadtwerke Frankfurt am Main Holding GmbH | 20,02 St | ||||||
Deutsche Lufthansa AG | 8,45 St | ||||||
RARE Infrastructure Limited | 4,87 St | ||||||
Lazard Asset Management LLC | 2,88 St | ||||||
FUCHS PETROLUB SE | Familie Fuchs | 52 St | 14,55 | -0,59 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 2,18 | |
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 5,2 St | ||||||
GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft | Kuwait Investment Office | 7,9 St | 36,04 | 0,50 | Alecta pensionsförsäkring | 4,86 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,29 St | ||||||
Alecta pensionsförsäkring, ömsesidigt | 3,1 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 2,99 St | ||||||
Schroders plc | 2,94 St | ||||||
Gerresheimer AG | ING Life Belgium nv | 5,2 St | 40,95 | 0,87 | CI Investments Inc. | 4,23 | |
Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC | 5,05 St | ||||||
Black Creek Investment Management Inc. | 4,96 St | ||||||
Eton Park Overseas Fund, Ltd. | 4,92 St | ||||||
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 4,79 St | ||||||
Edinburgh Partners Limited | 3,11 St | ||||||
NEU Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 3,1 St | ||||||
WS Management LLLP | 3,1 St | ||||||
NEU Old Mutual plc | 3,01 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,99 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 2,96 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 2,58 St | ||||||
GERRY WEBER International AG | Gerhard Weber | 29,06 St | 16,23 | -0,52 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 2,27 | |
Udo Hardieck | 17,42 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 3,12 St | ||||||
FMR LLC | 2,9 St | ||||||
Ralf Weber | 2,78 St | ||||||
Charlotte Weber-Dresselhaus | 0,17 St | ||||||
Hannover Rück SE | Talanx AG | 50,22 St | 15,07 | -0,18 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 1,98 | |
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,75 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,06 St | ||||||
HOCHTIEF AG | 1,84 (St) | Acs, Actividades de Construccion y Servicios S.A. | 60,66 St | 5,79 | 0,02 | Sparinvest DK | 0,76 |
Qatar Holdings LLC | 11,1 St | ||||||
Southeastern Asset Management, Inc. | 2,98 St | ||||||
HUGO BOSS AG | 1,97 (St) | Red & Black Lux S.à r.l. | 7,1 St | 6,18 | -0,88 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 2,24 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,88 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 5,15 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 5,02 St | ||||||
Alecta pensionsförsäkring, ömsesidigt | 3,26 St | ||||||
PFC S.r.l. | 0,37 St | ||||||
UniCredit S.p.A. | 0,02 St | ||||||
Jungheinrich AG | LJH-Holding GmbH | 50 St | 28,98 | -2,46 | Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 3,17 | |
WJH-Holding GmbH | 50 St | ||||||
Streubesitz | 100 Vz | ||||||
Kabel Deutschland Holding AG | Vodafone Group Plc | 76,57 St | 5,20 | -0,16 | RBC Global Asset Management Inc. | 0,72 | |
Paul E. Singer | 13,48 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 1,25 St | ||||||
Barclays PLC | 0,02 St | ||||||
Bank of America Corporation | 0 St | ||||||
KION GROUP AG | 0,17 (St) | Weichai Power | 33,3 St | 14,78 | 0,79 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 2,95 |
KKR & Goldman Sachs | 13,93 St | ||||||
Pelham Long Short Master Fund Ltd | 5,33 St | ||||||
NEU Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 2,81 St | ||||||
KION Management Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG | 0,9 St | ||||||
Klöckner & Co SE | Franklin Templeton Investments Corp. | 6,51 St | 26,34 | -0,55 | Allianz Global Inv. Europe | 3,89 | |
Interfer Holding GmbH | 4,98 St | ||||||
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP | 3,06 St | ||||||
Federated International Leaders Fund | 3 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 2,87 St | ||||||
AMUNDI S.A. | 2,77 St | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Dieter Hans Vogel | 0,05 St | ||||||
KRONES AG | Familie Kronseder | 52,06 St | 16,45 | -0,48 | Oddo Asset Management | 2,51 | |
Petra Schadeberg-Herrmann | 4,16 St | ||||||
Schadeberg GbR | 3,28 St | ||||||
ODDO ET CIE | 3,27 St | ||||||
Tweedy, Browne Company LLC | 2,88 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 2,71 St | ||||||
KUKA AG | J.M. Voith GmbH & Co. Beteiligungen KG | 24,91 St | 14,93 | -0,25 | Franklin Templeton International Services S.A. | 3,00 | |
Swoctem GmbH | 10,02 St | ||||||
AXA S.A. | 4,74 St | ||||||
Bank of America Corporation | 3 St | ||||||
York Capital Management Global Advisors, LLC. | 2,67 St | ||||||
Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC | 2,6 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,44 St | ||||||
Guy P. Wyser-Pratte | 0,43 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 0,22 St | ||||||
LEG Immobilien AG | BlackRock, Inc. | 10,32 St | 37,13 | 1,30 | BlackRock (Luxembourg) S.A. | 6,61 | |
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 5,39 St | ||||||
CBRE Clarion Securities LLC | 5,35 St | ||||||
Perry Luxco RE S.à r.l. | 2,99 St | ||||||
Ruffer LLP | 2,99 St | ||||||
Invesco Ltd. | 2,98 St | ||||||
Lansdowne Developed Markets Master Fund Limited | 0,47 St | ||||||
Leoni AG | Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 3,12 St | 26,98 | -0,51 | T. Rowe Price Investment Services Inc. | 3,89 | |
T. Rowe Price International, Inc. | 3,09 St | ||||||
NEU State Street Corporation | 2,98 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,96 St | ||||||
MAN SE | Volkswagen AG | 75,28 St | 5,60 | 0,00 | Old Mutual IM Ltd | 2,49 | |
Truck & Bus GmbH | 43,3 Vz | ||||||
Volkswagen AG | 26,46 Vz | ||||||
METRO AG | Haniel | 30,01 St | 12,06 | -0,26 | Franklin Templeton Investments | 1,96 | |
Schmidt-Ruthenbeck | 15,77 St | ||||||
Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH | 9,1 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 3,36 St | ||||||
Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC | 3,06 St | ||||||
Templeton Global Advisors Limited | 3,04 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,16 St | ||||||
MTU Aero Engines AG | 1,91 (St) | The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 10,04 St | 35,37 | 0,38 | Artisan Partners Funds, Inc. | 3,69 |
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 5,77 St | ||||||
NEU Maverick Capital Ltd. | 3,05 St | ||||||
NEU Oddo Asset Management | 3,03 St | ||||||
Mondrian Investment Partners Limited | 3 St | ||||||
Franklin Templeton Institutional, LLC | 2,98 St | ||||||
Artisan Partners Limited Partnership | 2,92 St | ||||||
GIC Private Limited | 2,77 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 1,83 St | ||||||
NORMA Group SE | Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 9,96 St | 51,48 | -0,39 | Threadneedle Asset Management Limited | 4,34 | |
Mondrian Investment Partners Limited | 5,34 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 5,02 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 4,94 St | ||||||
BNP Paribas Investment Partners S.A. | 3,15 St | ||||||
SMALLCAP World Fund, Inc. | 3,05 St | ||||||
The Capital Group Companies Inc. | 3,05 St | ||||||
NEU AXA S.A. | 3,02 St | ||||||
T. Rowe Price Associates Inc. | 3,02 St | ||||||
Delta Lloyd N.V. | 2,94 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 2,15 St | ||||||
Aufsichtsrat | 0,3 St | ||||||
Bank of America Corporation | 0,04 St | ||||||
OSRAM Licht AG | Siemens Beteiligungen Inland GmbH | 17 St | 14,12 | -0,62 | Vanguard Group, Inc., The | 1,20 | |
FMR LLC | 5,02 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 3,97 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 3,31 St | ||||||
NEU Credit Suisse Group AG | 1,76 St | ||||||
NEU UBS Group AG | 1,22 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 0,12 St | ||||||
ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG | 2,37 (St) | Capital Research and Management Company | 9,96 St | 39,33 | 2,31 | Capital Research and Management Company | 7,13 |
BlackRock, Inc. | 6,24 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 3,24 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 3,03 St | ||||||
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 3 St | ||||||
Invesco Ltd. | 3 St | ||||||
Capital Income Builder | 2,95 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,21 St | ||||||
Rheinmetall AG | 3,09 (St) | Harris Associates L.P. | 4,86 St | 25,08 | 0,51 | Harris Associates L.P. | 3,94 |
Wellington Management Group LLP | 3,28 St | ||||||
LSV Asset Management | 3,03 St | ||||||
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP | 3,01 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,99 St | ||||||
Prudential PLC | 2,89 St | ||||||
Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co. LLC | 2,71 St | ||||||
UBS Group AG | 2,61 St | ||||||
Aufsichtsrat | 0,84 St | ||||||
Vorstand | 0,19 St | ||||||
Rhön-Klinikum AG | 0,03 (St) | B. Braun Melsungen Aktiengesellschaft | 18,01 St | 41,88 | -0,14 | Alecta pensionsförsäkring | 17,18 |
Asklepios Kliniken GmbH | 15,25 St | ||||||
Eugen Münch | 6,32 St | ||||||
Ingeborg Münch | 4,95 St | ||||||
NEU Old Mutual plc | 4,17 St | ||||||
NEU Jamie Zimmermann | 3,24 St | ||||||
UBS AG | 2,96 St | ||||||
Alecta pensionsförsäkring, ömsesidigt | 2,89 St | ||||||
Credit Suisse Group AG | 1,99 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 1,08 St | ||||||
Maven Trading Ltd. | 0,36 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,05 St | ||||||
RTL Group S.A. | 0,76 (St) | Bertelsmann Capital Holding GmbH | 75,1 St | 9,29 | 0,30 | Capital Research and Management Company | 1,65 |
Salzgitter AG | 10,00 (St) | Land Niedersachsen | 26,5 St | 12,43 | -1,85 | MainFirst SICAV | 1,66 |
STADA Arzneimittel AG | 0,15 (St) | Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 4,98 St | 17,71 | -1,81 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 3,75 |
LSV Asset Management | 3,06 St | ||||||
Empyrean Capital Partners, LP | 3,02 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 2,95 St | ||||||
Gryphon Investment Counsel Inc. | 2,94 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,36 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 1,38 St | ||||||
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. | 0,42 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,01 St | ||||||
Südzucker AG | Süddeutsche Zuckerrüben-Verwertungs-Genossenschaft eG | 52 St | 7,12 | -0,14 | Sparinvest DK | 0,70 | |
Zucker Invest GmbH | 10 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 2,14 St | ||||||
Societe Generale S.A. | 0,03 St | ||||||
Symrise AG | Sun Life Financial Inc. | 10,01 St | 32,98 | -1,09 | MFS Massachusetts Financial Services Company | 3,76 | |
Horst-Otto Gerberding | 5,88 St | ||||||
BlackRock, Inc. | 5,02 St | ||||||
Bankhaus Lampe KG | 3,29 St | ||||||
Jahr Holding GmbH & Co KG | 3,05 St | ||||||
MFS International Value Fund | 3 St | ||||||
Standard Life Investments Limited | 2,99 St | ||||||
Prudential PLC | 2,97 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors GmbH | 2,96 St | ||||||
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. | 2,93 St | ||||||
Mondrian Investment Partners Limited | 2,56 St | ||||||
TAG Immobilien AG | 9,94 (St) | Ruffer LLP | 14,84 St | 52,07 | -2,38 | Flossbach von Storch AG | 11,91 |
Flossbach von Storch Invest S.A. | 11,07 St | ||||||
Sun Life Financial Inc. | 10,87 St | ||||||
Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder | 10,04 St | ||||||
Helaba Invest Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH | 5,95 St | ||||||
Taube Hodson Stonex Partners LLP | 5,27 St | ||||||
Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH | 5,23 St | ||||||
Capital Guardian Trust Company | 3,33 St | ||||||
Capital Research and Management Company | 3,09 St | ||||||
BlackRock Group | 2,66 St | ||||||
Dr. Lutz R. Ristow | 1,52 St | ||||||
Rolf Elgeti | 0,13 St | ||||||
Albert Asmussen GmbH | 0,05 St | ||||||
Talanx AG | HDI Haftpflichtverband der Deutschen Industrie V.a.G. | 79 St | 3,96 | -0,18 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 1,01 | |
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company | 6,49 St | ||||||
Wacker Chemie AG | 4,75 (St) | Dr. Alexander Wacker Familiengesellschaft mbH | 60,39 St | 10,13 | -0,06 | Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH | 1,47 |
Blue Elephant Holding GmbH | 10,86 St | ||||||
Wincor Nixdorf AG | 9,99 (St) | Kiltearn Partners LLP | 5,15 St | 37,54 | -3,39 | DeAWM Investment GmbH | 5,30 |
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH | 4,58 St | ||||||
Highclere International Investors LLP | 3,09 St | ||||||
Polaris Capital Management, LLC | 3,06 St | ||||||
Norges Bank (norwegische Zentralbank) | 2,92 St | ||||||
Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH | 2,91 St | ||||||
William Blair & Company, LLC | 2,8 St | ||||||
Morgan Stanley | 0,23 St | ||||||
Eckard Heidloff | 0,02 St | ||||||
VIPsight - March 2015
Suspected monopoly in RWE power station construction
In November 2014, findings began to come to light that implicated Imtech in a series of shady dealings between 2008 and 2010 that allegedly caused substantial damage to the group. On February 3, Munich magistrates accompanied by federal police officers moved into four of the Dutch scaffolding manufacturer’s premises in Germany and into those of another nine companies in the same field. Investigations are focusing on more than ten individuals being accused of rigging contracts that limited competition in the construction industry. Apparently, there were bidding irregularities in the construction logistics of the power stations in Eemshaven and Hamm. Instead of competing on lowest price to win the bid for the technical equipment of the job the partners allegedly involved (Cofely, Caverion and Air Technology/Ferrostaal) then agreed to pass their inflated orders to Imtech in exchange for a slice of the cake generated by bogus orders. As of now, a number of individuals have confessed to raising false invoices. The German Monopolies Commission is also under investigation, seemingly accused by RWE itself after news reports in November 2014 raised doubts about price rigging, and then inspection revealed discrepancies between material invoiced and actually registered on site. It had never occurred to RWE that any irregularities were taking place.
CTS Eventim: Under the microscope
The German Monopolies Commission has launched an investigation into the affairs of SDax-listed ticket manufacturer CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGAA suspected of abusing its dominant market status. Financial journal Manager Magazin was informed by a commission spokesperson that this procedure is presently administrative and its aim is to ascertain whether there exists admissibility of antitrust business practices on the part of Eventi. Enquiries began last November and are focusing on specific information that came to light during the audit of a transaction that CTS had participated in.
The impact on CTS’s share price was not good. After the news was made public, the price slumped by more than 15%. In its meeting with the media, CTS was steadfast in assuring that it had obeyed the law and had not resorted to illicit practices. Eventim states that it is cooperating fully with the authorities and has answered all the questions within the prescribed time frame.
Takkt: Office furniture numbers rising
SDax listed office furniture and shopfittings trader, Takkt, AG, has posted surprisingly good results for 2014. Turnover is up by almost 3% to some 980 million Euros and Ebit has increased by more than 15% to approximately 111 million Euros. According to the board of management, sales in the USA were better than expected. Sales to North America are off to a good start in the current financial year also and are expected to grow even more. Sales in Europe are expected to rally strongly with a rise in orders placed by corporate clients. Takkt management are forecasting an increase in revenue for 2015.
Petrotec: Looming losses
Producer of organic energy substances Petrotec AG close to being taken over by a US concern, has announced losses for 2014 in both turnover and revenue. The blame is being attributed to unfavourable market conditions, in particular a drop in prices on buyers’ markets. Provisional figures for last financial year indicate a probable shortfall of some 3.8 million Euros. The need for the Prime Standard-listed company to review its 2014 forecast downwards for a negative Ebit was clear in August. Its turnover of 167 million Euros meant that the company achieved its initial target (between 150 and 220 million Euros) but Ebit fell from 5 million Euros of the previous year to 2.2 million.
The German Mittelstand
German SMEs: no need to unify Capital Markets
Poor old Europe. Some 80 percent of investments in European SMEs are still funded by banks while entrepreneurs seek a mere fifth of overall SME capital requirements on capital markets. In the United States the situation is the exact opposite, with 80 percent of companies resorting to capital markets for the funding they need. EU Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, intends to turn this situation round. Hopefully, European companies will be attracted enough by the easier terms of the unified framework of conditions to place shares, bonds or other financial instruments on the capital market. In Brussels, the project has been known for some time as “The Union of capital markets”.
Making funding easier for companies to access is certainly a good thing. Setting conditions in an overall unified framework to be implemented over the whole European Union, though, is causing certain German stock market speculators sleepless nights. As things stand now, they are complaining about the capital market being over-regulated by the flood of rules and directives that Brussels regularly sends out which makes easy things difficult for companies with shares or bonds listed on the stock market. The DAI (Deutsche Aktieninstitut) has made its position regarding the proposed unification of the capital markets clear, expressly requesting that the needs of the companies be taken duly into account.
There is a certain misgiving, not altogether unjustified, that even the markets that already function very efficiently will soon find themselves snowed under with the new EUDs and EU Commissioner Jonathan Hill says nothing to allay this fear. He recently pointed out that Europe must meet the challenge of injecting dynamism into investments as a way to foster growth and combat unemployment, objectives that can only be pursued by having a true domestic capital market in all 28 Member States, acting as broker between savers and investors on the one hand and small/small-medium sized companies on the other. All this smacks a bit like kin liability, because Hill concludes by saying that easier conditions for company funding would be a good thing. However, according to the President of the Savings Bank Association, Georg Fahrenschon, there is no call for third-party funding to be made easier for companies to access, either in the majority of European countries or, even less so, in Germany.
German SMEs enjoy excellent health outside Germany, too. Their reputation is excellent – even despite the occasional SME bond not living up to expectations. Whoever has a duly approved business model in Germany does not have to go through too many hoops to obtain third-party capital on the stock market. This is why German market-listed SMEs must not bear the brunt of new rules and regulations. Let European politicians remember that ‘thinking the right thing’ isn’t always the same as ”doing the right thing”. The road to hell, as they say, is paved with good intentions.
Buhlmann's Corner
The nature of things – learning how to run always wearing new shoes
Companies begin to develop negative market worth and absorb it into the fabric of their market capital when instead of attacking markets or competitors the actions they pursue cause harm to their own shareholders.
With few small variations the basic pattern is always the same.
The Supervisory Board has little authority over the management board and is weak and irresolute towards it, providing no supervision or strategy in power and counter-power a vacuum.
The management board gets hijacked by one, or sometimes two or three of its members who, characteristically, are unable to shake off the dust of their feet or, worse still, can’t even feel it’s there.
The absence of commitments that a healthy Supervisory Board ought to perform grants the CEO room to appoint people to the management board in de facto cooption. Naturally any candidate with savvy would never be considered in the first place. Competitors, instead, entice the middle management into their trap, getting them increasingly embroiled as market share falls and the profitability of the whole company fades away, in the end even before the eyes of the impassable directors.
The death rattle is expressed in visionary programmes supposed to revive fortune and profit when the contracts have expired, even though the results were promised for today, or even yesterday.
In addition to the absence of leadership and the loss of touch with reality, there is a certain kind of seniority common amongst the model/directors. The “visibility” factor grows bigger by the day and it affects the halo hovering just above their heads as well as the appearance in the distant future of the income that just today has been swallowed up by a black hole. “The sooner Mr Hainer passes the baton to a successor, the better”, comments Ingo Speich, Union Investment in Frankfurt.
Yes, I do know of one exception. Of himself, he says “as a rule, candidates tend to seek election to a Supervisory Board before they’re 70 and I’m the exception that proves that rule” (Ferdinand Piech). Despite his unsurpassed arrogance Piech has succeeded in creating major success stories from the dust of reality. With undisputable authority he achieved results with Porsche, Audi and Volkswagen as unprecedented as they were unimaginable.
Adidas lacks a grandeur of this calibre (see also Financial Times, Reuters, Format online, Manager Magazin and Die Welt); Its CEO has been in office for more than ten years, drafting five year plans that promise unparalleled results in turnover and profitability; when the Supervisory Board girds up its loins, it is always for its own ends, the market is moving but it’s far ahead of Adidas. Speculators invest hoping for a profit that could materialize from the early resignation of the company leadership The company leadership, in the meantime take the shareholders’ money to defend and protect themselves, with much noise and to do, and with the help of consultants (what on earth can be the purpose of all these people be?) against the shareholders themselves.
Who can protect the capital from precisely this kind of protection if not an efficient and functioning Supervisory Board. Right?
If only the shareholders had voted for it in time. Things would have been much better and two or three of them would have already retired.
Who’s coming after Adidas?
The legal dispute between Bilfinger and Tubin is becoming ever more heated. Tubin, Bilfinger’s former business partner, has obtained attachment orders against Bilfinger’s subsidiary companies in France, Belgium and the Netherlands. None of the three has sufficient funds any more to pay. Furthermore, 60 million Euros of unpaid debts dating back to a construction initiative in Qatar loom on the horizon. In November 2011, an arbitration tribunal ruled convincingly in favour of the Turkish construction company. So far, Bilfinger has not pursued the matter further but it has announced its intention of launching a legal appeal against the issuance of the attachment orders notified.
In the now ten-year-old legal wrangle launched by the relatives of a terrorist attack for compensation from Iran, a New York court rejected a claim because the assets held on Clearwater accounts – shares worth 1.75 thousand million dollars according to United States legal documents – failed to be handed over. In Autumn 2013, the receiver from Deutsche Börse had given assurances that 1.8 thousand million dollars of the central bank of Iran (Bank Markazi) presently on a Clearstream deposit account with Citigroup in USA would be freed up. Now, the plaintiffs have unearthed money held in Luxemburg too, that they are laying claim to.
More powers to financial services control
The Federal coalition’s project for enhancing the protection of small investors on the grey capital market came under fire during the meeting of the Federal council on February 6. The Länder chamber announced that the measures proposed would limit the powers granted to the financial services governing body (BaFin) instead of broadening them and insists that the wording as it is represents a step backwards compared to today’s version and must absolutely be amended. Furthermore, the Länder point out that the guarantee conditions published on the brochure are less advanced than those presently in force and thus inadequate to meet demands. The Federal council would also like to broaden BaFin’s scope in terms of sanctions for breaching the rules that safeguard consumers and discussing making it mandatory for service company administrators to issue a personal guarantee for particularly heinous breaches. The programme to protect small shareholders was launched approximately two months ago by the German government to safeguard consumers from the risks of cash ventures on sale through the grey capital market.
Economy pushing hard for last resort regulation
In the course of the Bundestag public session of February 23, the amendment lobbied for by German economic circles granting an out on legislation on gender equality as it affects Supervisory Boards of German companies, set off echoes that resonated long and loud. Expert opinion has it that the Bill that the government tabled in parliament with its objective of pursuing gender-equality requirements by legislation at company executive level is in need of some fine tuning. Apparently there are certain passages in the Bill that are anti-constitutional and in partial conflict with European legislation. According to the Bundestag the drive by the government and the Greens to increase the number of women in top jobs was very welcome. In the opinion of Friederike Maier, professor at the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht in Berlin, a recognised exception or so-called hardship clause that comes into play whenever no suitable woman is available to fill a vacancy is useless. The Association of the German legal profession, instead, maintains that such a clause with the admissibility of exceptions, is absolutely indispensible and the only way of keeping gender equality legislation in line with that of constitutional and European law.
54-year-old Per H. Utnegaard from Norway, presently head of Swissport the airport service provider at Zurich has been selected to succeed Herbert Bodner, caretaker CEO of Bilfinger. Bodner took the helm of the construction company when the former Prime Minister of Hessen resigned his seat on the board of management. The Supervisory Board had appointed Bodner as interim CEO until May 31. The new CEO will be regularly appointed when the candidate has agreed on the date of severance with his present employer. As had been envisaged, the new CFO effective April 1 will be Axel Salzmann, who held a similar post in ProSieben-Sat.1. Salzmann will take the place of Joachim Müller who after repeatedly giving fallacious profit forecasts announced his decision last year to resign.
Deutsche Telekom has invited Ines Kolmsee to join its Supervisory Board, thus raising its gender privilege quota in favour of women to 40 percent. On February 6, the group announced that Kolmsee would succeed the late Bernhard Walter on the Supervisory Board. Kolmsee was chair of the management board of SKW Stahl-Metallurgie Holding from 2006 and 2014, when she was also a member of the Supervisory Board of FUCHS PETROLUB, Umicore and Suez Environnement. This appointment brings the Supervisory Board to numerical completion. According to a company communiqué of February 25, Christian P. Illek will be head of human resources on the Deutsche Telekom management board. This comes as a surprise; after Marion Schick’s resignation for health reasons, Chief Legal Advisor Thomas Kremer was appointed caretaker head, a position he has held for just on one year.
Freenet has invited Sabine Christiansen to join its Supervisory Board. Her experience as journalist and entrepreneur, and her award-winning social awareness and commitment make her a “new member of great worth” as CEO Christoph Vilanek stated on February in Büdelsdorf, in Schleswig Holstein. The former talk show presenter’s appointment is effective immediately in succession to Achim Weiss who resigned his seat for personal reason.
Michael Schneider is scheduled to succeed Othmar Belker as CFO of the NORMA Group by the end of September. Belker’s resignation, agreed on with the company – the Supervisory Board did not renew his contract – concludes eight years of service. Werner Deggim will act as caretaker CFO. The company communiqué of January 30 announcing Belker’s resignation makes no mention of regret.
Heinz-Joachim Neubürger has taken his own life in Munich. He was 62 years old. In Siemens the reaction was one of deep shock. No information has been divulged regarding exactly what happened. In the Siemens vs. Neubürger corruption trial, the Munich Tribunal ruled against Neubürger sentencing him to pay 15 million Euros in damages. The executive had appealed and in December 2014, the parties agreed to settle against a payment of 2.5 million Euros, not least since it was the most that Neubürger would have been unable to pay. The shareholders’ meeting on January 27 voted its approval of this out-of-court settlement. Neubürger had always rejected the allegation of dereliction of duty.
On January 28, the Kassel tribunal appointed Roland Bent to the Supervisory Board of SMA Solar Technology. A member of the board of management of Phoenix Contact, Bent has taken the place of SMA co-founder Günther Cramer who passed away on January 6 last. In Phoenix Contact, Bent, an electro-technical engineer, is responsible for product marketing and development and management of innovation and technology. During the meeting on February 11, Erik Ehrentraut was elected to the chair of the Supervisory Board of SMA Solar Technology. The former chairman of the Supervisory Board had taken a step back to the vice-chair in 2011 which now, is occupied by Kim Fausing on behalf of major shareholder Danfoss.
The appointment of Matthias Müller to the management board of VOLKSWAGEN was on the agenda of the company’s Supervisory Board for February 27. The executive was summoned to take change of a new company area, cooperation among luxury brand sports cars. In addition to Porsche he will be dialoguing with Audi, Bentley, Bugatti and Lamborghini.
Isra Vision: Bolstering up
Industrial image processor lsra Vision AG, is broadening its board of management. The new Ressort Operations sector will be headed by Andreas Gerecke who will be responsible worldwide for optimizing production processes and extending infrastructures. The Prime Standard listed company is confident that this will foster efficiency and hence growth. Gerecke has 25 years of professional experience in international industrial concerns including the post of COO with a subsidiary of ABB.
SMA Solar: Savings
In response to its fall in turnover SMA Solar Technology AG is tightening its belt. Not only is the TecDax listed concern resolved to slash a total of 1600 jobs overall, but it also intends abolishing the position of CFO on the board of management. The company announced that previous CFO Lydia Sommer left the company at the end of February 2015. The management board will therefore be composed of four members led by Pierre-Pascal Urbon who will also take responsibility for the company’s financial affairs.
On leaving Siemens, Lydia Sommer joined the management board of SMA in Summer 2012, with responsibilities that included finance, human resources, compliance and IT. Since at that time, the company’s intention was to place greater emphasis on fostering internationalisation and development, the company resolved to increase the management board by the post of a full-time CFO. When questioned, SMA states that Sommer had contrinbuted to the success achieved in heightening the group’s efficiency, but the reduction of the management board is now a necessity because of how the company has developed.
Uzin Utz: terra terra
Werner Utz, chairman of the management board of Uzin Utz AG, intends to resign at the end of 2015. Thomas Müllerschön, who has been with Uzin Utz AG since 1994 and is now the General Standard-listed company’s CFO has been nominated as his successor from the beginning of 2016. A graduate in Economics and Commerce, and in Managerial Engineering, he has been with the company since 1994 and has been a member of its management board for 12 years with responsibility for finance, distribution and human resources. In his new position, he will decide on company strategy, finance, and control, human resources, IT, legal matters, organization and purchasing.
The founder’s nephew, Werner Utz, expects to join the Supervisory Board during the course of 2016. At the same time, Beat Ludin and Heinz Leibundgut – both of whom work in Uzin Utz – should join the management board.
IR male executives better paid than their female equals
Gender and market capitalisation are decisive factors in the pay levels of professionals in investor relations. In German companies, women IR executives have a basic salary of up to 100,000 Euros lower than their male colleagues – an average shortfall of some 42 percent per year. While a joint survey on pay conducted by HR Korn-Ferry consultants and the IR Club showed that Investor Relations is preponderantly female, career prospects for women are much poorer. In IR companies, fewer than 1 woman in 3 (28 percent) achieves a position of hierarchic responsibility. Women on the career ladder in this their chosen profession get inexorably left behind. While IR heads in "Micro Caps“ and “small Caps“ have a base pay of not more than 120.000 and 160.000 Euros respectively, their remuneration with “Mid Caps“can get as high as 240,000 per year, if not more. The survey interviewed 151 IR specialists and executives in Germany.
Ever fewer shareholding employees
The number of people in Germany who own shares has again dropped substantially. Despite the increase in listings, the actual number of people investing has fallen for the second year running. In 2014, approximately 500,000 people sold their shares or bond holdings as the Deutsche Aktioneinstitut (DAI) announced in Frankfurt on February 12. The number of German shareholders dropped to 8.4 million, meaning that a mere 13% of the population held shares directly or indirectly. In the view of DAI directress, Christine Bortenlänger, this new loss deals a heavy blow to shareholding culture. Indeed, German interest reached its lowest point during the financial crisis; the downward trend was triggered by the fall in number of shareholders from 4.5 to today’s 4.1 million, 6.4 percent of the population with the most pronounced reduction – from 1.2 million to 820,000 – among employees.
Capital News
Deutsche Wohnen is launching a takeover bid for Conwert of Vienna. Germany’s second largest real estate company is offering 11.50 Euros in cash for every Conwert share; on February 15, Deutsche Wohnen announced that it had already bought up almost 26 percent of them. The transaction, counting convertible bonds, is worth 1.2 thousand million Euros. Deutsche Wohnen CFO, Andreas Segal, expects to publish the bid around mid-March. To begin with, the transaction will be funded by a bridging loan of some 900 million Euros that is expected to be replaced by an increase in capital as the year goes on. By December 31, Deutsche Wohnen’s indebtedness should have returned to the initial target of some 50 percent. Deutsche Wohnen GSW recently raised 1.7 thousand million Euros by selling its shares.
TLG: fast track career in the Bourse
As soon as it arrived on the stock exchange floor in February, TLG Immobilien AG was unexpectedly ushered into the German Bourse SDax listing. The reason was real estate Deutsche Annington’s takeover of Gagfah, which till then had been MDax- listed. Gagfah’s MDax slot went to technical service provider Bertrand and the vacancy in SDax turned out to the advantage of TLG Immobilien who took it up just a few short months after its IPO of October 2014.
Heliocentris: Success breeds transparency
After the record year for sales in 2014 – the figure rumoured is 19 million Euros, an increase of 280 percent – the hybrid energy provider Heliocentris Energy Solutions AG, has announced its shift to greater transparency on the Frankfurt stock exchange. Presently listed in the Entry Standards, the company attributes its growth in turnover above all to the increase in cell phone users and to the first orders placed by OEM clients. The company is hoping to be moved to Prime Standard listing this year which is why it is complying with IFR standards in its 2014 year-end report.
Twintec: investing in the future
Twintec AG, the manufacturer of anti-soot particle filters concluded an increase in capital at the beginning of February raising almost 2.2 million Euros. The Entry Standard listed company placed the 2,195,500 new shares at 1 Euro each with institutional and private investors in Germany and Switzerland. The shareholder’s right of option was excluded and the free float amounted to 21 percent. This fresh money will be used by Twintec to ensure growth and investment in developing new products and exhaust gas treatment for the automotive industry.
Director's Dealings
Company | Person | Function | Buy / Sell | Total value in Euro | Number of shares | Datum |
CANCOM SE | Weinmann, Regina | SB | S | 752.400 | 20.000 | 11.02.2015 |
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Krick, Dr. Gerd | SB-Head | B | 75.150 | 1.500 | 26.02.2015 |
HUGO BOSS AG | Albrecht, Dr. Hellmut | SB-Head | S | 292.979 | 2.655 | 13.02.2015 |
HUGO BOSS AG | Simbeck, Bernd | SB | S | 11.036 | 100 | 13.02.2015 |
Infineon Technologies AG | Gruber, Peter | SB | S | 261.560 | 26.000 | 16.02.2015 |
KION GROUP AG | Riske, Gordon | MB-Head | S | 4.950.610 | 137.900 | 17.02.2015 |
KUKA Aktiengesellschaft | Leitmeir, Carola | SB | S | 3.334 | 72 | 28.08.2014 |
KUKA Aktiengesellschaft | Leitmeir, Carola | SB | S | 5.205 | 100 | 05.11.2014 |
KUKA Aktiengesellschaft | Leitmeir, Carola | SB | S | 6.270 | 100 | 25.11.2014 |
KUKA Aktiengesellschaft | Leitmeir, Carola | SB | S | 5.034 | 135 | 22.05.2013 |
KUKA Aktiengesellschaft | Leitmeir, Carola | SB | S | 1.297 | 28 | 28.08.2014 |
LEG Immobilien AG | Hegel, Thomas | MB-Head | S | 105.810 | 1.520 | 04.02.2015 |
LEG Immobilien AG | Hegel, Thomas | MB-Head | S | 861.271 | 12.480 | 03.02.2015 |
LEG Immobilien AG | Schultz, Eckhard | MB | S | 850.118 | 12.500 | 02.02.2015 |
RWE Aktiengesellschaft | Graef, Roger | SB | S | 28.191 | 1.586 | 11.02.2015 |
RWE Aktiengesellschaft | Merkamp, Christine | SB | B | 25.343 | 1.075 | 12.02.2015 |
RWE Aktiengesellschaft | Sulmana Vermögensverwaltung GmbH | B | 7.062 | 300 | 06.02.2015 | |
RWE Aktiengesellschaft | Sulmana Vermögensverwaltung GmbH | B | 1.704 | 74 | 09.02.2015 | |
RWE Aktiengesellschaft | Sulmana Vermögensverwaltung GmbH | B | 7.011 | 300 | 09.02.2015 | |
RWE Aktiengesellschaft | Sulmana Vermögensverwaltung GmbH | B | 5.204 | 226 | 06.02.2015 | |
RWE Aktiengesellschaft | Sulmana Vermögensverwaltung GmbH | B | 455 | 19 | 03.02.2015 | |
RWE Aktiengesellschaft | Sulmana Vermögensverwaltung GmbH | B | 799 | 32 | 02.02.2015 | |
RWE Aktiengesellschaft | Sulmana Vermögensverwaltung GmbH | B | 6.692 | 268 | 02.02.2015 | |
RWE Aktiengesellschaft | Sulmana Vermögensverwaltung GmbH | B | 4.739 | 200 | 03.02.2015 | |
RWE Aktiengesellschaft | Sulmana Vermögensverwaltung GmbH | B | 6.727 | 281 | 03.02.2015 | |
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft | Kaeser, Joe | MB-Head | B | 81.681 | 855 | 04.02.2015 |
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft | Kaeser, Joe | MB-Head | B | 28.099 | 296 | 28.01.2015 |
SMA Solar Technology AG | Kinne, Martin | MB | B | 49.988 | 4.084 | 05.02.2015 |
SMA Solar Technology AG | Urbon, Pierre-Pascal | MB-Head | B | 96.773 | 8.500 | 02.02.2015 |
Wincor Nixdorf Aktiengesellschaft | Bohlen, Jens | MB | B | 84.920 | 2.000 | 20.02.2015 |
VIPsight Shareholders
in February 2015
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M & A
Capital Stage: Sunshine in the UK
After buying up a number of solar parks in France and Italy, sun-park and wind-farm provider Capital Stage AG is now turning its attention to the United Kingdom. The SDax-listed company 3has acquired a UK portfolio of seven solar parks with a total output of about 53 megawatts of electrical energy. The investment needed amounts to some 90 million Euros including the third-party quota. So far, the sale is still subject to the usual market prerequisites. Last year, Capital Stage entered into a partnership with Gothaer Versicherung, now making use of capital linked to participatory entitlements for 150 million Euros to be used for acquisitions in Europein in Europe.
Capital Stage has announced that five of the parks acquired in South-west England and Wales are already connected to the national grid and another two will follow suit. Capital Stage have forecast a first-year turnover of approximately ten million Euros generated by the new acquisitions. The company management have announced that they have also a number of contracts for long-term electricity supply. Since they first set foot in the UK, Capital Stage’s total production capacity has grown and now stands at 440 megawatts and by the end of the year, they expect to have made use of the 150 million Euros earmarked for investing..
Paragon: digital displays
Paragon AG, manufacturer of automobile electronic systems, announced that at the beginning of the year it had acquired SphereDesign GmbH. The price of the transaction was not given. With a staff of 26, SphereDesign develops automobile command and indication systems for major manufacturers such as Daimler and Volkswagen. Its turnover for 2014 was some 4 million Euros. Tthe partial overlap of their client portfolios makes SphereDesign a highly complementary acquisition for Paragon, in particular as regards the technology for digital displays. Furthermore, Sphere Design has proved to be highly profitable in years past; one of its former managers and partners has been appointed head of Paragon’s Cockpit area.
A.X. Automation: Robotics now
Through one of its subsidiary companies, General Standard-listed M.A.X. Automation AG has acquired total ownership of specialist robot manufacturer iNDAT Robotics GmbH. At present, the robots manufactured by iNDAT with its 80 strong workforce are mostly used by producers and suppliers in the field of automobile manufacture; the company’s turnover for 2015 is forecast at approximately 18 million Euros which, by and large will be covered by orders already registered. According to M.A.X. Automation, it, itself is practically debt-free. By this acquisition M.A.X. Automation intends to extend its product range to include complex software applications and plant systems for integrated industrial robotic automation and environmental technology. The transaction was managed through the NSM Magnettechnik GmbH subsidiary company – the conditions have not been made public.
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