The appointment of Edward Kozel as Chief Technology and Innovation Officer has closed the vacancy in the technology spot there has been on the Deutsche Telekom board since the departure of Hamid Akhavan. Kozel took the board post with effect from 3 May. The American electrical engineer spent most of his career at Cisco Systems. The board is thus now back up to complement.
Toni Schrofner was appointed production and logistics director at Drägerwerk with effect from 1 September. Herbert Fehrecke, hitherto in charge of this sector, will in future take on the research and development sector along with those of procurement, IT and quality. The deputy CEO is taking over his new responsibility from Ulrich Thibaut, leaving the firm on 30 June.
The E.ON supervisory board agreed on 12 May to an organizational and staffing board reshuffle, appointing three new board members with immediate effect. The new labour director will be Regine Stachelhaus. Electricity and gas production, worldwide trading and energy-saving optimization of the group across all regions and products will be run centrally by the 47- year old Norwegian Jørgen Kildahl, in a new board spot. Also newly appointed to the group board is current E.ON Energie CEO Klaus-Dieter Maubach. As well as running all research and development areas, he will also take charge of E.ON New Build and Technology. A further board post is to be created for running companies in the Länder; until a new appointment is made, CEO Johannes Teyssen will handle this. The background is that the board is to take closer control and responsibility for the operational businesses. Two members of the old board are leaving: current personnel director Christoph Dänzer-Vanotti is leaving the group, as is Lutz Feldmann, in charge of “new markets”.
GILDEMEISTER, in a surprise move, has changed its CFO. 49-year-old MBA Kathrin Dahnke was appointed with immediate effect as new financial head at the machine-tool maker. On the way out is Michael Welt, on the board since January 2003, who has worked a total of 14 years for Gildemeister. No further details were given on the reason for the current CFO’s departure.
Christopher von Hugo is to be the new supervisory board chair at Pfleiderer. The Germany head of One Equity Partners is to be elected at the end of the AGM on 23 June. He will be replacing Ernst-Herbert Pfleiderer, long-term Supervisory Board chair, who is leaving it on age grounds. He will be succeeded by Hans Theodor Pfleiderer as a Supervisory Board member, assuming the AGM agrees.
Rüdiger Merz has been proposed for election to the Supervisory Board of Rhön-Klinikum. He succeeds Heinz Korte. The other nine representatives of the capital side are up for re-election at the AGM on 9 June. Eugen Münch is to remain Supervisory Board chair.
SMARTRAC announced on 3 May that Dato Tan Soo Hee will be joining the firm on 1 June as Chief Operating Officer and member of the Group Executive Team. In this role he will be taking responsibility for production sites worldwide. The new COO succeeds Franz Vollmann, leaving the firm on 31 March to pursue his professional career in Europe.
The Supervisory Board of STADA Arzneimittel decided at its meeting on 10 May not to renew the contract of Christof Schumann. Schumann’s contract was by agreement to run till the end of this year. The production and development director, in the post since 2008, will until further notice be completing the contract. The pharmaceuticals maker is seeking to make a new appointment to the post.
Heinrich Hiesinger’s successor at Siemens is to be Siegfried Russwurm. The chairman’s committee of the Supervisory Board is also proposing that Ms Brigitte Ederer be appointed to the managing board, effective 1 July. Currently CEO of Siemens Österreich, she will take the post of the current personnel and labour director. This ups the female proportion on the board to 25%. The Supervisory Board will take this decision on 9 June.
At ThyssenKrupp, on 21 January 2011 Heinrich Hiesinger is to replace Ekkehard Schulz, departing after the next AGM. The Siemens director is joining the Ruhr firm on 1 October, initially as deputy CEO. Schulz himself is to be elected to the Supervisory Board immediately on leaving. The Ethikverband der deutschen Wirtschaft, a business ethics association, criticized the decision by Gerhard Cromme, and his double appointment. The Supervisory Board chair of Siemens and ThyssenKrupp stated that the procedure infringed neither principles of company law, nor good corporate governance. Beitz liaison officer Jürgen Claassen is also joining the board in January 2011, and will then be in charge of group development and compliance.