Reading suggestions
Grieser, Simon G., Heemann, Manfred (Hrsg.), Bankaufsichtsrecht – Entwicklungen und Perspektiven Frankfurt School Verlag, 1,132 pp, €98.00, ISBN 978-3-937519-97-5
Last year saw far-reaching reforms of banking oversight brought in. On the authors’ assessment, they were “only a foretaste of what we still have to face.“ This new standard work edited by two lawyers who are partners in international law firm Mayer Brown LLP in Frankfurt comprehensively documents the new range of regulations.
Levermann, Susanne, Der entspannte Weg zum Reichtum Hanser Verlag, 250 pp, €24.90, ISBN 3-446-42252-0
A book for newbies who no longer want to rely on others but run their portfolios themselves. A former fund manager shows where the necessary information can be found, mostly free, on the Internet and how to select the most suitable shares using a points system.
Löhndorf, Nils, Naumann, Stefan (eds.), Zertifikate Reloaded – Transparenz, Vertrauen, Rendite – eine Anlageklasse positioniert sich neu Gabler Verlag, 273 pp, €39.95, ISBN 978-3-8349-1652-5
Since the outbreak of the financial crisis certificates have been regarded as the archetype of the risky financial investment. The reason for this verdict is not least the issuers’ inadequate product and communications policies. Yet certificates can in fact be very sensible parts of a portfolio for all investors – particularly from security viewpoints. This book explains how product transparency creates trust in volatile markets. Making use of the complexity available in derivative financial instruments, coupled with client-oriented features like product and price transparency, in the long term creates higher yields for issuers and banks. The attractiveness of the products thrives on innovation: for instance the development processes of innovative certificates should be described. The book shows the “certificate makers” in banks approaches for innovative and sustainably successful product distribution structures.
Nils Löhndorf and Dr. Stefan Nauman are management consultants in the areas of banking/ capital markets and risk management at Steria Mummert.