Mar.14,2025 BBVA Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria in Bilbao (ES) |
Mar.14,2025 MVV Energie in Mannheim (DE) |
Mar.14,2025 MAPFRE in Madrid (ES) |
Mar.14,2025 Bancolombia in (US) |
Mar.14,2025 YPF Sociedad Anonima in (AR) |
Mar.14,2025 Dongfang Electric in (CN) |
Mar.14,2025 Yit Oyj in Helsinki (FI) |
Mar.14,2025 Novatek in (RU) |
Mar.14,2025 Liquidmetal Technologies |
Mar.14,2025 POLIMEX-MOSTOSTAL in (PL) |
Mar.14,2025 PETROL Ljubljana in (SI) |
Mar.14,2025 Daetwyler Holding in Altdorf (CH) |
Mar.14,2025 Solar in (DK) |
Mar.14,2025 F&C Capital andome Investment Trust in (UK) |
Mar.14,2025 Softfront in (JP) |
Mar.14,2025 Compagnie des Alpes in (FR) |
Mar.14,2025 Heico in Miami (US) |
Mar.14,2025 Samsung Securities in (KR) |
Mar.14,2025 KIA Motors in (KR) |
Mar.14,2025 Emcore |
Mar.14,2025 Tinka Resources |
Mar.14,2025 Fuji Soft in (JP) |
Mar.14,2025 Benton Resources |
Mar.14,2025 Lions Gate Entertainment |
Mar.14,2025 Korea Petrochemical Ind in (KR) |
Corporate Governance – portrayed in the individual cultural and legal framework, from the standpoint of equity capital. VIPsight is a dynamic photo archive, sorted by nations and dates, by and for those interested in CG from all over the world. VIPsight offers, every month:
Stories about "black (and white) swan" events and how to sustainably keep responsibility and ethical principles running
What when a risk is conceivable (like an earthquake or a human mistake) but not imaginable or considered to be too low to take it seriously in account at a certain moment?
In 1832 Giacomo Leopardi wrote the dialogue between "the alamancs seller and the passer-by" 1)
(...) "This life, which is such a fine thing, is not the life we are acquainted with, but that of which we know nothing; it is not the past life, but the future." (...)
The artist Carlo Zauli went further. He challenged the present, again and again. Trying the impossible, and transforming incalculable results in epoch-making surprises of his art. Some of them are still in Faenza, in his atelier, today transformed in Museum and fascinating meeting place.
During the seminar in Faenza (one of the world's most important centers for ceramic art - the famous "faience") we want to focus, inspired by international speakers, on our (personal, national, or global) experiences of unexpected, surprising events and ourselves questions about their impact on us as persons and as members of a global community with highly complex systems, relationships, and (inter)dependencies
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No. 4, effective from August 05, 2012
Brief description
Professional, practical and independent, VIPsight provides information monthly about Corporate Governance events, new every month.
As far as Germany goes, reporting covers the whole country systematically – with content closely aligned on the first German Corporate Governance Magazine: INSIGHT Corporate Governance Germany.
Corporate Governance worldwide is reported by expert representatives from all continents.
VIPsight shows whether and how companies comply with models of good corporate governance in their behaviour.
VIPsight provides information on the latest developments in the political and academic debate.
VIPsight is a platform for discussion contributions and opinions on corporate governance, and proud of its own opinion.
The Core of the Germany-related part of VIPsight is the survey produced by AfU Investor Research GmbH of corporate actions, directors’ dealings, changes in holdings and changes on management and supervisory boards in DAX, MDAX and TECDAX companies.
There are also corporate announcements, reports from politics and business, an events diary and reading suggestions.
The new issue comes at the beginning of each month, with an archive, on the home page, of previous issues sorted by year of publication.
Once a month an e-mail announces the latest issue.
As each issue appears, persons and companies mentioned in the contents are informed.
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Bodies: Board and Supervisory Board members of listed companies, as well as IR, AM and compliance officers supervisory board members, board members of listed companies, as IR, AM and compliance officers.
Consultants: Lawyers, tax consultants, M&A advisers, auditors, media
Academics and politicians: attentive to the issue of Corporate Governance
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Addressees by group
24,827 1234institutional investors
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11.8 % 123private investors
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11.4 % listed companies (without banks and insurance companies)
11.2 % banks and insurance companies
07.0 % politics, NGOs, academia
07.1 % other
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20.0 % private
Welcome to VIPsight Europe - Belgium
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Maarten Vandewaerde |
10 May 2019
This is the third Belgian Code on Corporate Governance, which replaces the versions previously published in 2004 and 2009. The 2009 Code was indeed due for a revision. Since its publication, there have been numerous changes to the Belgian and European regulatory framework. Further-more, the new Belgian Code on Companies and Associations will enter into force in 2020. This contains a number of significant changes for listed companies. Also, at the societal and academic level, there have been additional insights and debates on the sound management of listed compa-nies (further referred to as ‘governance’ in the 2020 Code). Therefore, an overhaul was needed to keep the Code coherent and relevant.
The 2020 Code is the result of in-depth and at times intense discussions among the members of the Corporate Governance Committee (the Committee). The draft of this new 2020 Code was subjected to a broad consultation, in which both board members and executives, but also investors, academics, and trade union and non-governmental organization representatives were heard. This input has enriched the final 2020 Code, as amendments were made following the consultation to take account of a wide range of suggestions and comments. I would like to thank all who have devoted their energies to this effort.
<click here> complete version (PDF)
10 March 2013
Women on Belgian boards
Fairly recently the Belgian government implemented a law, published on 14 September 2011, that is intended to create and maintain a certain level of gender diversity within Belgian boards. Traditionally, boards of directors in Belgium, as in the rest of the world, have been dominated by men. Recent research indicates that 93 percent of Belgian listed companies have less than 30 percent of women directors and that half of them do not have a single woman on their board.
It is in this context that the Belgian government, following the example of for instance Norway and France, implemented legislative measures to address this gender imbalance. Specifically, the law introduces a new article in the Companies Code which stipulates that at least one third of the board of directors must be of the opposite gender. The law applies to listed companies and some state-owned companies such as Belgacom and Bpost. The quota requirements will enter into force in 2017, with some exceptions (small listed companies with less than 50% free negotiable shares have two years extra, while state-owned companies, as a way of example, have only until the next fiscal year).
The new law also stipulates the sanctions which apply when the quote are not met. Of the two main sanctions, one entails that directors of non-compliant boards will not be able to receive any benefits, financial or otherwise, emanating from their mandate at the specific board. In addition, non-compliance is also sanctioned by the nullity of a next director’s appointment. When the gender quota is not met within a certain board, a newly appointed director must be of the underrepresented gender. The appointment is considered invalid when it violates this obligation. The same rule applies when, as a consequence of the appointment, the number of directors of a particular gender drops below the required minimum. Evidently this second sanction could have legal repercussions for any decision that a new board member may have been involved in. However, it is still not that far-reaching as a first proposal, met with great criticism and consequently abandoned, which stipulated that any decision made by a board which does not comply with the gender quota would be void.
While the law has been welcomed by advocates of equal gender rights, corporations seem to be less happy with a legal minimum gender representation on their boards and claim it may hamper effective functioning and decision making. The Belgian Enterprise Federation (VBO), for instance, reacted with disappointment to the legislative measure as it had been lobbying for a voluntary 30% quota within the next seven years (according to a comply or explain principle). In a similar fashion, a recent study among 714 owners of SME’s, not affected by the law in question, indicated that 81 percent of respondents are opposed to legal quota even though they acknowledge gender diversity within the board is likely enriching.
8 November 2012
Firms flee Brussels stock exchange. Corporate governance to be blamed?
Duvel Moortgat is the latest of a series of flagship companies listed on the Brussels stock exchange which will be withdrawn from the listing. The companies majority (family) shareholders have announced a voluntary takeover bid on all Duvel Moortgat shares. Along with other companies which have recently decided on an exit (e.g., Omega Pharma, Transics, VPK) or which have been taken over and as a result will leave the Brussels stock exchange (Telenet, IRIS en Devgen), the Duvel Moortgat case is symptomatic of a trend which has manifested itself recently. In the last three years, almost 20 companies have left the Brussels stock exchange, while very few have made an entrance. Although this is not typically a Belgian phenomenon as stock markets have become a less popular place in several countries (including the US and the UK), the exit of these prominent firms is a hot topic of discussion in the Belgian corporate world.
Firms are leaving the stock exchange for several reasons. First of all, the current extremely low interest rates make it interesting for them to issue bonds as a way of attracting capital, at the expense of the stock exchange. In addition, due to the financial and economic crisis and related drops in stock exchange prices, many firms currently feel being listed is unfavorable as listing prices do not reflect firm value. However, besides these economical and cyclical reasons, some also point the finger at corporate governance regulations.
Listed firms have much stricter and extensive reporting obligations than non-listed firms (e.g., transparency with regard to executive and director compensation, etc). In addition, they have to comply to a set of additional rules which do not apply to their non-listed counterparts, for instance with regard to the number of independent directors or women that sit on their boards. On the other end of the bargain, it seems that these rules aimed at transparency and better governance have not attracted more investors to the stock market. Although there lies some truth in these arguments, going back to the pre-Enron era would be no good for anyone, including stock exchanges. The Enron case and other corporate scandals (including the ones that have driven the world into the financial crisis a number of years ago) have painfully demonstrated that corporate regulation and oversight is necessary in a capitalistic system. These claims do provide some food for thought, however, regarding whether the current approach to corporate governance reflected in the diverse governance codes and regulations is too much about ‘corporate harassment’ as opposed to actual ‘good governance’ as their opponents propose.
7 September 2012
Update: Belgian listed firm’s corporate governance compliance
In addition to the Belgian Corporate Governance Committee’s report, Grant Thornton Belgium annually published a report focusing on corporate governance in Belgium in which listed firms’ adherence to a set of laws (Corporate Governance Act) and principles (Corporate Governance Code) is reviewed. The analysis consisted of a comparison of 32 criteria from the Corporate Governance Act and the Corporate Governance Code with information from the annual reports of 118 Belgian companies listed on Euronext Brussels (the Committee’s report only included BEL20 companies, explaining some of the differences in both studies’ findings). Grant Thornton offers several positive highlights, along with some challenges which remain. As the full report can be found on their website, only these will be shortly discussed here.
Positive highlights
Overall, governance practices of most companies have positively evolved.
- in 2010 the overall compliance score was 87 % compared to 77% in 2009, while compliance with legal requirements was 86%.
- about 18% of companies have achieved full compliance with both the CG Act and the CG Code’s requirements.
- 40 businesses (34%) are fully compliant with the legal requirements set out by the CG Act.
- compared to 2009, the most significant progress has been made in the following areas:
* the CG statement provides a description of the key characteristics of the internal control and risk management systems (+27%)
* at least one member of the audit committee is independent and has relevant experience in accounting and audit (+29%)
* a remuneration committee has been created (+39%).
- especially with regard to the the remuneration report, further progress is possible, as shown by the relatively poor scores for the following items:
* disclosure of the CEO’s individual remuneration (69%)
* disclosure of severance pay policy (74%)
* reporting on the determinants of variable remuneration of executive directors and management (74%).
- only 42% of companies provide real insight into the effectiveness of their internal control and risk management systems by using the COSO model as a reference framework.
- less than 10 percent of directors is female and more than half of all boards are exclusively male, while only eight out of 118 companies already comply with the (future) quota of 1/3 women on boards.
- small companies score significantly lower than larger companies, especially with regard to audit committee and remuneration committee requirements.
More information and the full report can be found here
27 July 2012
Study on the compliance of the Belgian Corporate Governance Code by the BEL 20 companies
Since a few years, GUBERNA (Institute for Directors) and the Federation of Entreprises (VBO) analyze to what extent the listed companies respect (i.e., comply or explain) the Belgian Corporate Governance Code. The current study, of which the highlights will be discussed here, only assesses the extent to which formal aspects of the Code are respected based upon an analysis of annual reports, corporate governance statements and corporate governance charters of 18 firms listed on the BEL20 stock index. In general, the study concludes, the largest Belgian listed firms demonstrate a high level of adherence to the Belgian Corporate Governance code. A more detailed discussion of the different sub-aspects addressed will follow below.
More information on this study and the full report (in Dutch and French only) can be found here:
6 March 2012
Last week’s announcement of the compensation of Belgacom CEO Didier Bellens has fueled the debate about the appropriateness of current top management compensation in Belgian state-owned firms. Bellens earned approximately 2,6 million euro in 2011 as CEO of the Belgian telecom giant in which the Belgian state holds a majority share. Besides the sheer size of the compensation, the fact that this corresponds to more than 80 times the wage of the lowest earning employees has stirred outrage within the political landscape and labour unions as it is felt that such a wage span is intolerable, particularly in state-owned businesses and given the current socio-economical situation in the country.
There is general political consensus that the current situation is undesirable and that top salaries in state-owned firms need to be curtailed, yet specific measures have still to be taken. In this regard, the Belgian Minister for State-owned Enterprises, Paul Magnette, has ordered a study which is to detail the situation in other countries and assess the legality of possible measures. In the meanwhile, some politicians are offering some, although not unanimously well received, suggestions such as not allowing the wage of these top managers to exceed the wage of the Belgian prime mister or thirty times the lowest wage within their firms. Similarly, golden parachutes for top management in these state-owned firms are under scrutiny after it turned out that very recently two former Belgacom top managers jointly raked in about 2,7 million euro upon leaving the company.
Yet, even though there is consensus that something needs to be done, at the same time there are voices that urge for carefulness. Several years ago the decision has been made to attract people from the private sector in order to lead state-owned companies more professionally and effectively. As such a choice has been made, one must also be willing to pay these people market-based compensation, it is argued. Obviously, regulators need to proceed carefully in handling this sensitive topic. The final report and formal proposals are expected around May.
20 February 2012
On February 15, The Utrecht court has announced its decision in first instance regarding a claim instigated by a group of Fortis shareholders who argued to have suffered a loss as a consequence of misleading information provided by the former Belgian-Dutch financial services provider. The court ruled that Fortis as well as two of its top executives, former CEO Jean-Paul Votron and former chief financial officer Gilbert Mittler, were indeed responsible for publishing misleading information during the period between May 22 and June 26 in the year of its tragic demise (2008). During that period, the firm publicly maintained that their solvability was up to standards. However, at the end of June, Fortis shocked the market by having to announce that it would execute a € 8.3 billion capital increase and would not pay out any dividends that year. The court judged that the company and its executives had knowingly painted an overly positive picture of its financial situation and that they should have come clean about this much earlier. While similar charges have been held against Fortis before, this verdict is exceptional in the sense that its executives were held liable by the court as well. The former Chairman of the board, Maurice Lippens (who ironically was also chairman of the committee responsible for the Belgian corporate governance code) was not held liable, however, as he was judged to be too far removed from everyday events in the firm. Whether or not the shareholders concerned in the lawsuit did actually suffer a loss as a consequence of the misleading information and, if so, the amount of this loss is yet to be decided in separate proceedings.
In a related fashion, Deminor (a Belgian firm defending the interests of minority shareholders), issued a statement that it is about to press charges against Ageas (the current-day remainder of the original Fortis Holding) for misleading investors. Representing 5.350 investors in a collective lawsuit, Deminor’s claim is estimated to be in the area of €0,5 billion. The upcoming claim is the result of an effort that has been going on since the end of 2009 to find proof that the former crown jewel of the Belgian financial sector has misled investors since the bid on ABN Amro in May 2007 until the dismantling of the company in the fall of 2008.
These and other lawsuits may provide shareholders with the chance to recover part of their investment which was butchered after Fortis’ stock price collapsed during the 2008 financial crisis and the firm was consequently nationalized by the governments of Belgium (which later sold off the Belgian branch to BNP Paribas where it is now a highly profitable subsidiary), The Netherlands and Luxemburg.
VIPsight - September 2014
The storm following the buy-over of T-Mobile US seems to have died down
Answering questions on publication of the half-yearly results, Timotheus Höttges commented that Deutsche Telekom is “very pleased” with the operational development of its subsidiary T-Mobile, and so there is no rush to plunge head-long into a transaction for it. Telecom CEO thus described as insufficient the only offer submitted by Iliad for a mere 57 per cent of Telekom’s North American US subsidiary. French telecommunications mogul, Xavier Niel, wants to buy a majority stake in T—Mobile US for 15 thousand million dollars which would water down Telekom Deutschland’s holding to just on 30 percent. Sprint threw in the towel after eight months of pursuing the Bonn group’s most worrying subsidiary because of incessant stonewalling on the part of FCC, the telecommunications authority, which led to a downturn in the share price of the Bonn giant. Considering that T-Mobile US is continually increasing its client portfolio, and that its US rival has suffered some serious setbacks, analysts are forecasting that the subsidiary of German Telekom will have more customers than its erstwhile would-be purchaser. This would make T-Mobile US the third largest cell phone provider in the United States. Sprint’s market share presently stands at 16% while T-Mobile has grown to 15%. Höttges points out that there will be “lots of more opportunities” for T-Mobile US in the future but they will have to be commensurate with a company that has become a market leader.
Sky Deutschland becomes British
As expected, Rupert Murdoch has sold his holding in the Sky Italia and Sky Deutschland pay tv stations to his company BSkyB. According to Murdoch, the transaction will bring 7.2 thousand million dollars after tax to his 21st Century Fox company. In future, his pay tv activities will come under the umbrella of the British media and telecommunications conglomerate. The transaction should make no difference to the service Sky provides to German subscribers. Sky’s British sister company finally tendered the long-awaited takeover bid in May. BSkyB announced that Sky shareholders could offer their shares for 6.75 Euros each, whereas in June, they could have sold them on the stock market for even more than 7 Euros. BSkyB had always stressed their unwillingness to pay a hefty price surplus. The public offer was due because BSkyB was buying Sky Deutschland shares from both companies’ parent company. Whereas Sky Italia transacted wholly into BSkyB for 3.1 thousand million Euros, Sky Deutschland will now pay 3.1 thousand million Euros but only get 57% of share capital. Up to now, 57.4% of Sky Deutschland and 100% of Sky Italia belonged to 21st Century Fox which with 39.1% is the biggest single shareholder and the controlling interest in BSkyB. Sky Deutschland will thus become British.
Adidas wins the wooden spoon
Ranking last in the Deutscher Aktien index of July 31, Adidas plumbed record depths. Its 15.4% share price implosion was of itself historic. Further episodic drops to minus 16% represented the worst daily loss since the stock was listed on the market 19 years ago and such a fall, equal to the goodwill of the shareholders of the DAX-listed stock had not occurred since mid 2004. The crisis in Russia and the slackening of golf-related business in the US spoiled the party for the sports goods manufacturer after the boom generated by the World Cup Soccer Championship. Adidas admits underestimating the problems in the two countries. Management has decided to slow down opening new shops in Russia and speed up planned closures. Profit levels for 2014 are worrying investors, with only 650 million Euros instead of the 830 to 930 million forecast. Last year Adidas’s profit was a record 787 million Euros that still disappointed shareholders who had been promised more by CEO Herbert Hainer.
Company | % age share price loss | Day of share price loss |
Infineon | -38 | 03.12.2008 |
Continental | -28 | 22.12.2008 |
Commerzbank | -25 | 29.09.2008 |
Volkswagen | -23 | 03.11.2008 |
Heidelberg Cement | -22 | 17.11.2008 |
K+S | -21 | 30.07.2013 |
Deutsche Post | -16 | 27.10.2008 |
Deutsche Bank | -16 | 10.10.2008 |
Adidas | -15 | 31.07.2014 |
SAP | -15 | 06.10.2008 |
source: Bloomberg
Delticom: flat tyre season
After taking over competitor Tirendo last year, internet tyre distributor Delticom has had to accept a loss for the first time in its history. Tirendo’s shortfall of 8 million Euro after tax has landed the Delticon group 0.2 million Euros in the red. Last year, the situation was very different with the Hanover-based company posting a profit of 6 million Euros.
According to Delticom, Tirendo fell short of expectations because the summer tyre season came early in the first quarter of because of the unexpected early arrival of Spring weather. It is true that Tirendo’s first quarter turnover was up by 131%, but the second quarter figure was down by 30%. Notwithstanding, Delticom management is forecasting a 10% increase in turnover this financial year.
Biotest: going through the hoops
Biotest AG is sickly. For a whole year the SDax listed company has been forecasting from its headquarters in Hesse an increase in turnover of a mere seven percent instead of 10% of last May. EBIT is expected to be only slightly higher than last year and growth will be lower than the 10 percent envisaged. The company had been obliged to recall a product, and this had a negative effect on turnover. In addition, Biotest is facing extremely tough competition in the US for its products that contain plasma. In addition, the Russian and Middle-Eastern markets are going through a period of slack, which also casts a shadow over operational business as Biotest’s CEO points out.
The first half-year results also saw an increase in turnover of 8.5% - 264 million Euros - with profit down 10% at 13.8 million Euros. Management says that this stems from an increase of more than 13% in first half year investment in R & D. Last year, Biotest posted a turnover of almost 500 million Euros, and the aim is to break through the thousand million mark by 2020.
Nordex: winds set fair
With a healthy order book, Nordex SE, the TecDax listed manufacturer of wind farm generators is still growing as the recently published first six month report of 2014 confirms. Turnover is up by 23%, and stands at 815 million Euros. Profit is also higher by 1.3 million Euros on the same period last year, and stands at 16.5 million Euros. Orders are up by 8% and come not only from traditional markets, Europe in particular, but also Latin America. The positive results of the first quarter induced the group to raise its sights for the whole year, revising turnover to 1.5-1.6 thousand million Euros. Nordex management is confident that this new target will be met.
The German Mittelstand
German SME enthusiasm for R & D investment vital.
In 2012 the German economy invested the record amount of 53.79 thousand million Euros in Research and Development, greater than the 5.3% expenditure of the previous year and equal to almost 3% of the nation’s GDP. The data is contained in the economic statistics for 2014, published by Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wirtschaft.
The relative associations point out that much of the innovation is not produced by large companies but by small to mid size enterprises. In pharmaceuticals, the European Pharmacological Agency, EMA states that some 27% of the innovative pharmaceutical products developed between 2010 and 2012 and approved for use in the EU came from very small, small and medium size enterprises. Similarly, software draws life from the creativity of small units. The success of the “Year 1602” computer game, a project developed jointly between Max Design in Austria and Sunflowers in Germany, is considered a classic example as well as a model for many successive strategic simulations .
The EUROSTAT numbers crunched by the Institut für Mittelstandsforschung in Bonn tend to dilute the major successes of small companies in that the number of enterprises producing innovative technology increases in direct proportion to their size. One in ten (11.1%) of companies of 10-49 employees has produced innovation, but the number rises to 18.6% in companies with a staff of 50-249 and in bigger companies still (more than 250 employees) to even 33,3 per cent.
What the numbers don’t say, though, is that many innovations are bought up by large groups before breaking on to the market and making the grade. It is an everyday occurrence for big players in pharmaceuticals to buy up high-potential phase III products developed by smaller companies and, on securing authorisation, market them with the force that only a major group can deploy. In the end it is a win-win situation. It is costly and difficult for a small company to launch a new product. Their efforts are recompensed by licence royalties which are often linked to the product’s success on the market. A similar approach is adopted for software. Electronic Arts, the games major, is deemed to be the largest purchaser of lab programming products.
The amount that small and mid size companies can afford to budget for research and development is often limited. When it comes to planning how much to invest in innovative products, however, it often pays to be rather more bold. Innovation is often the springboard for growth in turnover. It matters little who wins in the end – investing in R & D is always worthwhile financially even, indeed above all for small companies.
Buhlmann's Corner
Who will pass judgment on the last four weeks?
Anyone who, like him, occupies a position of responsibility for 13 years, cannot blame other people’s mistakes or errors of judgment. True, the share quotation has more than doubled since the outset, but it is also undeniable that in this financial year Adidas stock has lost more than a third of its value, and that mostly after the profit warning. With the world soccer championship (manna from heaven for Nike, Puma and the likes) this had all the makings of a record year. Now, by contrast, nary a whisper, as in ‘che sarà sarà and keep a low profile’ …
During the last shareholders’ meeting, the Supervisory Board was asked if it really didn’t care that their company was making not the slightest attempt to secure at least half of the profit of the continuously growing market leader. The Supervisory Board, re-elected this year with two new women members (one a Henkel executive and the other with Jung van Matt), could relax and keep silent, but that would be unwise. Not because the senior citizen and chairman aside, the other three capital representatives state ‘consultant’ among their professions.
No, it’s much simpler than that. If cuts and amendments were being made to mid-term planning, lowering the year’s target from 900 million to 650 million Euros just a fortnight after the announcement that “Adidas was a resounding success at the 2014 soccer world cup” it should come as no surprise that managers started to play the victimised employee, unwilling to shoulder responsibility for executive error or answer awkward questions from shareholders, approximately 85% of whom do not live in Germany. It is striking that the shareholders who pulled out in early 2014 are mostly long-term investors who after last week’s 30% drop, were replaced by more volatile and dynamic individuals, less tied to the past but willing to give and do a lot for the future and achieve their expectances.
Not to be overlooked are the points raised by suppliers within the apparel supply chain, conducted by the Investor Coalition and coordinated by the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR).
Who knows, perhaps a single ad hoc news item or profit warning would be enough to stir the Supervisory Board and wake the share price up with a kiss.
In the end, the prize for the best piece of news in these times of final reports goes to Pictet and Lombard Odier who for the first time in centuries lent transparency to their conduct. One can’t help wondering, though, whether the silence was breached for fear of the Americans or for pride in their performance?
Hard on the heels of their counterparts in Audi, the BMW sales network has also been sanctioned by the Chinese monopolies authority under allegations of illicitly stipulating pricing agreements. Citing official sources within the Beijing government the Zinhua press agency states that the total amount of the fine was 1.6 million Yuan (195,000 Euro). The measure is to be seen as the official reaction to Chinese customers being obliged to pay in part substantially higher prices than in Europe or the USA. BMW regrets the reprimand meted to the four concessionaires involved.
Daimler in China is risking sanctions for alleged price fixing. It is said that the car-maker’s exploitation of its dominant position to set the prices of customer service spare parts and car servicing is tantamount to a monopoly. Representatives of the National Development and Reform Commission are said to have no doubt that on the basis of the investigations so far carried out, Mercedes ought to prepare for facing sanctions. There is as yet no indication as to the amount. Daimler’s headquarters in Beijing have merely confirmed that they are cooperating in the investigations. The Chinese authorities have been investigating the pricing policies of car manufacturers for some weeks.
Jürgen Fitschen and four former fellow Deutsche Bank boardroom members are to appear before Munich magistrates on counts of attempted perjury in the Kirch case. Co-president Fitschen, his predecessors Rolf Breuer and Josef Ackermann, and the former chair of the Supervisory Board Clemens Börsig have been under investigation for some time for attempting to pervert the course of justice in order to block the claim for damages of media mogul Leo Kirch and his heirs in their legal proceedings against Deutsche Bank.
AGM Dates
Company | Event | Date | Time | Place | Adress | Published on |
MDAX | ||||||
Kabel Deutschland Holding AG | ord. HV | 09-Okt-14 | 11:00 | 80333 München | Max-Joseph-Straße 5, im Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft | 27-Aug-14 |
Auf der Agenda der ordentlichen HV der Kabel Deutschland Holding AG stehen zunächst die üblichen TOP wie die Vorlage des Jahresabschlusses und die Entlastung der Gremien. Das bestehende Genehmigte Kapital der Gesellschaft soll aufgehoben werden. Ein neues Genehmigtes Kapital in Höhe von 44,26 Mill Euro (Genehmigtes Kapital 2014) soll geschaffen werden, mit der Möglichkeit zum Bezugsrechtsausschluss. Des Weiteren soll die Gesellschaft neu ermächtigt werden, Options- und Wandelschuldverschreibungen, Genussrechte und Gewinnschuldverschreibungen auszugeben, ebenfalls mit der Möglichkeit zum Bezugsrechtsausschluss. Hierfür soll ein Bedingtes Kapital in Höhe von 44,26 Mill. Euro (Bedingtes Kapital 2014) bereitgehalten werden. Dadurch soll die bestehende Ermächtigung sowie das bestehende Bedingte Kapital 2010 aufgehoben werden. Die Gesellschaft soll neu ermächtigt werden, eigene Aktien aufzukaufen und zu verwenden unter Ausschluss des Bezugs- und Andienungsrechts der Aktionäre. Zudem sollen mehrere Satzungsänderungen beschlossen werden. |
The law protecting small shareholders falls through the cracks in the “Digital Agenda”
The German finance and justice ministers presented a joint Bill at the end of July in Berlin to protect small investors. It sets out to achieve “more transparency in investing” in, for example, requiring more information on providers of funding, mortgages for shareholders on subordinate debts, and other similar financial instruments. The reform also aims at giving legal force to “collective consumer protection” as one of the areas of supervision entrusted to Bafin (Federal Regulator for Financial Supervision). The “Digital Agenda” approved by the German Council of Ministers on August 20 states that a young digital economy must be given support by “relaxing conditions for accessing start-up funding through competitive general international conditions for venture capital and crowd-investments”. Laws protecting small investors, by contrast, provide the exact opposite by requiring crowd investors of 250 Euros or more to print a data sheet on the investments, sign it by hand, take it to the post office and send it to the crowd-investing platform in order to make their investment in a start up official. Many digital economy associations believe that this procedure risks causing negative repercussions on funding start-ups.
Doubts surround European Directives on shareholders
Brussels’ directives aimed at strengthening shareholders’ rights are running up against opposition within the German economy. The Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI), the Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeber (BDA) and Deutsche Industrie und Handelskammertag (DIHK) are presenting a common front against what they see as measures that are unnecessary indeed unsuitable and disproportionate. They object especially to the new right of shareholders’ meetings to rule on the remuneration of boardroom directors of stock exchange listed companies and on the transactions involving individuals close to or within the company and they request that in Germany these issues remain within the area of responsibility of the Supervisory Board, In their opinion, the new rule would shift responsibility and cause delays in finalising contracts with boardroom members, and affect transactions. Furthermore, the lack of time that presently besets shareholders’ meetings would be aggravated by getting tied up in more red tape. The success that the German code of corporate governance has achieved in terms of limitation and transparency of directors’ emoluments would be undermined. The economic associations request that shareholders be allowed to decide whether or not to vote on these and other issues such as the extent to which remuneration policy ought to be published.
Roland Koch and Bilfinger have parted company after three years. The former prime minister of the Federal land of Hesse tendered his resignation on August 8. Formal confirmation of the CEO’s intention to quit had been issued by the Supervisory Board the previous day citing his failure to achieve the series of targets he himself had set. The Supervisory Board has appointed Herbert Bodner as interim CEO with effect from August 11 until May 31, 2015.
LANXESS and Werner Breuers, boardroom director responsible for Performance Polymers and Advanced Intermediates will go their separate ways when the latter’s contract expires on May 31, 2015. In a communiqué of August 6, the chemical group announced that Breuers had resigned of his own volition in order to seek out new challenges.
With effect October 1, 2014, the board of directors of Software will have an additional member with responsibility for worldwide distribution, consultancy and marketing. The appointment of Eric Duffaut to the new position of Chief Customer Officer will enable the Darmstadt-based company to group all its Go to Market activities together as a single boardroom unit. This should streamline the transformation of the company towards becoming a wholly client-centred organization. Duffaut has served in a variety of global leadership posts in the sale of Oracle and SAP.
Michael Macht is taking his leave from the Volkswagen group. Just a few weeks after announcing a savings plan, the board-member in charge of production resigned his mandate “in accord with the company” and left on August 1. His position will be filled ad interim by Thomas Ulbrich who heads the same company area in charge of managing the company’s leading brand, V. Rumours about criticism being levelled at the production sector have been rife for months.
Christian Stenger Wins Prestigious ICGN Award
The ICGN, an investor-led organisation of governance professionals with members representing assets under management in excess of US$ 18 trillion, made a Life-time Achievement Award to Christian Strenger Academic Director of the Centre for Corporate Governance at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management as well as member of numerous supervisory boards (including DeAWM Investment GmbH), at its Annual Conference in Amsterdam.
Mr Strenger has a long and accomplished career as an asset manager and investment banker and is a strong advocate of good governance. He has been a member of the Government Commission ‘German Corporate Governance Code’ since its establishment in 2001 and is the first German to receive this prestigious award.
GfK: new CFO
GfK SE, the SDax-listed market research company, has announced a change of CFO. Pamela Knapp, boardroom member responsible for finance and human resources since 2009, is leaving in October citing personal reasons. The new CFO is Christian Diedrich already confirmed as her successor by the Supervisory Board. His task will be to speed up computerisation and globalisation as well as to tighten up financial management.
Diederich comes from IT colossus IBM where he his career developed over 30 years. Ultimately he worked in Shanghai where he was head of all the group’s M&A activities outside the United States. He has served in several positions in company finance, strategy and M&A in Europe, the US and Asia. He has been CFO for IBM Germany and North Eastern Europe.
Responsibility for Human Resources, hitherto entrusted to CFO Knapp, will be taken over by CEO Matthias Hartmann.
Gesco: new generation
SDax-listed Gesco AG, has a new addition to its three-member Supervisory Board. The place of Willi Beck, whose resignation becomes effective on the day of the shareholders’ meeting, will be taken by entrepreneur Stefan Heimöller whose 13% stake in the company makes him its biggest shareholder. According to management, Beck resigned to forestall the upcoming generation shift. Over the years, firstly as CEO and then from 2004 as member of the Supervisory Board, Beck has given a strong identity to the company. The other two Supervisory Board members are Klaus Möllerfriedrich and Rolf-Peter Rosenthal.
Deutsche Annington: more controllers
Deutsche Annington SE, the Prime Standard company listed on the Frankfurt securities market has expanded its Supervisory Board. Four new members Manuela Better, former CEO of Hypo Real Estate Holding AG, Lutz Basse, CEO of SAGA Siedlungs-Aktiengesellschaft Hamburg, Florian Funck, member of the board of directors of Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH and Christian Ulbrich, management president of Jones Lang LaSalle EMEA and member of the Jones Lang LaSalle Inc board of directors will join the current five in August 2014. Five members of the renewed Supervisory Board were introduced by long-standing shareholders, and are in touch with Terra Firma. The other four are independent and already head special committees on the Supervisory Board. Deutsche Annington has only been on the securities market for a year.
Women need to regain leadership roles
The Statistische Bundesamt (Federal Bureau of Statistics) has published an update of the state of gender equality in education and training. The number of women in positions of leadership or who hold university chairs is still low. The figures published, however, do indicate that the gap is narrowing and there are as many women university entrants and graduates as there are men. That however is when the gap starts to widen. While 46% of employees in Germany are women, only 29% of top positions were held by women (compared to 26% in 2012 and a EU average of approximately 33 per cent). On average, women in Germany have been paid 22 percent less than men for nigh on 20 years while the average EU gender pay gap is “only” 16 percent. “In EU terms, Germany still has a long way to go” commented Roderich Egeler, president of the Statistisches Bundesamt, during the presentation of the survey entitled “Following the proper path to equality”.
Capital News
Eight years after the last share split, Fielmann stock is again seemingly facing another fall in price. On August 22, the optician retail chain carried out the share split that had been announced on July 3. For every old share in their possession, shareholders will receive two new ones. When the transaction has been completed, the pro-rata share capital amount will be 1 Euro per share. Share splitting consists in an arithmetic halving of a share’s value in order to seem to lower its price and thus increase its worth. Private investors especially have a mental block when a share costs more than 100 Euros explains Ulrich Brockmann, Head of Investor Relations. A similar exploit of 2006 was successful.
Symrise has concluded the most important acquisition of its history. Firstly they got the backing of the French company Diana workers’ representatives and now the MDax-listed group has received the go-ahead from the antitrust authorities. Earlier, from its headquarters in Holzminden, Symrise had decided on a small increase in capital, the only thing missing to guarantee the funding. The 123.3 million Euros share capital was upped to 129.8 million by issuing 489,274 shares excluding all shareholders option rights. The new shares all go to directors of Kerisper, the Diana group parent company that is being sold to Symrise. In exchange, Kerisper has made a payment in kind in the form of some 2.85 million shares. The transaction was finalised on July 29.
Armacell: chit-chat
Armacell, the specialist in insulation products is hoping to get listed on the stock market before the end of this year or the beginning of 2015. The announcement was made by Reuters, reporting information obtained from two individuals who are familiar with the IPO. Armacell, whose headquarters are in Münster, is said to be a world leader of flexible technological insulating material and synthetic foam for a variety of applications. It counts 2500 staff in 13 countries and last year financial investor Charterhouse Capital Partners bought it from Private Equity Invest Corp for 520 million Euros. Handelsblatt states that Armacell’s 2013 turnover was 510 million Euros and its EBIT 65 million Euros.
NanoRepro: Expansion in developing countries
La NanoRepro AG a company listed in the Entry Standards in the Frankfurt securities market has carried out a share capital increase of 290,000 Euros. The company issued 290,000 shares at 1 Euro each with exclusion of shareholders’ right of option. The company, specialised in quick pregnancy tests and anti-allergy prevention intends to use the revenue to fund large scale business and extend its presence in developing countries. One of the investors taking part is Karma Pharmatech GmbH who intends marketing its diagnostic products in Egypt, too. The NanoRepro range of products is presently at the authorisation stage and is expected to be ready for the market soon.
Hahn Immobilien: in the dolldrums
General Standard-listed Hahn-Immobilien-Beteilgungs AG wants to delist. The board of directors points to a sufficiently consistent quota of equity capital as motivation for delisting as well as the fact, that at less than 10%, the free float of the Hahn share is low enough. The first delisting should take place in Frankfurt then extended to other marketplaces. The Frankfurt securities market has ruled that the delisting will come into force on February 18, 2015.
Director's Dealings
Company | Person | Function | Buy / Sell | Total value in Euro | Number of shares | Datum |
adidas AG | Hainer, Herbert | MB-Head | B | 402.496 | 7.000 | 12.08.2014 |
adidas AG | Stalker, Robin | MB | B | 100.446 | 1.750 | 12.08.2014 |
adidas AG | Kauffmann, Herbert | SB | B | 56.550 | 1.000 | 07.08.2014 |
Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft | Herz, Cornelia | B | 29.498 | 450 | 11.08.2014 | |
Bilfinger SE | Bodner, Herbert | MB-Head | B | 988.897 | 18.000 | 12.08.2014 |
Brenntag AG | Müller, Georg | MB | B | 61.923 | 1.550 | 12.08.2014 |
DEUTSCHE BANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Brand, Jacques | S | 953.516 USD | 28.633 | 21.08.2014 | |
Deutsche EuroShop AG | Striebich, Klaus | SB | B | 52.163 | 1.500 | 04.08.2014 |
Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft | Brandt, Werner | SB | B | 63.281 | 5.000 | 14.08.2014 |
Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft | Garnadt, Karl Ulrich | MB | B | 78.600 | 6.000 | 01.08.2014 |
Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft | Spohr, Carsten | MB-Head | B | 99.315 | 7.350 | 31.07.2014 |
Deutsche Wohnen AG | Flach, Uwe E. | SB-Head | S | 41.250 | 2.500 | 07.08.2014 |
Dialog Semiconductor Plc. | Weber, Peter | SB | S | 134.220 | 6.000 | 21.08.2014 |
Dürr Aktiengesellschaft | Heuwing, Ralph | MB | B | 235.790 | 4.250 | 06.08.2014 |
Evonik Industries AG | Müller, Dr. Werner | SB-Head | B | 208.000 | 8.000 | 08.08.2014 |
Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA | Kuerbitz, Ronald | MB | exercise an option | 859.657 | 16.500 | 07.08.2014 |
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA | Berger, Roland | SB | S | 3.764.170 | 101.703 | 05.08.2014 |
FUCHS PETROLUB SE | Rudolf Fuchs GmbH & Co KG | B | 552.758 | 18.000 | 05.08.2014 | |
FUCHS PETROLUB SE | Rudolf Fuchs GmbH & Co KG | B | 993.818 | 32.700 | 06.08.2014 | |
FUCHS PETROLUB SE | Fuchs, Anna-Louisa | B | 37.112 | 1.350 | 01.08.2014 | |
FUCHS PETROLUB SE | Fuchs, Lieselotte | B | 3.032.500 | 100.000 | 04.08.2014 | |
FUCHS PETROLUB SE | Fuchs, Mary-Ann | B | 37.051 | 1.350 | 01.08.2014 | |
FUCHS PETROLUB SE | Rudolf Fuchs GmbH & Co KG | B | 371.137 | 13.000 | 01.08.2014 | |
FUCHS PETROLUB SE | Rudolf Fuchs GmbH & Co KG | B | 574.754 | 19.000 | 04.08.2014 | |
FUCHS PETROLUB SE | Rheinboldt, Dr. Ralph | MB | B | 54.380 | 2.000 | 01.08.2014 |
HeidelbergCement AG | VEM Vermögensverwaltung AG | B | 20.150.882 | 382.000 | 08.08.2014 | |
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA | Henkel, Christoph | B | 4.096.020 | 57.000 | 21.08.2014 | |
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA | Henkel, Christoph | B | 933.660 | 13.000 | 19.08.2014 | |
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA | Henkel, Christoph | B | 2.863.600 | 40.000 | 20.08.2014 | |
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA | Lehner, Johanna | S | 644.560 | 8.000 | 15.08.2014 | |
KRONES Aktiengesellschaft | VMAX Familienstiftung | B | 3.911.981 | 53.166 | 25.07.2014 | |
KRONES Aktiengesellschaft | VMAX Familienstiftung | B | 986.213 | 13.500 | 28.07.2014 | |
LEONI AG | Probst, Klaus | MB-Head | B | 239.950 | 5.000 | 12.08.2014 |
LEONI AG | Rupp Vermögensverwaltungs GbR | B | 73.695 | 1.500 | 07.08.2014 | |
LEONI AG | Rupp Vermögensverwaltungs GbR | B | 37.552 | 750 | 04.08.2014 | |
LEONI AG | Rupp Vermögensverwaltungs GbR | S | 37.531 | 750 | 01.08.2014 | |
Linde Aktiengesellschaft | Couturier, Anke | SB | B | 6.201 | 42 | 05.08.2014 |
Linde Aktiengesellschaft | Blades, Thomas | MB | B | 149.100 | 1.000 | 01.08.2014 |
Münchener Rück | von Bomhard, Dr. Nikolaus | MB-Head | B | 209.973 | 1.422 | 07.08.2014 |
Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG | Bender, Manfred | MB-Head | B | 34.466 | 500 | 06.08.2014 |
Progress-Werk Oberkirch Aktiengesellschaft | Consult Invest Beteiligungsberatungs GmbH | B | 4.301 | 100 | 01.08.2014 | |
ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG | Brandt, Werner | SB-Head | B | 92.361 | 3.000 | 14.08.2014 |
QIAGEN N.V. | Brandt, Werner | SB-Head | B | 89.227 USD | 5.000 | 14.08.2014 |
QSC AG | Reinecke, Henning | SB | B | 8.916 | 4.000 | 20.08.2014 |
QSC AG | Hermann, Jürgen | SB-Head | B | 34.095 | 15.000 | 14.08.2014 |
QSC AG | Stolz, Barbara | SB | B | 22.553 | 10.000 | 13.08.2014 |
RHÖN-KLINIKUM Aktiengesellschaft | Ehninger, Prof. Dr. med. Gerhard | SB | S | 251.145 | 10.571 | 26.08.2014 |
SAP SE | McDermott, Bill | MB | B | 153.640 USD | 2.000 | 20.08.2014 |
SAP SE | Enslin, Robert | MB | B | 72.153 USD | 875 | 23.07.2014 |
SAP SE | Leukert, Bernd | MB | B | 12.148 | 210 | 07.08.2014 |
Software Aktiengesellschaft | Bates, John | B | 49.800 USD | 2.000 | 04.08.2014 | |
TAG Immobilien AG | Ahlbrecht, Hans-Jürgen | SB | B | 8.052 | 900 | 15.08.2014 |
TAG Immobilien AG | Ahlbrecht, Hans-Jürgen | SB | B | 9.654 | 1.100 | 19.08.2014 |
Wincor Nixdorf Aktiengesellschaft | Heyden, Olaf | MB | B | 80.060 | 2.000 | 21.08.2014 |
VIPsight Shareholders
in August
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M & A
Heidelberger Druck: new address, additional purchases
SDax-listed Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, seems to have regained good health; one of the initiatives planned for group restructuring is the take-over of the Swiss label printing specialist Gallus Holding AG, which has now been brought to conclusion. In the course of an increase in capital paid for by contribution in kind, the printing machine manufacturer had issued 23 million new shares for Ferd. Rüesch AG who now has a 9% anchor investor share in Heidelberger Druck. The issue price is 2.70 Euros per share and so well above the share quotation of approximately 2,38 Euros. Heidelberger Druck will make use of the purchase to broaden its base in the expanding business of digital printing for packaging.
The board of directors, however, is not only making takeovers in its pursuit of group renewal. After a five-year process that turned it round and out of the red, the company is moving to hone its competitiveness by axing some 650 jobs, above all at Heidelberg and Leipzig which should improve the year-end result by approximately 30 million Euros. Group net indebtedness was still 680 million Euros in 2008-9 bjut dropped to 240 million last financial year, with a net profit of some 4 million Euros.
Analytik Jena: trace analysis
Analytik Jena AG, the optoelectronics and metrology specialist has taken over all the inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry business of the US company Bruker Corporation. The transaction was finalised within an Asset Deal, the price of which is a closely guarded secret on both sides. This acquisition of economic assets as well as patents, licence rights and know-how in production and R & D enables Prime Standard listed Anaytik Jena to tackle a fast growing market. Bruker’s turnover for 2013 in ICP-MS products and services was approximately 12 million Euros. Jena management has announced that it can now offer all three analysis techniques for trace elements. Closing is expected in September.
VIPsight settembre
Il Caos nel rilevamento di T-Mobile US sembra concluso
Interrogato al momento della pubblicazione dei risultati semestrali, Timotheus Höttges commenta che la Deutsche Telekom è “molto soddisfatta” con lo sviluppo operativo di T-Mobile; non ci sono quindi motivi per affrettarsi e farsi dettare una transazione per l’affiliata. Così parlando il CEO di Telecom ha qualificato l’unica offerta di Iliad per appena il 57 per cento dell’affiliata nord-americana come insufficiente. Il miliardario delle telecomunicazioni francese, Xavier Niel, vuole comprare la maggioranza alla T—Mobile US per 15 miliardi di dollari. La transazione significherebbe per Telecom Deutschland una diluizione della sua quota ad appena 30 per cento. Dopo otto mesi la Sprint aveva abbandonato la corsa miliardaria per l’affiliata più preoccupante del gruppo di Bonn a causa dell’incessante resistenza dell’ente regolatore delle telecomunicazioni FCC. In seguito le azioni del gigante dei telefoni tedesco sono precipitate. Tenendo conto che la T-Mobile US sta guadagnando continuamente nuovi clienti e che il rivale americano ha dovuto incassare delle grandi sconfitte, gli analisti prevedono che entro un anno l’affiliata della Telekom tedesca abbia più clienti del suo potenziale ex-acquirente. In questo modo la T-Mobile US diventerebbe il terzo più grande operatore di telefonia mobile negli Stati Uniti. Sprint vanta oggi una quota di mercato pari al 16%, la T-Mobile è già cresciuta al 15%. Höttges ha fatto presente che per T-Mobile US ci sono ancora “tante altre opzioni”, che dovranno a sua volta reggere il confronto con un assolo.
Sky Deutschland diventa britannica
Come previsto Rupert Murdoch ha venduto le sue partecipazioni agli emittenti di pay tv Sky Italia e Sky Deutschland alla BSkyB da lui dominata. Secondo Murdoch la transazione farà affluire circa 7,2 miliardi di dollari al netto delle tasse nella sua 21st Century Fox. In futuro le attività di pay TV saranno unite sotto il tetto del gruppo di media e telecomunicazione britannico. Per i clienti tedeschi di Sky il passaggio non dovrebbe comportare cambiamenti. A maggio la sorella britannica della Sky aveva finalmente presentato l’attesa offerta di acquisto. BskyB ha fatto sapere che gli azionisti Sky possono offrire le loro azioni per 6,75 Euro cad. Nel frattempo, a giugno, gli azionisti avrebbero potuto vendere le loro azioni in borsa anche per più di 7 Euro. BskyB aveva sempre sostenuto di non voler pagare un grande sovraprezzo. L’offerta pubblica era necessaria perché l’emittente a pagamento britannico compra le azioni che Sky Deutschland tiene dell’azienda madre di ambedue le società. Mentre Sky Italia passa per 3,1 miliardi di euro completamente alla BSkyB, la stessa BSkyB pagherà per Sky Deutschland al momento un pari importo di 3,1 miliardi Euro aggiudicandosi però solo il 57% del capitale sociale. Finora Sky Deutschland apparteneva per il 57,4% e Sky Italia per il 100% alla 21st Century Fox che controlla BSkyB della quale tiene con il 39,1 % la più grande partecipazione azionistica. Cambiando proprietario Sky Deutschland diventerà quindi inglese.
Limone d’oro per Adidas
Con l’ultima posizione nella day performance del Deutscher Aktienindex adidas ha raggiunto il 31 luglio ha fatto storia. Una precipitazione del prezzo del 15,4 percento è a suo modo veramente singolare. In certi momenti l’azione perdeva persino il 16 %, la perdita giornaliera più alta dall’ingresso in borsa di 19 anni fa. Una caduta paragonabile della benevolenza degli azionisti non si è vista nelle società quotate nel DAX dalla metà del 2004. La crisi in Russia e l’indebolimento del business intorno al gioco del golf negli Stati Uniti guastano la festa al produttore di articoli sportivi dopo i successi del Campionato Mondiale di calcio. Adidas ammette di aver sottovalutato i problemi nei due paesi. Al momento il management ha deciso di aprire meno negozi nuovi in Russia e di chiuderne più del previsto. Gli investitori sono anche preoccupati per i profitti del 2014 previsti con soli 650 milioni di Euro, invece dei 830 a 930 milioni finora prognosticati. Lo scorso anno Adidas aveva realizzato un profitto da record di 787 milioni di Euro deludendo tuttavia gli azionisti ai quali il CEO Herbert Hainer aveva promesso di più.
Delticom: stagione di pneumatici frenata
Dopo aver rilevato nello scorso anno il concorrente Tirendo, la Delticom – commerciante di gomme via internet – ha dovuto per la prima volta nella sua storia incassare delle perdite. Le perdite di 8 milioni di euro al netto delle tasse in Tirendo hanno portato il risultato del gruppo di Delticom ad un rosso di 0,2 milioni di Euro. Lo scorso anno la questione si presentava ancora molto diversamente: l’azienda con sede a Hannover aveva realizzato sei milioni di Euro di profitto.
Secondo Delticom Tirendo è rimasto al di sotto delle aspettative a causa dell’anticipo della stagione delle gomme estive che in seguito alle temperature primaverili si è spostata nel primo trimestre. E’ vero che il fatturato di Tirendo è aumentato nel primo trimestre del 131 per cento, nel secondo trimestre però è sceso del trenta. Il management di Delticom prevede tuttavia un aumento del fatturato del 10 percento per l’esercizio in corso.
Biotest: corsa a ostacoli
La Biotest AG con sede in Assia è deboluccia: per l’intero anno il management dell’azienda quotata nel SDax prevede un aumento del fatturato di soli sette per cento – e non più del dieci come lo scorso mese di maggio – e un risultato operativo appena superiore a quello dello scorso anno e comunque con una crescita inferiore al 10 per cento previsto. Nel primo semestre l’azienda farmaceutica ha dovuto richiamare un farmaco, cosa che ha influito negativamente sul suo fatturato. Si aggiunge il fatto che la Biotest si trova ad essere con i suoi prodotti contenenti plasma in forte competizione sul mercato USA: Si aggiungono le crisi un Russia e in Medio Oriente, che influenzano negativamente il business operativo, come spiega il CEO di Biotest.
Anche nel primo semestre l’azienda ha potuto registrare un aumento di fatturato del 8,5% arrivando a circa 264 milioni di Euro, il profitto, invece, è sceso del 10 % circa stabilizzandosi a soli 13,8 milioni di Euro. Secondo il management il risultato dipende dall’aumento dell’oltre 13 per cento degli investimenti in Ricerca e Sviluppo. Nello scorso anno la Biotest ha realizzato un fatturato di quasi 500 miliardi di Euro e si è dato come obiettivo di superare la soglia del miliardo entro il 2020.
Nordex: tira buon vento
Grazie ad una buona situazione degli ordini, la Nordex SE, costruttore di impianti eolici quotato nel TecDax, continua a crescere nel primo semestre del 2014: il fatturato è aumentato del 23 per cento per arrivare a 815 milioni di Euro, come si evince dal report semestrale recentemente pubblicato. Anche i profitti sono cresciuti, da 1,3 milioni di Euro nello stesso periodo dell’anno precedente a 16,5 milioni di Euro. Gli ordini sono aumentati dell’ otto per cento. La domanda non è cresciuta solamente sui mercati consolidati, in particolare quelli europei, ma anche in America Latina. Dopo i successi del primo trimestre, il gruppo aveva alzato gli obiettivi per l’anno intero aumentando le previsioni di fatturato a 1,5 / 1,6 miliardi di Euro. Al momento il management di Nordex è convinto di raggiungere questa meta.
The German Mittelstand
Le PMI tedesche devono investire con slancio in Ricerca & Sviluppo
Nel 2012 l’economia tedesca ha speso 53,79 miliardi di Euro per Ricerca & Sviluppo, un valore record che supera del 5,3 per cento la spesa dell’anno precedente e che corrisponde più o meno al 3 per cento del PIL tedesco. I dati ci arrivano dalla statistica economica 2014 pubblicata dallo Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wirtschaft.
Le associazioni di settore fanno presente che molte innovazioni non vengono realizzate dai grandi gruppi ma dalle aziende piccole e medie. Nel settore farmacologico l’EMA, l’agenzia europea per i farmaci, fa notare che circa il 27 per cento dei farmaci innovativi che tra il 2010 e il 2012 sono stati raccomandati nell’Unione Europea per essere autorizzati, sono stati sviluppati da aziende molto piccole, piccole e medie. Simili osservazioni ci arrivano dal settore software, che vive soprattutto delle idee di piccole unità creative. Il successo del computer game “Anno 1602”, un progetto comune tra la Max Design austriaca e la Sunflowers tedesca, è considerato come esempio emblematico – e allo stesso momento anche come modello per molte simulazioni strategiche successive.
I numeri EUROSTAT elaborati dall’Institut für Mittelstandsforschung a Bonn attenuano un po’ i grandi successi delle piccole aziende, perché la quota delle imprese che investe i innovazioni tecnologiche aumenta con la dimensione delle aziende. Se nelle imprese con 10 a 49 dipendenti una su dieci (11,1%) ha prodotto delle innovazioni, nelle aziende con 50 a 249 dipendenti si parla del 18,6 % e nelle imprese ancora più grandi (oltre 250 dipendenti) persino del 33,3 %.
I numeri non tengono tuttavia conto del fatto che molti grandi gruppi comprano le innovazioni quando ancora non sono state messe sul mercato e mancano della necessaria maturità. Per i big player nel settore farmacologico è assolutamente normale rilevare dei farmaci di fase III con grandi potenziali sviluppati da aziende più piccole lanciandoli – una volta ricevuta l’autorizzazione –sul mercato con la forza distributiva del grande gruppo. Alla fine si tratta di una situazione win-win. L’introduzione di un prodotto è costosa e difficile da supportare per un’azienda piccola. Per il lavoro svolto ricevono dei ricavi da licenze, spesso legate al successo dei prodotti. Nel settore del software le modalità sono simili. Il gigante dei giochi Electronic Arts è considerato come il più grande acquirente di laboratori di programmazione.
I budget delle piccole e medie aziende per la ricerca e lo sviluppo sono spesso soggetti a limiti finanziari. Nella programmazione degli investimenti per lo sviluppo di prodotti innovativi conviene tuttavia essere più coraggiosi. Bisogna ricordarsi che le innovazioni sono la molla per la crescita del fatturato. Non ha importanza chi ne approfitta alla fine: investire in R&D è finanziariamente conveniente anche, o soprattutto, per le piccole imprese.
Buhlmann's Corner
Chi sentenzierà le ultime quattro settimane?
Cosa ci ricorderemo di questa stagione di relazioni trimestrali? Il fatto che la 168 – enne agenzia di stampa AP (Associated Press) ha affidato nel caso di ALCOA il reporting non più a dei giornalisti in carne ed ossa, ma a dei computer, OPPURE che dopo due profit warnings usciti rispettivamente il 30 giugno e il 4 agosto, il 7 agosto è stato cambiato il CEO di Bilfinger (il copione assomiglia a quello della Siemens del 2013), OPPURE che Adidas ad oggi non ha ancora comunicato il suo secondo profit warning, mentre il CEO Herbert Hainer resta sul suo posto in testa all’azienda?
Chi come lui si trova da 13 anni in una posizione di responsabilità, non può andare a cercare gli errori o le valutazioni errate dagli altri. E’ vero che da allora la quotazione in borsa è appena più che raddoppiata . Ma è anche vero che nell’esercizio corrente ha perso più di un terzo del suo valore, soprattutto dopo la profit warning. Col campionato mondiale di calcio (avvenimento da superlativi per Nike, Puma & CO.) l’anno aveva tutte le premesse per diventare un anno da record. Adesso assistiamo invece ad un silenzio di tomba, del tipo: succeda quel succeda, ma evitiamo di fare notizia …
Durante l’ultima assemblea generale qualcuno aveva chiesto al consiglio di sorveglianza se gli basta veramente mirare a meno della metà dei profitti del sempre più forte leader del mercato. Il consiglio di sorveglianza rieletto proprio quest’anno con due nuovi membri femminili (di cui una operativa in Henkel e l’altra in Jung van Matt) potrebbe mettersi comodo senza dire una parola, ma non gli converrebbe. Non perché a parte il pensionato e il presidente, gli altri tre signori rappresentanti il capitale dichiarano di svolgere anche la professione di consulente.
No, è molto più semplice. Se quindici giorni dopo la comunicazione che “durante il campionato mondiale di calcio 2014 adidas è coronata dal successo” c’è qualcuno che annulla e rimanda la programmazione a medio termine e che abbassa il risultato dell’esercizio corrente da 900 a 650 mio di Euro, non bisogna meravigliarsi quando i dirigenti diventano dipendenti sofferenti senza alcuna voglia di rispondere per gli errori degli executive e quando gli azionisti cominciano a fare domande scomode. Circa l’85% di loro non risiedono in Germania. Salta all’occhio che gli azionisti che si sono ritirati all’inizio del 2014 sono prevalentemente investitori che operano a lungo termine e che dopo la caduta del 30% della scorsa settimana sono saliti a bordo degli azionisti più volatili e agili, gente poco interessata nel passato ma disposto di dare e fare molto per il futuro e per realizzare le proprie aspettative.
Da non dimenticare anche le discussioni dalla catena dei fornitori nel settore dell’abbigliamento portata avanti dalla Investor Coalition e coordinata da Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR).
Chissà, forse basta una sola notizia ad hoc ovvero un profit warning per togliere il sonno al consiglio di sorveglianza e svegliare la quotazione in borsa con un bacio.
Alla fine il premio per la notizia migliore in questo periodo di fine report spetterà a Pictet e Lombard Odier che per la prima volto dopo centenni hanno mostrato un comportamento trasparente. Mi chiedo, se hanno rotto il silenzio per paura degli americani o per orgoglio per la performance realizzata?
Dopo i commercianti della Audi, anche i venditori della BMW sono diventati oggetto di sanzioni inflitti dall’antitrust cinese. L’accusa è di aver illegalmente preso degli accordi sui prezzi. Secondo l’agenzia di stampa Zinhua che si basa su informazioni ufficiali del governo cinese, la sanzione ammonta complessivamente di 1,6 milioni di Yuan (195.000 Euro). La decisione deve essere letta come una reazione della Cina al fatto che i clienti cinesi sono costretti a pagare in parte dei prezzi notevolmente superiori a quelli chiesti in Europa o negli USA. La BMW è dispiaciuta degli appunti contro i quattro concessionari.
La Daimler è minacciata in Cina da una sanzione per la manipolazione di prezzi. Si legge ch il gruppo automobilistico costituirebbe un tipico monopolio che sfrutta la sua posizione dominante per controllare nel customer service i prezzi per i pezzi di ricambio e la manutenzione. I rappresentanti della Commissione per il National Development e per le Riforme avrebbero già fatto presente che in base alle indagini fatte finora la Mercedes deve prepararsi a delle sanzioni. Dell’ammontare non si sa ancora niente. La sede di Pechino della Daimler ha fatto solo sapere di collaborare nelle indagini. Le autorità cinesi sono da settimane alle prese della politica dei prezzi dei produttori di automobili.
La magistratura di Monaco di Baviera ha fatto causa contro Jürgen Fitschen e quattro suoi ex-colleghi nel CdA della Deutsche Bank per il tentativo di truffa processuale nel caso Kirch. Le indagine contro il co-presidente, i suoi predecessori Rolf Breuer e Josef Ackermann e l’ex presidente del consiglio di sorveglianza Clemens Börsig stanno andando avanti da molto tempo. La magistratura ha indagato contro i banchieri perché nel processo del re dei media, Leo Kirch, e dei suoi eredi contro la Deutsche Bank questi avrebbero provato ad ingannare la giustizia per bloccare le richieste di risarcimento di danni presentata da Kirch.
La legge sulla protezione dei piccoli azionisti elude la “Digitale Agenda”
I ministeri tedeschi per le finanze e per la giustizia hanno presentato insieme alla fine di luglio a Berlino la proposta per una legge sulla protezione dei piccoli investitori. L’obiettivo sarebbe una “maggiore trasparenza sugli investimenti”, ad esempio attraverso il rinforzamento degli obblighi d’informazione per gli offerenti di fondi, ma anche di mutui per azionisti, di debiti subordinati e altri strumenti finanziari paragonabili. La riforma ambisce inoltre a fortificare legalmente “la protezione consumatori collettiva” come uno degli obiettivi di controllo della Bafin (Autorità federale per il controllo finanziario). Nella “Digitale Agenda” approvata il 20 agosto dal Consiglio dei ministri tedesco si legge che una giovane economia digitale dovrebbe essere sostenuta dal “miglioramento delle condizioni di finanziamento per gli startup attraverso delle condizioni generali internazionali competitive per venture capital e crowd-investments”. La legge sulla protezione dei piccoli investitori prevede invece totalmente il contrario quando chiede ai crowdinvestors di stampare a partire da un importo di 250 Euro un foglio-informativo sugli investimenti, di firmarlo manualmente, di portarlo all’ufficio postale e di inviarlo alla piattaforma di crowd-investing per rendere efficace il loro investimento in uno startup. Secondo diverse associazioni del settore dell’economia digitale questa procedura rischia di essere deleteria per il finanziamento di start-up.
Riserve contro le direttive europee per gli azionisti
L’economia tedesca è contraria ai programmi di Bruxelles a rinforzo dei diritti degli azionisti. Secondo una presa di posizione comune del Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI), della Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeber (BDA) e delDeutsche Industrie und Handelskammertag (DIHK) gli obblighi che Bruxelles intende introdurre non sono necessarie e quanto meno adatte o proporzionate. Le associazioni criticano soprattutto i nuovi diritti dell’assemblea generale di decidere sui compensi del CdA in società quotate e sulle transazioni con persone vicine o all’interno del gruppo e chiedono che in Germania queste decisioni rimangano del consiglio di sorveglianza. Secondo loro il regolamento previsto porterebbe ad uno spostamento delle responsabilità, a dei ritardi nella stipula di contratti per il CDA e delle transazioni. Allo stesso tempo le assemblee degli azionisti già sofferenti della brevità del tempo a disposizione sarebbero costrette ad occuparsi di ulteriori formalità. I successi ottenuti dal codice tedesco sulla Corporate Governance in tema di limitazione e trasparenza delle remunerazioni dei manager sarebbero “minati”. Le associazioni economiche chiedono che siano gli azionisti a decidere se vogliono votare su questi aspetti o meno, così come sull’entità della pubblicazione della politica di remunerazione.
L’8 agosto Roland Koch ha lasciato la sua ormai triennale carica presso la Bilfinger. Il giorno precedente il consiglio di sorveglianza aveva confermato formalmente le intenzioni del CEO dimettersi. L’ex primo ministro del Land dell’Assia ha deciso di abbandonare il suo posto perché in diverse situazioni non è riuscito a raggiungere gli obiettivi che lui stesso aveva stabilito. Il consiglio di sorveglianza ha deciso di nominare Herber Bodner come CEO temporaneo dall’11 di agosto fino al 31 maggio 2015.
In futuro LANXESS e Werner Breuers cammineranno su due strade diverse. Il 6 agosto il gruppo chimico ha fatto sapere che il membro del CdA, finora responsabile per segmenti Performance Polymers e Advanced Intermediates ha lasciato l’organo per sua scelta. Alla scadenza del suo contratto, il 31 maggio 2015, Breuers lascerà l’azienda per dedicarsi a nuove sfide.
La Software ha nominato per il 1 ottobre 2014 un nuovo membro del CdA, responsabile per la distribuzione globale, consulenza e marketing. Tramite la nomina del nuovo Chief Customer Officer Eric Duffaut tutte le attività Go to market dell’azienda di Darmstadt saranno unite in un unico ufficio del CdA per accelerare l’attività di trasformazione e l’indirizzamento verso un’organizzazione completamente concentrata sui clienti. Prima di entrare in Software, Duffaut occupato diversi ruoli di leadership globale nelle vendite di Oracle e SAP.
Il gruppo Volkswagen si è separato da Michael Macht. Poche settimane dopo l’annuncio del programma di risparmio il membro del CdA responsabile per la produzione ha rinunciato al suo mandato “di comune accordo” lasciando il gruppo il 1 agosto. A sostituirlo temporaneamente è Thomas Ulbrich che dirige lo stesso ufficio nel marchio principale VW. Nei mesi passati si è sentito più volte parlare di polemiche indirizzate al ramo della produzione.
GfK: nuovo CFO
La GfK SE, azienda di ricerca di mercato quotata nel SDax, ha annunciato di cambiare il CFO: Pamela Knapp, dal 2009 responsabile nel CdA per Finanze e Risorse Umane, lascerà l’azienda il prossimo ottobre per motivi personali. Il nuovo CFO si chiamerà Christian Diedrich che è già stato confermato dal consiglio di sorveglianza come suo successore. Sarà suo compito accelerare la digitalizzazione e la globalizzazione e solidificare il management finanziario.
Diederich proviene dal gigante IT IBM dove ha svolto 30 anni della sua carriera professionale. Ultimamente aveva il suo ufficio a Shanghai, dove era responsabile per le attività di M&A del gruppo al di fuori degli Stati Uniti. Nella sua carriera ha svolto diversi incarichi nei settori delle finanze, della strategia e del M&A in Europa, negli Stati Uniti e in Asia. E’ già stato CFO per IBM Germania e Europa Nord-Orientale.
La responsabilità per le Risorse Umane, finora in mani del CFO Knapp, passerà in futuro al CEO Matthias Hartmann.
Gesco: nuova generazione
La Gesco AG, azienda quotata nel SDax, ha un nuovo membro nel consiglio di sorveglianza composto da tre membri. Il posto di Willi Beck, che lascia il suo incarico il giorno dell’assemblea generale di quest’anno, sarà occupato dall’imprenditore Stefan Heimöller che con il 13 per cento delle quote è il più grande azionista dell’azienda.
Secondo il management Beck si è dimesso in vista del programmato futuro cambio generazionale. Prima come CEO e dal 2004 come membro del consiglio di sorveglianza Beck ha dato per anni un’impronta forte all’azienda. Gli altri due membri del consiglio di sorveglianza sono Klaus Möllerfriedrich e Rolf-Peter Rosenthal.
Deutsche Annington: più controllori
Quotata nel Prime Standard della borsa titoli di Francoforte la Deutsche Annington SE ha allargato il suo consiglio di sorveglianza. Ai cinque membri attuali si sono aggiunti ad agosto 2014 altri quattro membri nuovi: Manuela Better, Ex-Ceo della Hypo Real Estate Holding AG, Lutz Basse, CEO della SAGA Siedlungs-Aktiengesellschaft Hamburg, Florian Funck, membro del CdA della Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH e Christian Ulbrich, presidente della direzione di Jones Lang LaSalle EMEA e membro del consiglio di amministrazione in Jones Lang LaSalle Inc.
Cinque dei nuovi controllori sono stati presentati da vecchi azionisti e sono in contatto con Terra Firma. I restanti quattro membri sono indipendenti e sono già a capo di comitati speciali del consiglio di sorveglianza. La Deutsche Annington è andata in borsa solo un anno fa.
Bisogno di recupero per le donne in posizioni di leadership
Il Statistische Bundesamt ha pubblicato i numeri attuali sull’equiparazione nel settore dell’educazione e della formazione. Il numero delle donne in posizioni di leaderhip o con cattedre universitarie continua ad essere basso. Le statistiche pubblicate a Berlino mostrano comunque che le differenze si attenuano. Oggi le donne costituiscono sia all’inizio che alla fine degli studi la metà degli studenti. Solo che dopo le cose cambiano: se in Germania il 46% dei dipendenti è femminile, nel 2012 solo il 29% delle posizioni top erano occupate da donne – rispetto al 26% del 1992. Attualmente la media EU si aggira intorno al 33 per cento. Da quasi 20 anni le donne tedesche guadagnano inoltre mediamente il 22 percento in meno degli uomini – mentre il “gender pay gap” medio europea è “solo” del 16 percento. Nel confronto europeo la Germania ha molto da recuperare, constata Roderich Egeler, il presidente del Statistisches Bundesamt, in occasione della presentazione della ricerca fatta dal suo ente dal titolo ”Sulla buona strada verso l’equiparazione?”
Capital News
Otto anni dopo l’ultimo share split l’azione di Fielmann si trova di nuovo davanti ad una apparente riduzione di prezzo. Il 22 agosto la catena di negozi di ottica ha eseguito lo share split annunciato il 3 luglio. Gli azionisti ricevono per ogni vecchio titolo nel loro deposito due titoli nuovi. Dopo l’intervento l’importo pro rata del capitale sociale della Fielmann ammonta ad 1,00 Euro per ogni azione. Lo share split consiste in un dimezzamento aritmetico del prezzo di un’azione. L’obiettivo della misura è di ridurre apparentemente il prezzo dell’azione per aprire delle possibilità per aumentare il valore. Gli investitori privati, in particolare, sentono un blocco psicologico quando un’azione costa più di 100 Euro, spiega Ulrich Brockmann, il Head of Investor Relations. Una prima iniziativa del genere è stata fatta nel 2006 e ha portato dei buoni risultati.
Symrise ha chiuso il più importante acquisto nella sua storia. Dopo aver ricevuto il sostegno da parte dei rappresentanti dei lavoratori del gruppo francese Diana, l’azienda di Holzminden ha anche ottenuto il nulla osta da parte dell’anti trust. Prima ancora il gruppo quotato nel MDax aveva deciso un piccolo aumento di capitale che mancava come ultimo elemento per garantire il finanziamento. Il capitale sociale di 123,3 milioni di Euro è stato aumentato a 129,8 milioni di Euro attraverso l’emissione di 489.274 azioni, escludendo ogni diritto di opzione per gli azionisti. Le nuove azioni vanno a dei dirigenti della Kerisper, l’azienda madre del gruppo Diana, in vendita alla Symrise. In cambio Kerisper ha fatto un conferimento in natura del valore di circa 2,85 milioni di azioni. La chiusura di tutta la transazione è avvenuta il 29 luglio.
Armacell: chiacchiere
Lo specialista per prodotti isolanti Armacell vorrebbe entrare in borsa ancora prima della fine di questo o all’inizio del prossimo anno. Questo è quanto l’agenzia di stampa Reuters comunica di aver saputo da due persone che conoscono i piani IPO. Armacell ha sede a Münster e si considera leader del mercato mondiale per isolamenti tecnici flessibili e schiume sintetiche per diverse applicazioni. La società conta 2500 collaboratori in 13 paesi. Nello scorso anno l’investitore finanziario Charterhouse Capital Partners ha rilevato la Armacell per 520 milioni di Euro dall’azienda di Private Equity Investcorp. Secondo il Handelsblatt, nel 2013 la Armacell ha realizzato un fatturato di 510 milioni di Euro e un Ebitda di 65 milioni di Euro.
NanoRepro: Espansione nei paesi emergenti
La Nanorepro AG quotata nel Entry Standard della borsa titoli di Francoforte ha realizzato nell’ambito di un aumento di capitale 290.000 Euro. La società ha emesso 290.000 azioni per un importo di emissione di un euro con esclusione del diritto di opzione. Lo specialista per test medici veloci per la pianificazione famigliare e la profilassi di allergia intende utilizzare il denaro per finanziare delle grandi commesse e allargare il business nei paesi emergenti. Uno degli investitori partecipanti è la Karma Pharmatech GmbH che vuole vendere i prodotti di diagnostica anche in Egitto. L’assortimento dei prodotti della NanoRepro si trova oggi in un fase di autorizzazione e dovrebbe tra poco essere pronto per il mercato.
Hahn Immobilien: poco movimento
La Hahn-Immobilien-Beteilgungs AG quotata nel General Standard vorrebbe togliere le proprie azioni dalla borsa. Il CdA motiva il previsto delisting con una quota di capitale proprio sufficiente, oltre al fatto che con meno del dieci per cento il free float dell’azione della Hahn è abbastanza basso. La prima chiusura dovrebbe riguardare la borsa di Francoforte e poi anche altre piazze in altre piazze. La borsa titoli di Francoforte ha deciso che il delisting entrerà in vigore il 18 febbraio 2015.
Heidelberger Druck: nuovo indirizzo con acquisti supplementari
La Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, azienda quotata nel SDax, si deve essere ripresa: una tra le misura previste per la ristrutturazione del gruppo è l’assorbimento dello specialista svizzero per la stampa di etichette Gallus Holding AG, che adesso è stata conclusa. Nel corso di un aumento di capitale con conferimento in natura il produttore di macchine per la stampa aveva emesso 23 milioni di azioni nuovi per la Ferd. Rüesch AG che adesso partecipa con il nove percento come anchor investor alla Heidelberger Druck. Il prezzo di emissione è di 2,70 Euro per ogni azione – e quindi nettamente superiore alla quotazione azionaria di circa 2,38 Euro. L’acquisto deve servire alla HeidelDruck per allargare la sua posizione nel business crescente della stampa digitale di packaging.
Ma il CdA non vuole limitarsi ai solo acquisti per rinnovare il gruppo: essendo riuscita dopo cinque anni a superare il turnaround tornando a scrivere numeri neri, l’azienda vuole rinforzare la sua competitività anche con il taglio di circa 650 posti di lavoro, soprattutto a Heidelberg e a Lipsia. Queste misure dovrebbero migliora il risultato annuo di circa 30 milioni di Euro. Nel 2008/09 il gruppo registrava ancora un indebitamento netto di circa 680 milioni di Euro. Alla fine dell’ultimo esercizio l’indebitamento era sceso a solo 240 milioni di Euro e con profitti netti di circa 4 milioni di Euro.
Analytik Jena: analisi delle tracce
Lo specialista di optoelettronica e metrologia Analytik Jena AG ha rilevato tutto i business di spettrometria di massa con plasma accoppiato induttivamente (ICP-MS) dell’americana Bruker Corporation. La transazione è stata realizzata all’interno di un asset deal, sul prezzo c’è la massima riserva da ambedue le parti. In questo modo la Anaytik Jena, società quotata nel Prime Standard, fa il suo ingresso su un mercato in forte crescita avendo acquistato oltre ai bene economici anche brevetti, diritti di licenza e know-how in produzione, ricerca e sviluppo. Con i prodotti e i servizi ICP-MS la Bruker ha realizzato nel 2013 un fatturato di circa 12 milioni di Euro. Il management della Jena ha fatto sapere che adesso sono in grado di offrire tutte e tre le tecniche dell’analisi degli elementi in tracce. Il closing è previsto per settembre.